const std = @import("std.zig"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const io =; const fs = std.fs; const mem = std.mem; const debug = std.debug; const panic = std.debug.panic; const assert = debug.assert; const log = std.log; const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const StringHashMap = std.StringHashMap; const Allocator = mem.Allocator; const process = std.process; const EnvMap = std.process.EnvMap; const fmt_lib = std.fmt; const File = std.fs.File; const CrossTarget = std.zig.CrossTarget; const NativeTargetInfo = std.zig.system.NativeTargetInfo; const Sha256 = std.crypto.hash.sha2.Sha256; const Build = @This(); pub const Cache = @import("Build/Cache.zig"); /// deprecated: use `Step.Compile`. pub const LibExeObjStep = Step.Compile; /// deprecated: use `Build`. pub const Builder = Build; /// deprecated: use `Step.InstallDir.Options` pub const InstallDirectoryOptions = Step.InstallDir.Options; pub const Step = @import("Build/Step.zig"); /// deprecated: use `Step.CheckFile`. pub const CheckFileStep = @import("Build/Step/CheckFile.zig"); /// deprecated: use `Step.CheckObject`. pub const CheckObjectStep = @import("Build/Step/CheckObject.zig"); /// deprecated: use `Step.ConfigHeader`. pub const ConfigHeaderStep = @import("Build/Step/ConfigHeader.zig"); /// deprecated: use `Step.Fmt`. pub const FmtStep = @import("Build/Step/Fmt.zig"); /// deprecated: use `Step.InstallArtifact`. pub const InstallArtifactStep = @import("Build/Step/InstallArtifact.zig"); /// deprecated: use `Step.InstallDir`. pub const InstallDirStep = @import("Build/Step/InstallDir.zig"); /// deprecated: use `Step.InstallFile`. pub const InstallFileStep = @import("Build/Step/InstallFile.zig"); /// deprecated: use `Step.ObjCopy`. pub const ObjCopyStep = @import("Build/Step/ObjCopy.zig"); /// deprecated: use `Step.Compile`. pub const CompileStep = @import("Build/Step/Compile.zig"); /// deprecated: use `Step.Options`. pub const OptionsStep = @import("Build/Step/Options.zig"); /// deprecated: use `Step.RemoveDir`. pub const RemoveDirStep = @import("Build/Step/RemoveDir.zig"); /// deprecated: use `Step.Run`. pub const RunStep = @import("Build/Step/Run.zig"); /// deprecated: use `Step.TranslateC`. pub const TranslateCStep = @import("Build/Step/TranslateC.zig"); /// deprecated: use `Step.WriteFile`. pub const WriteFileStep = @import("Build/Step/WriteFile.zig"); install_tls: TopLevelStep, uninstall_tls: TopLevelStep, allocator: Allocator, user_input_options: UserInputOptionsMap, available_options_map: AvailableOptionsMap, available_options_list: ArrayList(AvailableOption), verbose: bool, verbose_link: bool, verbose_cc: bool, verbose_air: bool, verbose_llvm_ir: ?[]const u8, verbose_llvm_bc: ?[]const u8, verbose_cimport: bool, verbose_llvm_cpu_features: bool, reference_trace: ?u32 = null, invalid_user_input: bool, zig_exe: [:0]const u8, default_step: *Step, env_map: *EnvMap, top_level_steps: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(*TopLevelStep), install_prefix: []const u8, dest_dir: ?[]const u8, lib_dir: []const u8, exe_dir: []const u8, h_dir: []const u8, install_path: []const u8, sysroot: ?[]const u8 = null, search_prefixes: ArrayList([]const u8), libc_file: ?[]const u8 = null, installed_files: ArrayList(InstalledFile), /// Path to the directory containing build.zig. build_root: Cache.Directory, cache_root: Cache.Directory, global_cache_root: Cache.Directory, cache: *Cache, /// If non-null, overrides the default zig lib dir. zig_lib_dir: ?[]const u8, vcpkg_root: VcpkgRoot = .unattempted, pkg_config_pkg_list: ?(PkgConfigError![]const PkgConfigPkg) = null, args: ?[][]const u8 = null, debug_log_scopes: []const []const u8 = &.{}, debug_compile_errors: bool = false, debug_pkg_config: bool = false, /// Experimental. Use system Darling installation to run cross compiled macOS build artifacts. enable_darling: bool = false, /// Use system QEMU installation to run cross compiled foreign architecture build artifacts. enable_qemu: bool = false, /// Darwin. Use Rosetta to run x86_64 macOS build artifacts on arm64 macOS. enable_rosetta: bool = false, /// Use system Wasmtime installation to run cross compiled wasm/wasi build artifacts. enable_wasmtime: bool = false, /// Use system Wine installation to run cross compiled Windows build artifacts. enable_wine: bool = false, /// After following the steps in, /// this will be the directory $glibc-build-dir/install/glibcs /// Given the example of the aarch64 target, this is the directory /// that contains the path `aarch64-linux-gnu/lib/`. glibc_runtimes_dir: ?[]const u8 = null, /// Information about the native target. Computed before build() is invoked. host: NativeTargetInfo, dep_prefix: []const u8 = "", modules: std.StringArrayHashMap(*Module), /// A map from build root dirs to the corresponding `*Dependency`. This is shared with all child /// `Build`s. initialized_deps: *std.StringHashMap(*Dependency), pub const ExecError = error{ ReadFailure, ExitCodeFailure, ProcessTerminated, ExecNotSupported, } || std.ChildProcess.SpawnError; pub const PkgConfigError = error{ PkgConfigCrashed, PkgConfigFailed, PkgConfigNotInstalled, PkgConfigInvalidOutput, }; pub const PkgConfigPkg = struct { name: []const u8, desc: []const u8, }; pub const CStd = enum { C89, C99, C11, }; const UserInputOptionsMap = StringHashMap(UserInputOption); const AvailableOptionsMap = StringHashMap(AvailableOption); const AvailableOption = struct { name: []const u8, type_id: TypeId, description: []const u8, /// If the `type_id` is `enum` this provides the list of enum options enum_options: ?[]const []const u8, }; const UserInputOption = struct { name: []const u8, value: UserValue, used: bool, }; const UserValue = union(enum) { flag: void, scalar: []const u8, list: ArrayList([]const u8), map: StringHashMap(*const UserValue), }; const TypeId = enum { bool, int, float, @"enum", string, list, build_id, }; const TopLevelStep = struct { pub const base_id = .top_level; step: Step, description: []const u8, }; pub const DirList = struct { lib_dir: ?[]const u8 = null, exe_dir: ?[]const u8 = null, include_dir: ?[]const u8 = null, }; pub fn create( allocator: Allocator, zig_exe: [:0]const u8, build_root: Cache.Directory, cache_root: Cache.Directory, global_cache_root: Cache.Directory, host: NativeTargetInfo, cache: *Cache, ) !*Build { const env_map = try allocator.create(EnvMap); env_map.* = try process.getEnvMap(allocator); const initialized_deps = try allocator.create(std.StringHashMap(*Dependency)); initialized_deps.* = std.StringHashMap(*Dependency).init(allocator); const self = try allocator.create(Build); self.* = .