//! Here we test our ELF linker for correctness and functionality. //! Currently, we support linking x86_64 Linux, but in the future we //! will progressively relax those to exercise more combinations. pub fn testAll(b: *Build, build_opts: BuildOptions) *Step { _ = build_opts; const elf_step = b.step("test-elf", "Run ELF tests"); const default_target = b.resolveTargetQuery(.{ .cpu_arch = .x86_64, // TODO relax this once ELF linker is able to handle other archs .os_tag = .linux, }); const musl_target = b.resolveTargetQuery(.{ .cpu_arch = .x86_64, .os_tag = .linux, .abi = .musl, }); const glibc_target = b.resolveTargetQuery(.{ .cpu_arch = .x86_64, .os_tag = .linux, .abi = .gnu, }); // Exercise linker in -r mode elf_step.dependOn(testEmitRelocatable(b, .{ .use_llvm = false, .target = musl_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testEmitRelocatable(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testRelocatableArchive(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testRelocatableEhFrame(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testRelocatableNoEhFrame(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); // Exercise linker in ar mode elf_step.dependOn(testEmitStaticLib(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testEmitStaticLibZig(b, .{ .use_llvm = false, .target = musl_target })); // Exercise linker with self-hosted backend (no LLVM) elf_step.dependOn(testGcSectionsZig(b, .{ .use_llvm = false, .target = default_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testLinkingObj(b, .{ .use_llvm = false, .target = default_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testLinkingStaticLib(b, .{ .use_llvm = false, .target = default_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testLinkingZig(b, .{ .use_llvm = false, .target = default_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testImportingDataDynamic(b, .{ .use_llvm = false, .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testImportingDataStatic(b, .{ .use_llvm = false, .target = musl_target })); // Exercise linker with LLVM backend // musl tests elf_step.dependOn(testAbsSymbols(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testCommonSymbols(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testCommonSymbolsInArchive(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testEmptyObject(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testEntryPoint(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testGcSections(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testImageBase(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testInitArrayOrder(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testLargeAlignmentExe(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17449 // elf_step.dependOn(testLargeBss(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testLinkingC(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testLinkingCpp(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testLinkingZig(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17451 // elf_step.dependOn(testNoEhFrameHdr(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testTlsStatic(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testStrip(b, .{ .target = musl_target })); // glibc tests elf_step.dependOn(testAsNeeded(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17430 // elf_step.dependOn(testCanonicalPlt(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testCopyrel(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17430 // elf_step.dependOn(testCopyrelAlias(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17430 // elf_step.dependOn(testCopyrelAlignment(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testDsoPlt(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testDsoUndef(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testExportDynamic(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testExportSymbolsFromExe(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17430 // elf_step.dependOn(testFuncAddress(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testHiddenWeakUndef(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testIFuncAlias(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17430 // elf_step.dependOn(testIFuncDlopen(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testIFuncDso(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testIFuncDynamic(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testIFuncExport(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testIFuncFuncPtr(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testIFuncNoPlt(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17430 ?? // elf_step.dependOn(testIFuncStatic(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); // elf_step.dependOn(testIFuncStaticPie(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testInitArrayOrder(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testLargeAlignmentDso(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testLargeAlignmentExe(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testLargeBss(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testLinkOrder(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testLdScript(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testLdScriptPathError(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testLdScriptAllowUndefinedVersion(b, .{ .target = glibc_target, .use_lld = true })); elf_step.dependOn(testLdScriptDisallowUndefinedVersion(b, .{ .target = glibc_target, .use_lld = true })); elf_step.dependOn(testMismatchedCpuArchitectureError(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17451 // elf_step.dependOn(testNoEhFrameHdr(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testPie(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testPltGot(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testPreinitArray(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testSharedAbsSymbol(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testTlsDfStaticTls(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testTlsDso(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testTlsGd(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testTlsGdNoPlt(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testTlsGdToIe(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testTlsIe(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testTlsLargeAlignment(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testTlsLargeTbss(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testTlsLargeStaticImage(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testTlsLd(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testTlsLdDso(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testTlsLdNoPlt(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17430 // elf_step.dependOn(testTlsNoPic(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testTlsOffsetAlignment(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testTlsPic(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testTlsSmallAlignment(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testUnknownFileTypeError(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testUnresolvedError(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testWeakExports(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testWeakUndefsDso(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testZNow(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testZStackSize(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); elf_step.dependOn(testZText(b, .{ .target = glibc_target })); return elf_step; } fn testAbsSymbols(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "abs-symbols", opts); const obj = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj", .asm_source_bytes = \\.globl foo \\foo = 0x800008 \\ , }); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\#include \\#include \\#include \\#include \\void handler(int signum, siginfo_t *info, void *ptr) { \\ assert((size_t)info->si_addr == 0x800008); \\ exit(0); \\} \\extern int foo; \\int main() { \\ struct sigaction act; \\ act.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO | SA_RESETHAND; \\ act.sa_sigaction = handler; \\ sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); \\ sigaction(SIGSEGV, &act, 0); \\ foo = 5; \\ return 0; \\} , }); exe.addObject(obj); exe.linkLibC(); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectExitCode(0); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testAsNeeded(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "as-needed", opts); const main_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "main", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\int baz(); \\int main() { \\ printf("%d\n", baz()); \\ return 0; \\} \\ , }); main_o.linkLibC(); const libfoo = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "foo" }); addCSourceBytes(libfoo, "int foo() { return 42; }", &.{}); const libbar = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "bar" }); addCSourceBytes(libbar, "int bar() { return 42; }", &.{}); const libbaz = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "baz" }); addCSourceBytes(libbaz, \\int foo(); \\int baz() { return foo(); } , &.{}); { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test", }); exe.addObject(main_o); exe.linkSystemLibrary2("foo", .{ .needed = true }); exe.addLibraryPath(libfoo.getEmittedBinDirectory()); exe.addRPath(libfoo.getEmittedBinDirectory()); exe.linkSystemLibrary2("bar", .{ .needed = true }); exe.addLibraryPath(libbar.getEmittedBinDirectory()); exe.addRPath(libbar.getEmittedBinDirectory()); exe.linkSystemLibrary2("baz", .{ .needed = true }); exe.addLibraryPath(libbaz.getEmittedBinDirectory()); exe.addRPath(libbaz.getEmittedBinDirectory()); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("42\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInDynamicSection(); check.checkExact("NEEDED libfoo.so"); check.checkExact("NEEDED libbar.so"); check.checkExact("NEEDED libbaz.so"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test", }); exe.addObject(main_o); exe.linkSystemLibrary2("foo", .{ .needed = false }); exe.addLibraryPath(libfoo.getEmittedBinDirectory()); exe.addRPath(libfoo.getEmittedBinDirectory()); exe.linkSystemLibrary2("bar", .{ .needed = false }); exe.addLibraryPath(libbar.getEmittedBinDirectory()); exe.addRPath(libbar.getEmittedBinDirectory()); exe.linkSystemLibrary2("baz", .{ .needed = false }); exe.addLibraryPath(libbaz.getEmittedBinDirectory()); exe.addRPath(libbaz.getEmittedBinDirectory()); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("42\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInDynamicSection(); check.checkNotPresent("NEEDED libbar.so"); check.checkInDynamicSection(); check.checkExact("NEEDED libfoo.so"); check.checkExact("NEEDED libbaz.so"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } return test_step; } fn testCanonicalPlt(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "canonical-plt", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); addCSourceBytes(dso, \\void *foo() { \\ return foo; \\} \\void *bar() { \\ return bar; \\} , &.