//! To get started, run this tool with no args and read the help message. //! //! The build systems of musl-libc and glibc require specifying a single target //! architecture. Meanwhile, Zig supports out-of-the-box cross compilation for //! every target. So the process to create libc headers that Zig ships is to use //! this tool. //! First, use the musl/glibc build systems to create installations of all the //! targets in the `glibc_targets`/`musl_targets` variables. //! Next, run this tool to create a new directory which puts .h files into //! subdirectories, with `generic` being files that apply to all architectures. //! You'll then have to manually update Zig source repo with these new files. const std = @import("std"); const Arch = std.Target.Cpu.Arch; const Abi = std.Target.Abi; const OsTag = std.Target.Os.Tag; const assert = std.debug.assert; const Blake3 = std.crypto.hash.Blake3; const LibCTarget = struct { name: []const u8, arch: Arch, abi: Abi, }; const glibc_targets = [_]LibCTarget{ .{ .name = "arc-linux-gnu", .arch = .arc, .abi = .gnu }, .{ .name = "arm-linux-gnueabi", .arch = .arm, .abi = .gnueabi }, .{ .name = "arm-linux-gnueabihf", .arch = .arm, .abi = .gnueabihf }, .{ .name = "armeb-linux-gnueabi", .arch = .armeb, .abi = .gnueabi }, .{ .name = "armeb-linux-gnueabihf", .arch = .armeb, .abi = .gnueabihf }, .{ .name = "aarch64-linux-gnu", .arch = .aarch64, .abi = .gnu }, .{ .name = "aarch64_be-linux-gnu", .arch = .aarch64_be, .abi = .gnu }, .{ .name = "csky-linux-gnuabiv2-soft", .arch = .csky, .abi = .gnueabi }, .{ .name = "csky-linux-gnuabiv2", .arch = .csky, .abi = .gnueabihf }, .{ .name = "loongarch64-linux-gnu-lp64d", .arch = .loongarch64, .abi = .gnu }, .{ .name = "loongarch64-linux-gnu-lp64s", .arch = .loongarch64, .abi = .gnusf }, .{ .name = "m68k-linux-gnu", .arch = .m68k, .abi = .gnu }, .{ .name = "mips-linux-gnu", .arch = .mips, .abi = .gnueabihf }, .{ .name = "mips-linux-gnu-soft", .arch = .mips, .abi = .gnueabi }, .{ .name = "mipsel-linux-gnu-soft", .arch = .mipsel, .abi = .gnueabi }, .{ .name = "mipsel-linux-gnu", .arch = .mipsel, .abi = .gnueabihf }, .{ .name = "mips64-linux-gnu-n64", .arch = .mips64, .abi = .gnuabi64 }, .{ .name = "mips64-linux-gnu-n32", .arch = .mips64, .abi = .gnuabin32 }, .{ .name = "mips64el-linux-gnu-n64", .arch = .mips64el, .abi = .gnuabi64 }, .{ .name = "mips64el-linux-gnu-n32", .arch = .mips64el, .abi = .gnuabin32 }, .{ .name = "powerpc-linux-gnu-soft", .arch = .powerpc, .abi = .gnueabi }, .{ .name = "powerpc-linux-gnu", .arch = .powerpc, .abi = .gnueabihf }, .{ .name = "powerpc64-linux-gnu", .arch = .powerpc64, .abi = .gnu }, .{ .name = "powerpc64le-linux-gnu", .arch = .powerpc64le, .abi = .gnu }, .{ .name = "riscv32-linux-gnu-rv32imafdc-ilp32d", .arch = .riscv32, .abi = .gnu }, .{ .name = "riscv64-linux-gnu-rv64imafdc-lp64d", .arch = .riscv64, .abi = .gnu }, .{ .name = "s390x-linux-gnu", .arch = .s390x, .abi = .gnu }, .{ .name = "sparcv9-linux-gnu", .arch = .sparc, .abi = .gnu }, .{ .name = "sparc64-linux-gnu", .arch = .sparc64, .abi = .gnu }, .{ .name = "i686-linux-gnu", .arch = .x86, .abi = .gnu }, .{ .name = "x86_64-linux-gnu", .arch = .x86_64, .abi = .gnu }, .{ .name = "x86_64-linux-gnu-x32", .arch = .x86_64, .abi = .gnux32 }, }; const musl_targets = [_]LibCTarget{ .{ .name = "arm", .arch = .arm, .abi = .musl }, .{ .name = "aarch64", .arch = .aarch64, .abi = .musl }, .{ .name = "loongarch64", .arch = .loongarch64, .abi = .musl }, .{ .name = "m68k", .arch = .m68k, .abi = .musl }, .{ .name = "mips", .arch = .mips, .abi = .musl }, .{ .name = "mips64", .arch = .mips64, .abi = .musl }, .{ .name = "mipsn32", .arch = .mips64, .abi = .muslabin32 }, .{ .name = "powerpc", .arch = .powerpc, .abi = .musl }, .{ .name = "powerpc64", .arch = .powerpc64, .abi = .musl }, .{ .name = "riscv32", .arch = .riscv32, .abi = .musl }, .{ .name = "riscv64", .arch = .riscv64, .abi = .musl }, .{ .name = "s390x", .arch = .s390x, .abi = .musl }, .{ .name = "i386", .arch = .x86, .abi = .musl }, .