{ .zig_exe = zig_exe, .build_root = build_root, .cache_root = cache_root, .global_cache_root = global_cache_root, .cache = cache, .verbose = false, .verbose_link = false, .verbose_cc = false, .verbose_air = false, .verbose_llvm_ir = null, .verbose_llvm_bc = null, .verbose_cimport = false, .verbose_llvm_cpu_features = false, .invalid_user_input = false, .allocator = allocator, .user_input_options = UserInputOptionsMap.init(allocator), .available_options_map = AvailableOptionsMap.init(allocator), .available_options_list = ArrayList(AvailableOption).init(allocator), .top_level_steps = .{}, .default_step = undefined, .env_map = env_map, .search_prefixes = ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator), .install_prefix = undefined, .lib_dir = undefined, .exe_dir = undefined, .h_dir = undefined, .dest_dir = env_map.get("DESTDIR"), .installed_files = ArrayList(InstalledFile).init(allocator), .install_tls = .{ .step = Step.init(.{ .id = .top_level, .name = "install", .owner = self, }), .description = "Copy build artifacts to prefix path", }, .uninstall_tls = .{ .step = Step.init(.{ .id = .top_level, .name = "uninstall", .owner = self, .makeFn = makeUninstall, }), .description = "Remove build artifacts from prefix path", }, .zig_lib_dir = null, .install_path = undefined, .args = null, .host = host, .modules = std.StringArrayHashMap(*Module).init(allocator), .initialized_deps = initialized_deps, }; try self.top_level_steps.put(allocator,, &self.install_tls); try self.top_level_steps.put(allocator,, &self.uninstall_tls); self.default_step = &self.install_tls.step; return self; } fn createChild( parent: *Build, dep_name: []const u8, build_root: Cache.Directory, args: anytype, ) !*Build { const child = try createChildOnly(parent, dep_name, build_root); try applyArgs(child, args); return child; } fn createChildOnly(parent: *Build, dep_name: []const u8, build_root: Cache.Directory) !*Build { const allocator = parent.allocator; const child = try allocator.create(Build); child.* = .{ .allocator = allocator, .install_tls = .{ .step = Step.init(.{ .id = .top_level, .name = "install", .owner = child, }), .description = "Copy build artifacts to prefix path", }, .uninstall_tls = .{ .step = Step.init(.{ .id = .top_level, .name = "uninstall", .owner = child, .makeFn = makeUninstall, }), .description = "Remove build artifacts from prefix path", }, .user_input_options = UserInputOptionsMap.init(allocator), .available_options_map = AvailableOptionsMap.init(allocator), .available_options_list = ArrayList(AvailableOption).init(allocator), .verbose = parent.verbose, .verbose_link = parent.verbose_link, .verbose_cc = parent.verbose_cc, .verbose_air = parent.verbose_air, .verbose_llvm_ir = parent.verbose_llvm_ir, .verbose_llvm_bc = parent.verbose_llvm_bc, .verbose_cimport = parent.verbose_cimport, .verbose_llvm_cpu_features = parent.verbose_llvm_cpu_features, .reference_trace = parent.reference_trace, .invalid_user_input = false, .zig_exe = parent.zig_exe, .default_step = undefined, .env_map = parent.env_map, .top_level_steps = .{}, .install_prefix = undefined, .dest_dir = parent.dest_dir, .lib_dir = parent.lib_dir, .exe_dir = parent.exe_dir, .h_dir = parent.h_dir, .install_path = parent.install_path, .sysroot = parent.sysroot, .search_prefixes = ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator), .libc_file = parent.libc_file, .installed_files = ArrayList(InstalledFile).init(allocator), .build_root = build_root, .cache_root = parent.cache_root, .global_cache_root = parent.global_cache_root, .cache = parent.cache, .zig_lib_dir = parent.zig_lib_dir, .debug_log_scopes = parent.debug_log_scopes, .debug_compile_errors = parent.debug_compile_errors, .debug_pkg_config = parent.debug_pkg_config, .enable_darling = parent.enable_darling, .enable_qemu = parent.enable_qemu, .enable_rosetta = parent.enable_rosetta, .enable_wasmtime = parent.enable_wasmtime, .enable_wine = parent.enable_wine, .glibc_runtimes_dir = parent.glibc_runtimes_dir, .host =, .dep_prefix = parent.fmt("{s}{s}.", .{ parent.dep_prefix, dep_name }), .modules = std.StringArrayHashMap(*Module).init(allocator), .initialized_deps = parent.initialized_deps, }; try child.top_level_steps.put(allocator,, &child.install_tls); try child.top_level_steps.put(allocator,, &child.uninstall_tls); child.default_step = &child.install_tls.step; return child; } fn applyArgs(b: *Build, args: anytype) !void { inline for (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(args)).Struct.fields) |field| { const v = @field(args,; const T = @TypeOf(v); switch (T) { CrossTarget => { try b.user_input_options.put(, .{ .name =, .value = .{ .scalar = try v.zigTriple(b.allocator) }, .used = false, }); try b.user_input_options.put("cpu", .{ .name = "cpu", .value = .{ .scalar = try serializeCpu(b.allocator, v.getCpu()) }, .used = false, }); }, []const u8 => { try b.user_input_options.put(, .{ .name =, .value = .{ .scalar = v }, .used = false, }); }, else => switch (@typeInfo(T)) { .Bool => { try b.user_input_options.put(, .{ .name =, .value = .{ .scalar = if (v) "true" else "false" }, .used = false, }); }, .Enum, .EnumLiteral => { try b.user_input_options.put(, .{ .name =, .value = .{ .scalar = @tagName(v) }, .used = false, }); }, .Int => { try b.user_input_options.put(, .{ .name =, .value = .{ .scalar = try std.fmt.allocPrint(b.allocator, "{d}", .{v}) }, .used = false, }); }, else => @compileError("option '" ++ ++ "' has unsupported type: " ++ @typeName(T)), }, } } // Create an installation directory local to this package. This will be used when // dependant packages require a standard prefix, such as include directories for C headers. var hash = b.cache.hash; // Random bytes to make unique. Refresh this with new random bytes when // implementation is modified in a non-backwards-compatible way. hash.add(@as(u32, 0xd8cb0055)); hash.addBytes(b.dep_prefix); // TODO additionally update the hash with `args`. const digest =; const install_prefix = try b.cache_root.join(b.allocator, &.{ "i", &digest }); b.resolveInstallPrefix(install_prefix, .{}); } pub fn destroy(b: *Build) void { b.env_map.deinit(); b.top_level_steps.deinit(b.allocator); b.allocator.destroy(b); } /// This function is intended to be called by lib/build_runner.zig, not a build.zig file. pub fn resolveInstallPrefix(self: *Build, install_prefix: ?[]const u8, dir_list: DirList) void { if (self.dest_dir) |dest_dir| { self.install_prefix = install_prefix orelse "/usr"; self.install_path = self.pathJoin(&.{ dest_dir, self.install_prefix }); } else { self.install_prefix = install_prefix orelse (self.build_root.join(self.allocator, &.