// RFC 8529 conformance tests. // // Tests are taken from https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite // Read also http://seriot.ch/parsing_json.php for a good overview. const std = @import("../std.zig"); fn ok(comptime s: []const u8) void { std.testing.expect(std.json.validate(s)); var p = std.json.Parser.init(std.testing.allocator, false); defer p.deinit(); var tree = p.parse(s) catch unreachable; defer tree.deinit(); } fn err(comptime s: []const u8) void { std.testing.expect(!std.json.validate(s)); var p = std.json.Parser.init(std.testing.allocator, false); defer p.deinit(); if (p.parse(s)) |_| { unreachable; } else |_| {} } fn utf8Error(comptime s: []const u8) void { std.testing.expect(!std.json.validate(s)); var p = std.json.Parser.init(std.testing.allocator, false); defer p.deinit(); if (p.parse(s)) |_| { unreachable; } else |e| { std.testing.expect(e == error.InvalidUtf8Byte); } } fn any(comptime s: []const u8) void { _ = std.json.validate(s); var p = std.json.Parser.init(std.testing.allocator, false); defer p.deinit(); var tree = p.parse(s) catch return; defer tree.deinit(); } fn anyStreamingErrNonStreaming(comptime s: []const u8) void { _ = std.json.validate(s); var p = std.json.Parser.init(std.testing.allocator, false); defer p.deinit(); if (p.parse(s)) |_| { unreachable; } else |_| {} } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Additional tests not part of test JSONTestSuite. test "y_trailing_comma_after_empty" { ok( \\{"1":[],"2":{},"3":"4"} ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// test "y_array_arraysWithSpaces" { ok( \\[[] ] ); } test "y_array_empty" { ok( \\[] ); } test "y_array_empty-string" { ok( \\[""] ); } test "y_array_ending_with_newline" { ok( \\["a"] ); } test "y_array_false" { ok( \\[false] ); } test "y_array_heterogeneous" { ok( \\[null, 1, "1", {}] ); } test "y_array_null" { ok( \\[null] ); } test "y_array_with_1_and_newline" { ok( \\[1 \\] ); } test "y_array_with_leading_space" { ok( \\ [1] ); } test "y_array_with_several_null" { ok( \\[1,null,null,null,2] ); } test "y_array_with_trailing_space" { ok("[2] "); } test "y_number_0e+1" { ok( \\[0e+1] ); } test "y_number_0e1" { ok( \\[0e1] ); } test "y_number_after_space" { ok( \\[ 4] ); } test "y_number_double_close_to_zero" { ok( \\[-0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001] ); } test "y_number_int_with_exp" { ok( \\[20e1] ); } test "y_number" { ok( \\[123e65] ); } test "y_number_minus_zero" { ok( \\[-0] ); } test "y_number_negative_int" { ok( \\[-123] ); } test "y_number_negative_one" { ok( \\[-1] ); } test "y_number_negative_zero" { ok( \\[-0] ); } test "y_number_real_capital_e" { ok( \\[1E22] ); } test "y_number_real_capital_e_neg_exp" { ok( \\[1E-2] ); } test "y_number_real_capital_e_pos_exp" { ok( \\[1E+2] ); } test "y_number_real_exponent" { ok( \\[123e45] ); } test "y_number_real_fraction_exponent" { ok( \\[123.456e78] ); } test "y_number_real_neg_exp" { ok( \\[1e-2] ); } test "y_number_real_pos_exponent" { ok( \\[1e+2] ); } test "y_number_simple_int" { ok( \\[123] ); } test "y_number_simple_real" { ok( \\[123.456789] ); } test "y_object_basic" { ok( \\{"asd":"sdf"} ); } test "y_object_duplicated_key_and_value" { ok( \\{"a":"b","a":"b"} ); } test "y_object_duplicated_key" { ok( \\{"a":"b","a":"c"} ); } test "y_object_empty" { ok( \\{} ); } test "y_object_empty_key" { ok( \\{"":0} ); } test "y_object_escaped_null_in_key" { ok( \\{"foo\u0000bar": 42} ); } test "y_object_extreme_numbers" { ok( \\{ "min": -1.0e+28, "max": 1.0e+28 } ); } test "y_object" { ok( \\{"asd":"sdf", "dfg":"fgh"} ); } test "y_object_long_strings" { ok( \\{"x":[{"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}], "id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"} ); } test "y_object_simple" { ok( \\{"a":[]} ); } test "y_object_string_unicode" { ok( \\{"title":"\u041f\u043e\u043b\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0430 \u0417\u0435\u043c\u043b\u0435\u043a\u043e\u043f\u0430" } ); } test "y_object_with_newlines" { ok( \\{ \\"a": "b" \\} ); } test "y_string_1_2_3_bytes_UTF-8_sequences" { ok( \\["\u0060\u012a\u12AB"] ); } test "y_string_accepted_surrogate_pair" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; ok( \\["\uD801\udc37"] ); } test "y_string_accepted_surrogate_pairs" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; ok( \\["\ud83d\ude39\ud83d\udc8d"] ); } test "y_string_allowed_escapes" { ok( \\["\"\\\/\b\f\n\r\t"] ); } test "y_string_backslash_and_u_escaped_zero" { ok( \\["\\u0000"] ); } test "y_string_backslash_doublequotes" { ok( \\["\""] ); } test "y_string_comments" { ok( \\["a/*b*/c/*d//e"] ); } test "y_string_double_escape_a" { ok( \\["\\a"] ); } test "y_string_double_escape_n" { ok( \\["\\n"] ); } test "y_string_escaped_control_character" { ok( \\["\u0012"] ); } test "y_string_escaped_noncharacter" { ok( \\["\uFFFF"] ); } test "y_string_in_array" { ok( \\["asd"] ); } test "y_string_in_array_with_leading_space" { ok( \\[ "asd"] ); } test "y_string_last_surrogates_1_and_2" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; ok( \\["\uDBFF\uDFFF"] ); } test "y_string_nbsp_uescaped" { ok( \\["new\u00A0line"] ); } test "y_string_nonCharacterInUTF-8_U+10FFFF" { ok( \\["􏿿"] ); } test "y_string_nonCharacterInUTF-8_U+FFFF" { ok( \\["￿"] ); } test "y_string_null_escape" { ok( \\["\u0000"] ); } test "y_string_one-byte-utf-8" { ok( \\["\u002c"] ); } test "y_string_pi" { ok( \\["π"] ); } test "y_string_reservedCharacterInUTF-8_U+1BFFF" { ok( \\["𛿿"] ); } test "y_string_simple_ascii" { ok( \\["asd "] ); } test "y_string_space" { ok( \\" " ); } test "y_string_surrogates_U+1D11E_MUSICAL_SYMBOL_G_CLEF" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; ok( \\["\uD834\uDd1e"] ); } test "y_string_three-byte-utf-8" { ok( \\["\u0821"] ); } test "y_string_two-byte-utf-8" { ok( \\["\u0123"] ); } test "y_string_u+2028_line_sep" { ok("[\"\xe2\x80\xa8\"]"); } test "y_string_u+2029_par_sep" { ok("[\"\xe2\x80\xa9\"]"); } test "y_string_uescaped_newline" { ok( \\["new\u000Aline"] ); } test "y_string_uEscape" { ok( \\["\u0061\u30af\u30EA\u30b9"] ); } test "y_string_unescaped_char_delete" { ok("[\"\x7f\"]"); } test "y_string_unicode_2" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; ok( \\["⍂㈴⍂"] ); } test "y_string_unicodeEscapedBackslash" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; ok( \\["\u005C"] ); } test "y_string_unicode_escaped_double_quote" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; ok( \\["\u0022"] ); } test "y_string_unicode" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; ok( \\["\uA66D"] ); } test "y_string_unicode_U+10FFFE_nonchar" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; ok( \\["\uDBFF\uDFFE"] ); } test "y_string_unicode_U+1FFFE_nonchar" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; ok( \\["\uD83F\uDFFE"] ); } test "y_string_unicode_U+200B_ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; ok( \\["\u200B"] ); } test "y_string_unicode_U+2064_invisible_plus" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; ok( \\["\u2064"] ); } test "y_string_unicode_U+FDD0_nonchar" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; ok( \\["\uFDD0"] ); } test "y_string_unicode_U+FFFE_nonchar" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; ok( \\["\uFFFE"] ); } test "y_string_utf8" { ok( \\["€𝄞"] ); } test "y_string_with_del_character" { ok("[\"a\x7fa\"]"); } test "y_structure_lonely_false" { ok( \\false ); } test "y_structure_lonely_int" { ok( \\42 ); } test "y_structure_lonely_negative_real" { ok( \\-0.1 ); } test "y_structure_lonely_null" { ok( \\null ); } test "y_structure_lonely_string" { ok( \\"asd" ); } test "y_structure_lonely_true" { ok( \\true ); } test "y_structure_string_empty" { ok( \\"" ); } test "y_structure_trailing_newline" { ok( \\["a"] ); } test "y_structure_true_in_array" { ok( \\[true] ); } test "y_structure_whitespace_array" { ok(" [] "); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// test "n_array_1_true_without_comma" { err( \\[1 true] ); } test "n_array_a_invalid_utf8" { err( \\[aå] ); } test "n_array_colon_instead_of_comma" { err( \\["": 1] ); } test "n_array_comma_after_close" { err( \\[""], ); } test "n_array_comma_and_number" { err( \\[,1] ); } test "n_array_double_comma" { err( \\[1,,2] ); } test "n_array_double_extra_comma" { err( \\["x",,] ); } test "n_array_extra_close" { err( \\["x"]] ); } test "n_array_extra_comma" { err( \\["",] ); } test "n_array_incomplete_invalid_value" { err( \\[x ); } test "n_array_incomplete" { err( \\["x" ); } test "n_array_inner_array_no_comma" { err( \\[3[4]] ); } test "n_array_invalid_utf8" { err( \\[ÿ] ); } test "n_array_items_separated_by_semicolon" { err( \\[1:2] ); } test "n_array_just_comma" { err( \\[,] ); } test "n_array_just_minus" { err( \\[-] ); } test "n_array_missing_value" { err( \\[ , ""] ); } test "n_array_newlines_unclosed" { err( \\["a", \\4 \\,1, ); } test "n_array_number_and_comma" { err( \\[1,] ); } test "n_array_number_and_several_commas" { err( \\[1,,] ); } test "n_array_spaces_vertical_tab_formfeed" { err("[\"\x0aa\"\\f]"); } test "n_array_star_inside" { err( \\[*] ); } test "n_array_unclosed" { err( \\["" ); } test "n_array_unclosed_trailing_comma" { err( \\[1, ); } test "n_array_unclosed_with_new_lines" { err( \\[1, \\1 \\,1 ); } test "n_array_unclosed_with_object_inside" { err( \\[{} ); } test "n_incomplete_false" { err( \\[fals] ); } test "n_incomplete_null" { err( \\[nul] ); } test "n_incomplete_true" { err( \\[tru] ); } test "n_multidigit_number_then_00" { err("123\x00"); } test "n_number_0.1.2" { err( \\[0.1.2] ); } test "n_number_-01" { err( \\[-01] ); } test "n_number_0.3e" { err( \\[0.3e] ); } test "n_number_0.3e+" { err( \\[0.3e+] ); } test "n_number_0_capital_E" { err( \\[0E] ); } test "n_number_0_capital_E+" { err( \\[0E+] ); } test "n_number_0.e1" { err( \\[0.e1] ); } test "n_number_0e" { err( \\[0e] ); } test "n_number_0e+" { err( \\[0e+] ); } test "n_number_1_000" { err( \\[1 000.0] ); } test "n_number_1.0e-" { err( \\[1.0e-] ); } test "n_number_1.0e" { err( \\[1.0e] ); } test "n_number_1.0e+" { err( \\[1.0e+] ); } test "n_number_-1.0." { err( \\[-1.0.] ); } test "n_number_1eE2" { err( \\[1eE2] ); } test "n_number_.