const std = @import("std"); const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const Foo = struct { data: u32, }; fn tryToAllocateFoo(allocator: Allocator) !*Foo { return allocator.create(Foo); } fn deallocateFoo(allocator: Allocator, foo: *Foo) void { allocator.destroy(foo); } fn getFooData() !u32 { return 666; } fn createFoo(allocator: Allocator, param: i32) !*Foo { const foo = getFoo: { var foo = try tryToAllocateFoo(allocator); errdefer deallocateFoo(allocator, foo); // Only lasts until the end of getFoo // Calls deallocateFoo on error = try getFooData(); break :getFoo foo; }; // Outside of the scope of the errdefer, so // deallocateFoo will not be called here if (param > 1337) return error.InvalidParam; return foo; } test "createFoo" { try std.testing.expectError(error.InvalidParam, createFoo(std.testing.allocator, 2468)); } // test_error=1 tests leaked memory