const builtin = @import("builtin"); const std = @import("std"); const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const assert = std.debug.assert; const fatal = std.process.fatal; const SeenPcsHeader = std.Build.Fuzz.abi.SeenPcsHeader; pub const std_options = .{ .logFn = logOverride, }; var log_file: ?std.fs.File = null; fn logOverride( comptime level: std.log.Level, comptime scope: @Type(.enum_literal), comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype, ) void { const f = if (log_file) |f| f else f: { const f = fuzzer.cache_dir.createFile("tmp/libfuzzer.log", .{}) catch @panic("failed to open fuzzer log file"); log_file = f; break :f f; }; const prefix1 = comptime level.asText(); const prefix2 = if (scope == .default) ": " else "(" ++ @tagName(scope) ++ "): "; f.writer().print(prefix1 ++ prefix2 ++ format ++ "\n", args) catch @panic("failed to write to fuzzer log"); } /// Helps determine run uniqueness in the face of recursion. export threadlocal var __sancov_lowest_stack: usize = 0; export fn __sanitizer_cov_trace_const_cmp1(arg1: u8, arg2: u8) void { handleCmp(@returnAddress(), arg1, arg2); } export fn __sanitizer_cov_trace_cmp1(arg1: u8, arg2: u8) void { handleCmp(@returnAddress(), arg1, arg2); } export fn __sanitizer_cov_trace_const_cmp2(arg1: u16, arg2: u16) void { handleCmp(@returnAddress(), arg1, arg2); } export fn __sanitizer_cov_trace_cmp2(arg1: u16, arg2: u16) void { handleCmp(@returnAddress(), arg1, arg2); } export fn __sanitizer_cov_trace_const_cmp4(arg1: u32, arg2: u32) void { handleCmp(@returnAddress(), arg1, arg2); } export fn __sanitizer_cov_trace_cmp4(arg1: u32, arg2: u32) void { handleCmp(@returnAddress(), arg1, arg2); } export fn __sanitizer_cov_trace_const_cmp8(arg1: u64, arg2: u64) void { handleCmp(@returnAddress(), arg1, arg2); } export fn __sanitizer_cov_trace_cmp8(arg1: u64, arg2: u64) void { handleCmp(@returnAddress(), arg1, arg2); } export fn __sanitizer_cov_trace_switch(val: u64, cases_ptr: [*]u64) void { const pc = @returnAddress(); const len = cases_ptr[0]; const val_size_in_bits = cases_ptr[1]; const cases = cases_ptr[2..][0..len]; _ = val; fuzzer.visitPc(pc); _ = val_size_in_bits; _ = cases; //std.log.debug("0x{x}: switch on value {d} ({d} bits) with {d} cases", .{ // pc, val, val_size_in_bits, cases.len, //}); } export fn __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_indir(callee: usize) void { const pc = @returnAddress(); _ = callee; fuzzer.visitPc(pc); //std.log.debug("0x{x}: indirect call to 0x{x}", .{ pc, callee }); } fn handleCmp(pc: usize, arg1: u64, arg2: u64) void { fuzzer.visitPc(pc ^ arg1 ^ arg2); //std.log.debug("0x{x}: comparison of {d} and {d}", .{ pc, arg1, arg2 }); } const Fuzzer = struct { gpa: Allocator, rng: std.Random.DefaultPrng, input: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8), pcs: []const usize, pc_counters: []u8, n_runs: usize, recent_cases: RunMap, /// Data collected from code coverage instrumentation from one execution of /// the test function. coverage: Coverage, /// Tracks which PCs have been seen across all runs that do not crash the fuzzer process. /// Stored in a memory-mapped file so that it can be shared with other /// processes and viewed while the fuzzer is running. seen_pcs: MemoryMappedList, cache_dir: std.fs.Dir, /// Identifies the file name that will be used to store coverage /// information, available to other processes. coverage_id: u64, const RunMap = std.ArrayHashMapUnmanaged(Run, void, Run.HashContext, false); const Coverage = struct { pc_table: std.AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged(usize, void), run_id_hasher: std.hash.Wyhash, fn reset(cov: *Coverage) void { cov.pc_table.clearRetainingCapacity(); cov.run_id_hasher = std.hash.Wyhash.init(0); } }; const Run = struct { id: Id, input: []const u8, score: usize, const Id = u64; const HashContext = struct { pub fn eql(ctx: HashContext, a: Run, b: Run, b_index: usize) bool { _ = b_index; _ = ctx; return ==; } pub fn hash(ctx: HashContext, a: Run) u32 { _ = ctx; return @truncate(; } }; fn deinit(run: *Run, gpa: Allocator) void {; run.