{}); const b_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj", .c_source_bytes = \\void *bar(); \\void *baz() { \\ return bar; \\} \\ , .pic = true, }); const main_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "main", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\void *foo(); \\void *bar(); \\void *baz(); \\int main() { \\ assert(foo == foo()); \\ assert(bar == bar()); \\ assert(bar == baz()); \\ return 0; \\} \\ , .pic = false, }); main_o.linkLibC(); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main", }); exe.addObject(main_o); exe.addObject(b_o); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.linkLibC(); exe.pie = false; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectExitCode(0); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testCommonSymbols(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "common-symbols", opts); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test", }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\int foo; \\int bar; \\int baz = 42; , &.{"-fcommon"}); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\int foo; \\int bar = 5; \\int baz; \\int main() { \\ printf("%d %d %d\n", foo, bar, baz); \\} , &.{"-fcommon"}); exe.linkLibC(); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("0 5 42\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testCommonSymbolsInArchive(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "common-symbols-in-archive", opts); const a_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "a", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\int foo; \\int bar; \\extern int baz; \\__attribute__((weak)) int two(); \\int main() { \\ printf("%d %d %d %d\n", foo, bar, baz, two ? two() : -1); \\} \\ , .c_source_flags = &.{"-fcommon"}, }); a_o.linkLibC(); const b_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "b", .c_source_bytes = "int foo = 5;", .c_source_flags = &.{"-fcommon"}, }); { const c_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "c", .c_source_bytes = \\int bar; \\int two() { return 2; } \\ , .c_source_flags = &.{"-fcommon"}, }); const d_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "d", .c_source_bytes = "int baz;", .c_source_flags = &.{"-fcommon"}, }); const lib = addStaticLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "lib" }); lib.addObject(b_o); lib.addObject(c_o); lib.addObject(d_o); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test", }); exe.addObject(a_o); exe.linkLibrary(lib); exe.linkLibC(); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("5 0 0 -1\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } { const e_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "e", .c_source_bytes = \\int bar = 0; \\int baz = 7; \\int two() { return 2; } , .c_source_flags = &.{"-fcommon"}, }); const lib = addStaticLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "lib" }); lib.addObject(b_o); lib.addObject(e_o); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test", }); exe.addObject(a_o); exe.linkLibrary(lib); exe.linkLibC(); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("5 0 7 2\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } return test_step; } fn testCopyrel(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "copyrel", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); addCSourceBytes(dso, \\int foo = 3; \\int bar = 5; , &.{}); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\extern int foo, bar; \\int main() { \\ printf("%d %d\n", foo, bar); \\ return 0; \\} , }); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("3 5\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testCopyrelAlias(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "copyrel-alias", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); addCSourceBytes(dso, \\int bruh = 31; \\int foo = 42; \\extern int bar __attribute__((alias("foo"))); \\extern int baz __attribute__((alias("foo"))); , &.{}); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main", .pic = false, }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\extern int foo; \\extern int *get_bar(); \\int main() { \\ printf("%d %d %d\n", foo, *get_bar(), &foo == get_bar()); \\ return 0; \\} , &.{}); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\extern int bar; \\int *get_bar() { return &bar; } , &.{}); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.linkLibC(); exe.pie = false; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("42 42 1\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testCopyrelAlignment(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "copyrel-alignment", opts); const a_so = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); addCSourceBytes(a_so, "__attribute__((aligned(32))) int foo = 5;", &.{}); const b_so = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "b" }); addCSourceBytes(b_so, "__attribute__((aligned(8))) int foo = 5;", &.{}); const c_so = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "c" }); addCSourceBytes(c_so, "__attribute__((aligned(256))) int foo = 5;", &.{}); const obj = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "main", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\extern int foo; \\int main() { printf("%d\n", foo); } \\ , .pic = false, }); obj.linkLibC(); const exp_stdout = "5\n"; { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); exe.addObject(obj); exe.linkLibrary(a_so); exe.linkLibC(); exe.pie = false; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual(exp_stdout); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("section headers"); check.checkExact("name .copyrel"); check.checkExact("addralign 20"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); exe.addObject(obj); exe.linkLibrary(b_so); exe.linkLibC(); exe.pie = false; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual(exp_stdout); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("section headers"); check.checkExact("name .copyrel"); check.checkExact("addralign 8"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); exe.addObject(obj); exe.linkLibrary(c_so); exe.linkLibC(); exe.pie = false; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual(exp_stdout); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("section headers"); check.checkExact("name .copyrel"); check.checkExact("addralign 100"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } return test_step; } fn testDsoPlt(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "dso-plt", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "dso" }); addCSourceBytes(dso, \\#include \\void world() { \\ printf("world\n"); \\} \\void real_hello() { \\ printf("Hello "); \\ world(); \\} \\void hello() { \\ real_hello(); \\} , &.{}); dso.linkLibC(); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\void world() { \\ printf("WORLD\n"); \\} \\void hello(); \\int main() { \\ hello(); \\} , &.{}); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("Hello WORLD\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testDsoUndef(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "dso-undef", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "dso" }); addCSourceBytes(dso, \\extern int foo; \\int bar = 5; \\int baz() { return foo; } , &.{}); dso.linkLibC(); const obj = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj", .c_source_bytes = "int foo = 3;", }); const lib = addStaticLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "lib" }); lib.addObject(obj); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test" }); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.linkLibrary(lib); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\extern int bar; \\int main() { \\ return bar - 5; \\} , &.{}); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectExitCode(0); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInDynamicSymtab(); check.checkContains("foo"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); return test_step; } fn testEmitRelocatable(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "emit-relocatable", opts); const a_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "a", .zig_source_bytes = \\const std = @import("std"); \\extern var bar: i32; \\export fn foo() i32 { \\ return bar; \\} \\export fn printFoo() void { \\ std.debug.print("foo={d}\n", .{foo()}); \\} }); a_o.linkLibC(); const b_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "b", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\int bar = 42; \\void printBar() { \\ fprintf(stderr, "bar=%d\n", bar); \\} }); b_o.linkLibC(); const c_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "c" }); c_o.addObject(a_o); c_o.addObject(b_o); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test", .zig_source_bytes = \\const std = @import("std"); \\extern fn printFoo() void; \\extern fn printBar() void; \\pub fn main() void { \\ printFoo(); \\ printBar(); \\} }); exe.addObject(c_o); exe.linkLibC(); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdErrEqual( \\foo=42 \\bar=42 \\ ); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testEmitStaticLib(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "emit-static-lib", opts); const obj1 = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj1", .c_source_bytes = \\int foo = 0; \\int bar = 2; \\int fooBar() { \\ return foo + bar; \\} , }); const obj2 = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj2", .c_source_bytes = "int tentative;", .c_source_flags = &.{"-fcommon"}, }); const obj3 = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "a_very_long_file_name_so_that_it_ends_up_in_strtab", .zig_source_bytes = \\fn weakFoo() callconv(.C) usize { \\ return 42; \\} \\export var strongBar: usize = 100; \\comptime { \\ @export(weakFoo, .{ .name = "weakFoo", .linkage = .Weak }); \\ @export(strongBar, .{ .name = "strongBarAlias", .linkage = .Strong }); \\} , }); const lib = addStaticLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "lib" }); lib.addObject(obj1); lib.addObject(obj2); lib.addObject(obj3); const check = lib.checkObject(); check.checkInArchiveSymtab(); check.checkExactPath("in object", obj1.getEmittedBin()); check.checkExact("foo"); check.checkInArchiveSymtab(); check.checkExactPath("in object", obj1.getEmittedBin()); check.checkExact("bar"); check.checkInArchiveSymtab(); check.checkExactPath("in object", obj1.getEmittedBin()); check.checkExact("fooBar"); check.checkInArchiveSymtab(); check.checkExactPath("in object", obj2.getEmittedBin()); check.checkExact("tentative"); check.checkInArchiveSymtab(); check.checkExactPath("in object", obj3.getEmittedBin()); check.checkExact("weakFoo"); check.checkInArchiveSymtab(); check.checkExactPath("in object", obj3.getEmittedBin()); check.checkExact("strongBar"); check.checkInArchiveSymtab(); check.checkExactPath("in object", obj3.getEmittedBin()); check.checkExact("strongBarAlias"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); return test_step; } fn testEmitStaticLibZig(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "emit-static-lib-zig", opts); const obj1 = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj1", .zig_source_bytes = \\export var foo: i32 = 42; \\export var bar: i32 = 2; , }); const lib = addStaticLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "lib", .zig_source_bytes = \\extern var foo: i32; \\extern var bar: i32; \\export fn fooBar() i32 { \\ return foo + bar; \\} , }); lib.addObject(obj1); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test", .zig_source_bytes = \\const std = @import("std"); \\extern fn fooBar() i32; \\pub fn main() void { \\ std.debug.print("{d}", .