const root = @import("@build"); const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const assert = std.debug.assert; const io =; const fmt = std.fmt; const mem = std.mem; const process = std.process; const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const File = std.fs.File; const Step = std.Build.Step; pub const dependencies = @import("@dependencies"); pub fn main() !void { // Here we use an ArenaAllocator backed by a DirectAllocator because a build is a short-lived, // one shot program. We don't need to waste time freeing memory and finding places to squish // bytes into. So we free everything all at once at the very end. var single_threaded_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator); defer single_threaded_arena.deinit(); var thread_safe_arena: std.heap.ThreadSafeAllocator = .{ .child_allocator = single_threaded_arena.allocator(), }; const arena = thread_safe_arena.allocator(); var args = try process.argsAlloc(arena); // skip my own exe name var arg_idx: usize = 1; const zig_exe = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse { std.debug.print("Expected path to zig compiler\n", .{}); return error.InvalidArgs; }; const build_root = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse { std.debug.print("Expected build root directory path\n", .{}); return error.InvalidArgs; }; const cache_root = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse { std.debug.print("Expected cache root directory path\n", .{}); return error.InvalidArgs; }; const global_cache_root = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse { std.debug.print("Expected global cache root directory path\n", .{}); return error.InvalidArgs; }; const host = try std.zig.system.NativeTargetInfo.detect(.{}); const build_root_directory: std.Build.Cache.Directory = .{ .path = build_root, .handle = try std.fs.cwd().openDir(build_root, .{}), }; const local_cache_directory: std.Build.Cache.Directory = .{ .path = cache_root, .handle = try std.fs.cwd().makeOpenPath(cache_root, .{}), }; const global_cache_directory: std.Build.Cache.Directory = .{ .path = global_cache_root, .handle = try std.fs.cwd().makeOpenPath(global_cache_root, .{}), }; var cache: std.Build.Cache = .{ .gpa = arena, .manifest_dir = try local_cache_directory.handle.makeOpenPath("h", .{}), }; cache.addPrefix(.{ .path = null, .handle = std.fs.cwd() }); cache.addPrefix(build_root_directory); cache.addPrefix(local_cache_directory); cache.addPrefix(global_cache_directory); cache.hash.addBytes(builtin.zig_version_string); const builder = try std.Build.create( arena, zig_exe, build_root_directory, local_cache_directory, global_cache_directory, host, &cache, ); defer builder.destroy(); var targets = ArrayList([]const u8).init(arena); var debug_log_scopes = ArrayList([]const u8).init(arena); var thread_pool_options: std.Thread.Pool.Options = .{ .allocator = arena }; var install_prefix: ?[]const u8 = null; var dir_list = std.Build.DirList{}; var enable_summary: ?bool = null; var max_rss: usize = 0; var color: Color = .auto; const stderr_stream = io.getStdErr().writer(); const stdout_stream = io.getStdOut().writer(); while (nextArg(args, &arg_idx)) |arg| { if (mem.startsWith(u8, arg, "-D")) { const option_contents = arg[2..]; if (option_contents.len == 0) { std.debug.print("Expected option name after '-D'\n\n", .{}); usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream); } if (mem.indexOfScalar(u8, option_contents, '=')) |name_end| { const option_name = option_contents[0..name_end]; const option_value = option_contents[name_end + 1 ..]; if (try builder.addUserInputOption(option_name, option_value)) usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream); } else { if (try builder.addUserInputFlag(option_contents)) usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream); } } else if (mem.startsWith(u8, arg, "-")) { if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose")) { builder.verbose = true; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-h") or mem.eql(u8, arg, "--help")) { return usage(builder, false, stdout_stream); } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-p") or mem.eql(u8, arg, "--prefix")) { install_prefix = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse { std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg}); usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream); }; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-l") or mem.eql(u8, arg, "--list-steps")) { return steps(builder, false, stdout_stream); } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--prefix-lib-dir")) { dir_list.lib_dir = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse { std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg}); usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream); }; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--prefix-exe-dir")) { dir_list.exe_dir = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse { std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg}); usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream); }; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--prefix-include-dir")) { dir_list.include_dir = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse { std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg}); usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream); }; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--sysroot")) { const sysroot = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse { std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg}); usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream); }; builder.sysroot = sysroot; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--maxrss")) { const max_rss_text = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse { std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg}); usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream); }; // TODO: support shorthand such as "2GiB", "2GB", or "2G" max_rss = std.fmt.parseInt(usize, max_rss_text, 10) catch |err| { std.debug.print("invalid byte size: '{s}': {s}\n", .{ max_rss_text, @errorName(err), }); process.exit(1); }; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--search-prefix")) { const search_prefix = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse { std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg}); usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream); }; builder.addSearchPrefix(search_prefix); } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--libc")) { const libc_file = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse { std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg}); usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream); }; builder.libc_file = libc_file; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--color")) { const next_arg = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse { std.debug.print("Expected [auto|on|off] after {s}\n\n", .{arg}); usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream); }; color = std.meta.stringToEnum(Color, next_arg) orelse { std.debug.print("Expected [auto|on|off] after {s}, found '{s}'\n\n", .{ arg, next_arg }); usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream); }; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--zig-lib-dir")) { builder.zig_lib_dir = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse { std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg}); usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream); }; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--debug-log")) { const next_arg = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse { std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg}); usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream); }; try debug_log_scopes.append(next_arg); } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--debug-pkg-config")) { builder.debug_pkg_config = true; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--debug-compile-errors")) { builder.debug_compile_errors = true; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--glibc-runtimes")) { builder.glibc_runtimes_dir = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse { std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg}); usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream); }; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-link")) { builder.verbose_link = true; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-air")) { builder.verbose_air = true; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-llvm-ir")) { builder.verbose_llvm_ir = "-"; } else if (mem.startsWith(u8, arg, "--verbose-llvm-ir=")) { builder.verbose_llvm_ir = arg["--verbose-llvm-ir=".len..]; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-llvm-bc=")) { builder.verbose_llvm_bc = arg["--verbose-llvm-bc=".len..]; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-cimport")) { builder.verbose_cimport = true; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-cc")) { builder.verbose_cc = true; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-llvm-cpu-features")) { builder.verbose_llvm_cpu_features = true; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fwine")) { builder.enable_wine = true; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fno-wine")) { builder.enable_wine = false; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fqemu")) { builder.enable_qemu = true; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fno-qemu")) { builder.enable_qemu = false; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fwasmtime")) { builder.enable_wasmtime = true; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fno-wasmtime")) { builder.enable_wasmtime = false; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-frosetta")) { builder.enable_rosetta = true; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fno-rosetta")) { builder.enable_rosetta = false; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fdarling")) { builder.enable_darling = true; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fno-darling")) { builder.enable_darling = false; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fsummary")) { enable_summary = true; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fno-summary")) { enable_summary = false; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-freference-trace")) { builder.reference_trace = 256; } else if (mem.startsWith(u8, arg, "-freference-trace=")) { const num = arg["-freference-trace=".len..]; builder.reference_trace = std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u32, num, 10) catch |err| { std.debug.print("unable to parse reference_trace count '{s}': {s}", .