{"zig-out"}) catch @panic("unhandled error")); self.install_path = self.install_prefix; } var lib_list = [_][]const u8{ self.install_path, "lib" }; var exe_list = [_][]const u8{ self.install_path, "bin" }; var h_list = [_][]const u8{ self.install_path, "include" }; if (dir_list.lib_dir) |dir| { if (std.fs.path.isAbsolute(dir)) lib_list[0] = self.dest_dir orelse ""; lib_list[1] = dir; } if (dir_list.exe_dir) |dir| { if (std.fs.path.isAbsolute(dir)) exe_list[0] = self.dest_dir orelse ""; exe_list[1] = dir; } if (dir_list.include_dir) |dir| { if (std.fs.path.isAbsolute(dir)) h_list[0] = self.dest_dir orelse ""; h_list[1] = dir; } self.lib_dir = self.pathJoin(&lib_list); self.exe_dir = self.pathJoin(&exe_list); self.h_dir = self.pathJoin(&h_list); } pub fn addOptions(self: *Build) *Step.Options { return Step.Options.create(self); } pub const ExecutableOptions = struct { name: []const u8, root_source_file: ?FileSource = null, version: ?std.SemanticVersion = null, target: CrossTarget = .{}, optimize: std.builtin.Mode = .Debug, linkage: ?Step.Compile.Linkage = null, max_rss: usize = 0, link_libc: ?bool = null, single_threaded: ?bool = null, use_llvm: ?bool = null, use_lld: ?bool = null, }; pub fn addExecutable(b: *Build, options: ExecutableOptions) *Step.Compile { return Step.Compile.create(b, .{ .name =, .root_source_file = options.root_source_file, .version = options.version, .target =, .optimize = options.optimize, .kind = .exe, .linkage = options.linkage, .max_rss = options.max_rss, .link_libc = options.link_libc, .single_threaded = options.single_threaded, .use_llvm = options.use_llvm, .use_lld = options.use_lld, }); } pub const ObjectOptions = struct { name: []const u8, root_source_file: ?FileSource = null, target: CrossTarget, optimize: std.builtin.Mode, max_rss: usize = 0, link_libc: ?bool = null, single_threaded: ?bool = null, use_llvm: ?bool = null, use_lld: ?bool = null, }; pub fn addObject(b: *Build, options: ObjectOptions) *Step.Compile { return Step.Compile.create(b, .{ .name =, .root_source_file = options.root_source_file, .target =, .optimize = options.optimize, .kind = .obj, .max_rss = options.max_rss, .link_libc = options.link_libc, .single_threaded = options.single_threaded, .use_llvm = options.use_llvm, .use_lld = options.use_lld, }); } pub const SharedLibraryOptions = struct { name: []const u8, root_source_file: ?FileSource = null, version: ?std.SemanticVersion = null, target: CrossTarget, optimize: std.builtin.Mode, max_rss: usize = 0, link_libc: ?bool = null, single_threaded: ?bool = null, use_llvm: ?bool = null, use_lld: ?bool = null, }; pub fn addSharedLibrary(b: *Build, options: SharedLibraryOptions) *Step.Compile { return Step.Compile.create(b, .{ .name =, .root_source_file = options.root_source_file, .kind = .lib, .linkage = .dynamic, .version = options.version, .target =, .optimize = options.optimize, .max_rss = options.max_rss, .link_libc = options.link_libc, .single_threaded = options.single_threaded, .use_llvm = options.use_llvm, .use_lld = options.use_lld, }); } pub const StaticLibraryOptions = struct { name: []const u8, root_source_file: ?FileSource = null, target: CrossTarget, optimize: std.builtin.Mode, version: ?std.SemanticVersion = null, max_rss: usize = 0, link_libc: ?bool = null, single_threaded: ?bool = null, use_llvm: ?bool = null, use_lld: ?bool = null, }; pub fn addStaticLibrary(b: *Build, options: StaticLibraryOptions) *Step.Compile { return Step.Compile.create(b, .{ .name =, .root_source_file = options.root_source_file, .kind = .lib, .linkage = .static, .version = options.version, .target =, .optimize = options.optimize, .max_rss = options.max_rss, .link_libc = options.link_libc, .single_threaded = options.single_threaded, .use_llvm = options.use_llvm, .use_lld = options.use_lld, }); } pub const TestOptions = struct { name: []const u8 = "test", root_source_file: FileSource, target: CrossTarget = .{}, optimize: std.builtin.Mode = .Debug, version: ?std.SemanticVersion = null, max_rss: usize = 0, filter: ?[]const u8 = null, test_runner: ?[]const u8 = null, link_libc: ?bool = null, single_threaded: ?bool = null, use_llvm: ?bool = null, use_lld: ?bool = null, }; pub fn addTest(b: *Build, options: TestOptions) *Step.Compile { return Step.Compile.create(b, .{ .name =, .kind = .@"test", .root_source_file = options.root_source_file, .target =, .optimize = options.optimize, .max_rss = options.max_rss, .filter = options.filter, .test_runner = options.test_runner, .link_libc = options.link_libc, .single_threaded = options.single_threaded, .use_llvm = options.use_llvm, .use_lld = options.use_lld, }); } pub const AssemblyOptions = struct { name: []const u8, source_file: FileSource, target: CrossTarget, optimize: std.builtin.Mode, max_rss: usize = 0, }; pub fn addAssembly(b: *Build, options: AssemblyOptions) *Step.Compile { const obj_step = Step.Compile.create(b, .{ .name =, .kind = .obj, .root_source_file = null, .target =, .optimize = options.optimize, .max_rss = options.max_rss, }); obj_step.addAssemblyFileSource(options.source_file.dupe(b)); return obj_step; } /// This function creates a module and adds it to the package's module set, making /// it available to other packages which depend on this one. /// `createModule` can be used instead to create a private module. pub fn addModule(b: *Build, name: []const u8, options: CreateModuleOptions) *Module { const module = b.createModule(options); b.modules.put(b.dupe(name), module) catch @panic("OOM"); return module; } pub const ModuleDependency = struct { name: []const u8, module: *Module, }; pub const CreateModuleOptions = struct { source_file: FileSource, dependencies: []const ModuleDependency = &.{}, }; /// This function creates a private module, to be used by the current package, /// but not exposed to other packages depending on this one. /// `addModule` can be used instead to create a public module. pub fn createModule(b: *Build, options: CreateModuleOptions) *Module { const module = b.allocator.create(Module) catch @panic("OOM"); module.* = .{ .builder = b, .source_file = options.source_file, .dependencies = moduleDependenciesToArrayHashMap(b.allocator, options.dependencies), }; return module; } fn moduleDependenciesToArrayHashMap(arena: Allocator, deps: []const ModuleDependency) std.StringArrayHashMap(*Module) { var result = std.StringArrayHashMap(*Module).init(arena); for (deps) |dep| { result.put(, dep.module) catch @panic("OOM"); } return result; } /// Initializes a `Step.Run` with argv, which must at least have the path to the /// executable. More command line arguments can be added with `addArg`, /// `addArgs`, and `addArtifactArg`. /// Be careful using this function, as it introduces a system dependency. /// To run an executable built with zig build, see ``. pub fn addSystemCommand(self: *Build, argv: []const []const u8) *Step.Run { assert(argv.len >= 1); const run_step = Step.Run.create(self, self.fmt("run {s}", .