{fooBar()}); \\} , }); exe.linkLibrary(lib); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdErrEqual("44"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testEmptyObject(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "empty-object", opts); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, "int main() { return 0; }", &.{}); addCSourceBytes(exe, "", &.{}); exe.linkLibC(); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectExitCode(0); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testEntryPoint(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "entry-point", opts); const a_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "a", .asm_source_bytes = \\.globl foo, bar \\foo = 0x1000 \\bar = 0x2000 \\ , }); const b_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "b", .c_source_bytes = "int main() { return 0; }", }); { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); exe.addObject(a_o); exe.addObject(b_o); exe.entry = .{ .symbol_name = "foo" }; const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("header"); check.checkExact("entry 1000"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } { // TODO looks like not assigning a unique name to this executable will // cause an artifact collision taking the cached executable from the above // step instead of generating a new one. const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "other" }); exe.addObject(a_o); exe.addObject(b_o); exe.entry = .{ .symbol_name = "bar" }; const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("header"); check.checkExact("entry 2000"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } return test_step; } fn testExportDynamic(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "export-dynamic", opts); const obj = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj", .asm_source_bytes = \\.text \\ .globl foo \\ .hidden foo \\foo: \\ nop \\ .globl bar \\bar: \\ nop \\ .globl _start \\_start: \\ nop \\ , }); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); addCSourceBytes(dso, "int baz = 10;", &.{}); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\extern int baz; \\int callBaz() { \\ return baz; \\} , &.{}); exe.addObject(obj); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.rdynamic = true; const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInDynamicSymtab(); check.checkContains("bar"); check.checkInDynamicSymtab(); check.checkContains("_start"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); return test_step; } fn testExportSymbolsFromExe(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "export-symbols-from-exe", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); addCSourceBytes(dso, \\void expfn1(); \\void expfn2() {} \\ \\void foo() { \\ expfn1(); \\} , &.{}); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\void expfn1() {} \\void expfn2() {} \\void foo(); \\ \\int main() { \\ expfn1(); \\ expfn2(); \\ foo(); \\} , &.{}); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.linkLibC(); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInDynamicSymtab(); check.checkContains("expfn2"); check.checkInDynamicSymtab(); check.checkContains("expfn1"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); return test_step; } fn testFuncAddress(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "func-address", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); addCSourceBytes(dso, "void fn() {}", &.{}); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\typedef void Func(); \\void fn(); \\Func *const ptr = fn; \\int main() { \\ assert(fn == ptr); \\} , &.{}); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.root_module.pic = false; exe.pie = false; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectExitCode(0); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testGcSections(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "gc-sections", opts); const obj = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj", .cpp_source_bytes = \\#include \\int two() { return 2; } \\int live_var1 = 1; \\int live_var2 = two(); \\int dead_var1 = 3; \\int dead_var2 = 4; \\void live_fn1() {} \\void live_fn2() { live_fn1(); } \\void dead_fn1() {} \\void dead_fn2() { dead_fn1(); } \\int main() { \\ printf("%d %d\n", live_var1, live_var2); \\ live_fn2(); \\} , }); obj.link_function_sections = true; obj.link_data_sections = true; obj.linkLibC(); obj.linkLibCpp(); { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test" }); exe.addObject(obj); exe.link_gc_sections = false; exe.linkLibC(); exe.linkLibCpp(); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("1 2\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("live_var1"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("live_var2"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("dead_var1"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("dead_var2"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("live_fn1"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("live_fn2"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("dead_fn1"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("dead_fn2"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test" }); exe.addObject(obj); exe.link_gc_sections = true; exe.linkLibC(); exe.linkLibCpp(); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("1 2\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("live_var1"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("live_var2"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkNotPresent("dead_var1"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkNotPresent("dead_var2"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("live_fn1"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("live_fn2"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkNotPresent("dead_fn1"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkNotPresent("dead_fn2"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } return test_step; } fn testGcSectionsZig(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "gc-sections-zig", opts); const obj = addObject(b, .{ .target = opts.target, .use_llvm = true, }, .{ .name = "obj", .c_source_bytes = \\int live_var1 = 1; \\int live_var2 = 2; \\int dead_var1 = 3; \\int dead_var2 = 4; \\void live_fn1() {} \\void live_fn2() { live_fn1(); } \\void dead_fn1() {} \\void dead_fn2() { dead_fn1(); } , }); obj.link_function_sections = true; obj.link_data_sections = true; { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test1", .zig_source_bytes = \\const std = @import("std"); \\extern var live_var1: i32; \\extern var live_var2: i32; \\extern fn live_fn2() void; \\pub fn main() void { \\ const stdout = std.io.getStdOut(); \\ stdout.writer().print("{d} {d}\n", .{ live_var1, live_var2 }) catch unreachable; \\ live_fn2(); \\} , }); exe.addObject(obj); exe.link_gc_sections = false; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("1 2\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("live_var1"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("live_var2"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("dead_var1"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("dead_var2"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("live_fn1"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("live_fn2"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("dead_fn1"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("dead_fn2"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test2", .zig_source_bytes = \\const std = @import("std"); \\extern var live_var1: i32; \\extern var live_var2: i32; \\extern fn live_fn2() void; \\pub fn main() void { \\ const stdout = std.io.getStdOut(); \\ stdout.writer().print("{d} {d}\n", .{ live_var1, live_var2 }) catch unreachable; \\ live_fn2(); \\} , }); exe.addObject(obj); exe.link_gc_sections = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("1 2\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("live_var1"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("live_var2"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkNotPresent("dead_var1"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkNotPresent("dead_var2"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("live_fn1"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("live_fn2"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkNotPresent("dead_fn1"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkNotPresent("dead_fn2"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } return test_step; } fn testHiddenWeakUndef(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "hidden-weak-undef", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); addCSourceBytes(dso, \\__attribute__((weak, visibility("hidden"))) void foo(); \\void bar() { foo(); } , &.{}); const check = dso.checkObject(); check.checkInDynamicSymtab(); check.checkNotPresent("foo"); check.checkInDynamicSymtab(); check.checkContains("bar"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); return test_step; } fn testIFuncAlias(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "ifunc-alias", opts); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\void foo() {} \\int bar() __attribute__((ifunc("resolve_bar"))); \\void *resolve_bar() { return foo; } \\void *bar2 = bar; \\int main() { \\ assert(bar == bar2); \\} , &.{}); exe.root_module.pic = true; exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectExitCode(0); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testIFuncDlopen(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "ifunc-dlopen", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); addCSourceBytes(dso, \\__attribute__((ifunc("resolve_foo"))) \\void foo(void); \\static void real_foo(void) { \\} \\typedef void Func(); \\static Func *resolve_foo(void) { \\ return real_foo; \\} , &.{}); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\#include \\#include \\typedef void Func(); \\void foo(void); \\int main() { \\ void *handle = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_NOW); \\ Func *p = dlsym(handle, "foo"); \\ \\ foo(); \\ p(); \\ assert(foo == p); \\} , &.{}); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.linkLibC(); exe.linkSystemLibrary2("dl", .