const std = @import("../std.zig"); const maxInt = std.math.maxInt; const iovec = std.os.iovec; extern "c" threadlocal var errno: c_int; pub fn _errno() *c_int { return &errno; } pub extern "c" fn getdents(fd: c_int, buf_ptr: [*]u8, nbytes: usize) usize; pub extern "c" fn sigaltstack(ss: ?*stack_t, old_ss: ?*stack_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn getrandom(buf_ptr: [*]u8, buf_len: usize, flags: c_uint) isize; pub extern "c" fn pipe2(fds: *[2]fd_t, flags: u32) c_int; pub const dl_iterate_phdr_callback = fn (info: *dl_phdr_info, size: usize, data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) c_int; pub extern "c" fn dl_iterate_phdr(callback: dl_iterate_phdr_callback, data: ?*c_void) c_int; pub extern "c" fn lwp_gettid() c_int; pub extern "c" fn posix_memalign(memptr: *?*c_void, alignment: usize, size: usize) c_int; pub const pthread_mutex_t = extern struct { inner: ?*c_void = null, }; pub const pthread_cond_t = extern struct { inner: ?*c_void = null, }; pub const pthread_attr_t = extern struct { // copied from freebsd __size: [56]u8, __align: c_long, }; pub const sem_t = ?*opaque {}; // See: // - // - // TODO: mode_t should probably be changed to a u16, audit pid_t/off_t as well pub const fd_t = c_int; pub const pid_t = c_int; pub const off_t = c_long; pub const mode_t = c_uint; pub const uid_t = u32; pub const gid_t = u32; pub const time_t = isize; pub const suseconds_t = c_long; pub const E = enum(u16) { /// No error occurred. SUCCESS = 0, PERM = 1, NOENT = 2, SRCH = 3, INTR = 4, IO = 5, NXIO = 6, @"2BIG" = 7, NOEXEC = 8, BADF = 9, CHILD = 10, DEADLK = 11, NOMEM = 12, ACCES = 13, FAULT = 14, NOTBLK = 15, BUSY = 16, EXIST = 17, XDEV = 18, NODEV = 19, NOTDIR = 20, ISDIR = 21, INVAL = 22, NFILE = 23, MFILE = 24, NOTTY = 25, TXTBSY = 26, FBIG = 27, NOSPC = 28, SPIPE = 29, ROFS = 30, MLINK = 31, PIPE = 32, DOM = 33, RANGE = 34, /// This code is also used for `WOULDBLOCK`. AGAIN = 35, INPROGRESS = 36, ALREADY = 37, NOTSOCK = 38, DESTADDRREQ = 39, MSGSIZE = 40, PROTOTYPE = 41, NOPROTOOPT = 42, PROTONOSUPPORT = 43, SOCKTNOSUPPORT = 44, /// This code is also used for `NOTSUP`. OPNOTSUPP = 45, PFNOSUPPORT = 46, AFNOSUPPORT = 47, ADDRINUSE = 48, ADDRNOTAVAIL = 49, NETDOWN = 50, NETUNREACH = 51, NETRESET = 52, CONNABORTED = 53, CONNRESET = 54, NOBUFS = 55, ISCONN = 56, NOTCONN = 57, SHUTDOWN = 58, TOOMANYREFS = 59, TIMEDOUT = 60, CONNREFUSED = 61, LOOP = 62, NAMETOOLONG = 63, HOSTDOWN = 64, HOSTUNREACH = 65, NOTEMPTY = 66, PROCLIM = 67, USERS = 68, DQUOT = 69, STALE = 70, REMOTE = 71, BADRPC = 72, RPCMISMATCH = 73, PROGUNAVAIL = 74, PROGMISMATCH = 75, PROCUNAVAIL = 76, NOLCK = 77, NOSYS = 78, FTYPE = 79, AUTH = 80, NEEDAUTH = 81, IDRM = 82, NOMSG = 83, OVERFLOW = 84, CANCELED = 85, ILSEQ = 86, NOATTR = 87, DOOFUS = 88, BADMSG = 89, MULTIHOP = 90, NOLINK = 91, PROTO = 92, NOMEDIUM = 93, ASYNC = 99, _, }; pub const STDIN_FILENO = 0; pub const STDOUT_FILENO = 