// There are two implementations of CRC32 implemented with the following key characteristics: // // - Crc32WithPoly uses 8Kb of tables but is ~10x faster than the small method. // // - Crc32SmallWithPoly uses only 64 bytes of memory but is slower. Be aware that this is // still moderately fast just slow relative to the slicing approach. const std = @import("../std.zig"); const debug = std.debug; const testing = std.testing; pub const Polynomial = enum(u32) { IEEE = 0xedb88320, Castagnoli = 0x82f63b78, Koopman = 0xeb31d82e, _, }; // IEEE is by far the most common CRC and so is aliased by default. pub const Crc32 = Crc32WithPoly(.IEEE); // slicing-by-8 crc32 implementation. pub fn Crc32WithPoly(comptime poly: Polynomial) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); const lookup_tables = block: { @setEvalBranchQuota(20000); var tables: [8][256]u32 = undefined; for (tables[0]) |*e, i| { var crc = @intCast(u32, i); var j: usize = 0; while (j < 8) : (j += 1) { if (crc & 1 == 1) { crc = (crc >> 1) ^ @enumToInt(poly); } else { crc = (crc >> 1); } } e.* = crc; } var i: usize = 0; while (i < 256) : (i += 1) { var crc = tables[0][i]; var j: usize = 1; while (j < 8) : (j += 1) { const index = @truncate(u8, crc); crc = tables[0][index] ^ (crc >> 8); tables[j][i] = crc; } } break :block tables; }; crc: u32, pub fn init() Self { return Self{ .crc = 0xffffffff }; } pub fn update(self: *Self, input: []const u8) void { var i: usize = 0; while (i + 8 <= input.len) : (i += 8) { const p = input[i .. i + 8]; // Unrolling this way gives ~50Mb/s increase self.crc ^= std.mem.readIntLittle(u32, p[0..4]); self.crc = lookup_tables[0][p[7]] ^ lookup_tables[1][p[6]] ^ lookup_tables[2][p[5]] ^ lookup_tables[3][p[4]] ^ lookup_tables[4][@truncate(u8, self.crc >> 24)] ^ lookup_tables[5][@truncate(u8, self.crc >> 16)] ^ lookup_tables[6][@truncate(u8, self.crc >> 8)] ^ lookup_tables[7][@truncate(u8, self.crc >> 0)]; } while (i < input.len) : (i += 1) { const index = @truncate(u8, self.crc) ^ input[i]; self.crc = (self.crc >> 8) ^ lookup_tables[0][index]; } } pub fn final(self: *Self) u32 { return ~self.crc; } pub fn hash(input: []const u8) u32 { var c = Self.init(); c.update(input); return c.final(); } }; } const please_windows_dont_oom = std.Target.current.os.tag == .windows; test "crc32 ieee" { if (please_windows_dont_oom) return error.SkipZigTest; const Crc32Ieee = Crc32WithPoly(.IEEE); try testing.expect(Crc32Ieee.hash("") == 0x00000000); try testing.expect(Crc32Ieee.hash("a") == 0xe8b7be43); try testing.expect(Crc32Ieee.hash("abc") == 0x352441c2); } test "crc32 castagnoli" { if (please_windows_dont_oom) return error.SkipZigTest; const Crc32Castagnoli = Crc32WithPoly(.Castagnoli); try testing.expect(Crc32Castagnoli.hash("") == 0x00000000); try testing.expect(Crc32Castagnoli.hash("a") == 0xc1d04330); try testing.expect(Crc32Castagnoli.hash("abc") == 0x364b3fb7); } // half-byte lookup table implementation. pub fn Crc32SmallWithPoly(comptime poly: Polynomial) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); const lookup_table = block: { var table: [16]u32 = undefined; for (table) |*e, i| { var crc = @intCast(u32, i * 16); var j: usize = 0; while (j < 8) : (j += 1) { if (crc & 1 == 1) { crc = (crc >> 1) ^ @enumToInt(poly); } else { crc = (crc >> 1); } } e.* = crc; } break :block table; }; crc: u32, pub fn init() Self { return Self{ .crc = 0xffffffff }; } pub fn update(self: *Self, input: []const u8) void { for (input) |b| { self.crc = lookup_table[@truncate(u4, self.crc ^ (b >> 0))] ^ (self.crc >> 4); self.crc = lookup_table[@truncate(u4, self.crc ^ (b >> 4))] ^ (self.crc >> 4); } } pub fn final(self: *Self) u32 { return ~self.crc; } pub fn hash(input: []const u8) u32 { var c = Self.init(); c.update(input); return c.final(); } }; } test "small crc32 ieee" { if (please_windows_dont_oom) return error.SkipZigTest; const Crc32Ieee = Crc32SmallWithPoly(.IEEE); try testing.expect(Crc32Ieee.hash("") == 0x00000000); try testing.expect(Crc32Ieee.hash("a") == 0xe8b7be43); try testing.expect(Crc32Ieee.hash("abc") == 0x352441c2); } test "small crc32 castagnoli" { if (please_windows_dont_oom) return error.SkipZigTest; const Crc32Castagnoli = Crc32SmallWithPoly(.Castagnoli); try testing.expect(Crc32Castagnoli.hash("") == 0x00000000); try testing.expect(Crc32Castagnoli.hash("a") == 0xc1d04330); try testing.expect(Crc32Castagnoli.hash("abc") == 0x364b3fb7); }