{}); exe.root_module.pic = false; exe.pie = false; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectExitCode(0); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testIFuncDso(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "ifunc-dso", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\__attribute__((ifunc("resolve_foobar"))) \\void foobar(void); \\static void real_foobar(void) { \\ printf("Hello world\n"); \\} \\typedef void Func(); \\static Func *resolve_foobar(void) { \\ return real_foobar; \\} , }); dso.linkLibC(); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main", .c_source_bytes = \\void foobar(void); \\int main() { \\ foobar(); \\} , }); exe.linkLibrary(dso); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("Hello world\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testIFuncDynamic(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "ifunc-dynamic", opts); const main_c = \\#include \\__attribute__((ifunc("resolve_foobar"))) \\static void foobar(void); \\static void real_foobar(void) { \\ printf("Hello world\n"); \\} \\typedef void Func(); \\static Func *resolve_foobar(void) { \\ return real_foobar; \\} \\int main() { \\ foobar(); \\} ; { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, main_c, &.{}); exe.linkLibC(); exe.link_z_lazy = true; // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("Hello world\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "other" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, main_c, &.{}); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("Hello world\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } return test_step; } fn testIFuncExport(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "ifunc-export", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); addCSourceBytes(dso, \\#include \\__attribute__((ifunc("resolve_foobar"))) \\void foobar(void); \\void real_foobar(void) { \\ printf("Hello world\n"); \\} \\typedef void Func(); \\Func *resolve_foobar(void) { \\ return real_foobar; \\} , &.{}); dso.linkLibC(); const check = dso.checkObject(); check.checkInDynamicSymtab(); check.checkContains("IFUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT foobar"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); return test_step; } fn testIFuncFuncPtr(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "ifunc-func-ptr", opts); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\typedef int Fn(); \\int foo() __attribute__((ifunc("resolve_foo"))); \\int real_foo() { return 3; } \\Fn *resolve_foo(void) { \\ return real_foo; \\} , &.{}); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\typedef int Fn(); \\int foo(); \\Fn *get_foo() { return foo; } , &.{}); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\typedef int Fn(); \\Fn *get_foo(); \\int main() { \\ Fn *f = get_foo(); \\ printf("%d\n", f()); \\} , &.{}); exe.root_module.pic = true; exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("3\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testIFuncNoPlt(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "ifunc-noplt", opts); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\__attribute__((ifunc("resolve_foo"))) \\void foo(void); \\void hello(void) { \\ printf("Hello world\n"); \\} \\typedef void Fn(); \\Fn *resolve_foo(void) { \\ return hello; \\} \\int main() { \\ foo(); \\} , &.{"-fno-plt"}); exe.root_module.pic = true; exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("Hello world\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testIFuncStatic(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "ifunc-static", opts); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\void foo() __attribute__((ifunc("resolve_foo"))); \\void hello() { \\ printf("Hello world\n"); \\} \\void *resolve_foo() { \\ return hello; \\} \\int main() { \\ foo(); \\ return 0; \\} , &.{}); exe.linkLibC(); exe.linkage = .static; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("Hello world\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testIFuncStaticPie(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "ifunc-static-pie", opts); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\void foo() __attribute__((ifunc("resolve_foo"))); \\void hello() { \\ printf("Hello world\n"); \\} \\void *resolve_foo() { \\ return hello; \\} \\int main() { \\ foo(); \\ return 0; \\} , &.{}); exe.linkage = .static; exe.root_module.pic = true; exe.pie = true; exe.linkLibC(); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("Hello world\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("header"); check.checkExact("type DYN"); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("section headers"); check.checkExact("name .dynamic"); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("section headers"); check.checkNotPresent("name .interp"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); return test_step; } fn testImageBase(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "image-base", opts); { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main1" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\int main() { \\ printf("Hello World!\n"); \\ return 0; \\} , &.{}); exe.linkLibC(); exe.image_base = 0x8000000; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("Hello World!\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("header"); check.checkExtract("entry {addr}"); check.checkComputeCompare("addr", .{ .op = .gte, .value = .{ .literal = 0x8000000 } }); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main2" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, "void _start() {}", &.{}); exe.image_base = 0xffffffff8000000; const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("header"); check.checkExtract("entry {addr}"); check.checkComputeCompare("addr", .{ .op = .gte, .value = .{ .literal = 0xffffffff8000000 } }); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } return test_step; } fn testImportingDataDynamic(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "importing-data-dynamic", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, .{ .target = opts.target, .optimize = opts.optimize, .use_llvm = true, }, .{ .name = "a", .c_source_bytes = "int foo = 42;", }); const main = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main", .zig_source_bytes = \\extern var foo: i32; \\pub fn main() void { \\ @import("std").debug.print("{d}\n", .{foo}); \\} , .strip = true, // TODO temp hack }); main.pie = true; main.linkLibrary(dso); main.linkLibC(); const run = addRunArtifact(main); run.expectStdErrEqual("42\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testImportingDataStatic(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "importing-data-static", opts); const obj = addObject(b, .{ .target = opts.target, .optimize = opts.optimize, .use_llvm = true, }, .{ .name = "a", .c_source_bytes = "int foo = 42;", }); const lib = addStaticLibrary(b, .{ .target = opts.target, .optimize = opts.optimize, .use_llvm = true, }, .{ .name = "a", }); lib.addObject(obj); const main = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main", .zig_source_bytes = \\extern var foo: i32; \\pub fn main() void { \\ @import("std").debug.print("{d}\n", .{foo}); \\} , .strip = true, // TODO temp hack }); main.linkLibrary(lib); main.linkLibC(); const run = addRunArtifact(main); run.expectStdErrEqual("42\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testInitArrayOrder(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "init-array-order", opts); const a_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "a", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\__attribute__((constructor(10000))) void init4() { printf("1"); } , }); a_o.linkLibC(); const b_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "b", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\__attribute__((constructor(1000))) void init3() { printf("2"); } , }); b_o.linkLibC(); const c_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "c", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\__attribute__((constructor)) void init1() { printf("3"); } , }); c_o.linkLibC(); const d_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "d", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\__attribute__((constructor)) void init2() { printf("4"); } , }); d_o.linkLibC(); const e_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "e", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\__attribute__((destructor(10000))) void fini4() { printf("5"); } , }); e_o.linkLibC(); const f_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "f", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\__attribute__((destructor(1000))) void fini3() { printf("6"); } , }); f_o.linkLibC(); const g_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "g", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\__attribute__((destructor)) void fini1() { printf("7"); } , }); g_o.linkLibC(); const h_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "h", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\__attribute__((destructor)) void fini2() { printf("8"); } }); h_o.linkLibC(); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, "int main() { return 0; }", &.{}); exe.addObject(a_o); exe.addObject(b_o); exe.addObject(c_o); exe.addObject(d_o); exe.addObject(e_o); exe.addObject(f_o); exe.addObject(g_o); exe.addObject(h_o); if (opts.target.result.isGnuLibC()) { // TODO I think we need to clarify our use of `-fPIC -fPIE` flags for different targets exe.pie = true; } const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("21348756"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testLargeAlignmentDso(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "large-alignment-dso", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "dso" }); addCSourceBytes(dso, \\#include \\#include \\void hello() __attribute__((aligned(32768), section(".hello"))); \\void world() __attribute__((aligned(32768), section(".world"))); \\void hello() { \\ printf("Hello"); \\} \\void world() { \\ printf(" world"); \\} \\void greet() { \\ hello(); \\ world(); \\} , &.{}); dso.link_function_sections = true; dso.linkLibC(); const check = dso.checkObject(); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkExtract("{addr1} {size1} {shndx1} FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT hello"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkExtract("{addr2} {size2} {shndx2} FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT world"); check.checkComputeCompare("addr1 16 %", .{ .op = .eq, .value = .{ .literal = 0 } }); check.checkComputeCompare("addr2 16 %", .{ .op = .eq, .value = .{ .literal = 0 } }); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\void greet(); \\int main() { greet(); } , &.{}); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("Hello world"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testLargeAlignmentExe(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "large-alignment-exe", opts); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\#include \\ \\void hello() __attribute__((aligned(32768), section(".hello"))); \\void world() __attribute__((aligned(32768), section(".world"))); \\ \\void hello() { \\ printf("Hello"); \\} \\ \\void world() { \\ printf(" world"); \\} \\ \\int main() { \\ hello(); \\ world(); \\} , &.