1; pub const STDERR_FILENO = 2; pub const PROT = struct { pub const NONE = 0; pub const READ = 1; pub const WRITE = 2; pub const EXEC = 4; }; pub const MAP = struct { pub const FILE = 0; pub const FAILED = @intToPtr(*c_void, maxInt(usize)); pub const ANONYMOUS = ANON; pub const COPY = PRIVATE; pub const SHARED = 1; pub const PRIVATE = 2; pub const FIXED = 16; pub const RENAME = 32; pub const NORESERVE = 64; pub const INHERIT = 128; pub const NOEXTEND = 256; pub const HASSEMAPHORE = 512; pub const STACK = 1024; pub const NOSYNC = 2048; pub const ANON = 4096; pub const VPAGETABLE = 8192; pub const TRYFIXED = 65536; pub const NOCORE = 131072; pub const SIZEALIGN = 262144; }; pub const W = struct { pub const NOHANG = 0x0001; pub const UNTRACED = 0x0002; pub const CONTINUED = 0x0004; pub const STOPPED = UNTRACED; pub const NOWAIT = 0x0008; pub const EXITED = 0x0010; pub const TRAPPED = 0x0020; pub fn EXITSTATUS(s: u32) u8 { return @intCast(u8, (s & 0xff00) >> 8); } pub fn TERMSIG(s: u32) u32 { return s & 0x7f; } pub fn STOPSIG(s: u32) u32 { return EXITSTATUS(s); } pub fn IFEXITED(s: u32) bool { return TERMSIG(s) == 0; } pub fn IFSTOPPED(s: u32) bool { return @truncate(u16, (((s & 0xffff) *% 0x10001) >> 8)) > 0x7f00; } pub fn IFSIGNALED(s: u32) bool { return (s & 0xffff) -% 1 < 0xff; } }; pub const SA = struct { pub const ONSTACK = 0x0001; pub const RESTART = 0x0002; pub const RESETHAND = 0x0004; pub const NODEFER = 0x0010; pub const NOCLDWAIT = 0x0020; pub const SIGINFO = 0x0040; }; pub const PATH_MAX = 1024; pub const IOV_MAX = KERN.IOV_MAX; pub const ino_t = c_ulong; pub const Stat = extern struct { ino: ino_t, nlink: c_uint, dev: c_uint, mode: c_ushort, padding1: u16, uid: uid_t, gid: gid_t, rdev: c_uint, atim: timespec, mtim: timespec, ctim: timespec, size: c_ulong, blocks: i64, blksize: u32, flags: u32, gen: u32, lspare: i32, qspare1: i64, qspare2: i64, pub fn atime(self: @This()) timespec { return self.atim; } pub fn mtime(self: @This()) timespec { return self.mtim; } pub fn ctime(self: @This()) timespec { return self.ctim; } }; pub const timespec = extern struct { tv_sec: c_long, tv_nsec: c_long, }; pub const timeval = extern struct { /// seconds tv_sec: time_t, /// microseconds tv_usec: suseconds_t, }; pub const CTL = struct { pub const UNSPEC = 0; pub const KERN = 1; pub const VM = 2; pub const VFS = 3; pub const NET = 4; pub const DEBUG = 5; pub const HW = 6; pub const MACHDEP = 7; pub const USER = 8; pub const LWKT = 10; pub const MAXID = 11; pub const MAXNAME = 12; }; pub const KERN = struct { pub const PROC_ALL = 0; pub const OSTYPE = 1; pub const PROC_PID = 1; pub const OSRELEASE = 2; pub const PROC_PGRP = 2; pub const OSREV = 3; pub const PROC_SESSION = 3; pub const VERSION = 4; pub const PROC_TTY = 4; pub const MAXVNODES = 5; pub const PROC_UID = 5; pub const MAXPROC = 6; pub const PROC_RUID = 6; pub const MAXFILES = 7; pub const PROC_ARGS = 7; pub const ARGMAX = 8; pub