const std = @import("std"); const debug = std.debug; const testing = std.testing; noinline fn frame4(expected: *[4]usize, unwound: *[4]usize) void { expected[0] = @returnAddress(); var context: debug.StackTraceContext = undefined; testing.expect(debug.getContext(&context)) catch @panic("failed to getContext"); var debug_info = debug.getSelfDebugInfo() catch @panic("failed to openSelfDebugInfo"); var it = debug.StackIterator.initWithContext(expected[0], debug_info, &context) catch @panic("failed to initWithContext"); defer it.deinit(); for (unwound) |*addr| { if ( |return_address| addr.* = return_address; } } noinline fn frame3(expected: *[4]usize, unwound: *[4]usize) void { expected[1] = @returnAddress(); frame4(expected, unwound); } fn frame2(expected: *[4]usize, unwound: *[4]usize) callconv(.C) void { frame3(expected, unwound); } extern fn frame0( expected: *[4]usize, unwound: *[4]usize, frame_2: *const fn (expected: *[4]usize, unwound: *[4]usize) callconv(.C) void, ) void; pub fn main() !void { if (!std.debug.have_ucontext or !std.debug.have_getcontext) return; var expected: [4]usize = undefined; var unwound: [4]usize = undefined; frame0(&expected, &unwound, &frame2); try testing.expectEqual(expected, unwound); }