{argv[0]})); run_step.addArgs(argv); return run_step; } /// Creates a `Step.Run` with an executable built with `addExecutable`. /// Add command line arguments with methods of `Step.Run`. pub fn addRunArtifact(b: *Build, exe: *Step.Compile) *Step.Run { // It doesn't have to be native. We catch that if you actually try to run it. // Consider that this is declarative; the run step may not be run unless a user // option is supplied. const run_step = Step.Run.create(b, b.fmt("run {s}", .{})); run_step.addArtifactArg(exe); if (exe.kind == .@"test") { run_step.enableTestRunnerMode(); } if (exe.vcpkg_bin_path) |path| { run_step.addPathDir(path); } return run_step; } /// Using the `values` provided, produces a C header file, possibly based on a /// template input file (e.g. /// When an input template file is provided, this function will fail the build /// when an option not found in the input file is provided in `values`, and /// when an option found in the input file is missing from `values`. pub fn addConfigHeader( b: *Build, options: Step.ConfigHeader.Options, values: anytype, ) *Step.ConfigHeader { var options_copy = options; if (options_copy.first_ret_addr == null) options_copy.first_ret_addr = @returnAddress(); const config_header_step = Step.ConfigHeader.create(b, options_copy); config_header_step.addValues(values); return config_header_step; } /// Allocator.dupe without the need to handle out of memory. pub fn dupe(self: *Build, bytes: []const u8) []u8 { return self.allocator.dupe(u8, bytes) catch @panic("OOM"); } /// Duplicates an array of strings without the need to handle out of memory. pub fn dupeStrings(self: *Build, strings: []const []const u8) [][]u8 { const array = self.allocator.alloc([]u8, strings.len) catch @panic("OOM"); for (strings, 0..) |s, i| { array[i] = self.dupe(s); } return array; } /// Duplicates a path and converts all slashes to the OS's canonical path separator. pub fn dupePath(self: *Build, bytes: []const u8) []u8 { const the_copy = self.dupe(bytes); for (the_copy) |*byte| { switch (byte.*) { '/', '\\' => byte.* = fs.path.sep, else => {}, } } return the_copy; } pub fn addWriteFile(self: *Build, file_path: []const u8, data: []const u8) *Step.WriteFile { const write_file_step = self.addWriteFiles(); _ = write_file_step.add(file_path, data); return write_file_step; } pub fn addWriteFiles(b: *Build) *Step.WriteFile { return Step.WriteFile.create(b); } pub fn addRemoveDirTree(self: *Build, dir_path: []const u8) *Step.RemoveDir { const remove_dir_step = self.allocator.create(Step.RemoveDir) catch @panic("OOM"); remove_dir_step.* = Step.RemoveDir.init(self, dir_path); return remove_dir_step; } pub fn addFmt(b: *Build, options: Step.Fmt.Options) *Step.Fmt { return Step.Fmt.create(b, options); } pub fn addTranslateC(self: *Build, options: Step.TranslateC.Options) *Step.TranslateC { return Step.TranslateC.create(self, options); } pub fn getInstallStep(self: *Build) *Step { return &self.install_tls.step; } pub fn getUninstallStep(self: *Build) *Step { return &self.uninstall_tls.step; } fn makeUninstall(uninstall_step: *Step, prog_node: *std.Progress.Node) anyerror!void { _ = prog_node; const uninstall_tls = @fieldParentPtr(TopLevelStep, "step", uninstall_step); const self = @fieldParentPtr(Build, "uninstall_tls", uninstall_tls); for (self.installed_files.items) |installed_file| { const full_path = self.getInstallPath(installed_file.dir, installed_file.path); if (self.verbose) {"rm {s}", .{full_path}); } fs.cwd().deleteTree(full_path) catch {}; } // TODO remove empty directories } pub fn option(self: *Build, comptime T: type, name_raw: []const u8, description_raw: []const u8) ?T { const name = self.dupe(name_raw); const description = self.dupe(description_raw); const type_id = comptime typeToEnum(T); const enum_options = if (type_id == .@"enum") blk: { const fields = comptime std.meta.fields(T); var options = ArrayList([]const u8).initCapacity(self.allocator, fields.len) catch @panic("OOM"); inline for (fields) |field| { options.appendAssumeCapacity(; } break :blk options.toOwnedSlice() catch @panic("OOM"); } else null; const available_option = AvailableOption{ .name = name, .type_id = type_id, .description = description, .enum_options = enum_options, }; if ((self.available_options_map.fetchPut(name, available_option) catch @panic("OOM")) != null) { panic("Option '{s}' declared twice", .{name}); } self.available_options_list.append(available_option) catch @panic("OOM"); const option_ptr = self.user_input_options.getPtr(name) orelse return null; option_ptr.used = true; switch (type_id) { .bool => switch (option_ptr.value) { .flag => return true, .scalar => |s| { if (mem.eql(u8, s, "true")) { return true; } else if (mem.eql(u8, s, "false")) { return false; } else { log.err("Expected -D{s} to be a boolean, but received '{s}'", .{ name, s }); self.markInvalidUserInput(); return null; } }, .list, .map => { log.err("Expected -D{s} to be a boolean, but received a {s}.", .{ name, @tagName(option_ptr.value), }); self.markInvalidUserInput(); return null; }, }, .int => switch (option_ptr.value) { .flag, .list, .map => { log.err("Expected -D{s} to be an integer, but received a {s}.", .{ name, @tagName(option_ptr.value), }); self.markInvalidUserInput(); return null; }, .scalar => |s| { const n = std.fmt.parseInt(T, s, 10) catch |err| switch (err) { error.Overflow => { log.err("-D{s} value {s} cannot fit into type {s}.", .{ name, s, @typeName(T) }); self.markInvalidUserInput(); return null; }, else => { log.err("Expected -D{s} to be an integer of type {s}.", .{ name, @typeName(T) }); self.markInvalidUserInput(); return null; }, }; return n; }, }, .float => switch (option_ptr.value) { .flag, .map, .list => { log.err("Expected -D{s} to be a float, but received a {s}.", .{ name, @tagName(option_ptr.value), }); self.markInvalidUserInput(); return null; }, .scalar => |s| { const n = std.fmt.parseFloat(T, s) catch { log.err("Expected -D{s} to be a float of type {s}.", .{ name, @typeName(T) }); self.markInvalidUserInput(); return null; }; return n; }, }, .@"enum" => switch (option_ptr.value) { .flag, .map, .list => { log.err("Expected -D{s} to be an enum, but received a {s}.", .{ name, @tagName(option_ptr.value), }); self.markInvalidUserInput(); return null; }, .scalar => |s| { if (std.meta.stringToEnum(T, s)) |enum_lit| { return enum_lit; } else { log.err("Expected -D{s} to be of type {s}.", .{ name, @typeName(T) }); self.markInvalidUserInput(); return null; } }, }, .string => switch (option_ptr.value) { .flag, .list, .map => { log.err("Expected -D{s} to be a string, but received a {s}.", .{ name, @tagName(option_ptr.value), }); self.markInvalidUserInput(); return null; }, .scalar => |s| return s, }, .build_id => switch (option_ptr.value) { .flag, .map, .list => { log.err("Expected -D{s} to be an enum, but received a {s}.", .