-1" { err( \\[.-1] ); } test "n_number_+1" { err( \\[+1] ); } test "n_number_.2e-3" { err( \\[.2e-3] ); } test "n_number_2.e-3" { err( \\[2.e-3] ); } test "n_number_2.e+3" { err( \\[2.e+3] ); } test "n_number_2.e3" { err( \\[2.e3] ); } test "n_number_-2." { err( \\[-2.] ); } test "n_number_9.e+" { err( \\[9.e+] ); } test "n_number_expression" { err( \\[1+2] ); } test "n_number_hex_1_digit" { err( \\[0x1] ); } test "n_number_hex_2_digits" { err( \\[0x42] ); } test "n_number_infinity" { err( \\[Infinity] ); } test "n_number_+Inf" { err( \\[+Inf] ); } test "n_number_Inf" { err( \\[Inf] ); } test "n_number_invalid+-" { err( \\[0e+-1] ); } test "n_number_invalid-negative-real" { err( \\[-123.123foo] ); } test "n_number_invalid-utf-8-in-bigger-int" { err( \\[123å] ); } test "n_number_invalid-utf-8-in-exponent" { err( \\[1e1å] ); } test "n_number_invalid-utf-8-in-int" { err( \\[0å] ); } test "n_number_++" { err( \\[++1234] ); } test "n_number_minus_infinity" { err( \\[-Infinity] ); } test "n_number_minus_sign_with_trailing_garbage" { err( \\[-foo] ); } test "n_number_minus_space_1" { err( \\[- 1] ); } test "n_number_-NaN" { err( \\[-NaN] ); } test "n_number_NaN" { err( \\[NaN] ); } test "n_number_neg_int_starting_with_zero" { err( \\[-012] ); } test "n_number_neg_real_without_int_part" { err( \\[-.123] ); } test "n_number_neg_with_garbage_at_end" { err( \\[-1x] ); } test "n_number_real_garbage_after_e" { err( \\[1ea] ); } test "n_number_real_with_invalid_utf8_after_e" { err( \\[1eå] ); } test "n_number_real_without_fractional_part" { err( \\[1.] ); } test "n_number_starting_with_dot" { err( \\[.123] ); } test "n_number_U+FF11_fullwidth_digit_one" { err( \\[1] ); } test "n_number_with_alpha_char" { err( \\[1.8011670033376514H-308] ); } test "n_number_with_alpha" { err( \\[1.2a-3] ); } test "n_number_with_leading_zero" { err( \\[012] ); } test "n_object_bad_value" { err( \\["x", truth] ); } test "n_object_bracket_key" { err( \\{[: "x"} ); } test "n_object_comma_instead_of_colon" { err( \\{"x", null} ); } test "n_object_double_colon" { err( \\{"x"::"b"} ); } test "n_object_emoji" { err( \\{🇨🇭} ); } test "n_object_garbage_at_end" { err( \\{"a":"a" 123} ); } test "n_object_key_with_single_quotes" { err( \\{key: 'value'} ); } test "n_object_lone_continuation_byte_in_key_and_trailing_comma" { err( \\{"¹":"0",} ); } test "n_object_missing_colon" { err( \\{"a" b} ); } test "n_object_missing_key" { err( \\{:"b"} ); } test "n_object_missing_semicolon" { err( \\{"a" "b"} ); } test "n_object_missing_value" { err( \\{"a": ); } test "n_object_no-colon" { err( \\{"a" ); } test "n_object_non_string_key_but_huge_number_instead" { err( \\{9999E9999:1} ); } test "n_object_non_string_key" { err( \\{1:1} ); } test "n_object_repeated_null_null" { err( \\{null:null,null:null} ); } test "n_object_several_trailing_commas" { err( \\{"id":0,,,,,} ); } test "n_object_single_quote" { err( \\{'a':0} ); } test "n_object_trailing_comma" { err( \\{"id":0,} ); } test "n_object_trailing_comment" { err( \\{"a":"b"}/**/ ); } test "n_object_trailing_comment_open" { err( \\{"a":"b"}/**// ); } test "n_object_trailing_comment_slash_open_incomplete" { err( \\{"a":"b"}/ ); } test "n_object_trailing_comment_slash_open" { err( \\{"a":"b"}// ); } test "n_object_two_commas_in_a_row" { err( \\{"a":"b",,"c":"d"} ); } test "n_object_unquoted_key" { err( \\{a: "b"} ); } test "n_object_unterminated-value" { err( \\{"a":"a ); } test "n_object_with_single_string" { err( \\{ "foo" : "bar", "a" } ); } test "n_object_with_trailing_garbage" { err( \\{"a":"b"}# ); } test "n_single_space" { err(" "); } test "n_string_1_surrogate_then_escape" { err( \\["\uD800\"] ); } test "n_string_1_surrogate_then_escape_u1" { err( \\["\uD800\u1"] ); } test "n_string_1_surrogate_then_escape_u1x" { err( \\["\uD800\u1x"] ); } test "n_string_1_surrogate_then_escape_u" { err( \\["\uD800\u"] ); } test "n_string_accentuated_char_no_quotes" { err( \\[é] ); } test "n_string_backslash_00" { err("[\"\x00\"]"); } test "n_string_escaped_backslash_bad" { err( \\["\\\"] ); } test "n_string_escaped_ctrl_char_tab" { err("\x5b\x22\x5c\x09\x22\x5d"); } test "n_string_escaped_emoji" { err("[\"\x5c\xc3\xb0\xc2\x9f\xc2\x8c\xc2\x80\"]"); } test "n_string_escape_x" { err( \\["\x00"] ); } test "n_string_incomplete_escaped_character" { err( \\["\u00A"] ); } test "n_string_incomplete_escape" { err( \\["\"] ); } test "n_string_incomplete_surrogate_escape_invalid" { err( \\["\uD800\uD800\x"] ); } test "n_string_incomplete_surrogate" { err( \\["\uD834\uDd"] ); } test "n_string_invalid_backslash_esc" { err( \\["\a"] ); } test "n_string_invalid_unicode_escape" { err( \\["\uqqqq"] ); } test "n_string_invalid_utf8_after_escape" { err("[\"\\\x75\xc3\xa5\"]"); } test "n_string_invalid-utf-8-in-escape" { err( \\["\uå"] ); } test "n_string_leading_uescaped_thinspace" { err( \\[\u0020"asd"] ); } test "n_string_no_quotes_with_bad_escape" { err( \\[\n] ); } test "n_string_single_doublequote" { err( \\" ); } test "n_string_single_quote" { err( \\['single quote'] ); } test "n_string_single_string_no_double_quotes" { err( \\abc ); } test "n_string_start_escape_unclosed" { err( \\["\ ); } test "n_string_unescaped_crtl_char" { err("[\"a\x00a\"]"); } test "n_string_unescaped_newline" { err( \\["new \\line"] ); } test "n_string_unescaped_tab" { err("[\"\t\"]"); } test "n_string_unicode_CapitalU" { err( \\"\UA66D" ); } test "n_string_with_trailing_garbage" { err( \\""x ); } test "n_structure_100000_opening_arrays" { err("[" ** 100000); } test "n_structure_angle_bracket_." { err( \\<.> ); } test "n_structure_angle_bracket_null" { err( \\[] ); } test "n_structure_array_trailing_garbage" { err( \\[1]x ); } test "n_structure_array_with_extra_array_close" { err( \\[1]] ); } test "n_structure_array_with_unclosed_string" { err( \\["asd] ); } test "n_structure_ascii-unicode-identifier" { err( \\aÃ¥ ); } test "n_structure_capitalized_True" { err( \\[True] ); } test "n_structure_close_unopened_array" { err( \\1] ); } test "n_structure_comma_instead_of_closing_brace" { err( \\{"x": true, ); } test "n_structure_double_array" { err( \\[][] ); } test "n_structure_end_array" { err( \\] ); } test "n_structure_incomplete_UTF8_BOM" { err( \\ï»{} ); } test "n_structure_lone-invalid-utf-8" { err( \\å ); } test "n_structure_lone-open-bracket" { err( \\[ ); } test "n_structure_no_data" { err( \\ ); } test "n_structure_null-byte-outside-string" { err("[\x00]"); } test "n_structure_number_with_trailing_garbage" { err( \\2@ ); } test "n_structure_object_followed_by_closing_object" { err( \\{}} ); } test "n_structure_object_unclosed_no_value" { err( \\{"": ); } test "n_structure_object_with_comment" { err( \\{"a":/*comment*/"b"} ); } test "n_structure_object_with_trailing_garbage" { err( \\{"a": true} "x" ); } test "n_structure_open_array_apostrophe" { err( \\[' ); } test "n_structure_open_array_comma" { err( \\[, ); } test "n_structure_open_array_object" { err("[{\"\":" ** 50000); } test "n_structure_open_array_open_object" { err( \\[{ ); } test "n_structure_open_array_open_string" { err( \\["a ); } test "n_structure_open_array_string" { err( \\["a" ); } test "n_structure_open_object_close_array" { err( \\{] ); } test "n_structure_open_object_comma" { err( \\{, ); } test "n_structure_open_object" { err( \\{ ); } test "n_structure_open_object_open_array" { err( \\{[ ); } test "n_structure_open_object_open_string" { err( \\{"a ); } test "n_structure_open_object_string_with_apostrophes" { err( \\{'a' ); } test "n_structure_open_open" { err( \\["\{["\{["\{["\{ ); } test "n_structure_single_eacute" { err( \\é ); } test "n_structure_single_star" { err( \\* ); } test "n_structure_trailing_#" { err( \\{"a":"b"}#{} ); } test "n_structure_U+2060_word_joined" { err( \\[⁠] ); } test "n_structure_uescaped_LF_before_string" { err( \\[\u000A""] ); } test "n_structure_unclosed_array" { err( \\[1 ); } test "n_structure_unclosed_array_partial_null" { err( \\[ false, nul ); } test "n_structure_unclosed_array_unfinished_false" { err( \\[ true, fals ); } test "n_structure_unclosed_array_unfinished_true" { err( \\[ false, tru ); } test "n_structure_unclosed_object" { err( \\{"asd":"asd" ); } test "n_structure_unicode-identifier" { err( \\Ã¥ ); } test "n_structure_UTF8_BOM_no_data" { err( \\ ); } test "n_structure_whitespace_formfeed" { err("[\x0c]"); } test "n_structure_whitespace_U+2060_word_joiner" { err( \\[⁠] ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// test "i_number_double_huge_neg_exp" { any( \\[123.456e-789] ); } test "i_number_huge_exp" { any( \\[0.4e00669999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999969999999006] ); } test "i_number_neg_int_huge_exp" { any( \\[-1e+9999] ); } test "i_number_pos_double_huge_exp" { any( \\[1.5e+9999] ); } test "i_number_real_neg_overflow" { any( \\[-123123e100000] ); } test "i_number_real_pos_overflow" { any( \\[123123e100000] ); } test "i_number_real_underflow" { any( \\[123e-10000000] ); } test "i_number_too_big_neg_int" { any( \\[-123123123123123123123123123123] ); } test "i_number_too_big_pos_int" { any( \\[100000000000000000000] ); } test "i_number_very_big_negative_int" { any( \\[-237462374673276894279832749832423479823246327846] ); } test "i_object_key_lone_2nd_surrogate" { anyStreamingErrNonStreaming( \\{"\uDFAA":0} ); } test "i_string_1st_surrogate_but_2nd_missing" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; anyStreamingErrNonStreaming( \\["\uDADA"] ); } test "i_string_1st_valid_surrogate_2nd_invalid" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; anyStreamingErrNonStreaming( \\["\uD888\u1234"] ); } test "i_string_incomplete_surrogate_and_escape_valid" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; anyStreamingErrNonStreaming( \\["\uD800\n"] ); } test "i_string_incomplete_surrogate_pair" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; anyStreamingErrNonStreaming( \\["\uDd1ea"] ); } test "i_string_incomplete_surrogates_escape_valid" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; anyStreamingErrNonStreaming( \\["\uD800\uD800\n"] ); } test "i_string_invalid_lonely_surrogate" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; anyStreamingErrNonStreaming( \\["\ud800"] ); } test "i_string_invalid_surrogate" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; anyStreamingErrNonStreaming( \\["\ud800abc"] ); } test "i_string_invalid_utf-8" { any( \\["ÿ"] ); } test "i_string_inverted_surrogates_U+1D11E" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; anyStreamingErrNonStreaming( \\["\uDd1e\uD834"] ); } test "i_string_iso_latin_1" { any( \\["é"] ); } test "i_string_lone_second_surrogate" { // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5127 if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .mips) return error.SkipZigTest; anyStreamingErrNonStreaming( \\["\uDFAA"] ); } test "i_string_lone_utf8_continuation_byte" { any( \\[""] ); } test "i_string_not_in_unicode_range" { any( \\["ô¿¿¿"] ); } test "i_string_overlong_sequence_2_bytes" { any( \\["À¯"] ); } test "i_string_overlong_sequence_6_bytes" { any( \\["üƒ¿¿¿¿"] ); } test "i_string_overlong_sequence_6_bytes_null" { any( \\["ü€€€€€"] ); } test "i_string_truncated-utf-8" { any( \\["àÿ"] ); } test "i_string_utf16BE_no_BOM" { any("\x00\x5b\x00\x22\x00\xc3\xa9\x00\x22\x00\x5d"); } test "i_string_utf16LE_no_BOM" { any("\x5b\x00\x22\x00\xc3\xa9\x00\x22\x00\x5d\x00"); } test "i_string_UTF-16LE_with_BOM" { any("\xc3\xbf\xc3\xbe\x5b\x00\x22\x00\xc3\xa9\x00\x22\x00\x5d\x00"); } test "i_string_UTF-8_invalid_sequence" { any( \\["日шú"] ); } test "i_string_UTF8_surrogate_U+D800" { any( \\["í €"] ); } test "i_structure_500_nested_arrays" { any(("[" ** 500) ++ ("]" ** 500)); } test "i_structure_UTF-8_BOM_empty_object" { any( \\{} ); } test "truncated UTF-8 sequence" { utf8Error("\"\xc2\""); utf8Error("\"\xdf\""); utf8Error("\"\xed\xa0\""); utf8Error("\"\xf0\x80\""); utf8Error("\"\xf0\x80\x80\""); } test "invalid continuation byte" { utf8Error("\"\xc2\x00\""); utf8Error("\"\xc2\x7f\""); utf8Error("\"\xc2\xc0\""); utf8Error("\"\xc3\xc1\""); utf8Error("\"\xc4\xf5\""); utf8Error("\"\xc5\xff\""); utf8Error("\"\xe4\x80\x00\""); utf8Error("\"\xe5\x80\x10\""); utf8Error("\"\xe6\x80\xc0\""); utf8Error("\"\xe7\x80\xf5\""); utf8Error("\"\xe8\x00\x80\""); utf8Error("\"\xf2\x00\x80\x80\""); utf8Error("\"\xf0\x80\x00\x80\""); utf8Error("\"\xf1\x80\xc0\x80\""); utf8Error("\"\xf2\x80\x80\x00\""); utf8Error("\"\xf3\x80\x80\xc0\""); utf8Error("\"\xf4\x80\x80\xf5\""); } test "disallowed overlong form" { utf8Error("\"\xc0\x80\""); utf8Error("\"\xc0\x90\""); utf8Error("\"\xc1\x80\""); utf8Error("\"\xc1\x90\""); utf8Error("\"\xe0\x80\x80\""); utf8Error("\"\xf0\x80\x80\x80\""); } test "out of UTF-16 range" { utf8Error("\"\xf4\x90\x80\x80\""); utf8Error("\"\xf5\x80\x80\x80\""); utf8Error("\"\xf6\x80\x80\x80\""); utf8Error("\"\xf7\x80\x80\x80\""); utf8Error("\"\xf8\x80\x80\x80\""); utf8Error("\"\xf9\x80\x80\x80\""); utf8Error("\"\xfa\x80\x80\x80\""); utf8Error("\"\xfb\x80\x80\x80\""); utf8Error("\"\xfc\x80\x80\x80\""); utf8Error("\"\xfd\x80\x80\x80\""); utf8Error("\"\xfe\x80\x80\x80\""); utf8Error("\"\xff\x80\x80\x80\""); }