* = undefined; } }; const Slice = extern struct { ptr: [*]const u8, len: usize, fn toZig(s: Slice) []const u8 { return s.ptr[0..s.len]; } fn fromZig(s: []const u8) Slice { return .{ .ptr = s.ptr, .len = s.len, }; } }; const Analysis = struct { score: usize, id: Run.Id, }; fn init(f: *Fuzzer, cache_dir: std.fs.Dir, pc_counters: []u8, pcs: []const usize) !void { f.cache_dir = cache_dir; f.pc_counters = pc_counters; f.pcs = pcs; // Choose a file name for the coverage based on a hash of the PCs that will be stored within. const pc_digest = std.hash.Wyhash.hash(0, std.mem.sliceAsBytes(pcs)); f.coverage_id = pc_digest; const hex_digest = std.fmt.hex(pc_digest); const coverage_file_path = "v/" ++ hex_digest; // Layout of this file: // - Header // - list of PC addresses (usize elements) // - list of hit flag, 1 bit per address (stored in u8 elements) const coverage_file = createFileBail(cache_dir, coverage_file_path, .{ .read = true, .truncate = false, }); defer coverage_file.close(); const n_bitset_elems = (pcs.len + @bitSizeOf(usize) - 1) / @bitSizeOf(usize); comptime assert(SeenPcsHeader.trailing[0] == .pc_bits_usize); comptime assert(SeenPcsHeader.trailing[1] == .pc_addr); const bytes_len = @sizeOf(SeenPcsHeader) + n_bitset_elems * @sizeOf(usize) + pcs.len * @sizeOf(usize); const existing_len = coverage_file.getEndPos() catch |err| { fatal("unable to check len of coverage file: {s}", .{@errorName(err)}); }; if (existing_len == 0) { coverage_file.setEndPos(bytes_len) catch |err| { fatal("unable to set len of coverage file: {s}", .{@errorName(err)}); }; } else if (existing_len != bytes_len) { fatal("incompatible existing coverage file (differing lengths)", .{}); } f.seen_pcs = MemoryMappedList.init(coverage_file, existing_len, bytes_len) catch |err| { fatal("unable to init coverage memory map: {s}", .{@errorName(err)}); }; if (existing_len != 0) { const existing_pcs_bytes = f.seen_pcs.items[@sizeOf(SeenPcsHeader) + @sizeOf(usize) * n_bitset_elems ..][0 .. pcs.len * @sizeOf(usize)]; const existing_pcs = std.mem.bytesAsSlice(usize, existing_pcs_bytes); for (existing_pcs, pcs, 0..) |old, new, i| { if (old != new) { fatal("incompatible existing coverage file (differing PC at index {d}: {x} != {x})", .{ i, old, new, }); } } } else { const header: SeenPcsHeader = .{ .n_runs = 0, .unique_runs = 0, .pcs_len = pcs.len, }; f.seen_pcs.appendSliceAssumeCapacity(std.mem.asBytes(&header)); f.seen_pcs.appendNTimesAssumeCapacity(0, n_bitset_elems * @sizeOf(usize)); f.seen_pcs.appendSliceAssumeCapacity(std.mem.sliceAsBytes(pcs)); } } fn analyzeLastRun(f: *Fuzzer) Analysis { return .{ .id =, .score = f.coverage.pc_table.count(), }; } fn start(f: *Fuzzer) !void { const gpa = f.gpa; const rng = fuzzer.rng.random(); // Prepare initial input. assert(f.recent_cases.entries.len == 0); assert(f.n_runs == 0); try f.recent_cases.ensureUnusedCapacity(gpa, 100); const len = rng.uintLessThanBiased(usize, 80); try f.input.resize(gpa, len); rng.bytes(f.input.items); f.recent_cases.putAssumeCapacity(.{ .id = 0, .input = try gpa.dupe(u8, f.input.items), .score = 0, }, {}); const header: *volatile SeenPcsHeader = @ptrCast(f.seen_pcs.items[0..@sizeOf(SeenPcsHeader)]); while (true) { const chosen_index = rng.uintLessThanBiased(usize, f.recent_cases.entries.len); const run = &f.recent_cases.keys()[chosen_index]; f.input.clearRetainingCapacity(); f.input.appendSliceAssumeCapacity(run.input); try f.mutate(); @memset(f.pc_counters, 0); __sancov_lowest_stack = std.math.maxInt(usize); f.coverage.reset(); fuzzer_one(f.input.items.ptr, f.input.items.len); f.n_runs += 1; _ = @atomicRmw(usize, &header.n_runs, .Add, 1, .monotonic); if (f.n_runs % 10000 == 0) f.dumpStats(); const analysis = f.analyzeLastRun(); const gop = f.recent_cases.getOrPutAssumeCapacity(.