{ name, @tagName(option_ptr.value), }); self.markInvalidUserInput(); return null; }, .scalar => |s| { if (Step.Compile.BuildId.parse(s)) |build_id| { return build_id; } else |err| { log.err("unable to parse option '-D{s}': {s}", .{ name, @errorName(err) }); self.markInvalidUserInput(); return null; } }, }, .list => switch (option_ptr.value) { .flag, .map => { log.err("Expected -D{s} to be a list, but received a {s}.", .{ name, @tagName(option_ptr.value), }); self.markInvalidUserInput(); return null; }, .scalar => |s| { return self.allocator.dupe([]const u8, &[_][]const u8{s}) catch @panic("OOM"); }, .list => |lst| return lst.items, }, } } pub fn step(self: *Build, name: []const u8, description: []const u8) *Step { const step_info = self.allocator.create(TopLevelStep) catch @panic("OOM"); step_info.* = .{ .step = Step.init(.{ .id = .top_level, .name = name, .owner = self, }), .description = self.dupe(description), }; const gop = self.top_level_steps.getOrPut(self.allocator, name) catch @panic("OOM"); if (gop.found_existing) std.debug.panic("A top-level step with name \"{s}\" already exists", .{name}); gop.key_ptr.* =; gop.value_ptr.* = step_info; return &step_info.step; } pub const StandardOptimizeOptionOptions = struct { preferred_optimize_mode: ?std.builtin.Mode = null, }; pub fn standardOptimizeOption(self: *Build, options: StandardOptimizeOptionOptions) std.builtin.Mode { if (options.preferred_optimize_mode) |mode| { if (self.option(bool, "release", "optimize for end users") orelse false) { return mode; } else { return .Debug; } } else { return self.option( std.builtin.Mode, "optimize", "Prioritize performance, safety, or binary size (-O flag)", ) orelse .Debug; } } pub const StandardTargetOptionsArgs = struct { whitelist: ?[]const CrossTarget = null, default_target: CrossTarget = CrossTarget{}, }; /// Exposes standard `zig build` options for choosing a target. pub fn standardTargetOptions(self: *Build, args: StandardTargetOptionsArgs) CrossTarget { const maybe_triple = self.option( []const u8, "target", "The CPU architecture, OS, and ABI to build for", ); const mcpu = self.option([]const u8, "cpu", "Target CPU features to add or subtract"); if (maybe_triple == null and mcpu == null) { return args.default_target; } const triple = maybe_triple orelse "native"; var diags: CrossTarget.ParseOptions.Diagnostics = .{}; const selected_target = CrossTarget.parse(.{ .arch_os_abi = triple, .cpu_features = mcpu, .diagnostics = &diags, }) catch |err| switch (err) { error.UnknownCpuModel => { log.err("Unknown CPU: '{s}'\nAvailable CPUs for architecture '{s}':", .{ diags.cpu_name.?, @tagName(diags.arch.?), }); for (diags.arch.?.allCpuModels()) |cpu| { log.err(" {s}", .{}); } self.markInvalidUserInput(); return args.default_target; }, error.UnknownCpuFeature => { log.err( \\Unknown CPU feature: '{s}' \\Available CPU features for architecture '{s}': \\ , .{ diags.unknown_feature_name.?, @tagName(diags.arch.?), }); for (diags.arch.?.allFeaturesList()) |feature| { log.err(" {s}: {s}", .{, feature.description }); } self.markInvalidUserInput(); return args.default_target; }, error.UnknownOperatingSystem => { log.err( \\Unknown OS: '{s}' \\Available operating systems: \\ , .{diags.os_name.?}); inline for (std.meta.fields(std.Target.Os.Tag)) |field| { log.err(" {s}", .{}); } self.markInvalidUserInput(); return args.default_target; }, else => |e| { log.err("Unable to parse target '{s}': {s}\n", .{ triple, @errorName(e) }); self.markInvalidUserInput(); return args.default_target; }, }; const selected_canonicalized_triple = selected_target.zigTriple(self.allocator) catch @panic("OOM"); if (args.whitelist) |list| whitelist_check: { // Make sure it's a match of one of the list. var mismatch_triple = true; var mismatch_cpu_features = true; var whitelist_item = CrossTarget{}; for (list) |t| { mismatch_cpu_features = true; mismatch_triple = true; const t_triple = t.zigTriple(self.allocator) catch @panic("OOM"); if (mem.eql(u8, t_triple, selected_canonicalized_triple)) { mismatch_triple = false; whitelist_item = t; if (t.getCpuFeatures().isSuperSetOf(selected_target.getCpuFeatures())) { mismatch_cpu_features = false; break :whitelist_check; } else { break; } } } if (mismatch_triple) { log.err("Chosen target '{s}' does not match one of the supported targets:", .{ selected_canonicalized_triple, }); for (list) |t| { const t_triple = t.zigTriple(self.allocator) catch @panic("OOM"); log.err(" {s}", .{t_triple}); } } else { assert(mismatch_cpu_features); const whitelist_cpu = whitelist_item.getCpu(); const selected_cpu = selected_target.getCpu(); log.err("Chosen CPU model '{s}' does not match one of the supported targets:", .{, }); log.err(" Supported feature Set: ", .{}); const all_features = whitelist_cpu.arch.allFeaturesList(); var populated_cpu_features = whitelist_cpu.model.features; populated_cpu_features.populateDependencies(all_features); for (all_features, 0..) |feature, i_usize| { const i = @as(std.Target.Cpu.Feature.Set.Index, @intCast(i_usize)); const in_cpu_set = populated_cpu_features.isEnabled(i); if (in_cpu_set) { log.err("{s} ", .{}); } } log.err(" Remove: ", .{}); for (all_features, 0..) |feature, i_usize| { const i = @as(std.Target.Cpu.Feature.Set.Index, @intCast(i_usize)); const in_cpu_set = populated_cpu_features.isEnabled(i); const in_actual_set = selected_cpu.features.isEnabled(i); if (in_actual_set and !in_cpu_set) { log.err("{s} ", .{}); } } } self.markInvalidUserInput(); return args.default_target; } return selected_target; } pub fn addUserInputOption(self: *Build, name_raw: []const u8, value_raw: []const u8) !bool { const name = self.dupe(name_raw); const value = self.dupe(value_raw); const gop = try self.user_input_options.getOrPut(name); if (!gop.found_existing) { gop.value_ptr.* = UserInputOption{ .name = name, .value = .{ .scalar = value }, .used = false, }; return false; } // option already exists switch (gop.value_ptr.value) { .scalar => |s| { // turn it into a list var list = ArrayList([]const u8).init(self.allocator); try list.append(s); try list.append(value); try self.user_input_options.put(name, .{ .name = name, .value = .{ .list = list }, .used = false, }); }, .list => |*list| { // append to the list try list.append(value); try self.user_input_options.put(name, .{ .name = name, .value = .{ .list = list.* }, .used = false, }); }, .flag => { log.warn("Option '-D{s}={s}' conflicts with flag '-D{s}'.", .{ name, value, name }); return true; }, .map => |*map| { _ = map; log.warn("TODO maps as command line arguments is not implemented yet.", .{}); return true; }, } return false; } pub fn addUserInputFlag(self: *Build, name_raw: []const u8) !bool { const name = self.dupe(name_raw); const gop = try self.user_input_options.getOrPut(name); if (!gop.found_existing) { gop.value_ptr.