const PROC_CWD = 8; pub const PROC_PATHNAME = 9; pub const SECURELVL = 9; pub const PROC_SIGTRAMP = 10; pub const HOSTNAME = 10; pub const HOSTID = 11; pub const CLOCKRATE = 12; pub const VNODE = 13; pub const PROC = 14; pub const FILE = 15; pub const PROC_FLAGMASK = 16; pub const PROF = 16; pub const PROC_FLAG_LWP = 16; pub const POSIX1 = 17; pub const NGROUPS = 18; pub const JOB_CONTROL = 19; pub const SAVED_IDS = 20; pub const BOOTTIME = 21; pub const NISDOMAINNAME = 22; pub const UPDATEINTERVAL = 23; pub const OSRELDATE = 24; pub const NTP_PLL = 25; pub const BOOTFILE = 26; pub const MAXFILESPERPROC = 27; pub const MAXPROCPERUID = 28; pub const DUMPDEV = 29; pub const IPC = 30; pub const DUMMY = 31; pub const PS_STRINGS = 32; pub const USRSTACK = 33; pub const LOGSIGEXIT = 34; pub const IOV_MAX = 35; pub const MAXPOSIXLOCKSPERUID = 36; pub const MAXID = 37; }; pub const HOST_NAME_MAX = 255; // access function pub const F_OK = 0; // test for existence of file pub const X_OK = 1; // test for execute or search permission pub const W_OK = 2; // test for write permission pub const R_OK = 4; // test for read permission pub const O = struct { pub const RDONLY = 0; pub const NDELAY = NONBLOCK; pub const WRONLY = 1; pub const RDWR = 2; pub const ACCMODE = 3; pub const NONBLOCK = 4; pub const APPEND = 8; pub const SHLOCK = 16; pub const EXLOCK = 32; pub const ASYNC = 64; pub const FSYNC = 128; pub const SYNC = 128; pub const NOFOLLOW = 256; pub const CREAT = 512; pub const TRUNC = 1024; pub const EXCL = 2048; pub const NOCTTY = 32768; pub const DIRECT = 65536; pub const CLOEXEC = 131072; pub const FBLOCKING = 262144; pub const FNONBLOCKING = 524288; pub const FAPPEND = 1048576; pub const FOFFSET = 2097152; pub const FSYNCWRITE = 4194304; pub const FASYNCWRITE = 8388608; pub const DIRECTORY = 134217728; }; pub const SEEK = struct { pub const SET = 0; pub const CUR = 1; pub const END = 2; pub const DATA = 3; pub const HOLE = 4; }; pub const F = struct { pub const ULOCK = 0; pub const LOCK = 1; pub const TLOCK = 2; pub const TEST = 3; pub const DUPFD = 0; pub const GETFD = 1; pub const RDLCK = 1; pub const SETFD = 2; pub const UNLCK = 2; pub const WRLCK = 3; pub const GETFL = 3; pub const SETFL = 4; pub const GETOWN = 5; pub const SETOWN = 6; pub const GETLK = 7; pub const SETLK = 8; pub const SETLKW = 9; pub const DUP2FD = 10; pub const DUPFD_CLOEXEC = 17; pub const DUP2FD_CLOEXEC = 18; }; pub const FD_CLOEXEC = 1; pub const AT = struct { pub const FDCWD = -328243; pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 1; pub const REMOVEDIR = 2; pub const EACCESS = 4; pub const SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 8; }; pub const dirent = extern struct { d_fileno: c_ulong, d_namlen: u16, d_type: u8, d_unused1: u8, d_unused2: u32, d_name: [256]u8, pub fn reclen(self: dirent) u16 { return (@offsetOf(dirent, "d_name") + self.d_namlen + 1 + 7) & ~@as(u16, 7); } }; pub