const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const testing = std.testing; const expect = testing.expect; const expectEqual = testing.expectEqual; test "params" { try expect(testParamsAdd(22, 11) == 33); } fn testParamsAdd(a: i32, b: i32) i32 { return a + b; } test "local variables" { testLocVars(2); } fn testLocVars(b: i32) void { const a: i32 = 1; if (a + b != 3) unreachable; } test "void parameters" { try voidFun(1, void{}, 2, {}); } fn voidFun(a: i32, b: void, c: i32, d: void) !void { const v = b; const vv: void = if (a == 1) v else {}; try expect(a + c == 3); return vv; } test "mutable local variables" { var zero: i32 = 0; try expect(zero == 0); var i = @as(i32, 0); while (i != 3) { i += 1; } try expect(i == 3); } test "separate block scopes" { { const no_conflict: i32 = 5; try expect(no_conflict == 5); } const c = x: { const no_conflict = @as(i32, 10); break :x no_conflict; }; try expect(c == 10); } test "call function with empty string" { acceptsString(""); } fn acceptsString(foo: []u8) void {} fn @"weird function name"() i32 { return 1234; } test "weird function name" { try expect(@"weird function name"() == 1234); } test "implicit cast function unreachable return" { wantsFnWithVoid(fnWithUnreachable); } fn wantsFnWithVoid(f: fn () void) void {} fn fnWithUnreachable() noreturn { unreachable; } test "function pointers" { const fns = [_]@TypeOf(fn1){ fn1, fn2, fn3, fn4, }; for (fns) |f, i| { try expect(f() == @intCast(u32, i) + 5); } } fn fn1() u32 { return 5; } fn fn2() u32 { return 6; } fn fn3() u32 { return 7; } fn fn4() u32 { return 8; } test "number literal as an argument" { try numberLiteralArg(3); comptime try numberLiteralArg(3); } fn numberLiteralArg(a: anytype) !void { try expect(a == 3); } test "assign inline fn to const variable" { const a = inlineFn; a(); } inline fn inlineFn() void {} test "pass by non-copying value" { try expect(addPointCoords(Point{ .x = 1, .y = 2 }) == 3); } const Point = struct { x: i32, y: i32, }; fn addPointCoords(pt: Point) i32 { return pt.x + pt.y; } test "pass by non-copying value through var arg" { try expect((try addPointCoordsVar(Point{ .x = 1, .y = 2 })) == 3); } fn addPointCoordsVar(pt: anytype) !i32 { comptime try expect(@TypeOf(pt) == Point); return pt.x + pt.y; } test "pass by non-copying value as method" { var pt = Point2{ .x = 1, .y = 2 }; try expect(pt.addPointCoords() == 3); } const Point2 = struct { x: i32, y: i32, fn addPointCoords(self: Point2) i32 { return self.x + self.y; } }; test "pass by non-copying value as method, which is generic" { var pt = Point3{ .x = 1, .y = 2 }; try expect(pt.addPointCoords(i32) == 3); } const Point3 = struct { x: i32, y: i32, fn addPointCoords(self: Point3, comptime T: type) i32 { return self.x + self.y; } }; test "pass by non-copying value as method, at comptime" { comptime { var pt = Point2{ .x = 1, .y = 2 }; try expect(pt.addPointCoords() == 3); } } fn outer(y: u32) fn (u32) u32 { const Y = @TypeOf(y); const st = struct { fn get(z: u32) u32 { return z + @sizeOf(Y); } }; return st.get; } test "return inner function which references comptime variable of outer function" { var func = outer(10); try expect(func(3) == 7); } test "extern struct with stdcallcc fn pointer" { const S = extern struct { ptr: fn () callconv(if ( == .i386) .Stdcall else .C) i32, fn foo() callconv(if ( == .i386) .Stdcall else .C) i32 { return 1234; } }; var s: S = undefined; s.ptr =; try expect(s.ptr() == 1234); } test "implicit cast fn call result to optional in field result" { const S = struct { fn entry() !void { var x = Foo{ .field = optionalPtr(), }; try expect(x.field.?.* == 999); } const glob: i32 = 999; fn optionalPtr() *const i32 { return &glob; } const Foo = struct { field: ?*const i32, }; }; try S.entry(); comptime try S.entry(); } test "discard the result of a function that returns a struct" { const S = struct { fn entry() void { _ = func(); } fn func() Foo { return undefined; } const Foo = struct { a: u64, b: u64, }; }; S.entry(); comptime S.entry(); } test "function call with anon list literal" { const S = struct { fn doTheTest() !void { try consumeVec(.{ 9, 8, 7 }); } fn consumeVec(vec: [3]f32) !void { try expect(vec[0] == 9); try expect(vec[1] == 8); try expect(vec[2] == 7); } }; try S.doTheTest(); comptime try S.doTheTest(); } test "ability to give comptime types and non comptime types to same parameter" { const S = struct { fn doTheTest() !void { var x: i32 = 1; try expect(foo(x) == 10); try expect(foo(i32) == 20); } fn foo(arg: anytype) i32 { if (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(arg)) == .Type and arg == i32) return 20; return 9 + arg; } }; try S.doTheTest(); comptime try S.doTheTest(); } test "function with inferred error set but returning no error" { const S = struct { fn foo() !void {} }; const return_ty = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(; try expectEqual(0, @typeInfo(@typeInfo(return_ty).ErrorUnion.error_set).ErrorSet.?.len); }