* = .{ .name = name, .value = .{ .flag = {} }, .used = false, }; return false; } // option already exists switch (gop.value_ptr.value) { .scalar => |s| { log.err("Flag '-D{s}' conflicts with option '-D{s}={s}'.", .{ name, name, s }); return true; }, .list, .map => { log.err("Flag '-D{s}' conflicts with multiple options of the same name.", .{name}); return true; }, .flag => {}, } return false; } fn typeToEnum(comptime T: type) TypeId { return switch (T) { Step.Compile.BuildId => .build_id, else => return switch (@typeInfo(T)) { .Int => .int, .Float => .float, .Bool => .bool, .Enum => .@"enum", else => switch (T) { []const u8 => .string, []const []const u8 => .list, else => @compileError("Unsupported type: " ++ @typeName(T)), }, }, }; } fn markInvalidUserInput(self: *Build) void { self.invalid_user_input = true; } pub fn validateUserInputDidItFail(self: *Build) bool { // make sure all args are used var it = self.user_input_options.iterator(); while ( |entry| { if (!entry.value_ptr.used) { log.err("Invalid option: -D{s}", .{entry.key_ptr.*}); self.markInvalidUserInput(); } } return self.invalid_user_input; } fn allocPrintCmd(ally: Allocator, opt_cwd: ?[]const u8, argv: []const []const u8) ![]u8 { var buf = ArrayList(u8).init(ally); if (opt_cwd) |cwd| try buf.writer().print("cd {s} && ", .{cwd}); for (argv) |arg| { try buf.writer().print("{s} ", .{arg}); } return buf.toOwnedSlice(); } fn printCmd(ally: Allocator, cwd: ?[]const u8, argv: []const []const u8) void { const text = allocPrintCmd(ally, cwd, argv) catch @panic("OOM"); std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{text}); } pub fn installArtifact(self: *Build, artifact: *Step.Compile) void { self.getInstallStep().dependOn(&self.addInstallArtifact(artifact).step); } pub fn addInstallArtifact(self: *Build, artifact: *Step.Compile) *Step.InstallArtifact { return Step.InstallArtifact.create(self, artifact); } ///`dest_rel_path` is relative to prefix path pub fn installFile(self: *Build, src_path: []const u8, dest_rel_path: []const u8) void { self.getInstallStep().dependOn(&self.addInstallFileWithDir(.{ .path = src_path }, .prefix, dest_rel_path).step); } pub fn installDirectory(self: *Build, options: InstallDirectoryOptions) void { self.getInstallStep().dependOn(&self.addInstallDirectory(options).step); } ///`dest_rel_path` is relative to bin path pub fn installBinFile(self: *Build, src_path: []const u8, dest_rel_path: []const u8) void { self.getInstallStep().dependOn(&self.addInstallFileWithDir(.{ .path = src_path }, .bin, dest_rel_path).step); } ///`dest_rel_path` is relative to lib path pub fn installLibFile(self: *Build, src_path: []const u8, dest_rel_path: []const u8) void { self.getInstallStep().dependOn(&self.addInstallFileWithDir(.{ .path = src_path }, .lib, dest_rel_path).step); } pub fn addObjCopy(b: *Build, source: FileSource, options: Step.ObjCopy.Options) *Step.ObjCopy { return Step.ObjCopy.create(b, source, options); } ///`dest_rel_path` is relative to install prefix path pub fn addInstallFile(self: *Build, source: FileSource, dest_rel_path: []const u8) *Step.InstallFile { return self.addInstallFileWithDir(source.dupe(self), .prefix, dest_rel_path); } ///`dest_rel_path` is relative to bin path pub fn addInstallBinFile(self: *Build, source: FileSource, dest_rel_path: []const u8) *Step.InstallFile { return self.addInstallFileWithDir(source.dupe(self), .bin, dest_rel_path); } ///`dest_rel_path` is relative to lib path pub fn addInstallLibFile(self: *Build, source: FileSource, dest_rel_path: []const u8) *Step.InstallFile { return self.addInstallFileWithDir(source.dupe(self), .lib, dest_rel_path); } pub fn addInstallHeaderFile(b: *Build, src_path: []const u8, dest_rel_path: []const u8) *Step.InstallFile { return b.addInstallFileWithDir(.{ .path = src_path }, .header, dest_rel_path); } pub fn addInstallFileWithDir( self: *Build, source: FileSource, install_dir: InstallDir, dest_rel_path: []const u8, ) *Step.InstallFile { return Step.InstallFile.create(self, source.dupe(self), install_dir, dest_rel_path); } pub fn addInstallDirectory(self: *Build, options: InstallDirectoryOptions) *Step.InstallDir { return Step.InstallDir.create(self, options); } pub fn addCheckFile( b: *Build, file_source: FileSource, options: Step.CheckFile.Options, ) *Step.CheckFile { return Step.CheckFile.create(b, file_source, options); } pub fn pushInstalledFile(self: *Build, dir: InstallDir, dest_rel_path: []const u8) void { const file = InstalledFile{ .dir = dir, .path = dest_rel_path, }; self.installed_files.append(file.dupe(self)) catch @panic("OOM"); } pub fn truncateFile(self: *Build, dest_path: []const u8) !void { if (self.verbose) {"truncate {s}", .{dest_path}); } const cwd = fs.cwd(); var src_file = cwd.createFile(dest_path, .{}) catch |err| switch (err) { error.FileNotFound => blk: { if (fs.path.dirname(dest_path)) |dirname| { try cwd.makePath(dirname); } break :blk try cwd.createFile(dest_path, .{}); }, else => |e| return e, }; src_file.close(); } pub fn pathFromRoot(b: *Build, p: []const u8) []u8 { return fs.path.resolve(b.allocator, &.{ b.build_root.path orelse ".", p }) catch @panic("OOM"); } pub fn pathJoin(self: *Build, paths: []const []const u8) []u8 { return fs.path.join(self.allocator, paths) catch @panic("OOM"); } pub fn fmt(self: *Build, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) []u8 { return fmt_lib.allocPrint(self.allocator, format, args) catch @panic("OOM"); } pub fn findProgram(self: *Build, names: []const []const u8, paths: []const []const u8) ![]const u8 { // TODO report error for ambiguous situations const exe_extension = @as(CrossTarget, .{}).exeFileExt(); for (self.search_prefixes.items) |search_prefix| { for (names) |name| { if (fs.path.isAbsolute(name)) { return name; } const full_path = self.pathJoin(&.{ search_prefix, "bin", self.fmt("{s}{s}", .{ name, exe_extension }), }); return fs.realpathAlloc(self.allocator, full_path) catch continue; } } if (self.env_map.get("PATH")) |PATH| { for (names) |name| { if (fs.path.isAbsolute(name)) { return name; } var it = mem.tokenizeScalar(u8, PATH, fs.path.delimiter); while ( |path| { const full_path = self.pathJoin(&.{ path, self.fmt("{s}{s}", .{ name, exe_extension }), }); return fs.realpathAlloc(self.allocator, full_path) catch continue; } } } for (names) |name| { if (fs.path.isAbsolute(name)) { return name; } for (paths) |path| { const full_path = self.pathJoin(&.{ path, self.fmt("{s}{s}", .