// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Zig Contributors // This file is part of [zig](https://ziglang.org/), which is MIT licensed. // The MIT license requires this copyright notice to be included in all copies // and substantial portions of the software. const std = @import("../std.zig"); const builtin = std.builtin; const io = std.io; const testing = std.testing; pub const CWriter = io.Writer(*std.c.FILE, std.fs.File.WriteError, cWriterWrite); pub fn cWriter(c_file: *std.c.FILE) CWriter { return .{ .context = c_file }; } fn cWriterWrite(c_file: *std.c.FILE, bytes: []const u8) std.fs.File.WriteError!usize { const amt_written = std.c.fwrite(bytes.ptr, 1, bytes.len, c_file); if (amt_written >= 0) return amt_written; switch (std.c._errno().*) { 0 => unreachable, os.EINVAL => unreachable, os.EFAULT => unreachable, os.EAGAIN => unreachable, // this is a blocking API os.EBADF => unreachable, // always a race condition os.EDESTADDRREQ => unreachable, // connect was never called os.EDQUOT => return error.DiskQuota, os.EFBIG => return error.FileTooBig, os.EIO => return error.InputOutput, os.ENOSPC => return error.NoSpaceLeft, os.EPERM => return error.AccessDenied, os.EPIPE => return error.BrokenPipe, else => |err| return os.unexpectedErrno(err), } } test { if (!builtin.link_libc) return error.SkipZigTest; const filename = "tmp_io_test_file.txt"; const out_file = std.c.fopen(filename, "w") orelse return error.UnableToOpenTestFile; defer { _ = std.c.fclose(out_file); std.fs.cwd().deleteFileZ(filename) catch {}; } const writer = cWriter(out_file); try writer.print("hi: {}\n", .{@as(i32, 123)}); }