const DT = struct { pub const UNKNOWN = 0; pub const FIFO = 1; pub const CHR = 2; pub const DIR = 4; pub const BLK = 6; pub const REG = 8; pub const LNK = 10; pub const SOCK = 12; pub const WHT = 14; pub const DBF = 15; }; pub const CLOCK = struct { pub const REALTIME = 0; pub const VIRTUAL = 1; pub const PROF = 2; pub const MONOTONIC = 4; pub const UPTIME = 5; pub const UPTIME_PRECISE = 7; pub const UPTIME_FAST = 8; pub const REALTIME_PRECISE = 9; pub const REALTIME_FAST = 10; pub const MONOTONIC_PRECISE = 11; pub const MONOTONIC_FAST = 12; pub const SECOND = 13; pub const THREAD_CPUTIME_ID = 14; pub const PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID = 15; }; pub const sockaddr = extern struct { len: u8, family: u8, data: [14]u8, pub const SS_MAXSIZE = 128; pub const storage = std.x.os.Socket.Address.Native.Storage; pub const in = extern struct { len: u8 = @sizeOf(in), family: sa_family_t = AF.INET, port: in_port_t, addr: u32, zero: [8]u8 = [8]u8{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, }; pub const in6 = extern struct { len: u8 = @sizeOf(in6), family: sa_family_t = AF.INET6, port: in_port_t, flowinfo: u32, addr: [16]u8, scope_id: u32, }; }; pub const Kevent = extern struct { ident: usize, filter: c_short, flags: c_ushort, fflags: c_uint, data: isize, udata: usize, }; pub const EVFILT_FS = -10; pub const EVFILT_USER = -9; pub const EVFILT_EXCEPT = -8; pub const EVFILT_TIMER = -7; pub const EVFILT_SIGNAL = -6; pub const EVFILT_PROC = -5; pub const EVFILT_VNODE = -4; pub const EVFILT_AIO = -3; pub const EVFILT_WRITE = -2; pub const EVFILT_READ = -1; pub const EVFILT_SYSCOUNT = 10; pub const EVFILT_MARKER = 15; pub const EV_ADD = 1; pub const EV_DELETE = 2; pub const EV_ENABLE = 4; pub const EV_DISABLE = 8; pub const EV_ONESHOT = 16; pub const EV_CLEAR = 32; pub const EV_RECEIPT = 64; pub const EV_DISPATCH = 128; pub const EV_NODATA = 4096; pub const EV_FLAG1 = 8192; pub const EV_ERROR = 16384; pub const EV_EOF = 32768; pub const EV_SYSFLAGS = 61440; pub const NOTE_FFNOP = 0; pub const NOTE_TRACK = 1; pub const NOTE_DELETE = 1; pub const NOTE_LOWAT = 1; pub const NOTE_TRACKERR = 2; pub const NOTE_OOB = 2; pub const NOTE_WRITE = 2; pub const NOTE_EXTEND = 4; pub const NOTE_CHILD = 4; pub const NOTE_ATTRIB = 8; pub const NOTE_LINK = 16; pub const NOTE_RENAME = 32; pub const NOTE_REVOKE = 64; pub const NOTE_PDATAMASK = 1048575; pub const NOTE_FFLAGSMASK = 16777215; pub const NOTE_TRIGGER = 16777216; pub const NOTE_EXEC = 536870912; pub const NOTE_FFAND = 1073741824; pub const NOTE_FORK = 1073741824; pub const NOTE_EXIT = 2147483648; pub const NOTE_FFOR = 2147483648; pub const NOTE_FFCTRLMASK = 3221225472; pub const NOTE_FFCOPY = 3221225472; pub const NOTE_PCTRLMASK = 4026531840; pub const stack_t = extern struct { sp: [*]u8, size: isize, flags: i32, }; pub const S = struct { pub const IREAD = IRUSR; pub const IEXEC = IXUSR; pub const IWRITE = IWUSR; pub