const std = @import("std"); const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const Cache = std.Build.Cache; const usage = "usage: incr-check [--zig-lib-dir lib] [--debug-zcu] [--debug-link] [--preserve-tmp] [--zig-cc-binary /path/to/zig]"; pub fn main() !void { const fatal = std.process.fatal; var arena_instance = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator); defer arena_instance.deinit(); const arena = arena_instance.allocator(); var opt_zig_exe: ?[]const u8 = null; var opt_input_file_name: ?[]const u8 = null; var opt_lib_dir: ?[]const u8 = null; var opt_cc_zig: ?[]const u8 = null; var debug_zcu = false; var debug_link = false; var preserve_tmp = false; var arg_it = try std.process.argsWithAllocator(arena); _ = arg_it.skip(); while ( |arg| { if (arg.len > 0 and arg[0] == '-') { if (std.mem.eql(u8, arg, "--zig-lib-dir")) { opt_lib_dir = orelse fatal("expected arg after '--zig-lib-dir'\n{s}", .{usage}); } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, arg, "--debug-zcu")) { debug_zcu = true; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, arg, "--debug-link")) { debug_link = true; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, arg, "--preserve-tmp")) { preserve_tmp = true; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, arg, "--zig-cc-binary")) { opt_cc_zig = orelse fatal("expect arg after '--zig-cc-binary'\n{s}", .{usage}); } else { fatal("unknown option '{s}'\n{s}", .{ arg, usage }); } continue; } if (opt_zig_exe == null) { opt_zig_exe = arg; } else if (opt_input_file_name == null) { opt_input_file_name = arg; } else { fatal("unknown argument '{s}'\n{s}", .{ arg, usage }); } } const zig_exe = opt_zig_exe orelse fatal("missing path to zig\n{s}", .{usage}); const input_file_name = opt_input_file_name orelse fatal("missing input file\n{s}", .{usage}); const input_file_bytes = try std.fs.cwd().readFileAlloc(arena, input_file_name, std.math.maxInt(u32)); const case = try Case.parse(arena, input_file_bytes); // Check now: if there are any targets using the `cbe` backend, we need the lib dir. if (opt_lib_dir == null) { for (case.targets) |target| { if (target.backend == .cbe) { fatal("'--zig-lib-dir' requried when using backend 'cbe'", .{}); } } } const prog_node = std.Progress.start(.{}); defer prog_node.end(); const rand_int =; const tmp_dir_path = "tmp_" ++ std.fmt.hex(rand_int); var tmp_dir = try std.fs.cwd().makeOpenPath(tmp_dir_path, .{}); defer { tmp_dir.close(); if (!preserve_tmp) { std.fs.cwd().deleteTree(tmp_dir_path) catch |err| { std.log.warn("failed to delete tree '{s}': {s}", .{ tmp_dir_path, @errorName(err) }); }; } } // Convert paths to be relative to the cwd of the subprocess. const resolved_zig_exe = try std.fs.path.relative(arena, tmp_dir_path, zig_exe); const opt_resolved_lib_dir = if (opt_lib_dir) |lib_dir| try std.fs.path.relative(arena, tmp_dir_path, lib_dir) else null; const host = try std.zig.system.resolveTargetQuery(.{}); const debug_log_verbose = debug_zcu or debug_link; for (case.targets) |target| { const target_prog_node = node: { var name_buf: [std.Progress.Node.max_name_len]u8 = undefined; const name = std.fmt.bufPrint(&name_buf, "{s}-{s}", .{ target.query, @tagName(target.backend) }) catch &name_buf; break :node prog_node.start(name, case.updates.len); }; defer target_prog_node.end(); if (debug_log_verbose) { std.log.scoped(.status).info("target: '{s}-{s}'", .{ target.query, @tagName(target.backend) }); } var child_args: std.ArrayListUnmanaged([]const u8) = .empty; try child_args.appendSlice(arena, &.