const std = @import("../std.zig"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const testing = std.testing; const Ordering = std.atomic.Ordering; pub fn Atomic(comptime T: type) type { return extern struct { value: T, const Self = @This(); pub fn init(value: T) Self { return .{ .value = value }; } /// Perform an atomic fence which uses the atomic value as a hint for the modification order. /// Use this when you want to imply a fence on an atomic variable without necessarily performing a memory access. /// /// Example: /// ``` /// const RefCount = struct { /// count: Atomic(usize), /// dropFn: *const fn(*RefCount) void, /// /// fn ref(self: *RefCount) void { /// _ = self.count.fetchAdd(1, .Monotonic); // no ordering necessary, just updating a counter /// } /// /// fn unref(self: *RefCount) void { /// // Release ensures code before unref() happens-before the count is decremented as dropFn could be called by then. /// if (self.count.fetchSub(1, .Release)) { /// // Acquire ensures count decrement and code before previous unrefs()s happens-before we call dropFn below. /// // NOTE: another alterative is to use .AcqRel on the fetchSub count decrement but it's extra barrier in possibly hot path. /// self.count.fence(.Acquire); /// (self.dropFn)(self); /// } /// } /// }; /// ``` pub inline fn fence(self: *Self, comptime ordering: Ordering) void { // LLVM's ThreadSanitizer doesn't support the normal fences so we specialize for it. if (builtin.sanitize_thread) { const tsan = struct { extern "c" fn __tsan_acquire(addr: *anyopaque) void; extern "c" fn __tsan_release(addr: *anyopaque) void; }; const addr = @ptrCast(*anyopaque, self); return switch (ordering) { .Unordered, .Monotonic => @compileError(@tagName(ordering) ++ " only applies to atomic loads and stores"), .Acquire => tsan.__tsan_acquire(addr), .Release => tsan.__tsan_release(addr), .AcqRel, .SeqCst => { tsan.__tsan_acquire(addr); tsan.__tsan_release(addr); }, }; } return std.atomic.fence(ordering); } /// Non-atomically load from the atomic value without synchronization. /// Care must be taken to avoid data-races when interacting with other atomic operations. pub inline fn loadUnchecked(self: Self) T { return self.value; } /// Non-atomically store to the atomic value without synchronization. /// Care must be taken to avoid data-races when interacting with other atomic operations. pub inline fn storeUnchecked(self: *Self, value: T) void { self.value = value; } pub inline fn load(self: *const Self, comptime ordering: Ordering) T { return switch (ordering) { .AcqRel => @compileError(@tagName(ordering) ++ " implies " ++ @tagName(Ordering.Release) ++ " which is only allowed on atomic stores"), .Release => @compileError(@tagName(ordering) ++ " is only allowed on atomic stores"), else => @atomicLoad(T, &self.value, ordering), }; } pub inline fn store(self: *Self, value: T, comptime ordering: Ordering) void { return switch (ordering) { .AcqRel => @compileError(@tagName(ordering) ++ " implies " ++ @tagName(Ordering.Acquire) ++ " which is only allowed on atomic loads"), .Acquire => @compileError(@tagName(ordering) ++ " is only allowed on atomic loads"), else => @atomicStore(T, &self.value, value, ordering), }; } pub inline fn swap(self: *Self, value: T, comptime ordering: Ordering) T { return self.rmw(.Xchg, value, ordering); } pub inline fn compareAndSwap( self: *Self, compare: T, exchange: T, comptime success: Ordering, comptime failure: Ordering, ) ?T { return self.cmpxchg(true, compare, exchange, success, failure); } pub inline fn tryCompareAndSwap( self: *Self, compare: T, exchange: T, comptime success: Ordering, comptime failure: Ordering, ) ?T { return self.cmpxchg(false, compare, exchange, success, failure); } inline fn cmpxchg( self: *Self, comptime is_strong: bool, compare: T, exchange: T, comptime success: Ordering, comptime