const IXOTH = 1; pub const IWOTH = 2; pub const IROTH = 4; pub const IRWXO = 7; pub const IXGRP = 8; pub const IWGRP = 16; pub const IRGRP = 32; pub const IRWXG = 56; pub const IXUSR = 64; pub const IWUSR = 128; pub const IRUSR = 256; pub const IRWXU = 448; pub const ISTXT = 512; pub const BLKSIZE = 512; pub const ISVTX = 512; pub const ISGID = 1024; pub const ISUID = 2048; pub const IFIFO = 4096; pub const IFCHR = 8192; pub const IFDIR = 16384; pub const IFBLK = 24576; pub const IFREG = 32768; pub const IFDB = 36864; pub const IFLNK = 40960; pub const IFSOCK = 49152; pub const IFWHT = 57344; pub const IFMT = 61440; pub fn ISCHR(m: u32) bool { return m & IFMT == IFCHR; } }; pub const BADSIG = SIG.ERR; pub const SIG = struct { pub const DFL = @intToPtr(?Sigaction.sigaction_fn, 0); pub const IGN = @intToPtr(?Sigaction.sigaction_fn, 1); pub const ERR = @intToPtr(?Sigaction.sigaction_fn, maxInt(usize)); pub const BLOCK = 1; pub const UNBLOCK = 2; pub const SETMASK = 3; pub const IOT = ABRT; pub const HUP = 1; pub const INT = 2; pub const QUIT = 3; pub const ILL = 4; pub const TRAP = 5; pub const ABRT = 6; pub const EMT = 7; pub const FPE = 8; pub const KILL = 9; pub const BUS = 10; pub const SEGV = 11; pub const SYS = 12; pub const PIPE = 13; pub const ALRM = 14; pub const TERM = 15; pub const URG = 16; pub const STOP = 17; pub const TSTP = 18; pub const CONT = 19; pub const CHLD = 20; pub const TTIN = 21; pub const TTOU = 22; pub const IO = 23; pub const XCPU = 24; pub const XFSZ = 25; pub const VTALRM = 26; pub const PROF = 27; pub const WINCH = 28; pub const INFO = 29; pub const USR1 = 30; pub const USR2 = 31; pub const THR = 32; pub const CKPT = 33; pub const CKPTEXIT = 34; }; pub const siginfo_t = extern struct { signo: c_int, errno: c_int, code: c_int, pid: c_int, uid: uid_t, status: c_int, addr: ?*c_void, value: sigval, band: c_long, __spare__: [7]c_int, }; pub const sigval = extern union { sival_int: c_int, sival_ptr: ?*c_void, }; pub const _SIG_WORDS = 4; pub const sigset_t = extern struct { __bits: [_SIG_WORDS]c_uint, }; pub const empty_sigset = sigset_t{ .__bits = [_]c_uint{0} ** _SIG_WORDS }; pub const sig_atomic_t = c_int; pub const Sigaction = extern struct { pub const handler_fn = fn (c_int) callconv(.C) void; pub const sigaction_fn = fn (c_int, *const siginfo_t, ?*const c_void) callconv(.C) void; /// signal handler handler: extern union { handler: ?handler_fn, sigaction: ?sigaction_fn, }, flags: c_uint, mask: sigset_t, }; pub const sig_t = [*c]fn (c_int) callconv(.C) void; pub const SOCK = struct { pub const STREAM = 1; pub const DGRAM = 2; pub const RAW = 3; pub const RDM = 4; pub const SEQPACKET = 5; pub const MAXADDRLEN = 255; pub const CLOEXEC = 0x10000000; pub const NONBLOCK = 0x20000000; }; pub const SO = struct { pub const DEBUG = 0x0001; pub const ACCEPTCONN = 0x0002; pub const REUSEADDR = 0x0004; pub const KEEPALIVE = 0x0008; pub const DONTROUTE = 0x0010; pub