{ num, @errorName(err) }); process.exit(1); }; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fno-reference-trace")) { builder.reference_trace = null; } else if (mem.startsWith(u8, arg, "-j")) { const num = arg["-j".len..]; const n_jobs = std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u32, num, 10) catch |err| { std.debug.print("unable to parse jobs count '{s}': {s}", .{ num, @errorName(err), }); process.exit(1); }; if (n_jobs < 1) { std.debug.print("number of jobs must be at least 1\n", .{}); process.exit(1); } thread_pool_options.n_jobs = n_jobs; } else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--")) { builder.args = argsRest(args, arg_idx); break; } else { std.debug.print("Unrecognized argument: {s}\n\n", .{arg}); usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream); } } else { try targets.append(arg); } } const stderr =; const ttyconf = get_tty_conf(color, stderr); switch (ttyconf) { .no_color => try builder.env_map.put("NO_COLOR", "1"), .escape_codes => try builder.env_map.put("ZIG_DEBUG_COLOR", "1"), .windows_api => {}, } var progress: std.Progress = .{ .dont_print_on_dumb = true }; const main_progress_node = progress.start("", 0); builder.debug_log_scopes = debug_log_scopes.items; builder.resolveInstallPrefix(install_prefix, dir_list); { var prog_node = main_progress_node.start("user build.zig logic", 0); defer prog_node.end(); try builder.runBuild(root); } if (builder.validateUserInputDidItFail()) usageAndErr(builder, true, stderr_stream); var run: Run = .{ .max_rss = max_rss, .max_rss_is_default = false, .max_rss_mutex = .{}, .memory_blocked_steps = std.ArrayList(*Step).init(arena), .claimed_rss = 0, .enable_summary = enable_summary, .ttyconf = ttyconf, .stderr = stderr, }; if (run.max_rss == 0) { run.max_rss = process.totalSystemMemory() catch std.math.maxInt(usize); run.max_rss_is_default = true; } runStepNames( arena, builder, targets.items, main_progress_node, thread_pool_options, &run, ) catch |err| switch (err) { error.UncleanExit => process.exit(1), else => return err, }; } const Run = struct { max_rss: usize, max_rss_is_default: bool, max_rss_mutex: std.Thread.Mutex, memory_blocked_steps: std.ArrayList(*Step), claimed_rss: usize, enable_summary: ?bool, ttyconf: std.debug.TTY.Config, stderr: std.fs.File, }; fn runStepNames( arena: std.mem.Allocator, b: *std.Build, step_names: []const []const u8, parent_prog_node: *std.Progress.Node, thread_pool_options: std.Thread.Pool.Options, run: *Run, ) !void { const gpa = b.allocator; var step_stack: std.AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged(*Step, void) = .{}; defer step_stack.deinit(gpa); if (step_names.len == 0) { try step_stack.put(gpa, b.default_step, {}); } else { try step_stack.ensureUnusedCapacity(gpa, step_names.len); for (0..step_names.len) |i| { const step_name = step_names[step_names.len - i - 1]; const s = b.top_level_steps.get(step_name) orelse { std.debug.print("no step named '{s}'. Access the help menu with 'zig build -h'\n", .{step_name}); process.exit(1); }; step_stack.putAssumeCapacity(&s.step, {}); } } const starting_steps = try arena.dupe(*Step, step_stack.keys()); for (starting_steps) |s| { checkForDependencyLoop(b, s, &step_stack) catch |err| switch (err) { error.DependencyLoopDetected => return error.UncleanExit, else => |e| return e, }; } { // Check that we have enough memory to complete the build. var any_problems = false; for (step_stack.keys()) |s| { if (s.max_rss == 0) continue; if (s.max_rss > run.max_rss) { std.debug.print("{s}{s}: this step declares an upper bound of {d} bytes of memory, exceeding the available {d} bytes of memory\n", .{ s.owner.dep_prefix,, s.max_rss, run.max_rss, }); any_problems = true; } } if (any_problems) { if (run.max_rss_is_default) { std.debug.print("note: use --maxrss to override the default", .{}); } return error.UncleanExit; } } var thread_pool: std.Thread.Pool = undefined; try thread_pool.init(thread_pool_options); defer thread_pool.deinit(); { defer parent_prog_node.end(); var step_prog = parent_prog_node.start("steps", step_stack.count()); defer step_prog.end(); var wait_group: std.Thread.WaitGroup = .{}; defer wait_group.wait(); // Here we spawn the initial set of tasks with a nice heuristic - // dependency order. Each worker when it finishes a step will then // check whether it should run any dependants. const steps_slice = step_stack.keys(); for (0..steps_slice.len) |i| { const step = steps_slice[steps_slice.len - i - 1]; wait_group.start(); thread_pool.spawn(workerMakeOneStep, .