{ resolved_zig_exe, "build-exe", case.root_source_file, "-fincremental", "-target", target.query, "--cache-dir", ".local-cache", "--global-cache-dir", ".global-cache", "--listen=-", }); if (opt_resolved_lib_dir) |resolved_lib_dir| { try child_args.appendSlice(arena, &.{ "--zig-lib-dir", resolved_lib_dir }); } switch (target.backend) { .sema => try child_args.append(arena, "-fno-emit-bin"), .selfhosted => try child_args.appendSlice(arena, &.{ "-fno-llvm", "-fno-lld" }), .llvm => try child_args.appendSlice(arena, &.{ "-fllvm", "-flld" }), .cbe => try child_args.appendSlice(arena, &.{ "-ofmt=c", "-lc" }), } if (debug_zcu) { try child_args.appendSlice(arena, &.{ "--debug-log", "zcu" }); } if (debug_link) { try child_args.appendSlice(arena, &.{ "--debug-log", "link", "--debug-log", "link_state", "--debug-log", "link_relocs" }); } const zig_prog_node = target_prog_node.start("zig build-exe", 0); defer zig_prog_node.end(); var child = std.process.Child.init(child_args.items, arena); child.stdin_behavior = .Pipe; child.stdout_behavior = .Pipe; child.stderr_behavior = .Pipe; child.progress_node = zig_prog_node; child.cwd_dir = tmp_dir; child.cwd = tmp_dir_path; var cc_child_args: std.ArrayListUnmanaged([]const u8) = .empty; if (target.backend == .cbe) { const resolved_cc_zig_exe = if (opt_cc_zig) |cc_zig_exe| try std.fs.path.relative(arena, tmp_dir_path, cc_zig_exe) else resolved_zig_exe; try cc_child_args.appendSlice(arena, &.{ resolved_cc_zig_exe, "cc", "-target", target.query, "-I", opt_resolved_lib_dir.?, // verified earlier "-o", }); } var eval: Eval = .{ .arena = arena, .case = case, .host = host, .target = target, .tmp_dir = tmp_dir, .tmp_dir_path = tmp_dir_path, .child = &child, .allow_stderr = debug_log_verbose, .preserve_tmp_on_fatal = preserve_tmp, .cc_child_args = &cc_child_args, }; try child.spawn(); var poller =, Eval.StreamEnum, .{ .stdout = child.stdout.?, .stderr = child.stderr.?, }); defer poller.deinit(); for (case.updates) |update| { var update_node = target_prog_node.start(, 0); defer update_node.end(); if (debug_log_verbose) { std.log.scoped(.status).info("update: '{s}'", .{}); } eval.write(update); try eval.requestUpdate(); try eval.check(&poller, update, update_node); } try eval.end(&poller); waitChild(&child, &eval); } } const Eval = struct { arena: Allocator, host: std.Target, case: Case, target: Case.Target, tmp_dir: std.fs.Dir, tmp_dir_path: []const u8, child: *std.process.Child, allow_stderr: bool, preserve_tmp_on_fatal: bool, /// When `target.backend == .cbe`, this contains the first few arguments to `zig cc` to build the generated binary. /// The arguments `out.c in.c` must be appended before spawning the subprocess. cc_child_args: *std.ArrayListUnmanaged([]const u8), const StreamEnum = enum { stdout, stderr }; const Poller =; /// Currently this function assumes the previous updates have already been written. fn write(eval: *Eval, update: Case.Update) void { for (update.changes) |full_contents| { eval.tmp_dir.writeFile(.{ .sub_path =, .data = full_contents.bytes, }) catch |err| { eval.fatal("failed to update '{s}': {s}", .{, @errorName(err) }); }; } for (update.deletes) |doomed_name| { eval.tmp_dir.deleteFile(doomed_name) catch |err| { eval.fatal("failed to delete '{s}': {s}", .{ doomed_name, @errorName(err) }); }; } } fn check(eval: *Eval, poller: *Poller, update: Case.Update, prog_node: std.Progress.Node) !void { const arena = eval.arena; const Header = std.zig.Server.Message.Header; const stdout = poller.fifo(.stdout); const stderr = poller.fifo(.stderr); poll: while (true) { while (stdout.readableLength() < @sizeOf(Header)) { if (!