const BROADCAST = 0x0020; pub const USELOOPBACK = 0x0040; pub const LINGER = 0x0080; pub const OOBINLINE = 0x0100; pub const REUSEPORT = 0x0200; pub const TIMESTAMP = 0x0400; pub const NOSIGPIPE = 0x0800; pub const ACCEPTFILTER = 0x1000; pub const RERROR = 0x2000; pub const PASSCRED = 0x4000; pub const SNDBUF = 0x1001; pub const RCVBUF = 0x1002; pub const SNDLOWAT = 0x1003; pub const RCVLOWAT = 0x1004; pub const SNDTIMEO = 0x1005; pub const RCVTIMEO = 0x1006; pub const ERROR = 0x1007; pub const TYPE = 0x1008; pub const SNDSPACE = 0x100a; pub const CPUHINT = 0x1030; }; pub const SOL = struct { pub const SOCKET = 0xffff; }; pub const PF = struct { pub const INET6 = AF.INET6; pub const IMPLINK = AF.IMPLINK; pub const ROUTE = AF.ROUTE; pub const ISO = AF.ISO; pub const PIP = AF.pseudo_PIP; pub const CHAOS = AF.CHAOS; pub const DATAKIT = AF.DATAKIT; pub const INET = AF.INET; pub const APPLETALK = AF.APPLETALK; pub const SIP = AF.SIP; pub const OSI = AF.ISO; pub const CNT = AF.CNT; pub const LINK = AF.LINK; pub const HYLINK = AF.HYLINK; pub const MAX = AF.MAX; pub const KEY = AF.pseudo_KEY; pub const PUP = AF.PUP; pub const COIP = AF.COIP; pub const SNA = AF.SNA; pub const LOCAL = AF.LOCAL; pub const NETBIOS = AF.NETBIOS; pub const NATM = AF.NATM; pub const BLUETOOTH = AF.BLUETOOTH; pub const UNSPEC = AF.UNSPEC; pub const NETGRAPH = AF.NETGRAPH; pub const ECMA = AF.ECMA; pub const IPX = AF.IPX; pub const DLI = AF.DLI; pub const ATM = AF.ATM; pub const CCITT = AF.CCITT; pub const ISDN = AF.ISDN; pub const RTIP = AF.pseudo_RTIP; pub const LAT = AF.LAT; pub const UNIX = PF.LOCAL; pub const XTP = AF.pseudo_XTP; pub const DECnet = AF.DECnet; }; pub const AF = struct { pub const UNSPEC = 0; pub const OSI = ISO; pub const UNIX = LOCAL; pub const LOCAL = 1; pub const INET = 2; pub const IMPLINK = 3; pub const PUP = 4; pub const CHAOS = 5; pub const NETBIOS = 6; pub const ISO = 7; pub const ECMA = 8; pub const DATAKIT = 9; pub const CCITT = 10; pub const SNA = 11; pub const DLI = 13; pub const LAT = 14; pub const HYLINK = 15; pub const APPLETALK = 16; pub const ROUTE = 17; pub const LINK = 18; pub const COIP = 20; pub const CNT = 21; pub const IPX = 23; pub const SIP = 24; pub const ISDN = 26; pub const INET6 = 28; pub const NATM = 29; pub const ATM = 30; pub const NETGRAPH = 32; pub const BLUETOOTH = 33; pub const MPLS = 34; pub const MAX = 36; }; pub const in_port_t = u16; pub const sa_family_t = u8; pub const socklen_t = u32; pub const EAI = enum(c_int) { ADDRFAMILY = 1, AGAIN = 2, BADFLAGS = 3, FAIL = 4, FAMILY = 5, MEMORY = 6, NODATA = 7, NONAME = 8, SERVICE = 9, SOCKTYPE = 10, SYSTEM = 11, BADHINTS = 12, PROTOCOL = 13, OVERFLOW = 14, _, }; pub const AI = struct { pub const PASSIVE = 0x00000001; pub const CANONNAME = 0x00000002; pub const NUMERICHOST = 0x00000004; pub const NUMERICSERV = 0x00000008; pub const MASK = PASSIVE | CANONNAME | NUMERICHOST | NUMERICSERV | ADDRCONFIG; pub const