{ name, exe_extension }), }); return fs.realpathAlloc(self.allocator, full_path) catch continue; } } return error.FileNotFound; } pub fn execAllowFail( self: *Build, argv: []const []const u8, out_code: *u8, stderr_behavior: std.ChildProcess.StdIo, ) ExecError![]u8 { assert(argv.len != 0); if (!process.can_spawn) return error.ExecNotSupported; const max_output_size = 400 * 1024; var child = std.ChildProcess.init(argv, self.allocator); child.stdin_behavior = .Ignore; child.stdout_behavior = .Pipe; child.stderr_behavior = stderr_behavior; child.env_map = self.env_map; try child.spawn(); const stdout = child.stdout.?.reader().readAllAlloc(self.allocator, max_output_size) catch { return error.ReadFailure; }; errdefer; const term = try child.wait(); switch (term) { .Exited => |code| { if (code != 0) { out_code.* = @as(u8, @truncate(code)); return error.ExitCodeFailure; } return stdout; }, .Signal, .Stopped, .Unknown => |code| { out_code.* = @as(u8, @truncate(code)); return error.ProcessTerminated; }, } } /// This is a helper function to be called from build.zig scripts, *not* from /// inside step make() functions. If any errors occur, it fails the build with /// a helpful message. pub fn exec(b: *Build, argv: []const []const u8) []u8 { if (!process.can_spawn) { std.debug.print("unable to spawn the following command: cannot spawn child process\n{s}\n", .{ try allocPrintCmd(b.allocator, null, argv), }); process.exit(1); } var code: u8 = undefined; return b.execAllowFail(argv, &code, .Inherit) catch |err| { const printed_cmd = allocPrintCmd(b.allocator, null, argv) catch @panic("OOM"); std.debug.print("unable to spawn the following command: {s}\n{s}\n", .{ @errorName(err), printed_cmd, }); process.exit(1); }; } pub fn addSearchPrefix(self: *Build, search_prefix: []const u8) void { self.search_prefixes.append(self.dupePath(search_prefix)) catch @panic("OOM"); } pub fn getInstallPath(self: *Build, dir: InstallDir, dest_rel_path: []const u8) []const u8 { assert(!fs.path.isAbsolute(dest_rel_path)); // Install paths must be relative to the prefix const base_dir = switch (dir) { .prefix => self.install_path, .bin => self.exe_dir, .lib => self.lib_dir, .header => self.h_dir, .custom => |path| self.pathJoin(&.{ self.install_path, path }), }; return fs.path.resolve( self.allocator, &[_][]const u8{ base_dir, dest_rel_path }, ) catch @panic("OOM"); } pub const Dependency = struct { builder: *Build, pub fn artifact(d: *Dependency, name: []const u8) *Step.Compile { var found: ?*Step.Compile = null; for (d.builder.install_tls.step.dependencies.items) |dep_step| { const inst = dep_step.cast(Step.InstallArtifact) orelse continue; if (mem.eql(u8,, name)) { if (found != null) panic("artifact name '{s}' is ambiguous", .{name}); found = inst.artifact; } } return found orelse { for (d.builder.install_tls.step.dependencies.items) |dep_step| { const inst = dep_step.cast(Step.InstallArtifact) orelse continue;"available artifact: '{s}'", .{}); } panic("unable to find artifact '{s}'", .{name}); }; } pub fn module(d: *Dependency, name: []const u8) *Module { return d.builder.modules.get(name) orelse { panic("unable to find module '{s}'", .{name}); }; } }; pub fn dependency(b: *Build, name: []const u8, args: anytype) *Dependency { const build_runner = @import("root"); const deps = build_runner.dependencies; inline for (@typeInfo(deps.imports).Struct.decls) |decl| { if (mem.startsWith(u8,, b.dep_prefix) and mem.endsWith(u8,, name) and == b.dep_prefix.len + name.len) { const build_zig = @field(deps.imports,; const build_root = @field(deps.build_root,; return dependencyInner(b, name, build_root, build_zig, args); } } const full_path = b.pathFromRoot("build.zig.zon"); std.debug.print("no dependency named '{s}' in '{s}'. All packages used in build.zig must be declared in this file.\n", .{ name, full_path }); process.exit(1); } pub fn anonymousDependency( b: *Build, /// The path to the directory containing the dependency's build.zig file, /// relative to the current package's build.zig. relative_build_root: []const u8, /// A direct `@import` of the build.zig of the dependency. comptime build_zig: type, args: anytype, ) *Dependency { const arena = b.allocator; const build_root = b.build_root.join(arena, &.{relative_build_root}) catch @panic("OOM"); const name = arena.dupe(u8, relative_build_root) catch @panic("OOM"); for (name) |*byte| switch (byte.*) { '/', '\\' => byte.* = '.', else => continue, }; return dependencyInner(b, name, build_root, build_zig, args); } pub fn dependencyInner( b: *Build, name: []const u8, build_root_string: []const u8, comptime build_zig: type, args: anytype, ) *Dependency { if (b.initialized_deps.get(build_root_string)) |dep| { // TODO: check args are the same return dep; } const build_root: std.Build.Cache.Directory = .{ .path = build_root_string, .handle = std.fs.cwd().openDir(build_root_string, .{}) catch |err| { std.debug.print("unable to open '{s}': {s}\n", .{ build_root_string, @errorName(err), }); process.exit(1); }, }; const sub_builder = b.createChild(name, build_root, args) catch @panic("unhandled error"); sub_builder.runBuild(build_zig) catch @panic("unhandled error"); if (sub_builder.validateUserInputDidItFail()) { std.debug.dumpCurrentStackTrace(@returnAddress()); } const dep = b.allocator.create(Dependency) catch @panic("OOM"); dep.* = .{ .builder = sub_builder }; b.initialized_deps.put(build_root_string, dep) catch @panic("OOM"); return dep; } pub fn runBuild(b: *Build, build_zig: anytype) anyerror!void { switch (@typeInfo(@typeInfo(@TypeOf( { .Void =>, .ErrorUnion => try, else => @compileError("expected return type of build to be 'void' or '!void'"), } } pub const Module = struct { builder: *Build, /// This could either be a generated file, in which case the module /// contains exactly one file, or it could be a path to the root source /// file of directory of files which constitute the module. source_file: FileSource, dependencies: std.StringArrayHashMap(*Module), }; /// A file that is generated by a build step. /// This struct is an interface that is meant to be used with `@fieldParentPtr` to implement the actual path logic. pub const GeneratedFile = struct { /// The step that generates the file step: *Step, /// The path to the generated file. Must be either absolute or relative to the build root. /// This value must be set in the `fn make()` of the `step` and must not be `null` afterwards. path: ?[]const u8 = null, pub fn getPath(self: GeneratedFile) []const u8 { return self.path orelse std.debug.panic( "getPath() was called on a GeneratedFile that wasn't built yet. Is there a missing Step dependency on step '{s}'?", .