failure: Ordering, ) ?T { if (success == .Unordered or failure == .Unordered) { @compileError(@tagName(Ordering.Unordered) ++ " is only allowed on atomic loads and stores"); } comptime var success_is_stronger = switch (failure) { .SeqCst => success == .SeqCst, .AcqRel => @compileError(@tagName(failure) ++ " implies " ++ @tagName(Ordering.Release) ++ " which is only allowed on success"), .Acquire => success == .SeqCst or success == .AcqRel or success == .Acquire, .Release => @compileError(@tagName(failure) ++ " is only allowed on success"), .Monotonic => true, .Unordered => unreachable, }; if (!success_is_stronger) { @compileError(@tagName(success) ++ " must be stronger than " ++ @tagName(failure)); } return switch (is_strong) { true => @cmpxchgStrong(T, &self.value, compare, exchange, success, failure), false => @cmpxchgWeak(T, &self.value, compare, exchange, success, failure), }; } inline fn rmw( self: *Self, comptime op: std.builtin.AtomicRmwOp, value: T, comptime ordering: Ordering, ) T { return @atomicRmw(T, &self.value, op, value, ordering); } fn exportWhen(comptime condition: bool, comptime functions: type) type { return if (condition) functions else struct {}; } pub usingnamespace exportWhen(std.meta.trait.isNumber(T), struct { pub inline fn fetchAdd(self: *Self, value: T, comptime ordering: Ordering) T { return self.rmw(.Add, value, ordering); } pub inline fn fetchSub(self: *Self, value: T, comptime ordering: Ordering) T { return self.rmw(.Sub, value, ordering); } pub inline fn fetchMin(self: *Self, value: T, comptime ordering: Ordering) T { return self.rmw(.Min, value, ordering); } pub inline fn fetchMax(self: *Self, value: T, comptime ordering: Ordering) T { return self.rmw(.Max, value, ordering); } }); pub usingnamespace exportWhen(std.meta.trait.isIntegral(T), struct { pub inline fn fetchAnd(self: *Self, value: T, comptime ordering: Ordering) T { return self.rmw(.And, value, ordering); } pub inline fn fetchNand(self: *Self, value: T, comptime ordering: Ordering) T { return self.rmw(.Nand, value, ordering); } pub inline fn fetchOr(self: *Self, value: T, comptime ordering: Ordering) T { return self.rmw(.Or, value, ordering); } pub inline fn fetchXor(self: *Self, value: T, comptime ordering: Ordering) T { return self.rmw(.Xor, value, ordering); } const Bit = std.math.Log2Int(T); const BitRmwOp = enum { Set, Reset, Toggle, }; pub inline fn bitSet(self: *Self, bit: Bit, comptime ordering: Ordering) u1 { return bitRmw(self, .Set, bit, ordering); } pub inline fn bitReset(self: *Self, bit: Bit, comptime ordering: Ordering) u1 { return bitRmw(self, .Reset, bit, ordering); } pub inline fn bitToggle(self: *Self, bit: Bit, comptime ordering: Ordering) u1 { return bitRmw(self, .Toggle, bit, ordering); } inline fn bitRmw(self: *Self, comptime op: BitRmwOp, bit: Bit, comptime ordering: Ordering) u1 { // x86 supports dedicated bitwise instructions if (comptime and @sizeOf(T) >= 2 and @sizeOf(T) <= 8) { // TODO: stage2 currently doesn't like the inline asm this function emits. if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage1) { return x86BitRmw(self, op, bit, ordering); } } const mask = @as(T, 1) << bit; const value = switch (op) { .Set => self.fetchOr(mask, ordering), .Reset => self.fetchAnd(~mask, ordering), .Toggle => self.fetchXor(mask, ordering), }; return @boolToInt(value & mask != 0); } inline fn x86BitRmw(self: *Self, comptime op: BitRmwOp, bit: Bit, comptime ordering: Ordering) u1 { const old_bit: u8 = switch (@sizeOf(T)) { 2 => switch (op) { .Set => asm volatile ("lock btsw %[bit], %[ptr]" // LLVM doesn't support u1 flag register return values : [result] "={@ccc}" (-> u8), : [ptr] "*m" (&self.value), [bit] "X" (@as(T, bit)), : "cc", "memory" ), .Reset => asm volatile ("lock btrw %[bit], %[ptr]" // LLVM doesn't support u1 flag register return values : [result] "={@ccc}" (-> u8), : [ptr] "*m" (&self.value), [bit] "X" (@as(T, bit)), : "cc", "memory" ), .Toggle => asm volatile ("lock btcw %[bit], %[ptr]" // LLVM doesn't support u1 flag register return values : [result] "={@ccc}" (-> u8), : [ptr] "*m" (&self.value), [bit] "X" (@as(T, bit)), : "cc", "memory" ), }, 4 => switch (op) { .Set => asm volatile ("lock btsl %[bit], %[ptr]" // LLVM doesn't support u1 flag register return values : [result] "={@ccc}" (-> u8), : [ptr] "*m" (&self.value), [bit] "X" (@as(T, bit)), : "cc", "memory" ), .Reset => asm volatile ("lock btrl %[bit], %[ptr]" // LLVM doesn't support u1 flag register return values : [result] "={@ccc}" (-> u8), : [ptr] "*m" (&self.value), [bit] "X" (@as(T, bit)), : "cc", "memory" ), .Toggle => asm volatile ("lock btcl %[bit], %[ptr]" // LLVM doesn't support u1 flag register return values : [result] "={@ccc}" (-> u8), : [ptr] "*m" (&self.value), [bit] "X" (@as(T, bit)), : "cc", "memory" ), }, 8 => switch (op) { .Set => asm volatile ("lock btsq %[bit], %[ptr]" // LLVM doesn't support u1 flag register return values : [result] "={@ccc}" (-> u8), : [ptr] "*m" (&self.value), [bit] "X" (@as(T, bit)), : "cc", "memory" ), .Reset => asm volatile ("lock btrq %[bit], %[ptr]" // LLVM doesn't support u1 flag register return values : [result] "={@ccc}" (-> u8), : [ptr] "*m" (&self.value), [bit] "X" (@as(T, bit)), : "cc", "memory" ), .Toggle => asm volatile ("lock btcq %[bit], %[ptr]" // LLVM doesn't support u1 flag register return values : [result] "={@ccc}" (-> u8), : [ptr] "*m" (&self.value), [bit] "X" (@as(T, bit)), : "cc", "memory" ), }, else => @compileError("Invalid atomic type " ++ @typeName(T)), }; // TODO: emit appropriate tsan fence if compiling with tsan _ = ordering; return @intCast(u1, old_bit); } }); }; } test "Atomic.fence" { inline for (.{ .Acquire, .Release, .AcqRel, .SeqCst }) |ordering| { var x = Atomic(usize).init(0); x.fence(ordering); } } fn atomicIntTypes() []const type { comptime var bytes = 1; comptime var types: []const type = &[_]type{}; inline while (bytes <= @sizeOf(usize)) : (bytes *= 2) { types = types ++ &[_]type{std.meta.Int(.unsigned, bytes * 8)}; } return types; } test "Atomic.loadUnchecked" { inline for (atomicIntTypes()) |Int| { var x = Atomic(Int).init(5); try testing.expectEqual(x.loadUnchecked(), 5); } } test "Atomic.storeUnchecked" { inline for (atomicIntTypes()) |Int| { _ = Int; var x = Atomic(usize).init(5); x.storeUnchecked(10); try testing.expectEqual(x.loadUnchecked(), 10); } } test "Atomic.load" { inline for (atomicIntTypes()) |Int| { inline for (.{ .Unordered, .Monotonic, .Acquire, .SeqCst }) |ordering| { var x = Atomic(Int).init(5); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(ordering), 5); } } } test "" { inline for (atomicIntTypes()) |Int| { inline for (.{ .Unordered, .Monotonic, .Release, .SeqCst }) |ordering| { _ = Int; var x = Atomic(usize).init(5);, ordering); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 10); } } } const atomic_rmw_orderings = [_]Ordering{ .Monotonic, .Acquire, .Release, .AcqRel, .SeqCst, }; test "Atomic.swap" { // TODO: Re-enable when LLVM is released with a bugfix for isel of // atomic load (currently fixed on trunk, broken on 15.0.2) if (builtin.cpu.arch == .powerpc64le) return error.SkipZigTest; inline for (atomic_rmw_orderings) |ordering| { var x = Atomic(usize).init(5); try testing.expectEqual(x.swap(10, ordering), 5); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 10); var y = Atomic(enum(usize) { a, b, c }).init(.c); try testing.expectEqual(y.swap(.a, ordering), .c); try testing.expectEqual(y.load(.SeqCst), .a); var z = Atomic(f32).init(5.0); try testing.expectEqual(z.swap(10.0, ordering), 5.0); try testing.expectEqual(z.load(.SeqCst), 10.0); var a = Atomic(bool).init(false); try testing.expectEqual(a.swap(true, ordering), false); try testing.expectEqual(a.load(.SeqCst), true); var b = Atomic(?