(try poller.poll())) break :poll; } const header = stdout.reader().readStruct(Header) catch unreachable; while (stdout.readableLength() < header.bytes_len) { if (!(try poller.poll())) break :poll; } const body = stdout.readableSliceOfLen(header.bytes_len); switch (header.tag) { .error_bundle => { const EbHdr = std.zig.Server.Message.ErrorBundle; const eb_hdr = @as(*align(1) const EbHdr, @ptrCast(body)); const extra_bytes = body[@sizeOf(EbHdr)..][0 .. @sizeOf(u32) * eb_hdr.extra_len]; const string_bytes = body[@sizeOf(EbHdr) + extra_bytes.len ..][0..eb_hdr.string_bytes_len]; // TODO: use @ptrCast when the compiler supports it const unaligned_extra = std.mem.bytesAsSlice(u32, extra_bytes); const extra_array = try arena.alloc(u32, unaligned_extra.len); @memcpy(extra_array, unaligned_extra); const result_error_bundle: std.zig.ErrorBundle = .{ .string_bytes = try arena.dupe(u8, string_bytes), .extra = extra_array, }; if (stderr.readableLength() > 0) { const stderr_data = try stderr.toOwnedSlice(); if (eval.allow_stderr) {"error_bundle included stderr:\n{s}", .{stderr_data}); } else { eval.fatal("error_bundle included unexpected stderr:\n{s}", .{stderr_data}); } } if (result_error_bundle.errorMessageCount() != 0) { try eval.checkErrorOutcome(update, result_error_bundle); } // This message indicates the end of the update. stdout.discard(body.len); return; }, .emit_digest => { const EbpHdr = std.zig.Server.Message.EmitDigest; const ebp_hdr = @as(*align(1) const EbpHdr, @ptrCast(body)); _ = ebp_hdr; if (stderr.readableLength() > 0) { const stderr_data = try stderr.toOwnedSlice(); if (eval.allow_stderr) {"emit_digest included stderr:\n{s}", .{stderr_data}); } else { eval.fatal("emit_digest included unexpected stderr:\n{s}", .{stderr_data}); } } if ( == .sema) { try eval.checkSuccessOutcome(update, null, prog_node); // This message indicates the end of the update. stdout.discard(body.len); } const digest = body[@sizeOf(EbpHdr)..][0..Cache.bin_digest_len]; const result_dir = ".local-cache" ++ std.fs.path.sep_str ++ "o" ++ std.fs.path.sep_str ++ Cache.binToHex(digest.*); const name = std.fs.path.stem(std.fs.path.basename(; const bin_name = try std.zig.binNameAlloc(arena, .{ .root_name = name, .target =, .output_mode = .Exe, }); const bin_path = try std.fs.path.join(arena, &.{ result_dir, bin_name }); try eval.checkSuccessOutcome(update, bin_path, prog_node); // This message indicates the end of the update. stdout.discard(body.len); }, else => { // Ignore other messages. stdout.discard(body.len); }, } } if (stderr.readableLength() > 0) { const stderr_data = try stderr.toOwnedSlice(); if (eval.allow_stderr) {"update '{s}' included stderr:\n{s}", .{, stderr_data }); } else { eval.fatal("update '{s}' failed:\n{s}", .{, stderr_data }); } } waitChild(eval.child, eval); eval.fatal("update '{s}': compiler failed to send error_bundle or emit_bin_path", .{}); } fn checkErrorOutcome(eval: *Eval, update: Case.Update, error_bundle: std.zig.ErrorBundle) !void { switch (update.outcome) { .unknown => return, .compile_errors => |expected_errors| { for (expected_errors) |expected_error| { _ = expected_error; @panic("TODO check if the expected error matches the compile errors"); } }, .stdout, .exit_code => { const color: std.zig.Color = .auto; error_bundle.renderToStdErr(color.renderOptions()); eval.fatal("update '{s}': unexpected compile errors", .{}); }, } } fn checkSuccessOutcome(eval: *Eval, update: Case.Update, opt_emitted_path: ?[]const u8, prog_node: std.Progress.Node) !void { switch (update.outcome) { .unknown => return, .compile_errors => eval.fatal("expected compile errors but compilation incorrectly succeeded", .