{}); exe.link_function_sections = true; exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkExtract("{addr1} {size1} {shndx1} FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT hello"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkExtract("{addr2} {size2} {shndx2} FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT world"); check.checkComputeCompare("addr1 16 %", .{ .op = .eq, .value = .{ .literal = 0 } }); check.checkComputeCompare("addr2 16 %", .{ .op = .eq, .value = .{ .literal = 0 } }); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("Hello world"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testLargeBss(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "large-bss", opts); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\char arr[0x100000000]; \\int main() { \\ return arr[2000]; \\} , &.{}); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectExitCode(0); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testLinkOrder(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "link-order", opts); const obj = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj", .c_source_bytes = "void foo() {}", .pic = true, }); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); dso.addObject(obj); const lib = addStaticLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "b" }); lib.addObject(obj); const main_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "main", .c_source_bytes = \\void foo(); \\int main() { \\ foo(); \\} , }); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17450 // { // const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main1"}); // exe.addObject(main_o); // exe.linkSystemLibrary2("a", .{}); // exe.addLibraryPath(dso.getEmittedBinDirectory()); // exe.addRPath(dso.getEmittedBinDirectory()); // exe.linkSystemLibrary2("b", .{}); // exe.addLibraryPath(lib.getEmittedBinDirectory()); // exe.addRPath(lib.getEmittedBinDirectory()); // exe.linkLibC(); // const check = exe.checkObject(); // check.checkInDynamicSection(); // check.checkContains("libb.so"); // test_step.dependOn(&check.step); // } { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main2" }); exe.addObject(main_o); exe.linkSystemLibrary2("b", .{}); exe.addLibraryPath(lib.getEmittedBinDirectory()); exe.addRPath(lib.getEmittedBinDirectory()); exe.linkSystemLibrary2("a", .{}); exe.addLibraryPath(dso.getEmittedBinDirectory()); exe.addRPath(dso.getEmittedBinDirectory()); exe.linkLibC(); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInDynamicSection(); check.checkNotPresent("libb.so"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } return test_step; } fn testLdScript(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "ld-script", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "bar" }); addCSourceBytes(dso, "int foo() { return 42; }", &.{}); const scripts = WriteFile.create(b); _ = scripts.add("liba.so", "INPUT(libfoo.so)"); _ = scripts.add("libfoo.so", "GROUP(AS_NEEDED(-lbar))"); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\int foo(); \\int main() { \\ return foo() - 42; \\} , &.{}); exe.linkSystemLibrary2("a", .{}); exe.addLibraryPath(scripts.getDirectory()); exe.addLibraryPath(dso.getEmittedBinDirectory()); exe.addRPath(dso.getEmittedBinDirectory()); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectExitCode(0); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testLdScriptPathError(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "ld-script-path-error", opts); const scripts = WriteFile.create(b); _ = scripts.add("liba.so", "INPUT(libfoo.so)"); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, "int main() { return 0; }", &.{}); exe.linkSystemLibrary2("a", .{}); exe.addLibraryPath(scripts.getDirectory()); exe.linkLibC(); expectLinkErrors( exe, test_step, .{ .contains = "error: missing library dependency: GNU ld script '/?/liba.so' requires 'libfoo.so', but file not found", }, ); return test_step; } fn testLdScriptAllowUndefinedVersion(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "ld-script-allow-undefined-version", opts); const so = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "add", .zig_source_bytes = \\export fn add(a: i32, b: i32) i32 { \\ return a + b; \\} , }); const ld = b.addWriteFiles().add("add.ld", "VERSION { ADD_1.0 { global: add; sub; local: *; }; }"); so.setLinkerScript(ld); so.linker_allow_undefined_version = true; const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main", .zig_source_bytes = \\const std = @import("std"); \\extern fn add(a: i32, b: i32) i32; \\pub fn main() void { \\ std.debug.print("{d}\n", .{add(1, 2)}); \\} , }); exe.linkLibrary(so); exe.linkLibC(); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdErrEqual("3\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testLdScriptDisallowUndefinedVersion(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "ld-script-disallow-undefined-version", opts); const so = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "add", .zig_source_bytes = \\export fn add(a: i32, b: i32) i32 { \\ return a + b; \\} , }); const ld = b.addWriteFiles().add("add.ld", "VERSION { ADD_1.0 { global: add; sub; local: *; }; }"); so.setLinkerScript(ld); so.linker_allow_undefined_version = false; expectLinkErrors( so, test_step, .{ .contains = "error: ld.lld: version script assignment of 'ADD_1.0' to symbol 'sub' failed: symbol not defined", }, ); return test_step; } fn testMismatchedCpuArchitectureError(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "mismatched-cpu-architecture-error", opts); const obj = addObject(b, .{ .target = b.resolveTargetQuery(.{ .cpu_arch = .aarch64, .os_tag = .linux, .abi = .gnu }), }, .{ .name = "a", .c_source_bytes = "int foo;", .strip = true, }); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\extern int foo; \\int main() { \\ return foo; \\} , &.{}); exe.addObject(obj); exe.linkLibC(); expectLinkErrors(exe, test_step, .{ .exact = &.{ "invalid cpu architecture: aarch64", "note: while parsing /?/a.o", } }); return test_step; } fn testLinkingC(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "linking-c", opts); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\int main() { \\ printf("Hello World!\n"); \\ return 0; \\} , &.{}); exe.linkLibC(); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("Hello World!\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("header"); check.checkExact("type EXEC"); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("section headers"); check.checkNotPresent("name .dynamic"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); return test_step; } fn testLinkingCpp(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "linking-cpp", opts); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test" }); addCppSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\int main() { \\ std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl; \\ return 0; \\} , &.{}); exe.linkLibC(); exe.linkLibCpp(); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("Hello World!\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("header"); check.checkExact("type EXEC"); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("section headers"); check.checkNotPresent("name .dynamic"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); return test_step; } fn testLinkingObj(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "linking-obj", opts); const obj = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "aobj", .zig_source_bytes = \\extern var mod: usize; \\export fn callMe() usize { \\ return me * mod; \\} \\var me: usize = 42; , }); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "testobj", .zig_source_bytes = \\const std = @import("std"); \\extern fn callMe() usize; \\export var mod: usize = 2; \\pub fn main() void { \\ std.debug.print("{d}\n", .{callMe()}); \\} , }); exe.addObject(obj); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdErrEqual("84\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testLinkingStaticLib(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "linking-static-lib", opts); const obj = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "bobj", .zig_source_bytes = "export var bar: i32 = -42;", }); const lib = addStaticLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "alib", .zig_source_bytes = \\export fn foo() i32 { \\ return 42; \\} , }); lib.addObject(obj); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "testlib", .zig_source_bytes = \\const std = @import("std"); \\extern fn foo() i32; \\extern var bar: i32; \\pub fn main() void { \\ std.debug.print("{d}\n", .{foo() + bar}); \\} , }); exe.linkLibrary(lib); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdErrEqual("0\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testLinkingZig(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "linking-zig-static", opts); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test", .zig_source_bytes = \\pub fn main() void { \\ @import("std").debug.print("Hello World!\n", .{}); \\} , }); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdErrEqual("Hello World!\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("header"); check.checkExact("type EXEC"); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("section headers"); check.checkNotPresent("name .dynamic"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); return test_step; } fn testNoEhFrameHdr(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "no-eh-frame-hdr", opts); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, "int main() { return 0; }", &.{}); exe.link_eh_frame_hdr = false; exe.linkLibC(); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("section headers"); check.checkNotPresent("name .eh_frame_hdr"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); return test_step; } fn testPie(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "hello-pie", opts); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\int main() { \\ printf("Hello!\n"); \\ return 0; \\} , &.{}); exe.linkLibC(); exe.root_module.pic = true; exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("Hello!\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("header"); check.checkExact("type DYN"); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("section headers"); check.checkExact("name .dynamic"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); return test_step; } fn testPltGot(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "plt-got", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); addCSourceBytes(dso, \\#include \\void ignore(void *foo) {} \\void hello() { \\ printf("Hello world\n"); \\} , &.{}); dso.linkLibC(); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\void ignore(void *); \\int hello(); \\void foo() { ignore(hello); } \\int main() { hello(); } , &.