const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const OP = @import("OP.zig"); const leb = @import("../leb128.zig"); pub const StackMachineOptions = struct { /// The address size of the target architecture addr_size: u8 = @sizeOf(usize), /// Endianess of the target architecture endian: std.builtin.Endian = .Little, /// Restrict the stack machine to a subset of opcodes used in call frame instructions call_frame_mode: bool = false, }; /// A stack machine that can decode and run DWARF expressions. /// Expressions can be decoded for non-native address size and endianness, /// but can only be executed if the current target matches the configuration. pub fn StackMachine(comptime options: StackMachineOptions) type { const addr_type = switch(options.addr_size) { 2 => u16, 4 => u32, 8 => u64, else => @compileError("Unsupported address size of " ++ options.addr_size), }; const addr_type_signed = switch(options.addr_size) { 2 => i16, 4 => i32, 8 => i64, else => @compileError("Unsupported address size of " ++ options.addr_size), }; return struct { const Value = union(enum) { generic: addr_type, const_type: []const u8, register: u8, base_register: struct { base_register: u8, offset: i64, }, composite_location: struct { size: u64, offset: i64, }, block: []const u8, base_type: struct { type_offset: u64, value_bytes: []const u8, }, deref_type: struct { size: u8, offset: u64, }, }; stack: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Value) = .{}, fn generic(value: anytype) Value { const int_info = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(value)).Int; if (@sizeOf(@TypeOf(value)) > options.addr_size) { return .{ .generic = switch (int_info.signedness) { .signed => @bitCast(addr_type, @truncate(addr_type_signed, value)), .unsigned => @truncate(addr_type, value), } }; } else { return .{ .generic = switch (int_info.signedness) { .signed => @bitCast(addr_type, @intCast(addr_type_signed, value)), .unsigned => @intCast(addr_type, value), } }; } } pub fn readOperand(stream: *[]const u8), opcode: u8) !?Value { const reader = stream.reader(); return switch (opcode) { OP.addr, OP.call_ref, => generic(try reader.readInt(addr_type, options.endian)), OP.const1u, OP.pick, OP.deref_size, OP.xderef_size, => generic(try reader.readByte()), OP.const1s => generic(try reader.readByteSigned()), OP.const2u, OP.call2, OP.call4, => generic(try reader.readInt(u16, options.endian)), OP.const2s, OP.bra, OP.skip, => generic(try reader.readInt(i16, options.endian)), OP.const4u => generic(try reader.readInt(u32, options.endian)), OP.const4s => generic(try reader.readInt(i32, options.endian)), OP.const8u => generic(try reader.readInt(u64, options.endian)), OP.const8s => generic(try reader.readInt(i64, options.endian)), OP.constu, OP.plus_uconst, OP.addrx, OP.constx, OP.convert, OP.reinterpret, => generic(try leb.readULEB128(u64, reader)), OP.consts, OP.fbreg, => generic(try leb.readILEB128(i64, reader)), OP.lit0...OP.lit31 => |n| generic(n - OP.lit0), OP.reg0...OP.reg31 => |n| .{ .register = n - OP.reg0 }, OP.breg0...OP.breg31 => |n| .{ .base_register = .{ .base_register = n - OP.breg0, .offset = try leb.readILEB128(i64, reader), } }, OP.regx => .{ .register = try leb.readULEB128(u8, reader) }, OP.bregx, OP.regval_type => .{ .base_register = .{ .base_register = try leb.readULEB128(u8, reader), .offset = try leb.readILEB128(i64, reader), } }, OP.piece => .{ .composite_location = .{ .size = try leb.readULEB128(u8, reader), .offset = 0, }, }, OP.bit_piece => .{ .composite_location = .{ .size = try leb.readULEB128(u8, reader), .offset = try leb.readILEB128(i64, reader), }, }, OP.implicit_value, OP.entry_value => blk: { const size = try leb.readULEB128(u8, reader); if (stream.pos + size > stream.buffer.len) return error.InvalidExpression; const block = stream.buffer[stream.pos..][0..size]; stream.pos += size; break :blk .{ .block = block, }; }, OP.const_type => blk: { const type_offset = try leb.readULEB128(u8, reader); const size = try reader.readByte(); if (stream.pos + size > stream.buffer.len) return error.InvalidExpression; const value_bytes = stream.buffer[stream.pos..][0..size]; stream.pos += size; break :blk .{ .base_type = .{ .type_offset = type_offset, .value_bytes = value_bytes, } }; }, OP.deref_type, OP.xderef_type, => .{ .deref_type = .{ .size = try reader.readByte(), .offset = try leb.readULEB128(u64, reader), }, }, OP.lo_user...OP.hi_user => return error.UnimplementedUserOpcode, else => null, }; } pub fn step( self: *StackMachine, stream:[]const u8), allocator: std.mem.Allocator, ) !void { if (@sizeOf(usize) != addr_type or options.endian != @compileError("Execution of non-native address sizees / endianness is not supported"); const opcode = try stream.reader.readByte(); _ = opcode; _ = self; _ = allocator; // switch (opcode) { // OP.addr => try self.stack.append(allocator, try readOperand(stream, opcode)), // } } }; }