{}), .stdout, .exit_code => {}, } const emitted_path = opt_emitted_path orelse { std.debug.assert( == .sema); return; }; const binary_path = switch ( { .sema => unreachable, .selfhosted, .llvm => emitted_path, .cbe => bin: { const rand_int =; const out_bin_name = "./out_" ++ std.fmt.hex(rand_int); try eval.buildCOutput(update, emitted_path, out_bin_name, prog_node); break :bin out_bin_name; }, }; var argv_buf: [2][]const u8 = undefined; const argv: []const []const u8, const is_foreign: bool = switch (std.zig.system.getExternalExecutor(, &, .{ .link_libc = == .cbe }, )) { .bad_dl, .bad_os_or_cpu => { // This binary cannot be executed on this host. if (eval.allow_stderr) { std.log.warn("skipping execution because host '{s}' cannot execute binaries for foreign target '{s}'", .{ try, try, }); } return; }, .native, .rosetta => argv: { argv_buf[0] = binary_path; break :argv .{ argv_buf[0..1], false }; }, .qemu, .wine, .wasmtime, .darling => |executor_cmd| argv: { argv_buf[0] = executor_cmd; argv_buf[1] = binary_path; break :argv .{ argv_buf[0..2], true }; }, }; const run_prog_node = prog_node.start("run generated executable", 0); defer run_prog_node.end(); const result ={ .allocator = eval.arena, .argv = argv, .cwd_dir = eval.tmp_dir, .cwd = eval.tmp_dir_path, }) catch |err| { if (is_foreign) { // Chances are the foreign executor isn't available. Skip this evaluation. if (eval.allow_stderr) { std.log.warn("update '{s}': skipping execution of '{s}' via executor for foreign target '{s}': {s}", .{, binary_path, try, @errorName(err), }); } return; } eval.fatal("update '{s}': failed to run the generated executable '{s}': {s}", .{, binary_path, @errorName(err), }); }; // Some executors (looking at you, Wine) like throwing some stderr in, just for fun. // Therefore, we'll ignore stderr when using a foreign executor. if (!is_foreign and result.stderr.len != 0) { std.log.err("update '{s}': generated executable '{s}' had unexpected stderr:\n{s}", .{, binary_path, result.stderr, }); } switch (result.term) { .Exited => |code| switch (update.outcome) { .unknown, .compile_errors => unreachable, .stdout => |expected_stdout| { if (code != 0) { eval.fatal("update '{s}': generated executable '{s}' failed with code {d}", .{, binary_path, code, }); } try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(expected_stdout, result.stdout); }, .exit_code => |expected_code| try std.testing.expectEqual(expected_code, result.term.Exited), }, .Signal, .Stopped, .Unknown => { eval.fatal("update '{s}': generated executable '{s}' terminated unexpectedly", .{, binary_path, }); }, } if (!is_foreign and result.stderr.len != 0) std.process.exit(1); } fn requestUpdate(eval: *Eval) !void { const header: std.zig.Client.Message.Header = .{ .tag = .update, .bytes_len = 0, }; try eval.child.stdin.?.writeAll(std.mem.asBytes(&header)); } fn end(eval: *Eval, poller: *Poller) !void { requestExit(eval.child, eval); const Header = std.zig.Server.Message.Header; const stdout = poller.fifo(.stdout); const stderr = poller.fifo(.stderr); poll: while (true) { while (stdout.readableLength() < @sizeOf(Header)) { if (!(try poller.poll())) break :poll; } const header = stdout.reader().readStruct(Header) catch unreachable; while (stdout.readableLength() < header.bytes_len) { if (!(try poller.poll())) break :poll; } const body = stdout.readableSliceOfLen(header.bytes_len); stdout.discard(body.len); } if (stderr.readableLength() > 0) { const stderr_data = try stderr.toOwnedSlice(); eval.fatal("unexpected stderr:\n{s}", .