const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const os_tag = builtin.os.tag; const arch = builtin.cpu.arch; const abi = builtin.abi; const is_test = builtin.is_test; const is_gnu = abi.isGnu(); const is_mingw = os_tag == .windows and is_gnu; const linkage: std.builtin.GlobalLinkage = if (builtin.is_test) .Internal else .Weak; const strong_linkage: std.builtin.GlobalLinkage = if (builtin.is_test) .Internal else .Strong; pub const panic = @import("common.zig").panic; comptime { if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) { // Default stack-probe functions emitted by LLVM if (is_mingw) { @export(_chkstk, .{ .name = "_alloca", .linkage = strong_linkage }); @export(___chkstk_ms, .{ .name = "___chkstk_ms", .linkage = strong_linkage }); if (arch.isAARCH64()) { @export(__chkstk, .{ .name = "__chkstk", .linkage = strong_linkage }); } } else if (!builtin.link_libc) { // This symbols are otherwise exported by MSVCRT.lib @export(_chkstk, .{ .name = "_chkstk", .linkage = strong_linkage }); @export(__chkstk, .{ .name = "__chkstk", .linkage = strong_linkage }); } } switch (arch) { .x86, .x86_64, => { @export(zig_probe_stack, .{ .name = "__zig_probe_stack", .linkage = linkage }); }, else => {}, } } // Zig's own stack-probe routine (available only on x86 and x86_64) pub fn zig_probe_stack() callconv(.Naked) void { @setRuntimeSafety(false); // Versions of the Linux kernel before 5.1 treat any access below SP as // invalid so let's update it on the go, otherwise we'll get a segfault // instead of triggering the stack growth. switch (arch) { .x86_64 => { // %rax = probe length, %rsp = stack pointer asm volatile ( \\ push %%rcx \\ mov %%rax, %%rcx \\ cmp $0x1000,%%rcx \\ jb 2f \\ 1: \\ sub $0x1000,%%rsp \\ orl $0,16(%%rsp) \\ sub $0x1000,%%rcx \\ cmp $0x1000,%%rcx \\ ja 1b \\ 2: \\ sub %%rcx, %%rsp \\ orl $0,16(%%rsp) \\ add %%rax,%%rsp \\ pop %%rcx \\ ret ); }, .x86 => { // %eax = probe length, %esp = stack pointer asm volatile ( \\ push %%ecx \\ mov %%eax, %%ecx \\ cmp $0x1000,%%ecx \\ jb 2f \\ 1: \\ sub $0x1000,%%esp \\ orl $0,8(%%esp) \\ sub $0x1000,%%ecx \\ cmp $0x1000,%%ecx \\ ja 1b \\ 2: \\ sub %%ecx, %%esp \\ orl $0,8(%%esp) \\ add %%eax,%%esp \\ pop %%ecx \\ ret ); }, else => {}, } unreachable; } fn win_probe_stack_only() void { @setRuntimeSafety(false); switch (arch) { .x86_64 => { asm volatile ( \\ push %%rcx \\ push %%rax \\ cmp $0x1000,%%rax \\ lea 24(%%rsp),%%rcx \\ jb 1f \\ 2: \\ sub $0x1000,%%rcx \\ test %%rcx,(%%rcx) \\ sub $0x1000,%%rax \\ cmp $0x1000,%%rax \\ ja 2b \\ 1: \\ sub %%rax,%%rcx \\ test %%rcx,(%%rcx) \\ pop %%rax \\ pop %%rcx \\ ret ); }, .x86 => { asm volatile ( \\ push %%ecx \\ push %%eax \\ cmp $0x1000,%%eax \\ lea 12(%%esp),%%ecx \\ jb 1f \\ 2: \\ sub $0x1000,%%ecx \\ test %%ecx,(%%ecx) \\ sub $0x1000,%%eax \\ cmp $0x1000,%%eax \\ ja 2b \\ 1: \\ sub %%eax,%%ecx \\ test %%ecx,(%%ecx) \\ pop %%eax \\ pop %%ecx \\ ret ); }, else => {}, } if (comptime arch.isAARCH64()) { // NOTE: page size hardcoded to 4096 for now asm volatile ( \\ lsl x16, x15, #4 \\ mov x17, sp \\1: \\ \\ sub x17, x17, 4096 \\ subs x16, x16, 4096 \\ ldr xzr, [x17] \\ 1b \\ \\ ret ); } unreachable; } fn win_probe_stack_adjust_sp() void { @setRuntimeSafety(false); switch (arch) { .x86_64 => { asm volatile ( \\ push %%rcx \\ cmp $0x1000,%%rax \\ lea 16(%%rsp),%%rcx \\ jb 1f \\ 2: \\ sub $0x1000,%%rcx \\ test %%rcx,(%%rcx) \\ sub $0x1000,%%rax \\ cmp $0x1000,%%rax \\ ja 2b \\ 1: \\ sub %%rax,%%rcx \\ test %%rcx,(%%rcx) \\ \\ lea 8(%%rsp),%%rax \\ mov %%rcx,%%rsp \\ mov -8(%%rax),%%rcx \\ push (%%rax) \\ sub %%rsp,%%rax \\ ret ); }, .x86 => { asm volatile ( \\ push %%ecx \\ cmp $0x1000,%%eax \\ lea 8(%%esp),%%ecx \\ jb 1f \\ 2: \\ sub $0x1000,%%ecx \\ test %%ecx,(%%ecx) \\ sub $0x1000,%%eax \\ cmp $0x1000,%%eax \\ ja 2b \\ 1: \\ sub %%eax,%%ecx \\ test %%ecx,(%%ecx) \\ \\ lea 4(%%esp),%%eax \\ mov %%ecx,%%esp \\ mov -4(%%eax),%%ecx \\ push (%%eax) \\ sub %%esp,%%eax \\ ret ); }, else => {}, } unreachable; } // Windows has a multitude of stack-probing functions with similar names and // slightly different behaviours: some behave as alloca() and update the stack // pointer after probing the stack, other do not. // // Function name | Adjusts the SP? | // | x86 | x86_64 | // ---------------------------------------- // _chkstk (_alloca) | yes | yes | // __chkstk | yes | no | // __chkstk_ms | no | no | // ___chkstk (__alloca) | yes | yes | // ___chkstk_ms | no | no | pub fn _chkstk() callconv(.Naked) void { @setRuntimeSafety(false); @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, win_probe_stack_adjust_sp, .{}); } pub fn __chkstk() callconv(.Naked) void { @setRuntimeSafety(false); if (comptime arch.isAARCH64()) { @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, win_probe_stack_only, .{}); } else switch (arch) { .x86 => @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, win_probe_stack_adjust_sp, .{}), .x86_64 => @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, win_probe_stack_only, .{}), else => unreachable, } } pub fn ___chkstk() callconv(.Naked) void { @setRuntimeSafety(false); @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, win_probe_stack_adjust_sp, .{}); } pub fn __chkstk_ms() callconv(.Naked) void { @setRuntimeSafety(false); @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, win_probe_stack_only, .{}); } pub fn ___chkstk_ms() callconv(.Naked) void { @setRuntimeSafety(false); @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, win_probe_stack_only, .{}); }