const std = @import("../std.zig"); const assert = std.debug.assert; const mem = std.mem; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; /// This allocator takes an existing allocator, wraps it, and provides an interface /// where you can allocate without freeing, and then free it all together. pub const ArenaAllocator = struct { child_allocator: Allocator, state: State, /// Inner state of ArenaAllocator. Can be stored rather than the entire ArenaAllocator /// as a memory-saving optimization. pub const State = struct { buffer_list: std.SinglyLinkedList([]u8) = @as(std.SinglyLinkedList([]u8), .{}), end_index: usize = 0, pub fn promote(self: State, child_allocator: Allocator) ArenaAllocator { return .{ .child_allocator = child_allocator, .state = self, }; } }; pub fn allocator(self: *ArenaAllocator) Allocator { return .{ .ptr = self, .vtable = &.{ .alloc = alloc, .resize = resize, .free = free, }, }; } const BufNode = std.SinglyLinkedList([]u8).Node; pub fn init(child_allocator: Allocator) ArenaAllocator { return (State{}).promote(child_allocator); } pub fn deinit(self: ArenaAllocator) void { var it = self.state.buffer_list.first; while (it) |node| { // this has to occur before the free because the free frees node const next_it =;; it = next_it; } } fn createNode(self: *ArenaAllocator, prev_len: usize, minimum_size: usize) ?*BufNode { const actual_min_size = minimum_size + (@sizeOf(BufNode) + 16); const big_enough_len = prev_len + actual_min_size; const len = big_enough_len + big_enough_len / 2; const log2_align = comptime std.math.log2_int(usize, @alignOf(BufNode)); const ptr = self.child_allocator.rawAlloc(len, log2_align, @returnAddress()) orelse return null; const buf_node = @ptrCast(*BufNode, @alignCast(@alignOf(BufNode), ptr)); buf_node.* = BufNode{ .data = ptr[0..len], .next = null, }; self.state.buffer_list.prepend(buf_node); self.state.end_index = 0; return buf_node; } fn alloc(ctx: *anyopaque, n: usize, log2_ptr_align: u8, ra: usize) ?[*]u8 { const self = @ptrCast(*ArenaAllocator, @alignCast(@alignOf(ArenaAllocator), ctx)); _ = ra; const ptr_align = @as(usize, 1) << @intCast(Allocator.Log2Align, log2_ptr_align); var cur_node = if (self.state.buffer_list.first) |first_node| first_node else (self.createNode(0, n + ptr_align) orelse return null); while (true) { const cur_buf =[@sizeOf(BufNode)..]; const addr = @ptrToInt(cur_buf.ptr) + self.state.end_index; const adjusted_addr = mem.alignForward(addr, ptr_align); const adjusted_index = self.state.end_index + (adjusted_addr - addr); const new_end_index = adjusted_index + n; if (new_end_index <= cur_buf.len) { const result = cur_buf[adjusted_index..new_end_index]; self.state.end_index = new_end_index; return result.ptr; } const bigger_buf_size = @sizeOf(BufNode) + new_end_index; if (self.child_allocator.resize(, bigger_buf_size)) { = bigger_buf_size; } else { // Allocate a new node if that's not possible cur_node = self.createNode(cur_buf.len, n + ptr_align) orelse return null; } } } fn resize(ctx: *anyopaque, buf: []u8, log2_buf_align: u8, new_len: usize, ret_addr: usize) bool { const self = @ptrCast(*ArenaAllocator, @alignCast(@alignOf(ArenaAllocator), ctx)); _ = log2_buf_align; _ = ret_addr; const cur_node = self.state.buffer_list.first orelse return false; const cur_buf =[@sizeOf(BufNode)..]; if (@ptrToInt(cur_buf.ptr) + self.state.end_index != @ptrToInt(buf.ptr) + buf.len) { if (new_len > buf.len) return false; return true; } if (buf.len >= new_len) { self.state.end_index -= buf.len - new_len; return true; } else if (cur_buf.len - self.state.end_index >= new_len - buf.len) { self.state.end_index += new_len - buf.len; return true; } else { return false; } } fn free(ctx: *anyopaque, buf: []u8, log2_buf_align: u8, ret_addr: usize) void { _ = log2_buf_align; _ = ret_addr; const self = @ptrCast(*ArenaAllocator, @alignCast(@alignOf(ArenaAllocator), ctx)); const cur_node = self.state.buffer_list.first orelse return; const cur_buf =[@sizeOf(BufNode)..]; if (@ptrToInt(cur_buf.ptr) + self.state.end_index == @ptrToInt(buf.ptr) + buf.len) { self.state.end_index -= buf.len; } } };