{}); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.root_module.pic = true; exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("Hello world\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testPreinitArray(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "preinit-array", opts); { const obj = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj", .c_source_bytes = "void _start() {}", }); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main1" }); exe.addObject(obj); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInDynamicSection(); check.checkNotPresent("PREINIT_ARRAY"); } { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main2" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\void preinit_fn() {} \\int main() {} \\__attribute__((section(".preinit_array"))) \\void *preinit[] = { preinit_fn }; , &.{}); exe.linkLibC(); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInDynamicSection(); check.checkContains("PREINIT_ARRAY"); } return test_step; } fn testRelocatableArchive(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "relocatable-archive", opts); const obj1 = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj1", .c_source_bytes = \\void bar(); \\void foo() { \\ bar(); \\} , }); const obj2 = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj2", .c_source_bytes = \\void bar() {} , }); const obj3 = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj3", .c_source_bytes = \\void baz(); , }); const obj4 = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj4", .c_source_bytes = \\void foo(); \\int main() { \\ foo(); \\} , }); const lib = addStaticLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "lib" }); lib.addObject(obj1); lib.addObject(obj2); lib.addObject(obj3); const obj5 = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj5", }); obj5.addObject(obj4); obj5.linkLibrary(lib); const check = obj5.checkObject(); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("foo"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkContains("bar"); check.checkInSymtab(); check.checkNotPresent("baz"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); return test_step; } fn testRelocatableEhFrame(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "relocatable-eh-frame", opts); { const obj = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj1", .cpp_source_bytes = \\#include \\int try_me() { \\ throw std::runtime_error("Oh no!"); \\} , }); addCppSourceBytes(obj, \\extern int try_me(); \\int try_again() { \\ return try_me(); \\} , &.{}); obj.linkLibCpp(); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test1" }); addCppSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\#include \\extern int try_again(); \\int main() { \\ try { \\ try_again(); \\ } catch (const std::exception &e) { \\ std::cout << "exception=" << e.what(); \\ } \\ return 0; \\} , &.{}); exe.addObject(obj); exe.linkLibCpp(); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("exception=Oh no!"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } { // Let's make the object file COMDAT group heavy! const obj = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj2", .cpp_source_bytes = \\#include \\int try_me() { \\ throw std::runtime_error("Oh no!"); \\} , }); addCppSourceBytes(obj, \\extern int try_me(); \\int try_again() { \\ return try_me(); \\} , &.{}); addCppSourceBytes(obj, \\#include \\#include \\extern int try_again(); \\int main() { \\ try { \\ try_again(); \\ } catch (const std::exception &e) { \\ std::cout << "exception=" << e.what(); \\ } \\ return 0; \\} , &.{}); obj.linkLibCpp(); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test2" }); exe.addObject(obj); exe.linkLibCpp(); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("exception=Oh no!"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } return test_step; } fn testRelocatableNoEhFrame(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "relocatable-no-eh-frame", opts); const obj1 = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj1", .c_source_bytes = "int bar() { return 42; }", .c_source_flags = &.{ "-fno-unwind-tables", "-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables", }, }); const obj2 = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj2", }); obj2.addObject(obj1); const check1 = obj1.checkObject(); check1.checkInHeaders(); check1.checkExact("section headers"); check1.checkNotPresent(".eh_frame"); test_step.dependOn(&check1.step); const check2 = obj2.checkObject(); check2.checkInHeaders(); check2.checkExact("section headers"); check2.checkNotPresent(".eh_frame"); test_step.dependOn(&check2.step); return test_step; } fn testSharedAbsSymbol(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "shared-abs-symbol", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); addAsmSourceBytes(dso, \\.globl foo \\foo = 3; ); const obj = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\extern char foo; \\int main() { printf("foo=%p\n", &foo); } , .pic = true, }); obj.linkLibC(); { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main1" }); exe.addObject(obj); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("foo=0x3\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("header"); check.checkExact("type DYN"); // TODO fix/improve in CheckObject // check.checkInSymtab(); // check.checkNotPresent("foo"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17430 // { // const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main2"}); // exe.addObject(obj); // exe.linkLibrary(dso); // exe.pie = false; // const run = addRunArtifact(exe); // run.expectStdOutEqual("foo=0x3\n"); // test_step.dependOn(&run.step); // const check = exe.checkObject(); // check.checkInHeaders(); // check.checkExact("header"); // check.checkExact("type EXEC"); // // TODO fix/improve in CheckObject // // check.checkInSymtab(); // // check.checkNotPresent("foo"); // test_step.dependOn(&check.step); // } return test_step; } fn testStrip(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "strip", opts); const obj = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\int main() { \\ printf("Hello!\n"); \\ return 0; \\} , }); obj.linkLibC(); { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main1" }); exe.addObject(obj); exe.root_module.strip = false; exe.linkLibC(); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("section headers"); check.checkExact("name .debug_info"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main2" }); exe.addObject(obj); exe.root_module.strip = true; exe.linkLibC(); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("section headers"); check.checkNotPresent("name .debug_info"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } return test_step; } fn testTlsDfStaticTls(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "tls-df-static-tls", opts); const obj = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj", .c_source_bytes = \\static _Thread_local int foo = 5; \\void mutate() { ++foo; } \\int bar() { return foo; } , .c_source_flags = &.{"-ftls-model=initial-exec"}, .pic = true, }); { const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); dso.addObject(obj); // dso.link_relax = true; const check = dso.checkObject(); check.checkInDynamicSection(); check.checkContains("STATIC_TLS"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } // TODO add -Wl,--no-relax // { // const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a"}); // dso.addObject(obj); // dso.link_relax = false; // const check = dso.checkObject(); // check.checkInDynamicSection(); // check.checkContains("STATIC_TLS"); // test_step.dependOn(&check.step); // } return test_step; } fn testTlsDso(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "tls-dso", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); addCSourceBytes(dso, \\extern _Thread_local int foo; \\_Thread_local int bar; \\int get_foo1() { return foo; } \\int get_bar1() { return bar; } , &.{}); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\_Thread_local int foo; \\extern _Thread_local int bar; \\int get_foo1(); \\int get_bar1(); \\int get_foo2() { return foo; } \\int get_bar2() { return bar; } \\int main() { \\ foo = 5; \\ bar = 3; \\ printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d\n", \\ foo, bar, \\ get_foo1(), get_bar1(), \\ get_foo2(), get_bar2()); \\ return 0; \\} , &.{}); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("5 3 5 3 5 3\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testTlsGd(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "tls-gd", opts); const main_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "main", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) static _Thread_local int x1 = 1; \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) static _Thread_local int x2; \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) extern _Thread_local int x3; \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) extern _Thread_local int x4; \\int get_x5(); \\int get_x6(); \\int main() { \\ x2 = 2; \\ printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d\n", x1, x2, x3, x4, get_x5(), get_x6()); \\ return 0; \\} , .pic = true, }); main_o.linkLibC(); const a_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "a", .c_source_bytes = \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) _Thread_local int x3 = 3; \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) static _Thread_local int x5 = 5; \\int get_x5() { return x5; } , .pic = true, }); const b_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "b", .c_source_bytes = \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) _Thread_local int x4 = 4; \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) static _Thread_local int x6 = 6; \\int get_x6() { return x6; } , .pic = true, }); const exp_stdout = "1 2 3 4 5 6\n"; const dso1 = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); dso1.addObject(a_o); const dso2 = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "b" }); dso2.addObject(b_o); // dso2.link_relax = false; // TODO { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main1" }); exe.addObject(main_o); exe.linkLibrary(dso1); exe.linkLibrary(dso2); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual(exp_stdout); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main2" }); exe.addObject(main_o); // exe.link_relax = false; // TODO exe.linkLibrary(dso1); exe.linkLibrary(dso2); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual(exp_stdout); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17430 ?? // { // const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main3"}); // exe.addObject(main_o); // exe.linkLibrary(dso1); // exe.linkLibrary(dso2); // exe.linkage = .static; // const run = addRunArtifact(exe); // run.expectStdOutEqual(exp_stdout); // test_step.dependOn(&run.step); // } // { // const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main4"}); // exe.addObject(main_o); // // exe.link_relax = false; // TODO // exe.linkLibrary(dso1); // exe.linkLibrary(dso2); // exe.linkage = .static; // const run = addRunArtifact(exe); // run.expectStdOutEqual(exp_stdout); // test_step.dependOn(&run.step); // } return test_step; } fn testTlsGdNoPlt(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "tls-gd-no-plt", opts); const obj = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) static _Thread_local int x1 = 1; \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) static _Thread_local int x2; \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) extern _Thread_local int x3; \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) extern _Thread_local int x4; \\int get_x5(); \\int get_x6(); \\int main() { \\ x2 = 2; \\ \\ printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d\n", x1, x2, x3, x4, get_x5(), get_x6()); \\ return 0; \\} , .c_source_flags = &.