{stderr_data}); } } fn buildCOutput(eval: *Eval, update: Case.Update, c_path: []const u8, out_path: []const u8, prog_node: std.Progress.Node) !void { std.debug.assert(eval.cc_child_args.items.len > 0); const child_prog_node = prog_node.start("build cbe output", 0); defer child_prog_node.end(); try eval.cc_child_args.appendSlice(eval.arena, &.{ out_path, c_path }); defer eval.cc_child_args.items.len -= 2; const result ={ .allocator = eval.arena, .argv = eval.cc_child_args.items, .cwd_dir = eval.tmp_dir, .cwd = eval.tmp_dir_path, .progress_node = child_prog_node, }) catch |err| { eval.fatal("update '{s}': failed to spawn zig cc for '{s}': {s}", .{, c_path, @errorName(err), }); }; switch (result.term) { .Exited => |code| if (code != 0) { if (result.stderr.len != 0) { std.log.err("update '{s}': zig cc stderr:\n{s}", .{, result.stderr, }); } eval.fatal("update '{s}': zig cc for '{s}' failed with code {d}", .{, c_path, code, }); }, .Signal, .Stopped, .Unknown => { if (result.stderr.len != 0) { std.log.err("update '{s}': zig cc stderr:\n{s}", .{, result.stderr, }); } eval.fatal("update '{s}': zig cc for '{s}' terminated unexpectedly", .{, c_path, }); }, } } fn fatal(eval: *Eval, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) noreturn { eval.tmp_dir.close(); if (!eval.preserve_tmp_on_fatal) { std.fs.cwd().deleteTree(eval.tmp_dir_path) catch |err| { std.log.warn("failed to delete tree '{s}': {s}", .{ eval.tmp_dir_path, @errorName(err) }); }; } std.process.fatal(fmt, args); } }; const Case = struct { updates: []Update, root_source_file: []const u8, targets: []const Target, const Target = struct { query: []const u8, resolved: std.Target, backend: Backend, const Backend = enum { /// Run semantic analysis only. Runtime output will not be tested, but we still verify /// that compilation succeeds. Corresponds to `-fno-emit-bin`. sema, /// Use the self-hosted code generation backend for this target. /// Corresponds to `-fno-llvm -fno-lld`. selfhosted, /// Use the LLVM backend. /// Corresponds to `-fllvm -flld`. llvm, /// Use the C backend. The output is compiled with `zig cc`. /// Corresponds to `-ofmt=c`. cbe, }; }; const Update = struct { name: []const u8, outcome: Outcome, changes: []const FullContents = &.{}, deletes: []const []const u8 = &.{}, }; const FullContents = struct { name: []const u8, bytes: []const u8, }; const Outcome = union(enum) { unknown, compile_errors: []const ExpectedError, stdout: []const u8, exit_code: u8, }; const ExpectedError = struct { file_name: ?[]const u8 = null, line: ?u32 = null, column: ?u32 = null, msg_exact: ?[]const u8 = null, msg_substring: ?[]const u8 = null, }; fn parse(arena: Allocator, bytes: []const u8) !Case { const fatal = std.process.fatal; var targets: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Target) = .empty; var updates: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Update) = .empty; var changes: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(FullContents) = .empty; var it = std.mem.splitScalar(u8, bytes, '\n'); var line_n: usize = 1; var root_source_file: ?[]const u8 = null; while ( |line| : (line_n += 1) { if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, line, "#")) { var line_it = std.mem.splitScalar(u8, line, '='); const key = line_it.first()[1..]; const val = std.mem.trimRight(u8,, "\r"); // windows moment if (val.len == 0) { fatal("line {d}: missing value", .{line_n}); } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, key, "target")) { const split_idx = std.mem.lastIndexOfScalar(u8, val, '-') orelse fatal("line {d}: target does not include backend", .