{ .name = "x86_64", .arch = .x86_64, .abi = .musl }, .{ .name = "x32", .arch = .x86_64, .abi = .muslx32 }, }; const DestTarget = struct { arch: Arch, os: OsTag, abi: Abi, const HashContext = struct { pub fn hash(self: @This(), a: DestTarget) u32 { _ = self; return @intFromEnum(a.arch) +% (@intFromEnum(a.os) *% @as(u32, 4202347608)) +% (@intFromEnum(a.abi) *% @as(u32, 4082223418)); } pub fn eql(self: @This(), a: DestTarget, b: DestTarget, b_index: usize) bool { _ = self; _ = b_index; return a.arch == b.arch and a.os == b.os and a.abi == b.abi; } }; }; const Contents = struct { bytes: []const u8, hit_count: usize, hash: []const u8, is_generic: bool, fn hitCountLessThan(context: void, lhs: *const Contents, rhs: *const Contents) bool { _ = context; return lhs.hit_count < rhs.hit_count; } }; const HashToContents = std.StringHashMap(Contents); const TargetToHash = std.ArrayHashMap(DestTarget, []const u8, DestTarget.HashContext, true); const PathTable = std.StringHashMap(*TargetToHash); const LibCVendor = enum { musl, glibc, }; pub fn main() !void { var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator); const allocator = arena.allocator(); const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(allocator); var search_paths = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator); var opt_out_dir: ?[]const u8 = null; var opt_abi: ?[]const u8 = null; var arg_i: usize = 1; while (arg_i < args.len) : (arg_i += 1) { if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[arg_i], "--help")) usageAndExit(args[0]); if (arg_i + 1 >= args.len) { std.debug.print("expected argument after '{s}'\n", .{args[arg_i]}); usageAndExit(args[0]); } if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[arg_i], "--search-path")) { try search_paths.append(args[arg_i + 1]); } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[arg_i], "--out")) { assert(opt_out_dir == null); opt_out_dir = args[arg_i + 1]; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[arg_i], "--abi")) { assert(opt_abi == null); opt_abi = args[arg_i + 1]; } else { std.debug.print("unrecognized argument: {s}\n", .{args[arg_i]}); usageAndExit(args[0]); } arg_i += 1; } const out_dir = opt_out_dir orelse usageAndExit(args[0]); const abi_name = opt_abi orelse usageAndExit(args[0]); const vendor = std.meta.stringToEnum(LibCVendor, abi_name) orelse { std.debug.print("unrecognized C ABI: {s}\n", .{abi_name}); usageAndExit(args[0]); }; const generic_name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "generic-{s}", .{abi_name}); const libc_targets = switch (vendor) { .glibc => &glibc_targets, .musl => &musl_targets, }; var path_table = PathTable.init(allocator); var hash_to_contents = HashToContents.init(allocator); var max_bytes_saved: usize = 0; var total_bytes: usize = 0; var hasher = Blake3.init(.{}); for (libc_targets) |libc_target| { const dest_target = DestTarget{ .arch = libc_target.arch, .os = .linux, .abi = libc_target.abi, }; search: for (search_paths.items) |search_path| { const sub_path = switch (vendor) { .glibc => &[_][]const u8{ search_path, libc_target.name, "usr", "include" }, .musl => &[_][]const u8{ search_path, libc_target.name, "usr", "local", "musl", "include" }, }; const target_include_dir = try std.fs.path.join(allocator, sub_path); var dir_stack = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator); try dir_stack.append(target_include_dir); while (dir_stack.popOrNull()) |full_dir_name| { var dir = std.fs.cwd().openDir(full_dir_name, .{ .iterate = true }) catch |err| switch (err) { error.FileNotFound => continue :search, error.AccessDenied => continue :search, else => return err, }; defer dir.close(); var dir_it = dir.iterate(); while (try dir_it.next()) |entry| { const full_path = try std.fs.path.join(allocator, &[_][]const u8{ full_dir_name, entry.name }); switch (entry.kind) { .directory => try dir_stack.append(full_path), .file => { const rel_path = try std.fs.path.relative(allocator, target_include_dir, full_path); const max_size = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; const raw_bytes = try std.fs.cwd().readFileAlloc(allocator, full_path, max_size); const trimmed = std.mem.trim(u8, raw_bytes, " \r\n\t"); total_bytes += raw_bytes.len; const hash = try allocator.alloc(u8, 32); hasher = Blake3.init(.