{ .id =, .input = undefined, .score = undefined, }); if (gop.found_existing) { //"duplicate analysis: score={d} id={d}", .{ analysis.score, }); if (f.input.items.len < gop.key_ptr.input.len or gop.key_ptr.score == 0) {; gop.key_ptr.input = try gpa.dupe(u8, f.input.items); gop.key_ptr.score = analysis.score; } } else {"unique analysis: score={d} id={d}", .{ analysis.score, }); gop.key_ptr.* = .{ .id =, .input = try gpa.dupe(u8, f.input.items), .score = analysis.score, }; { // Track code coverage from all runs. comptime assert(SeenPcsHeader.trailing[0] == .pc_bits_usize); const header_end_ptr: [*]volatile usize = @ptrCast(f.seen_pcs.items[@sizeOf(SeenPcsHeader)..]); const remainder = f.pcs.len % @bitSizeOf(usize); const aligned_len = f.pcs.len - remainder; const seen_pcs = header_end_ptr[0..aligned_len]; const pc_counters = std.mem.bytesAsSlice([@bitSizeOf(usize)]u8, f.pc_counters[0..aligned_len]); const V = @Vector(@bitSizeOf(usize), u8); const zero_v: V = @splat(0); for (header_end_ptr[0..pc_counters.len], pc_counters) |*elem, *array| { const v: V = array.*; const mask: usize = @bitCast(v != zero_v); _ = @atomicRmw(usize, elem, .Or, mask, .monotonic); } if (remainder > 0) { const i = pc_counters.len; const elem = &seen_pcs[i]; var mask: usize = 0; for (f.pc_counters[i * @bitSizeOf(usize) ..][0..remainder], 0..) |byte, bit_index| { mask |= @as(usize, @intFromBool(byte != 0)) << @intCast(bit_index); } _ = @atomicRmw(usize, elem, .Or, mask, .monotonic); } } _ = @atomicRmw(usize, &header.unique_runs, .Add, 1, .monotonic); } if (f.recent_cases.entries.len >= 100) { const Context = struct { values: []const Run, pub fn lessThan(ctx: @This(), a_index: usize, b_index: usize) bool { return ctx.values[b_index].score < ctx.values[a_index].score; } }; f.recent_cases.sortUnstable(Context{ .values = f.recent_cases.keys() }); const cap = 50; // This has to be done before deinitializing the deleted items. const doomed_runs = f.recent_cases.keys()[cap..]; f.recent_cases.shrinkRetainingCapacity(cap); for (doomed_runs) |*doomed_run| {"culling score={d} id={d}", .{ doomed_run.score, }); doomed_run.deinit(gpa); } } } } fn visitPc(f: *Fuzzer, pc: usize) void { errdefer |err| oom(err); try f.coverage.pc_table.put(f.gpa, pc, {}); f.coverage.run_id_hasher.update(std.mem.asBytes(&pc)); } fn dumpStats(f: *Fuzzer) void { for (f.recent_cases.keys()[0..@min(f.recent_cases.entries.len, 5)], 0..) |run, i| {"best[{d}] id={x} score={d} input: '{}'", .{ i,, run.score, std.zig.fmtEscapes(run.input), }); } } fn mutate(f: *Fuzzer) !void { const gpa = f.gpa; const rng = fuzzer.rng.random(); if (f.input.items.len == 0) { const len = rng.uintLessThanBiased(usize, 80); try f.input.resize(gpa, len); rng.bytes(f.input.items); return; } const index = rng.uintLessThanBiased(usize, f.input.items.len * 3); if (index < f.input.items.len) { f.input.items[index] =; } else if (index < f.input.items.len * 2) { _ = f.input.orderedRemove(index - f.input.items.len); } else if (index < f.input.items.len * 3) { try f.input.insert(gpa, index - f.input.items.len * 2,; } else { unreachable; } } }; fn createFileBail(dir: std.fs.Dir, sub_path: []const u8, flags: std.fs.File.CreateFlags) std.fs.File { return dir.createFile(sub_path, flags) catch |err| switch (err) { error.FileNotFound => { const dir_name = std.fs.path.dirname(sub_path).?; dir.makePath(dir_name) catch |e| { fatal("unable to make path '{s}': {s}", .{ dir_name, @errorName(e) }); }; return dir.createFile(sub_path, flags) catch |e| { fatal("unable to create file '{s}': {s}", .{ sub_path, @errorName(e) }); }; }, else => fatal("unable to create file '{s}': {s}", .