{line_n}); const query = val[0..split_idx]; const backend_str = val[split_idx + 1 ..]; const backend: Target.Backend = std.meta.stringToEnum(Target.Backend, backend_str) orelse fatal("line {d}: invalid backend '{s}'", .{ line_n, backend_str }); const parsed_query = std.Build.parseTargetQuery(.{ .arch_os_abi = query, .object_format = switch (backend) { .sema, .selfhosted, .llvm => null, .cbe => "c", }, }) catch fatal("line {d}: invalid target query '{s}'", .{ line_n, query }); const resolved = try std.zig.system.resolveTargetQuery(parsed_query); try targets.append(arena, .{ .query = query, .resolved = resolved, .backend = backend, }); } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, key, "update")) { if (updates.items.len > 0) { const last_update = &updates.items[updates.items.len - 1]; last_update.changes = try changes.toOwnedSlice(arena); } try updates.append(arena, .{ .name = val, .outcome = .unknown, }); } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, key, "file")) { if (updates.items.len == 0) fatal("line {d}: expect directive before update", .{line_n}); if (root_source_file == null) root_source_file = val; const start_index = it.index.?; const src = while (true) : (line_n += 1) { const old = it; const next_line = orelse fatal("line {d}: unexpected EOF", .{line_n}); if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, next_line, "#")) { const end_index = old.index.?; const src = bytes[start_index..end_index]; it = old; break src; } }; try changes.append(arena, .{ .name = val, .bytes = src, }); } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, key, "expect_stdout")) { if (updates.items.len == 0) fatal("line {d}: expect directive before update", .{line_n}); const last_update = &updates.items[updates.items.len - 1]; if (last_update.outcome != .unknown) fatal("line {d}: conflicting expect directive", .{line_n}); last_update.outcome = .{ .stdout = std.zig.string_literal.parseAlloc(arena, val) catch |err| { fatal("line {d}: bad string literal: {s}", .{ line_n, @errorName(err) }); }, }; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, key, "expect_error")) { if (updates.items.len == 0) fatal("line {d}: expect directive before update", .{line_n}); const last_update = &updates.items[updates.items.len - 1]; if (last_update.outcome != .unknown) fatal("line {d}: conflicting expect directive", .{line_n}); last_update.outcome = .{ .compile_errors = &.{} }; } else { fatal("line {d}: unrecognized key '{s}'", .{ line_n, key }); } } } if (targets.items.len == 0) { fatal("missing target", .{}); } if (changes.items.len > 0) { const last_update = &updates.items[updates.items.len - 1]; last_update.changes = changes.items; // arena so no need for toOwnedSlice } return .{ .updates = updates.items, .root_source_file = root_source_file orelse fatal("missing root source file", .{}), .targets = targets.items, // arena so no need for toOwnedSlice }; } }; fn requestExit(child: *std.process.Child, eval: *Eval) void { if (child.stdin == null) return; const header: std.zig.Client.Message.Header = .{ .tag = .exit, .bytes_len = 0, }; child.stdin.?.writeAll(std.mem.asBytes(&header)) catch |err| switch (err) { error.BrokenPipe => {}, else => eval.fatal("failed to send exit: {s}", .{@errorName(err)}), }; // Send EOF to stdin. child.stdin.?.close(); child.stdin = null; } fn waitChild(child: *std.process.Child, eval: *Eval) void { requestExit(child, eval); const term = child.wait() catch |err| eval.fatal("child process failed: {s}", .{@errorName(err)}); switch (term) { .Exited => |code| if (code != 0) eval.fatal("compiler failed with code {d}", .{code}), .Signal, .Stopped, .Unknown => eval.fatal("compiler terminated unexpectedly", .{}), } }