ALL = 0x00000100; pub const V4MAPPED_CFG = 0x00000200; pub const ADDRCONFIG = 0x00000400; pub const V4MAPPED = 0x00000800; pub const DEFAULT = V4MAPPED_CFG | ADDRCONFIG; }; pub const RTLD = struct { pub const LAZY = 1; pub const NOW = 2; pub const MODEMASK = 0x3; pub const GLOBAL = 0x100; pub const LOCAL = 0; pub const TRACE = 0x200; pub const NODELETE = 0x01000; pub const NOLOAD = 0x02000; pub const NEXT = @intToPtr(*c_void, @bitCast(usize, @as(isize, -1))); pub const DEFAULT = @intToPtr(*c_void, @bitCast(usize, @as(isize, -2))); pub const SELF = @intToPtr(*c_void, @bitCast(usize, @as(isize, -3))); pub const ALL = @intToPtr(*c_void, @bitCast(usize, @as(isize, -4))); }; pub const dl_phdr_info = extern struct { dlpi_addr: usize, dlpi_name: ?[*:0]const u8, dlpi_phdr: [*]std.elf.Phdr, dlpi_phnum: u16, }; pub const cmsghdr = extern struct { cmsg_len: socklen_t, cmsg_level: c_int, cmsg_type: c_int, }; pub const msghdr = extern struct { msg_name: ?*c_void, msg_namelen: socklen_t, msg_iov: [*c]iovec, msg_iovlen: c_int, msg_control: ?*c_void, msg_controllen: socklen_t, msg_flags: c_int, }; pub const cmsgcred = extern struct { cmcred_pid: pid_t, cmcred_uid: uid_t, cmcred_euid: uid_t, cmcred_gid: gid_t, cmcred_ngroups: c_short, cmcred_groups: [16]gid_t, }; pub const sf_hdtr = extern struct { headers: [*c]iovec, hdr_cnt: c_int, trailers: [*c]iovec, trl_cnt: c_int, }; pub const MS_SYNC = 0; pub const MS_ASYNC = 1; pub const MS_INVALIDATE = 2; pub const POSIX_MADV_SEQUENTIAL = 2; pub const POSIX_MADV_RANDOM = 1; pub const POSIX_MADV_DONTNEED = 4; pub const POSIX_MADV_NORMAL = 0; pub const POSIX_MADV_WILLNEED = 3; pub const MADV = struct { pub const SEQUENTIAL = 2; pub const CONTROL_END = SETMAP; pub const DONTNEED = 4; pub const RANDOM = 1; pub const WILLNEED = 3; pub const NORMAL = 0; pub const CONTROL_START = INVAL; pub const FREE = 5; pub const NOSYNC = 6; pub const AUTOSYNC = 7; pub const NOCORE = 8; pub const CORE = 9; pub const INVAL = 10; pub const SETMAP = 11; }; pub const LOCK = struct { pub const SH = 1; pub const EX = 2; pub const UN = 8; pub const NB = 4; }; pub const Flock = extern struct { l_start: off_t, l_len: off_t, l_pid: pid_t, l_type: c_short, l_whence: c_short, }; pub const addrinfo = extern struct { flags: i32, family: i32, socktype: i32, protocol: i32, addrlen: socklen_t, canonname: ?[*:0]u8, addr: ?*sockaddr, next: ?*addrinfo, }; pub const IPPROTO = struct { pub const IP = 0; pub const ICMP = 1; pub const TCP = 6; pub const UDP = 17; pub const IPV6 = 41; pub const RAW = 255; pub const HOPOPTS = 0; pub const IGMP = 2; pub const GGP = 3; pub const IPV4 = 4; pub const IPIP = IPV4; pub const ST = 7; pub const EGP = 8; pub const PIGP = 9; pub const RCCMON = 10; pub const NVPII = 11; pub const PUP = 12; pub const ARGUS = 13; pub const EMCON = 14; pub const XNET = 15; pub const CHAOS = 16; pub const MUX = 18; pub const MEAS = 19; pub const HMP = 20; pub const PRM = 21; pub