{"-fno-plt"}, .pic = true, }); obj.linkLibC(); const a_so = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); addCSourceBytes(a_so, \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) _Thread_local int x3 = 3; \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) static _Thread_local int x5 = 5; \\int get_x5() { return x5; } , &.{"-fno-plt"}); const b_so = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "b" }); addCSourceBytes(b_so, \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) _Thread_local int x4 = 4; \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) static _Thread_local int x6 = 6; \\int get_x6() { return x6; } , &.{"-fno-plt"}); // b_so.link_relax = false; // TODO { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main1" }); exe.addObject(obj); exe.linkLibrary(a_so); exe.linkLibrary(b_so); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("1 2 3 4 5 6\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main2" }); exe.addObject(obj); exe.linkLibrary(a_so); exe.linkLibrary(b_so); exe.linkLibC(); // exe.link_relax = false; // TODO // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("1 2 3 4 5 6\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } return test_step; } fn testTlsGdToIe(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "tls-gd-to-ie", opts); const a_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "a", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) static _Thread_local int x1 = 1; \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) _Thread_local int x2 = 2; \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) _Thread_local int x3; \\int foo() { \\ x3 = 3; \\ \\ printf("%d %d %d\n", x1, x2, x3); \\ return 0; \\} , .pic = true, }); a_o.linkLibC(); const b_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "b", .c_source_bytes = \\int foo(); \\int main() { foo(); } , .pic = true, }); { const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a1" }); dso.addObject(a_o); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main1" }); exe.addObject(b_o); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("1 2 3\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } { const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a2" }); dso.addObject(a_o); // dso.link_relax = false; // TODO const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main2" }); exe.addObject(b_o); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("1 2 3\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } // { // const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a"}); // dso.addObject(a_o); // dso.link_z_nodlopen = true; // const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main"}); // exe.addObject(b_o); // exe.linkLibrary(dso); // const run = addRunArtifact(exe); // run.expectStdOutEqual("1 2 3\n"); // test_step.dependOn(&run.step); // } // { // const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a"}); // dso.addObject(a_o); // dso.link_relax = false; // dso.link_z_nodlopen = true; // const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main"}); // exe.addObject(b_o); // exe.linkLibrary(dso); // const run = addRunArtifact(exe); // run.expectStdOutEqual("1 2 3\n"); // test_step.dependOn(&run.step); // } return test_step; } fn testTlsIe(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "tls-ie", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); addCSourceBytes(dso, \\#include \\__attribute__((tls_model("initial-exec"))) static _Thread_local int foo; \\__attribute__((tls_model("initial-exec"))) static _Thread_local int bar; \\void set() { \\ foo = 3; \\ bar = 5; \\} \\void print() { \\ printf("%d %d ", foo, bar); \\} , &.{}); dso.linkLibC(); const main_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "main", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\_Thread_local int baz; \\void set(); \\void print(); \\int main() { \\ baz = 7; \\ print(); \\ set(); \\ print(); \\ printf("%d\n", baz); \\} , }); main_o.linkLibC(); const exp_stdout = "0 0 3 5 7\n"; { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main1" }); exe.addObject(main_o); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual(exp_stdout); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main2" }); exe.addObject(main_o); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.linkLibC(); // exe.link_relax = false; // TODO // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual(exp_stdout); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } return test_step; } fn testTlsLargeAlignment(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "tls-large-alignment", opts); const a_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "a", .c_source_bytes = \\__attribute__((section(".tdata1"))) \\_Thread_local int x = 42; , .c_source_flags = &.{"-std=c11"}, .pic = true, }); const b_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "b", .c_source_bytes = \\__attribute__((section(".tdata2"))) \\_Alignas(256) _Thread_local int y[] = { 1, 2, 3 }; , .c_source_flags = &.{"-std=c11"}, .pic = true, }); const c_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "c", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\extern _Thread_local int x; \\extern _Thread_local int y[]; \\int main() { \\ printf("%d %d %d %d\n", x, y[0], y[1], y[2]); \\} , .pic = true, }); c_o.linkLibC(); { const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); dso.addObject(a_o); dso.addObject(b_o); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); exe.addObject(c_o); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("42 1 2 3\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); exe.addObject(a_o); exe.addObject(b_o); exe.addObject(c_o); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("42 1 2 3\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } return test_step; } fn testTlsLargeTbss(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "tls-large-tbss", opts); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addAsmSourceBytes(exe, \\.globl x, y \\.section .tbss,"awT",@nobits \\x: \\.zero 1024 \\.section .tcommon,"awT",@nobits \\y: \\.zero 1024 ); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\extern _Thread_local char x[1024000]; \\extern _Thread_local char y[1024000]; \\int main() { \\ x[0] = 3; \\ x[1023] = 5; \\ printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d\n", x[0], x[1], x[1023], y[0], y[1], y[1023]); \\} , &.{}); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("3 0 5 0 0 0\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testTlsLargeStaticImage(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "tls-large-static-image", opts); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, "_Thread_local int x[] = { 1, 2, 3, [10000] = 5 };", &.{}); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\extern _Thread_local int x[]; \\int main() { \\ printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n", x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[10000]); \\} , &.{}); exe.root_module.pic = true; exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("1 2 3 0 5\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testTlsLd(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "tls-ld", opts); const main_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "main", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\extern _Thread_local int foo; \\static _Thread_local int bar; \\int *get_foo_addr() { return &foo; } \\int *get_bar_addr() { return &bar; } \\int main() { \\ bar = 5; \\ printf("%d %d %d %d\n", *get_foo_addr(), *get_bar_addr(), foo, bar); \\ return 0; \\} , .c_source_flags = &.{"-ftls-model=local-dynamic"}, .pic = true, }); main_o.linkLibC(); const a_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "a", .c_source_bytes = "_Thread_local int foo = 3;", .c_source_flags = &.{"-ftls-model=local-dynamic"}, .pic = true, }); const exp_stdout = "3 5 3 5\n"; { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main1" }); exe.addObject(main_o); exe.addObject(a_o); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual(exp_stdout); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main2" }); exe.addObject(main_o); exe.addObject(a_o); exe.linkLibC(); // exe.link_relax = false; // TODO // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual(exp_stdout); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } return test_step; } fn testTlsLdDso(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "tls-ld-dso", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); addCSourceBytes(dso, \\static _Thread_local int def, def1; \\int f0() { return ++def; } \\int f1() { return ++def1 + def; } , &.{"-ftls-model=local-dynamic"}); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\extern int f0(); \\extern int f1(); \\int main() { \\ int x = f0(); \\ int y = f1(); \\ printf("%d %d\n", x, y); \\ return 0; \\} , &.{}); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("1 2\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testTlsLdNoPlt(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "tls-ld-no-plt", opts); const a_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "a", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\extern _Thread_local int foo; \\static _Thread_local int bar; \\int *get_foo_addr() { return &foo; } \\int *get_bar_addr() { return &bar; } \\int main() { \\ bar = 5; \\ \\ printf("%d %d %d %d\n", *get_foo_addr(), *get_bar_addr(), foo, bar); \\ return 0; \\} , .c_source_flags = &.{ "-ftls-model=local-dynamic", "-fno-plt" }, .pic = true, }); a_o.linkLibC(); const b_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "b", .c_source_bytes = "_Thread_local int foo = 3;", .c_source_flags = &.{ "-ftls-model=local-dynamic", "-fno-plt" }, .pic = true, }); { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main1" }); exe.addObject(a_o); exe.addObject(b_o); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("3 5 3 5\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main2" }); exe.addObject(a_o); exe.addObject(b_o); exe.linkLibC(); // exe.link_relax = false; // TODO // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("3 5 3 5\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } return test_step; } fn testTlsNoPic(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "tls-no-pic", opts); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) extern _Thread_local int foo; \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) static _Thread_local int bar; \\int *get_foo_addr() { return &foo; } \\int *get_bar_addr() { return &bar; } \\int main() { \\ foo = 3; \\ bar = 5; \\ \\ printf("%d %d %d %d\n", *get_foo_addr(), *get_bar_addr(), foo, bar); \\ return 0; \\} , .