{ sub_path, @errorName(err) }), }; } fn oom(err: anytype) noreturn { switch (err) { error.OutOfMemory => @panic("out of memory"), } } var general_purpose_allocator: std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}) = .init; var fuzzer: Fuzzer = .{ .gpa = general_purpose_allocator.allocator(), .rng = std.Random.DefaultPrng.init(0), .input = .{}, .pcs = undefined, .pc_counters = undefined, .n_runs = 0, .recent_cases = .{}, .coverage = undefined, .cache_dir = undefined, .seen_pcs = undefined, .coverage_id = undefined, }; /// Invalid until `fuzzer_init` is called. export fn fuzzer_coverage_id() u64 { return fuzzer.coverage_id; } var fuzzer_one: *const fn (input_ptr: [*]const u8, input_len: usize) callconv(.C) void = undefined; export fn fuzzer_start(testOne: @TypeOf(fuzzer_one)) void { fuzzer_one = testOne; fuzzer.start() catch |err| switch (err) { error.OutOfMemory => fatal("out of memory", .{}), }; } export fn fuzzer_init(cache_dir_struct: Fuzzer.Slice) void { // Linkers are expected to automatically add `__start_
` and // `__stop_
` symbols when section names are valid C identifiers. const pc_counters_start = @extern([*]u8, .{ .name = "__start___sancov_cntrs", .linkage = .weak, }) orelse fatal("missing __start___sancov_cntrs symbol", .{}); const pc_counters_end = @extern([*]u8, .{ .name = "__stop___sancov_cntrs", .linkage = .weak, }) orelse fatal("missing __stop___sancov_cntrs symbol", .{}); const pc_counters = pc_counters_start[0 .. pc_counters_end - pc_counters_start]; const pcs_start = @extern([*]usize, .{ .name = "__start___sancov_pcs1", .linkage = .weak, }) orelse fatal("missing __start___sancov_pcs1 symbol", .{}); const pcs_end = @extern([*]usize, .{ .name = "__stop___sancov_pcs1", .linkage = .weak, }) orelse fatal("missing __stop___sancov_pcs1 symbol", .{}); const pcs = pcs_start[0 .. pcs_end - pcs_start]; const cache_dir_path = cache_dir_struct.toZig(); const cache_dir = if (cache_dir_path.len == 0) std.fs.cwd() else std.fs.cwd().makeOpenPath(cache_dir_path, .{ .iterate = true }) catch |err| { fatal("unable to open fuzz directory '{s}': {s}", .{ cache_dir_path, @errorName(err) }); }; fuzzer.init(cache_dir, pc_counters, pcs) catch |err| fatal("unable to init fuzzer: {s}", .{@errorName(err)}); } /// Like `std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8)` but backed by memory mapping. pub const MemoryMappedList = struct { /// Contents of the list. /// /// Pointers to elements in this slice are invalidated by various functions /// of this ArrayList in accordance with the respective documentation. In /// all cases, "invalidated" means that the memory has been passed to this /// allocator's resize or free function. items: []align(std.mem.page_size) volatile u8, /// How many bytes this list can hold without allocating additional memory. capacity: usize, pub fn init(file: std.fs.File, length: usize, capacity: usize) !MemoryMappedList { const ptr = try std.posix.mmap( null, capacity, std.posix.PROT.READ | std.posix.PROT.WRITE, .{ .TYPE = .SHARED }, file.handle, 0, ); return .{ .items = ptr[0..length], .capacity = capacity, }; } /// Append the slice of items to the list. /// Asserts that the list can hold the additional items. pub fn appendSliceAssumeCapacity(l: *MemoryMappedList, items: []const u8) void { const old_len = l.items.len; const new_len = old_len + items.len; assert(new_len <= l.capacity); l.items.len = new_len; @memcpy(l.items[old_len..][0..items.len], items); } /// Append a value to the list `n` times. /// Never invalidates element pointers. /// The function is inline so that a comptime-known `value` parameter will /// have better memset codegen in case it has a repeated byte pattern. /// Asserts that the list can hold the additional items. pub inline fn appendNTimesAssumeCapacity(l: *MemoryMappedList, value: u8, n: usize) void { const new_len = l.items.len + n; assert(new_len <= l.capacity); @memset(l.items.ptr[l.items.len..new_len], value); l.items.len = new_len; } };