*u8).init(null); try testing.expectEqual(b.swap(@intToPtr(?*u8, @alignOf(u8)), ordering), null); try testing.expectEqual(b.load(.SeqCst), @intToPtr(?*u8, @alignOf(u8))); } } const atomic_cmpxchg_orderings = [_][2]Ordering{ .{ .Monotonic, .Monotonic }, .{ .Acquire, .Monotonic }, .{ .Acquire, .Acquire }, .{ .Release, .Monotonic }, // Although accepted by LLVM, acquire failure implies AcqRel success // .{ .Release, .Acquire }, .{ .AcqRel, .Monotonic }, .{ .AcqRel, .Acquire }, .{ .SeqCst, .Monotonic }, .{ .SeqCst, .Acquire }, .{ .SeqCst, .SeqCst }, }; test "Atomic.compareAndSwap" { inline for (atomicIntTypes()) |Int| { inline for (atomic_cmpxchg_orderings) |ordering| { var x = Atomic(Int).init(0); try testing.expectEqual(x.compareAndSwap(1, 0, ordering[0], ordering[1]), 0); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 0); try testing.expectEqual(x.compareAndSwap(0, 1, ordering[0], ordering[1]), null); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 1); try testing.expectEqual(x.compareAndSwap(1, 0, ordering[0], ordering[1]), null); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 0); } } } test "Atomic.tryCompareAndSwap" { inline for (atomicIntTypes()) |Int| { inline for (atomic_cmpxchg_orderings) |ordering| { var x = Atomic(Int).init(0); try testing.expectEqual(x.tryCompareAndSwap(1, 0, ordering[0], ordering[1]), 0); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 0); while (x.tryCompareAndSwap(0, 1, ordering[0], ordering[1])) |_| {} try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 1); while (x.tryCompareAndSwap(1, 0, ordering[0], ordering[1])) |_| {} try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 0); } } } test "Atomic.fetchAdd" { inline for (atomicIntTypes()) |Int| { inline for (atomic_rmw_orderings) |ordering| { var x = Atomic(Int).init(5); try testing.expectEqual(x.fetchAdd(5, ordering), 5); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 10); try testing.expectEqual(x.fetchAdd(std.math.maxInt(Int), ordering), 10); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 9); } } } test "Atomic.fetchSub" { inline for (atomicIntTypes()) |Int| { inline for (atomic_rmw_orderings) |ordering| { var x = Atomic(Int).init(5); try testing.expectEqual(x.fetchSub(5, ordering), 5); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 0); try testing.expectEqual(x.fetchSub(1, ordering), 0); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), std.math.maxInt(Int)); } } } test "Atomic.fetchMin" { inline for (atomicIntTypes()) |Int| { inline for (atomic_rmw_orderings) |ordering| { var x = Atomic(Int).init(5); try testing.expectEqual(x.fetchMin(0, ordering), 5); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 0); try testing.expectEqual(x.fetchMin(10, ordering), 0); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 0); } } } test "Atomic.fetchMax" { inline for (atomicIntTypes()) |Int| { inline for (atomic_rmw_orderings) |ordering| { var x = Atomic(Int).init(5); try testing.expectEqual(x.fetchMax(10, ordering), 5); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 10); try testing.expectEqual(x.fetchMax(5, ordering), 10); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 10); } } } test "Atomic.fetchAnd" { inline for (atomicIntTypes()) |Int| { inline for (atomic_rmw_orderings) |ordering| { var x = Atomic(Int).init(0b11); try testing.expectEqual(x.fetchAnd(0b10, ordering), 0b11); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 0b10); try testing.expectEqual(x.fetchAnd(0b00, ordering), 0b10); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 0b00); } } } test "Atomic.fetchNand" { inline for (atomicIntTypes()) |Int| { inline for (atomic_rmw_orderings) |ordering| { var x = Atomic(Int).init(0b11); try testing.expectEqual(x.fetchNand(0b10, ordering), 0b11); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), ~@as(Int, 