const IDP = 22; pub const TRUNK1 = 23; pub const TRUNK2 = 24; pub const LEAF1 = 25; pub const LEAF2 = 26; pub const RDP = 27; pub const IRTP = 28; pub const TP = 29; pub const BLT = 30; pub const NSP = 31; pub const INP = 32; pub const SEP = 33; pub const @"3PC" = 34; pub const IDPR = 35; pub const XTP = 36; pub const DDP = 37; pub const CMTP = 38; pub const TPXX = 39; pub const IL = 40; pub const SDRP = 42; pub const ROUTING = 43; pub const FRAGMENT = 44; pub const IDRP = 45; pub const RSVP = 46; pub const GRE = 47; pub const MHRP = 48; pub const BHA = 49; pub const ESP = 50; pub const AH = 51; pub const INLSP = 52; pub const SWIPE = 53; pub const NHRP = 54; pub const MOBILE = 55; pub const TLSP = 56; pub const SKIP = 57; pub const ICMPV6 = 58; pub const NONE = 59; pub const DSTOPTS = 60; pub const AHIP = 61; pub const CFTP = 62; pub const HELLO = 63; pub const SATEXPAK = 64; pub const KRYPTOLAN = 65; pub const RVD = 66; pub const IPPC = 67; pub const ADFS = 68; pub const SATMON = 69; pub const VISA = 70; pub const IPCV = 71; pub const CPNX = 72; pub const CPHB = 73; pub const WSN = 74; pub const PVP = 75; pub const BRSATMON = 76; pub const ND = 77; pub const WBMON = 78; pub const WBEXPAK = 79; pub const EON = 80; pub const VMTP = 81; pub const SVMTP = 82; pub const VINES = 83; pub const TTP = 84; pub const IGP = 85; pub const DGP = 86; pub const TCF = 87; pub const IGRP = 88; pub const OSPFIGP = 89; pub const SRPC = 90; pub const LARP = 91; pub const MTP = 92; pub const AX25 = 93; pub const IPEIP = 94; pub const MICP = 95; pub const SCCSP = 96; pub const ETHERIP = 97; pub const ENCAP = 98; pub const APES = 99; pub const GMTP = 100; pub const IPCOMP = 108; pub const PIM = 103; pub const CARP = 112; pub const PGM = 113; pub const PFSYNC = 240; pub const DIVERT = 254; pub const MAX = 256; pub const DONE = 257; pub const UNKNOWN = 258; }; pub const rlimit_resource = enum(c_int) { CPU = 0, FSIZE = 1, DATA = 2, STACK = 3, CORE = 4, RSS = 5, MEMLOCK = 6, NPROC = 7, NOFILE = 8, SBSIZE = 9, VMEM = 10, POSIXLOCKS = 11, _, pub const AS: rlimit_resource = .VMEM; }; pub const rlim_t = i64; pub const RLIM = struct { /// No limit pub const INFINITY: rlim_t = (1 << 63) - 1; pub const SAVED_MAX = INFINITY; pub const SAVED_CUR = INFINITY; }; pub const rlimit = extern struct { /// Soft limit cur: rlim_t, /// Hard limit max: rlim_t, }; pub const SHUT = struct { pub const RD = 0; pub const WR = 1; pub const RDWR = 2; }; pub const nfds_t = u32; pub const pollfd = extern struct { fd: fd_t, events: i16, revents: i16, }; pub const POLL = struct { /// Requestable events. pub const IN = 0x0001; pub const PRI = 0x0002; pub const OUT = 0x0004; pub const RDNORM = 0x0040; pub const WRNORM = OUT; pub const RDBAND = 0x0080; pub const WRBAND = 0x0100; /// These events are set if they occur regardless of whether they were requested. pub const ERR = 0x0008; pub const HUP = 0x0010; pub const NVAL = 0x0020; };