{}, ); } }; /// A file source is a reference to an existing or future file. pub const FileSource = union(enum) { /// A plain file path, relative to build root or absolute. path: []const u8, /// A file that is generated by an interface. Those files usually are /// not available until built by a build step. generated: *const GeneratedFile, /// Returns a new file source that will have a relative path to the build root guaranteed. /// This should be preferred over setting `.path` directly as it documents that the files are in the project directory. pub fn relative(path: []const u8) FileSource { std.debug.assert(!std.fs.path.isAbsolute(path)); return FileSource{ .path = path }; } /// Returns a string that can be shown to represent the file source. /// Either returns the path or `"generated"`. pub fn getDisplayName(self: FileSource) []const u8 { return switch (self) { .path => self.path, .generated => "generated", }; } /// Adds dependencies this file source implies to the given step. pub fn addStepDependencies(self: FileSource, other_step: *Step) void { switch (self) { .path => {}, .generated => |gen| other_step.dependOn(gen.step), } } /// Should only be called during make(), returns a path relative to the build root or absolute. pub fn getPath(self: FileSource, src_builder: *Build) []const u8 { return getPath2(self, src_builder, null); } /// Should only be called during make(), returns a path relative to the build root or absolute. /// asking_step is only used for debugging purposes; it's the step being run that is asking for /// the path. pub fn getPath2(self: FileSource, src_builder: *Build, asking_step: ?*Step) []const u8 { switch (self) { .path => |p| return src_builder.pathFromRoot(p), .generated => |gen| return gen.path orelse { std.debug.getStderrMutex().lock(); const stderr =; dumpBadGetPathHelp(gen.step, stderr, src_builder, asking_step) catch {}; @panic("misconfigured build script"); }, } } /// Duplicates the file source for a given builder. pub fn dupe(self: FileSource, b: *Build) FileSource { return switch (self) { .path => |p| .{ .path = b.dupePath(p) }, .generated => |gen| .{ .generated = gen }, }; } }; /// In this function the stderr mutex has already been locked. fn dumpBadGetPathHelp( s: *Step, stderr: fs.File, src_builder: *Build, asking_step: ?*Step, ) anyerror!void { const w = stderr.writer(); try w.print( \\getPath() was called on a GeneratedFile that wasn't built yet. \\ source package path: {s} \\ Is there a missing Step dependency on step '{s}'? \\ , .{ src_builder.build_root.path orelse ".",, }); const tty_config =; tty_config.setColor(w, .red) catch {}; try stderr.writeAll(" The step was created by this stack trace:\n"); tty_config.setColor(w, .reset) catch {}; const debug_info = std.debug.getSelfDebugInfo() catch |err| { try w.print("Unable to dump stack trace: Unable to open debug info: {s}\n", .{@errorName(err)}); return; }; const ally = debug_info.allocator; std.debug.writeStackTrace(s.getStackTrace(), w, ally, debug_info, tty_config) catch |err| { try stderr.writer().print("Unable to dump stack trace: {s}\n", .{@errorName(err)}); return; }; if (asking_step) |as| { tty_config.setColor(w, .red) catch {}; try stderr.writeAll(" The step that is missing a dependency on the above step was created by this stack trace:\n"); tty_config.setColor(w, .reset) catch {}; std.debug.writeStackTrace(as.getStackTrace(), w, ally, debug_info, tty_config) catch |err| { try stderr.writer().print("Unable to dump stack trace: {s}\n", .{@errorName(err)}); return; }; } tty_config.setColor(w, .red) catch {}; try stderr.writeAll(" Hope that helps. Proceeding to panic.\n"); tty_config.setColor(w, .reset) catch {}; } /// Allocates a new string for assigning a value to a named macro. /// If the value is omitted, it is set to 1. /// `name` and `value` need not live longer than the function call. pub fn constructCMacro(allocator: Allocator, name: []const u8, value: ?[]const u8) []const u8 { var macro = allocator.alloc( u8, name.len + if (value) |value_slice| value_slice.len + 1 else 0, ) catch |err| if (err == error.OutOfMemory) @panic("Out of memory") else unreachable; @memcpy(macro[], name); if (value) |value_slice| { macro[name.len] = '='; @memcpy(macro[name.len + 1 ..][0..value_slice.len], value_slice); } return macro; } pub const VcpkgRoot = union(VcpkgRootStatus) { unattempted: void, not_found: void, found: []const u8, }; pub const VcpkgRootStatus = enum { unattempted, not_found, found, }; pub const InstallDir = union(enum) { prefix: void, lib: void, bin: void, header: void, /// A path relative to the prefix custom: []const u8, /// Duplicates the install directory including the path if set to custom. pub fn dupe(self: InstallDir, builder: *Build) InstallDir { if (self == .custom) { return .{ .custom = builder.dupe(self.custom) }; } else { return self; } } }; pub const InstalledFile = struct { dir: InstallDir, path: []const u8, /// Duplicates the installed file path and directory. pub fn dupe(self: InstalledFile, builder: *Build) InstalledFile { return .{ .dir = self.dir.dupe(builder), .path = builder.dupe(self.path), }; } }; pub fn serializeCpu(allocator: Allocator, cpu: std.Target.Cpu) ![]const u8 { // TODO this logic can disappear if cpu model + features becomes part of the target triple const all_features = cpu.arch.allFeaturesList(); var populated_cpu_features = cpu.model.features; populated_cpu_features.populateDependencies(all_features); if (populated_cpu_features.eql(cpu.features)) { // The CPU name alone is sufficient. return; } else { var mcpu_buffer = ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); try mcpu_buffer.appendSlice(; for (all_features, 0..) |feature, i_usize| { const i = @as(std.Target.Cpu.Feature.Set.Index, @intCast(i_usize)); const in_cpu_set = populated_cpu_features.isEnabled(i); const in_actual_set = cpu.features.isEnabled(i); if (in_cpu_set and !in_actual_set) { try mcpu_buffer.writer().print("-{s}", .{}); } else if (!in_cpu_set and in_actual_set) { try mcpu_buffer.writer().print("+{s}", .{}); } } return try mcpu_buffer.toOwnedSlice(); } } /// This function is intended to be called in the `configure` phase only. /// It returns an absolute directory path, which is potentially going to be a /// source of API breakage in the future, so keep that in mind when using this /// function. pub fn makeTempPath(b: *Build) []const u8 { const rand_int =; const tmp_dir_sub_path = "tmp" ++ fs.path.sep_str ++ hex64(rand_int); const result_path = b.cache_root.join(b.allocator, &.{tmp_dir_sub_path}) catch @panic("OOM"); b.cache_root.handle.makePath(tmp_dir_sub_path) catch |err| { std.debug.print("unable to make tmp path '{s}': {s}\n", .{ result_path, @errorName(err), }); }; return result_path; } /// There are a few copies of this function in miscellaneous places. Would be nice to find /// a home for them. pub fn hex64(x: u64) [16]u8 { const hex_charset = "0123456789abcdef"; var result: [16]u8 = undefined; var i: usize = 0; while (i < 8) : (i += 1) { const byte = @as(u8, @truncate(x >> @as(u6, @intCast(8 * i)))); result[i * 2 + 0] = hex_charset[byte >> 4]; result[i * 2 + 1] = hex_charset[byte & 15]; } return result; } test { _ = Step; }