const std = @import("../../std.zig"); const os = std.os; const mem = std.mem; const time = std.time; pub fn Mixin(comptime Socket: type) type { return struct { /// Open a new socket. pub fn init(domain: u32, socket_type: u32, protocol: u32, flags: std.enums.EnumFieldStruct(Socket.InitFlags, bool, false)) !Socket { var raw_flags: u32 = socket_type; const set = std.EnumSet(Socket.InitFlags).init(flags); if (set.contains(.close_on_exec)) raw_flags |= os.SOCK.CLOEXEC; if (set.contains(.nonblocking)) raw_flags |= os.SOCK.NONBLOCK; return Socket{ .fd = try os.socket(domain, raw_flags, protocol) }; } /// Closes the socket. pub fn deinit(self: Socket) void { os.closeSocket(self.fd); } /// Shutdown either the read side, write side, or all side of the socket. pub fn shutdown(self: Socket, how: os.ShutdownHow) !void { return os.shutdown(self.fd, how); } /// Binds the socket to an address. pub fn bind(self: Socket, address: Socket.Address) !void { return os.bind(self.fd, @ptrCast(*const os.sockaddr, &address.toNative()), address.getNativeSize()); } /// Start listening for incoming connections on the socket. pub fn listen(self: Socket, max_backlog_size: u31) !void { return os.listen(self.fd, max_backlog_size); } /// Have the socket attempt to the connect to an address. pub fn connect(self: Socket, address: Socket.Address) !void { return os.connect(self.fd, @ptrCast(*const os.sockaddr, &address.toNative()), address.getNativeSize()); } /// Accept a pending incoming connection queued to the kernel backlog /// of the socket. pub fn accept(self: Socket, flags: std.enums.EnumFieldStruct(Socket.InitFlags, bool, false)) !Socket.Connection { var address: Socket.Address.Native.Storage = undefined; var address_len: u32 = @sizeOf(Socket.Address.Native.Storage); var raw_flags: u32 = 0; const set = std.EnumSet(Socket.InitFlags).init(flags); if (set.contains(.close_on_exec)) raw_flags |= os.SOCK.CLOEXEC; if (set.contains(.nonblocking)) raw_flags |= os.SOCK.NONBLOCK; const socket = Socket{ .fd = try os.accept(self.fd, @ptrCast(*os.sockaddr, &address), &address_len, raw_flags) }; const socket_address = Socket.Address.fromNative(@ptrCast(*os.sockaddr, &address)); return Socket.Connection.from(socket, socket_address); } /// Read data from the socket into the buffer provided with a set of flags /// specified. It returns the number of bytes read into the buffer provided. pub fn read(self: Socket, buf: []u8, flags: u32) !usize { return os.recv(self.fd, buf, flags); } /// Write a buffer of data provided to the socket with a set of flags specified. /// It returns the number of bytes that are written to the socket. pub fn write(self: Socket, buf: []const u8, flags: u32) !usize { return os.send(self.fd, buf, flags); } /// Writes multiple I/O vectors with a prepended message header to the socket /// with a set of flags specified. It returns the number of bytes that are /// written to the socket. pub fn writeMessage(self: Socket, msg: Socket.Message, flags: u32) !usize { while (true) { const rc = os.system.sendmsg(self.fd, &msg, @intCast(c_int, flags)); return switch (os.errno(rc)) { .SUCCESS => return @intCast(usize, rc), .ACCES => error.AccessDenied, .AGAIN => error.WouldBlock, .ALREADY => error.FastOpenAlreadyInProgress, .BADF => unreachable, // always a race condition .CONNRESET => error.ConnectionResetByPeer, .DESTADDRREQ => unreachable, // The socket is not connection-mode, and no peer address is set. .FAULT => unreachable, // An invalid user space address was specified for an argument. .INTR => continue, .INVAL => unreachable, // Invalid argument passed. .ISCONN => unreachable, // connection-mode socket was connected already but a recipient was specified .MSGSIZE => error.MessageTooBig, .NOBUFS => error.SystemResources, .NOMEM => error.SystemResources, .NOTSOCK => unreachable, // The file descriptor sockfd does not refer to a socket. .OPNOTSUPP => unreachable, // Some bit in the flags argument is inappropriate for the socket type. .PIPE => error.BrokenPipe, .AFNOSUPPORT => error.AddressFamilyNotSupported, .LOOP => error.SymLinkLoop, .NAMETOOLONG => error.NameTooLong, .NOENT => error.FileNotFound, .NOTDIR => error.NotDir, .HOSTUNREACH => error.NetworkUnreachable, .NETUNREACH => error.NetworkUnreachable, .NOTCONN => error.SocketNotConnected, .NETDOWN => error.NetworkSubsystemFailed, else => |err| os.unexpectedErrno(err), }; } } /// Read multiple I/O vectors with a prepended message header from the socket /// with a set of flags specified. It returns the number of bytes that were /// read into the buffer provided. pub fn readMessage(self: Socket, msg: *Socket.Message, flags: u32) !usize { while (true) { const rc = os.system.recvmsg(self.fd, msg, @intCast(c_int, flags)); return switch (os.errno(rc)) { .SUCCESS => @intCast(usize, rc), .BADF => unreachable, // always a race condition .FAULT => unreachable, .INVAL => unreachable, .NOTCONN => unreachable, .NOTSOCK => unreachable, .INTR => continue, .AGAIN => error.WouldBlock, .NOMEM => error.SystemResources, .CONNREFUSED => error.ConnectionRefused, .CONNRESET => error.ConnectionResetByPeer, else => |err| os.unexpectedErrno(err), }; } } /// Query the address that the socket is locally bounded to. pub fn getLocalAddress(self: Socket) !Socket.Address { var address: Socket.Address.Native.Storage = undefined; var address_len: u32 = @sizeOf(Socket.Address.Native.Storage); try os.getsockname(self.fd, @ptrCast(*os.sockaddr, &address), &address_len); return Socket.Address.fromNative(@ptrCast(*os.sockaddr, &address)); } /// Query the address that the socket is connected to. pub fn getRemoteAddress(self: Socket) !Socket.Address { var address: Socket.Address.Native.Storage = undefined; var address_len: u32 = @sizeOf(Socket.Address.Native.Storage); try os.getpeername(self.fd, @ptrCast(*os.sockaddr, &address), &address_len); return Socket.Address.fromNative(@ptrCast(*os.sockaddr, &address)); } /// Query and return the latest cached error on the socket. pub fn getError(self: Socket) !void { return os.getsockoptError(self.fd); } /// Query the read buffer size of the socket. pub fn getReadBufferSize(self: Socket) !u32 { var value: u32 = undefined; var value_len: u32 = @sizeOf(u32); const rc = os.system.getsockopt(self.fd, os.SOL.SOCKET, os.SO.RCVBUF, mem.asBytes(&value), &value_len); return switch (os.errno(rc)) { .SUCCESS => value, .BADF => error.BadFileDescriptor, .FAULT => error.InvalidAddressSpace, .INVAL => error.InvalidSocketOption, .NOPROTOOPT => error.UnknownSocketOption, .NOTSOCK => error.NotASocket, else => |err| os.unexpectedErrno(err), }; } /// Query the write buffer size of the socket. pub fn getWriteBufferSize(self: Socket) !u32 { var value: u32 = undefined; var value_len: u32 = @sizeOf(u32); const rc = os.system.getsockopt(self.fd, os.SOL.SOCKET, os.SO.SNDBUF, mem.asBytes(&value), &value_len); return switch (os.errno(rc)) { .SUCCESS => value, .BADF => error.BadFileDescriptor, .FAULT => error.InvalidAddressSpace, .INVAL => error.InvalidSocketOption, .NOPROTOOPT => error.UnknownSocketOption, .NOTSOCK => error.NotASocket, else => |err| os.unexpectedErrno(err), }; } /// Set a socket option. pub fn setOption(self: Socket, level: u32, code: u32, value: []const u8) !void { return os.setsockopt(self.fd, level, code, value); } /// Have close() or shutdown() syscalls block until all queued messages in the socket have been successfully /// sent, or if the timeout specified in seconds has been reached. It returns `error.UnsupportedSocketOption` /// if the host does not support the option for a socket to linger around up until a timeout specified in /// seconds. pub fn setLinger(self: Socket, timeout_seconds: ?u16) !void { if (@hasDecl(os.SO, "LINGER")) { const settings = Socket.Linger.init(timeout_seconds); return self.setOption(os.SOL.SOCKET, os.SO.LINGER, mem.asBytes(&settings)); } return error.UnsupportedSocketOption; } /// On connection-oriented sockets, have keep-alive messages be sent periodically. The timing in which keep-alive /// messages are sent are dependant on operating system settings. It returns `error.UnsupportedSocketOption` if /// the host does not support periodically sending keep-alive messages on connection-oriented sockets. pub fn setKeepAlive(self: Socket, enabled: bool) !void { if (@hasDecl(os.SO, "KEEPALIVE")) { return self.setOption(os.SOL.SOCKET, os.SO.KEEPALIVE, mem.asBytes(&@as(u32, @boolToInt(enabled)))); } return error.UnsupportedSocketOption; } /// Allow multiple sockets on the same host to listen on the same address. It returns `error.UnsupportedSocketOption` if /// the host does not support sockets listening the same address. pub fn setReuseAddress(self: Socket, enabled: bool) !void { if (@hasDecl(os.SO, "REUSEADDR")) { return self.setOption(os.SOL.SOCKET, os.SO.REUSEADDR, mem.asBytes(&@as(u32, @boolToInt(enabled)))); } return error.UnsupportedSocketOption; } /// Allow multiple sockets on the same host to listen on the same port. It returns `error.UnsupportedSocketOption` if /// the host does not supports sockets listening on the same port. pub fn setReusePort(self: Socket, enabled: bool) !void { if (@hasDecl(os.SO, "REUSEPORT")) { return self.setOption(os.SOL.SOCKET, os.SO.REUSEPORT, mem.asBytes(&@as(u32, @boolToInt(enabled)))); } return error.UnsupportedSocketOption; } /// Set the write buffer size of the socket. pub fn setWriteBufferSize(self: Socket, size: u32) !void { return self.setOption(os.SOL.SOCKET, os.SO.SNDBUF, mem.asBytes(&size)); } /// Set the read buffer size of the socket. pub fn setReadBufferSize(self: Socket, size: u32) !void { return self.setOption(os.SOL.SOCKET, os.SO.RCVBUF, mem.asBytes(&size)); } /// WARNING: Timeouts only affect blocking sockets. It is undefined behavior if a timeout is /// set on a non-blocking socket. /// /// Set a timeout on the socket that is to occur if no messages are successfully written /// to its bound destination after a specified number of milliseconds. A subsequent write /// to the socket will thereafter return `error.WouldBlock` should the timeout be exceeded. pub fn setWriteTimeout(self: Socket, milliseconds: usize) !void { const timeout = os.timeval{ .tv_sec = @intCast(i32, milliseconds / time.ms_per_s), .tv_usec = @intCast(i32, (milliseconds % time.ms_per_s) * time.us_per_ms), }; return self.setOption(os.SOL.SOCKET, os.SO.SNDTIMEO, mem.asBytes(&timeout)); } /// WARNING: Timeouts only affect blocking sockets. It is undefined behavior if a timeout is /// set on a non-blocking socket. /// /// Set a timeout on the socket that is to occur if no messages are successfully read /// from its bound destination after a specified number of milliseconds. A subsequent /// read from the socket will thereafter return `error.WouldBlock` should the timeout be /// exceeded. pub fn setReadTimeout(self: Socket, milliseconds: usize) !void { const timeout = os.timeval{ .tv_sec = @intCast(i32, milliseconds / time.ms_per_s), .tv_usec = @intCast(i32, (milliseconds % time.ms_per_s) * time.us_per_ms), }; return self.setOption(os.SOL.SOCKET, os.SO.RCVTIMEO, mem.asBytes(&timeout)); } }; }