{ &wait_group, &thread_pool, b, step, &step_prog, run, }) catch @panic("OOM"); } } assert(run.memory_blocked_steps.items.len == 0); var test_skip_count: usize = 0; var test_fail_count: usize = 0; var test_pass_count: usize = 0; var test_leak_count: usize = 0; var test_count: usize = 0; var success_count: usize = 0; var skipped_count: usize = 0; var failure_count: usize = 0; var pending_count: usize = 0; var total_compile_errors: usize = 0; var compile_error_steps: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Step) = .{}; defer compile_error_steps.deinit(gpa); for (step_stack.keys()) |s| { test_fail_count += s.test_results.fail_count; test_skip_count += s.test_results.skip_count; test_leak_count += s.test_results.leak_count; test_pass_count += s.test_results.passCount(); test_count += s.test_results.test_count; switch (s.state) { .precheck_unstarted => unreachable, .precheck_started => unreachable, .running => unreachable, .precheck_done => { // precheck_done is equivalent to dependency_failure in the case of // transitive dependencies. For example: // A -> B -> C (failure) // B will be marked as dependency_failure, while A may never be queued, and thus // remain in the initial state of precheck_done. s.state = .dependency_failure; pending_count += 1; }, .dependency_failure => pending_count += 1, .success => success_count += 1, .skipped => skipped_count += 1, .failure => { failure_count += 1; const compile_errors_len = s.result_error_bundle.errorMessageCount(); if (compile_errors_len > 0) { total_compile_errors += compile_errors_len; try compile_error_steps.append(gpa, s); } }, } } // A proper command line application defaults to silently succeeding. // The user may request verbose mode if they have a different preference. if (failure_count == 0 and run.enable_summary != true) return cleanExit(); const ttyconf = run.ttyconf; const stderr = run.stderr; if (run.enable_summary != false) { const total_count = success_count + failure_count + pending_count + skipped_count; ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Cyan) catch {}; stderr.writeAll("Build Summary:") catch {}; ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Reset) catch {}; stderr.writer().print(" {d}/{d} steps succeeded", .{ success_count, total_count }) catch {}; if (skipped_count > 0) stderr.writer().print("; {d} skipped", .{skipped_count}) catch {}; if (failure_count > 0) stderr.writer().print("; {d} failed", .{failure_count}) catch {}; if (test_count > 0) stderr.writer().print("; {d}/{d} tests passed", .{ test_pass_count, test_count }) catch {}; if (test_skip_count > 0) stderr.writer().print("; {d} skipped", .{test_skip_count}) catch {}; if (test_fail_count > 0) stderr.writer().print("; {d} failed", .{test_fail_count}) catch {}; if (test_leak_count > 0) stderr.writer().print("; {d} leaked", .{test_leak_count}) catch {}; if (run.enable_summary == null) { ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Dim) catch {}; stderr.writeAll(" (disable with -fno-summary)") catch {}; ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Reset) catch {}; } stderr.writeAll("\n") catch {}; // Print a fancy tree with build results. var print_node: PrintNode = .{ .parent = null }; if (step_names.len == 0) { print_node.last = true; printTreeStep(b, b.default_step, stderr, ttyconf, &print_node, &step_stack) catch {}; } else { for (step_names, 0..) |step_name, i| { const tls = b.top_level_steps.get(step_name).?; print_node.last = i + 1 == b.top_level_steps.count(); printTreeStep(b, &tls.step, stderr, ttyconf, &print_node, &step_stack) catch {}; } } } if (failure_count == 0) return cleanExit(); // Finally, render compile errors at the bottom of the terminal. // We use a separate compile_error_steps array list because step_stack is destructively // mutated in printTreeStep above. if (total_compile_errors > 0) { for (compile_error_steps.items) |s| { if (s.result_error_bundle.errorMessageCount() > 0) { s.result_error_bundle.renderToStdErr(renderOptions(ttyconf)); } } // Signal to parent process that we have printed compile errors. The // parent process may choose to omit the "following command failed" // line in this case. process.exit(2); } process.exit(1); } const PrintNode = struct { parent: ?