{}); hasher.update(rel_path); hasher.update(trimmed); hasher.final(hash); const gop = try hash_to_contents.getOrPut(hash); if (gop.found_existing) { max_bytes_saved += raw_bytes.len; gop.value_ptr.hit_count += 1; std.debug.print("duplicate: {s} {s} ({:2})\n", .{ libc_target.name, rel_path, std.fmt.fmtIntSizeDec(raw_bytes.len), }); } else { gop.value_ptr.* = Contents{ .bytes = trimmed, .hit_count = 1, .hash = hash, .is_generic = false, }; } const path_gop = try path_table.getOrPut(rel_path); const target_to_hash = if (path_gop.found_existing) path_gop.value_ptr.* else blk: { const ptr = try allocator.create(TargetToHash); ptr.* = TargetToHash.init(allocator); path_gop.value_ptr.* = ptr; break :blk ptr; }; try target_to_hash.putNoClobber(dest_target, hash); }, else => std.debug.print("warning: weird file: {s}\n", .{full_path}), } } } break; } else { std.debug.print("warning: libc target not found: {s}\n", .{libc_target.name}); } } std.debug.print("summary: {:2} could be reduced to {:2}\n", .{ std.fmt.fmtIntSizeDec(total_bytes), std.fmt.fmtIntSizeDec(total_bytes - max_bytes_saved), }); try std.fs.cwd().makePath(out_dir); var missed_opportunity_bytes: usize = 0; // iterate path_table. for each path, put all the hashes into a list. sort by hit_count. // the hash with the highest hit_count gets to be the "generic" one. everybody else // gets their header in a separate arch directory. var path_it = path_table.iterator(); while (path_it.next()) |path_kv| { var contents_list = std.ArrayList(*Contents).init(allocator); { var hash_it = path_kv.value_ptr.*.iterator(); while (hash_it.next()) |hash_kv| { const contents = hash_to_contents.getPtr(hash_kv.value_ptr.*).?; try contents_list.append(contents); } } std.mem.sort(*Contents, contents_list.items, {}, Contents.hitCountLessThan); const best_contents = contents_list.popOrNull().?; if (best_contents.hit_count > 1) { // worth it to make it generic const full_path = try std.fs.path.join(allocator, &[_][]const u8{ out_dir, generic_name, path_kv.key_ptr.* }); try std.fs.cwd().makePath(std.fs.path.dirname(full_path).?); try std.fs.cwd().writeFile(.{ .sub_path = full_path, .data = best_contents.bytes }); best_contents.is_generic = true; while (contents_list.popOrNull()) |contender| { if (contender.hit_count > 1) { const this_missed_bytes = contender.hit_count * contender.bytes.len; missed_opportunity_bytes += this_missed_bytes; std.debug.print("Missed opportunity ({:2}): {s}\n", .{ std.fmt.fmtIntSizeDec(this_missed_bytes), path_kv.key_ptr.*, }); } else break; } } var hash_it = path_kv.value_ptr.*.iterator(); while (hash_it.next()) |hash_kv| { const contents = hash_to_contents.get(hash_kv.value_ptr.*).?; if (contents.is_generic) continue; const dest_target = hash_kv.key_ptr.*; const out_subpath = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{s}-{s}-{s}", .{ @tagName(dest_target.arch), @tagName(dest_target.os), @tagName(dest_target.abi), }); const full_path = try std.fs.path.join(allocator, &[_][]const u8{ out_dir, out_subpath, path_kv.key_ptr.* }); try std.fs.cwd().makePath(std.fs.path.dirname(full_path).?); try std.fs.cwd().writeFile(.{ .sub_path = full_path, .data = contents.bytes }); } } } fn usageAndExit(arg0: []const u8) noreturn { std.debug.print("Usage: {s} [--search-path ] --out --abi \n", .{arg0}); std.debug.print("--search-path can be used any number of times.\n", .{}); std.debug.print(" subdirectories of search paths look like, e.g. x86_64-linux-gnu\n", .{}); std.debug.print("--out is a dir that will be created, and populated with the results\n", .{}); std.debug.print("--abi is either musl or glibc\n", .{}); std.process.exit(1); }