const std = @import("../std.zig"); const build = @import("../build.zig"); const Step = build.Step; const Builder = build.Builder; const fs = std.fs; const warn = std.debug.warn; const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; pub const WriteFileStep = struct { step: Step, builder: *Builder, output_dir: []const u8, files: ArrayList(File), pub const File = struct { basename: []const u8, bytes: []const u8, }; pub fn init(builder: *Builder) WriteFileStep { return WriteFileStep{ .builder = builder, .step = Step.init("writefile", builder.allocator, make), .files = ArrayList(File).init(builder.allocator), .output_dir = undefined, }; } pub fn add(self: *WriteFileStep, basename: []const u8, bytes: []const u8) void { self.files.append(.{ .basename = basename, .bytes = bytes }) catch unreachable; } /// Unless setOutputDir was called, this function must be called only in /// the make step, from a step that has declared a dependency on this one. /// To run an executable built with zig build, use `run`, or create an install step and invoke it. pub fn getOutputPath(self: *WriteFileStep, basename: []const u8) []const u8 { return fs.path.join( self.builder.allocator, &[_][]const u8{ self.output_dir, basename }, ) catch unreachable; } fn make(step: *Step) !void { const self = @fieldParentPtr(WriteFileStep, "step", step); // The cache is used here not really as a way to speed things up - because writing // the data to a file would probably be very fast - but as a way to find a canonical // location to put build artifacts. // If, for example, a hard-coded path was used as the location to put WriteFileStep // files, then two WriteFileSteps executing in parallel might clobber each other. // TODO port the cache system from stage1 to zig std lib. Until then we use blake2b // directly and construct the path, and no "cache hit" detection happens; the files // are always written. var hash = std.crypto.Blake2b384.init(); // Random bytes to make WriteFileStep unique. Refresh this with // new random bytes when WriteFileStep implementation is modified // in a non-backwards-compatible way. hash.update("eagVR1dYXoE7ARDP"); for (self.files.span()) |file| { hash.update(file.basename); hash.update(file.bytes); hash.update("|"); } var digest: [48]u8 = undefined;; var hash_basename: [64]u8 = undefined; fs.base64_encoder.encode(&hash_basename, &digest); self.output_dir = try fs.path.join(self.builder.allocator, &[_][]const u8{ self.builder.cache_root, "o", &hash_basename, }); // TODO replace with something like fs.makePathAndOpenDir fs.cwd().makePath(self.output_dir) catch |err| { warn("unable to make path {}: {}\n", .{ self.output_dir, @errorName(err) }); return err; }; var dir = try fs.cwd().openDir(self.output_dir, .{}); defer dir.close(); for (self.files.span()) |file| { dir.writeFile(file.basename, file.bytes) catch |err| { warn("unable to write {} into {}: {}\n", .{ file.basename, self.output_dir, @errorName(err), }); return err; }; } } };