const std = @import("../std.zig"); const builtin = std.builtin; const math = std.math; const assert = std.debug.assert; const mem = std.mem; const Buffer = std.Buffer; const testing = std.testing; pub fn InStream( comptime Context: type, comptime ReadError: type, /// Returns the number of bytes read. It may be less than buffer.len. /// If the number of bytes read is 0, it means end of stream. /// End of stream is not an error condition. comptime readFn: fn (context: Context, buffer: []u8) ReadError!usize, ) type { return struct { pub const Error = ReadError; context: Context, const Self = @This(); /// Returns the number of bytes read. It may be less than buffer.len. /// If the number of bytes read is 0, it means end of stream. /// End of stream is not an error condition. pub fn read(self: Self, buffer: []u8) Error!usize { return readFn(self.context, buffer); } /// Returns the number of bytes read. If the number read is smaller than `buffer.len`, it /// means the stream reached the end. Reaching the end of a stream is not an error /// condition. pub fn readAll(self: Self, buffer: []u8) Error!usize { var index: usize = 0; while (index != buffer.len) { const amt = try[index..]); if (amt == 0) return index; index += amt; } return index; } /// Returns the number of bytes read. If the number read would be smaller than buf.len, /// error.EndOfStream is returned instead. pub fn readNoEof(self: Self, buf: []u8) !void { const amt_read = try self.readAll(buf); if (amt_read < buf.len) return error.EndOfStream; } pub const readAllBuffer = @compileError("deprecated; use readAllArrayList()"); /// Appends to the `std.ArrayList` contents by reading from the stream until end of stream is found. /// If the number of bytes appended would exceed `max_append_size`, `error.StreamTooLong` is returned /// and the `std.ArrayList` has exactly `max_append_size` bytes appended. pub fn readAllArrayList(self: Self, array_list: *std.ArrayList(u8), max_append_size: usize) !void { try array_list.ensureCapacity(math.min(max_append_size, 4096)); const original_len = array_list.len; var start_index: usize = original_len; while (true) { array_list.expandToCapacity(); const dest_slice = array_list.span()[start_index..]; const bytes_read = try self.readAll(dest_slice); start_index += bytes_read; if (start_index - original_len > max_append_size) { array_list.shrink(original_len + max_append_size); return error.StreamTooLong; } if (bytes_read != dest_slice.len) { array_list.shrink(start_index); return; } // This will trigger ArrayList to expand superlinearly at whatever its growth rate is. try array_list.ensureCapacity(start_index + 1); } } /// Allocates enough memory to hold all the contents of the stream. If the allocated /// memory would be greater than `max_size`, returns `error.StreamTooLong`. /// Caller owns returned memory. /// If this function returns an error, the contents from the stream read so far are lost. pub fn readAllAlloc(self: Self, allocator: *mem.Allocator, max_size: usize) ![]u8 { var array_list = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); defer array_list.deinit(); try self.readAllArrayList(&array_list, max_size); return array_list.toOwnedSlice(); } /// Replaces the `std.ArrayList` contents by reading from the stream until `delimiter` is found. /// Does not include the delimiter in the result. /// If the `std.ArrayList` length would exceed `max_size`, `error.StreamTooLong` is returned and the /// `std.ArrayList` is populated with `max_size` bytes from the stream. pub fn readUntilDelimiterArrayList( self: Self, array_list: *std.ArrayList(u8), delimiter: u8, max_size: usize, ) !void { array_list.shrink(0); while (true) { var byte: u8 = try self.readByte(); if (byte == delimiter) { return; } if (array_list.len == max_size) { return error.StreamTooLong; } try array_list.append(byte); } } /// Allocates enough memory to read until `delimiter`. If the allocated /// memory would be greater than `max_size`, returns `error.StreamTooLong`. /// Caller owns returned memory. /// If this function returns an error, the contents from the stream read so far are lost. pub fn readUntilDelimiterAlloc( self: Self, allocator: *mem.Allocator, delimiter: u8, max_size: usize, ) ![]u8 { var array_list = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); defer array_list.deinit(); try self.readUntilDelimiterArrayList(&array_list, delimiter, max_size); return array_list.toOwnedSlice(); } /// Reads from the stream until specified byte is found. If the buffer is not /// large enough to hold the entire contents, `error.StreamTooLong` is returned. /// If end-of-stream is found, returns the rest of the stream. If this /// function is called again after that, returns null. /// Returns a slice of the stream data, with ptr equal to `buf.ptr`. The /// delimiter byte is not included in the returned slice. pub fn readUntilDelimiterOrEof(self: Self, buf: []u8, delimiter: u8) !?