0b10)); try testing.expectEqual(x.fetchNand(0b00, ordering), ~@as(Int, 0b10)); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), ~@as(Int, 0b00)); } } } test "Atomic.fetchOr" { inline for (atomicIntTypes()) |Int| { inline for (atomic_rmw_orderings) |ordering| { var x = Atomic(Int).init(0b11); try testing.expectEqual(x.fetchOr(0b100, ordering), 0b11); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 0b111); try testing.expectEqual(x.fetchOr(0b010, ordering), 0b111); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 0b111); } } } test "Atomic.fetchXor" { inline for (atomicIntTypes()) |Int| { inline for (atomic_rmw_orderings) |ordering| { var x = Atomic(Int).init(0b11); try testing.expectEqual(x.fetchXor(0b10, ordering), 0b11); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 0b01); try testing.expectEqual(x.fetchXor(0b01, ordering), 0b01); try testing.expectEqual(x.load(.SeqCst), 0b00); } } } test "Atomic.bitSet" { inline for (atomicIntTypes()) |Int| { inline for (atomic_rmw_orderings) |ordering| { var x = Atomic(Int).init(0); const bit_array = @as([@bitSizeOf(Int)]void, undefined); for (bit_array) |_, bit_index| { const bit = @intCast(std.math.Log2Int(Int), bit_index); const mask = @as(Int, 1) << bit; // setting the bit should change the bit try testing.expect(x.load(.SeqCst) & mask == 0); try testing.expectEqual(x.bitSet(bit, ordering), 0); try testing.expect(x.load(.SeqCst) & mask != 0); // setting it again shouldn't change the bit try testing.expectEqual(x.bitSet(bit, ordering), 1); try testing.expect(x.load(.SeqCst) & mask != 0); // all the previous bits should have not changed (still be set) for (bit_array[0..bit_index]) |_, prev_bit_index| { const prev_bit = @intCast(std.math.Log2Int(Int), prev_bit_index); const prev_mask = @as(Int, 1) << prev_bit; try testing.expect(x.load(.SeqCst) & prev_mask != 0); } } } } } test "Atomic.bitReset" { inline for (atomicIntTypes()) |Int| { inline for (atomic_rmw_orderings) |ordering| { var x = Atomic(Int).init(0); const bit_array = @as([@bitSizeOf(Int)]void, undefined); for (bit_array) |_, bit_index| { const bit = @intCast(std.math.Log2Int(Int), bit_index); const mask = @as(Int, 1) << bit; x.storeUnchecked(x.loadUnchecked() | mask); // unsetting the bit should change the bit try testing.expect(x.load(.SeqCst) & mask != 0); try testing.expectEqual(x.bitReset(bit, ordering), 1); try testing.expect(x.load(.SeqCst) & mask == 0); // unsetting it again shouldn't change the bit try testing.expectEqual(x.bitReset(bit, ordering), 0); try testing.expect(x.load(.SeqCst) & mask == 0); // all the previous bits should have not changed (still be reset) for (bit_array[0..bit_index]) |_, prev_bit_index| { const prev_bit = @intCast(std.math.Log2Int(Int), prev_bit_index); const prev_mask = @as(Int, 1) << prev_bit; try testing.expect(x.load(.SeqCst) & prev_mask == 0); } } } } } test "Atomic.bitToggle" { inline for (atomicIntTypes()) |Int| { inline for (atomic_rmw_orderings) |ordering| { var x = Atomic(Int).init(0); const bit_array = @as([@bitSizeOf(Int)]void, undefined); for (bit_array) |_, bit_index| { const bit = @intCast(std.math.Log2Int(Int), bit_index); const mask = @as(Int, 1) << bit; // toggling the bit should change the bit try testing.expect(x.load(.SeqCst) & mask == 0); try testing.expectEqual(x.bitToggle(bit, ordering), 0); try testing.expect(x.load(.SeqCst) & mask != 0); // toggling it again *should* change the bit try testing.expectEqual(x.bitToggle(bit, ordering), 1); try testing.expect(x.load(.SeqCst) & mask == 0); // all the previous bits should have not changed (still be toggled back) for (bit_array[0..bit_index]) |_, prev_bit_index| { const prev_bit = @intCast(std.math.Log2Int(Int), prev_bit_index); const prev_mask = @as(Int, 1) << prev_bit; try testing.expect(x.load(.SeqCst) & prev_mask == 0); } } } } }