{}); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) _Thread_local int foo; , &.{}); exe.root_module.pic = false; exe.linkLibC(); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("3 5 3 5\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testTlsOffsetAlignment(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "tls-offset-alignment", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); addCSourceBytes(dso, \\#include \\#include \\ \\// .tdata \\_Thread_local int x = 42; \\// .tbss \\__attribute__ ((aligned(64))) \\_Thread_local int y = 0; \\ \\void *verify(void *unused) { \\ assert((unsigned long)(&y) % 64 == 0); \\ return NULL; \\} , &.{}); dso.linkLibC(); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\#include \\#include \\void *(*verify)(void *); \\ \\int main() { \\ void *handle = dlopen("liba.so", RTLD_NOW); \\ assert(handle); \\ *(void**)(&verify) = dlsym(handle, "verify"); \\ assert(verify); \\ \\ pthread_t thread; \\ \\ verify(NULL); \\ \\ pthread_create(&thread, NULL, verify, NULL); \\ pthread_join(thread, NULL); \\} , &.{}); exe.addRPath(dso.getEmittedBinDirectory()); exe.linkLibC(); exe.root_module.pic = true; // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectExitCode(0); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testTlsPic(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "tls-pic", opts); const obj = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) extern _Thread_local int foo; \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) static _Thread_local int bar; \\int *get_foo_addr() { return &foo; } \\int *get_bar_addr() { return &bar; } \\int main() { \\ bar = 5; \\ \\ printf("%d %d %d %d\n", *get_foo_addr(), *get_bar_addr(), foo, bar); \\ return 0; \\} , .pic = true, }); obj.linkLibC(); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\__attribute__((tls_model("global-dynamic"))) _Thread_local int foo = 3; , &.{}); exe.addObject(obj); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("3 5 3 5\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testTlsSmallAlignment(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "tls-small-alignment", opts); const a_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "a", .asm_source_bytes = \\.text \\.byte 0 \\ , .pic = true, }); const b_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "b", .c_source_bytes = "_Thread_local char x = 42;", .c_source_flags = &.{"-std=c11"}, .pic = true, }); const c_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "c", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\extern _Thread_local char x; \\int main() { \\ printf("%d\n", x); \\} , .pic = true, }); c_o.linkLibC(); { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); exe.addObject(a_o); exe.addObject(b_o); exe.addObject(c_o); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("42\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } { const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); dso.addObject(a_o); dso.addObject(b_o); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); exe.addObject(c_o); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("42\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } return test_step; } fn testTlsStatic(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "tls-static", opts); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "test" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\_Thread_local int a = 10; \\_Thread_local int b; \\_Thread_local char c = 'a'; \\int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { \\ printf("%d %d %c\n", a, b, c); \\ a += 1; \\ b += 1; \\ c += 1; \\ printf("%d %d %c\n", a, b, c); \\ return 0; \\} , &.{}); exe.linkLibC(); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual( \\10 0 a \\11 1 b \\ ); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); return test_step; } fn testUnknownFileTypeError(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "unknown-file-type-error", opts); const dylib = addSharedLibrary(b, .{ .target = b.resolveTargetQuery(.{ .cpu_arch = .x86_64, .os_tag = .macos }), }, .{ .name = "a", .zig_source_bytes = "export var foo: i32 = 0;", }); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\extern int foo; \\int main() { \\ return foo; \\} , &.{}); exe.linkLibrary(dylib); exe.linkLibC(); // TODO: improve the test harness to be able to selectively match lines in error output // while avoiding jankiness // expectLinkErrors(exe, test_step, .{ .exact = &.{ // "error: invalid token in LD script: '\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x0c\\x00\\x00\\x00/usr/lib/dyld\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x0d' (0:989)", // "note: while parsing /?/liba.dylib", // "error: unexpected error: parsing input file failed with error InvalidLdScript", // "note: while parsing /?/liba.dylib", // } }); expectLinkErrors(exe, test_step, .{ .contains = "error: unexpected error: parsing input file failed with error InvalidLdScript", }); return test_step; } fn testUnresolvedError(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "unresolved-error", opts); const obj1 = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "a", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\int foo(); \\int bar() { \\ return foo() + 1; \\} , .c_source_flags = &.{"-ffunction-sections"}, }); obj1.linkLibC(); const obj2 = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "b", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\int foo(); \\int bar(); \\int main() { \\ return foo() + bar(); \\} , .c_source_flags = &.{"-ffunction-sections"}, }); obj2.linkLibC(); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); exe.addObject(obj1); exe.addObject(obj2); exe.linkLibC(); expectLinkErrors(exe, test_step, .{ .exact = &.{ "error: undefined symbol: foo", "note: referenced by /?/a.o:.text.bar", "note: referenced by /?/b.o:.text.main", } }); return test_step; } fn testWeakExports(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "weak-exports", opts); const obj = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj", .c_source_bytes = \\#include \\__attribute__((weak)) int foo(); \\int main() { \\ printf("%d\n", foo ? foo() : 3); \\} , .pic = true, }); obj.linkLibC(); { const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); dso.addObject(obj); dso.linkLibC(); const check = dso.checkObject(); check.checkInDynamicSymtab(); check.checkContains("UND NOTYPE WEAK DEFAULT foo"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); exe.addObject(obj); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInDynamicSymtab(); check.checkNotPresent("UND NOTYPE WEAK DEFAULT foo"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("3\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } return test_step; } fn testWeakUndefsDso(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "weak-undef-dso", opts); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); addCSourceBytes(dso, \\__attribute__((weak)) int foo(); \\int bar() { return foo ? foo() : -1; } , &.{}); { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\int bar(); \\int main() { printf("bar=%d\n", bar()); } , &.{}); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("bar=-1\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } { const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\int foo() { return 5; } \\int bar(); \\int main() { printf("bar=%d\n", bar()); } , &.{}); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("bar=5\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); } return test_step; } fn testZNow(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "z-now", opts); const obj = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "obj", .c_source_bytes = "int main() { return 0; }", .pic = true, }); { const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); dso.addObject(obj); const check = dso.checkObject(); check.checkInDynamicSection(); check.checkContains("NOW"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } { const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); dso.addObject(obj); dso.link_z_lazy = true; const check = dso.checkObject(); check.checkInDynamicSection(); check.checkNotPresent("NOW"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); } return test_step; } fn testZStackSize(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "z-stack-size", opts); const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, "int main() { return 0; }", &.{}); exe.stack_size = 0x800000; exe.linkLibC(); const check = exe.checkObject(); check.checkInHeaders(); check.checkExact("program headers"); check.checkExact("type GNU_STACK"); check.checkExact("memsz 800000"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); return test_step; } fn testZText(b: *Build, opts: Options) *Step { const test_step = addTestStep(b, "z-text", opts); // Previously, following mold, this test tested text relocs present in a PIE executable. // However, as we want to cover musl AND glibc, it is now modified to test presence of // text relocs in a DSO which is then linked with an executable. // According to Rich and this thread https://www.openwall.com/lists/musl/2020/09/25/4 // musl supports only a very limited number of text relocations and only in DSOs (and // rightly so!). const a_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "a", .asm_source_bytes = \\.globl fn1 \\fn1: \\ sub $8, %rsp \\ movabs ptr, %rax \\ call *%rax \\ add $8, %rsp \\ ret \\ , }); const b_o = addObject(b, opts, .{ .name = "b", .c_source_bytes = \\int fn1(); \\int fn2() { \\ return 3; \\} \\void *ptr = fn2; \\int fnn() { \\ return fn1(); \\} , .pic = true, }); const dso = addSharedLibrary(b, opts, .{ .name = "a" }); dso.addObject(a_o); dso.addObject(b_o); dso.link_z_notext = true; const exe = addExecutable(b, opts, .{ .name = "main" }); addCSourceBytes(exe, \\#include \\int fnn(); \\int main() { \\ printf("%d\n", fnn()); \\} , &.{}); exe.linkLibrary(dso); exe.linkLibC(); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17619 exe.pie = true; const run = addRunArtifact(exe); run.expectStdOutEqual("3\n"); test_step.dependOn(&run.step); // Check for DT_TEXTREL in a DSO const check = dso.checkObject(); check.checkInDynamicSection(); // check.checkExact("TEXTREL 0"); // TODO fix in CheckObject parser check.checkContains("FLAGS TEXTREL"); test_step.dependOn(&check.step); return test_step; } fn addTestStep(b: *Build, comptime prefix: []const u8, opts: Options) *Step { return link.addTestStep(b, "elf-" ++ prefix, opts); } const addAsmSourceBytes = link.addAsmSourceBytes; const addCSourceBytes = link.addCSourceBytes; const addCppSourceBytes = link.addCppSourceBytes; const addExecutable = link.addExecutable; const addObject = link.addObject; const addRunArtifact = link.addRunArtifact; const addSharedLibrary = link.addSharedLibrary; const addStaticLibrary = link.addStaticLibrary; const expectLinkErrors = link.expectLinkErrors; const link = @import("link.zig"); const std = @import("std"); const Build = std.Build; const BuildOptions = link.BuildOptions; const Options = link.Options; const Step = Build.Step; const WriteFile = Step.WriteFile;