[]u8 { var index: usize = 0; while (true) { const byte = self.readByte() catch |err| switch (err) { error.EndOfStream => { if (index == 0) { return null; } else { return buf[0..index]; } }, else => |e| return e, }; if (byte == delimiter) return buf[0..index]; if (index >= buf.len) return error.StreamTooLong; buf[index] = byte; index += 1; } } /// Reads from the stream until specified byte is found, discarding all data, /// including the delimiter. /// If end-of-stream is found, this function succeeds. pub fn skipUntilDelimiterOrEof(self: Self, delimiter: u8) !void { while (true) { const byte = self.readByte() catch |err| switch (err) { error.EndOfStream => return, else => |e| return e, }; if (byte == delimiter) return; } } /// Reads 1 byte from the stream or returns `error.EndOfStream`. pub fn readByte(self: Self) !u8 { var result: [1]u8 = undefined; const amt_read = try[0..]); if (amt_read < 1) return error.EndOfStream; return result[0]; } /// Same as `readByte` except the returned byte is signed. pub fn readByteSigned(self: Self) !i8 { return @bitCast(i8, try self.readByte()); } /// Reads a native-endian integer pub fn readIntNative(self: Self, comptime T: type) !T { var bytes: [(T.bit_count + 7) / 8]u8 = undefined; try self.readNoEof(bytes[0..]); return mem.readIntNative(T, &bytes); } /// Reads a foreign-endian integer pub fn readIntForeign(self: Self, comptime T: type) !T { var bytes: [(T.bit_count + 7) / 8]u8 = undefined; try self.readNoEof(bytes[0..]); return mem.readIntForeign(T, &bytes); } pub fn readIntLittle(self: Self, comptime T: type) !T { var bytes: [(T.bit_count + 7) / 8]u8 = undefined; try self.readNoEof(bytes[0..]); return mem.readIntLittle(T, &bytes); } pub fn readIntBig(self: Self, comptime T: type) !T { var bytes: [(T.bit_count + 7) / 8]u8 = undefined; try self.readNoEof(bytes[0..]); return mem.readIntBig(T, &bytes); } pub fn readInt(self: Self, comptime T: type, endian: builtin.Endian) !T { var bytes: [(T.bit_count + 7) / 8]u8 = undefined; try self.readNoEof(bytes[0..]); return mem.readInt(T, &bytes, endian); } pub fn readVarInt(self: Self, comptime ReturnType: type, endian: builtin.Endian, size: usize) !ReturnType { assert(size <= @sizeOf(ReturnType)); var bytes_buf: [@sizeOf(ReturnType)]u8 = undefined; const bytes = bytes_buf[0..size]; try self.readNoEof(bytes); return mem.readVarInt(ReturnType, bytes, endian); } pub fn skipBytes(self: Self, num_bytes: u64) !void { var i: u64 = 0; while (i < num_bytes) : (i += 1) { _ = try self.readByte(); } } pub fn readStruct(self: Self, comptime T: type) !T { // Only extern and packed structs have defined in-memory layout. comptime assert(@typeInfo(T).Struct.layout != builtin.TypeInfo.ContainerLayout.Auto); var res: [1]T = undefined; try self.readNoEof(mem.sliceAsBytes(res[0..])); return res[0]; } /// Reads an integer with the same size as the given enum's tag type. If the integer matches /// an enum tag, casts the integer to the enum tag and returns it. Otherwise, returns an error. /// TODO optimization taking advantage of most fields being in order pub fn readEnum(self: Self, comptime Enum: type, endian: builtin.Endian) !Enum { const E = error{ /// An integer was read, but it did not match any of the tags in the supplied enum. InvalidValue, }; const type_info = @typeInfo(Enum).Enum; const tag = try self.readInt(type_info.tag_type, endian); inline for (std.meta.fields(Enum)) |field| { if (tag == field.value) { return @field(Enum,; } } return E.InvalidValue; } }; } test "InStream" { var buf = "a\x02".*; const in_stream =; testing.expect((try in_stream.readByte()) == 'a'); testing.expect((try in_stream.readEnum(enum(u8) { a = 0, b = 99, c = 2, d = 3, }, undefined)) == .c); testing.expectError(error.EndOfStream, in_stream.readByte()); }