*PrintNode, last: bool = false, }; fn printPrefix(node: *PrintNode, stderr: std.fs.File, ttyconf: std.debug.TTY.Config) !void { const parent = node.parent orelse return; if (parent.parent == null) return; try printPrefix(parent, stderr, ttyconf); if (parent.last) { try stderr.writeAll(" "); } else { try stderr.writeAll(switch (ttyconf) { .no_color, .windows_api => "| ", .escape_codes => "\x1B\x28\x30\x78\x1B\x28\x42 ", // │ }); } } fn printTreeStep( b: *std.Build, s: *Step, stderr: std.fs.File, ttyconf: std.debug.TTY.Config, parent_node: *PrintNode, step_stack: *std.AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged(*Step, void), ) !void { const first = step_stack.swapRemove(s); try printPrefix(parent_node, stderr, ttyconf); if (!first) try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Dim); if (parent_node.parent != null) { if (parent_node.last) { try stderr.writeAll(switch (ttyconf) { .no_color, .windows_api => "+- ", .escape_codes => "\x1B\x28\x30\x6d\x71\x1B\x28\x42 ", // └─ }); } else { try stderr.writeAll(switch (ttyconf) { .no_color, .windows_api => "+- ", .escape_codes => "\x1B\x28\x30\x74\x71\x1B\x28\x42 ", // ├─ }); } } // dep_prefix omitted here because it is redundant with the tree. try stderr.writeAll(; if (first) { switch (s.state) { .precheck_unstarted => unreachable, .precheck_started => unreachable, .precheck_done => unreachable, .running => unreachable, .dependency_failure => { try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Dim); try stderr.writeAll(" transitive failure\n"); try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Reset); }, .success => { try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Green); if (s.result_cached) { try stderr.writeAll(" cached"); } else if (s.test_results.test_count > 0) { const pass_count = s.test_results.passCount(); try stderr.writer().print(" {d} passed", .{pass_count}); if (s.test_results.skip_count > 0) { try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Yellow); try stderr.writer().print(" {d} skipped", .{s.test_results.skip_count}); } } else { try stderr.writeAll(" success"); } try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Reset); if (s.result_duration_ns) |ns| { try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Dim); if (ns >= std.time.ns_per_min) { try stderr.writer().print(" {d}m", .{ns / std.time.ns_per_min}); } else if (ns >= std.time.ns_per_s) { try stderr.writer().print(" {d}s", .{ns / std.time.ns_per_s}); } else if (ns >= std.time.ns_per_ms) { try stderr.writer().print(" {d}ms", .{ns / std.time.ns_per_ms}); } else if (ns >= std.time.ns_per_us) { try stderr.writer().print(" {d}us", .{ns / std.time.ns_per_us}); } else { try stderr.writer().print(" {d}ns", .{ns}); } try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Reset); } if (s.result_peak_rss != 0) { const rss = s.result_peak_rss; try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Dim); if (rss >= 1000_000_000) { try stderr.writer().print(" MaxRSS:{d}G", .{rss / 1000_000_000}); } else if (rss >= 1000_000) { try stderr.writer().print(" MaxRSS:{d}M", .{rss / 1000_000}); } else if (rss >= 1000) { try stderr.writer().print(" MaxRSS:{d}K", .{rss / 1000}); } else { try stderr.writer().print(" MaxRSS:{d}B", .{rss}); } try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Reset); } try stderr.writeAll("\n"); }, .skipped => { try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Yellow); try stderr.writeAll(" skipped\n"); try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Reset); }, .failure => { if (s.result_error_bundle.errorMessageCount() > 0) { try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Red); try stderr.writer().print(" {d} errors\n", .{ s.result_error_bundle.errorMessageCount(), }); try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Reset); } else if (!s.test_results.isSuccess()) { try stderr.writer().print(" {d}/{d} passed", .{ s.test_results.passCount(), s.test_results.test_count, }); if (s.test_results.fail_count > 0) { try stderr.writeAll(", "); try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Red); try stderr.writer().print("{d} failed", .{ s.test_results.fail_count, }); try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Reset); } if (s.test_results.skip_count > 0) { try stderr.writeAll(", "); try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Yellow); try stderr.writer().print("{d} skipped", .{ s.test_results.skip_count, }); try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Reset); } if (s.test_results.leak_count > 0) { try stderr.writeAll(", "); try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Red); try stderr.writer().print("{d} leaked", .{ s.test_results.leak_count, }); try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Reset); } try stderr.writeAll("\n"); } else { try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Red); try stderr.writeAll(" failure\n"); try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Reset); } }, } for (s.dependencies.items, 0..) |dep, i| { var print_node: PrintNode = .{ .parent = parent_node, .last = i == s.dependencies.items.len - 1, }; try printTreeStep(b, dep, stderr, ttyconf, &print_node, step_stack); } } else { if (s.dependencies.items.len == 0) { try stderr.writeAll(" (reused)\n"); } else { try stderr.writer().print(" (+{d} more reused dependencies)\n", .{ s.dependencies.items.len, }); } try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Reset); } } fn checkForDependencyLoop( b: *std.Build, s: *Step, step_stack: *std.AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged(*Step, void), ) !void { switch (s.state) { .precheck_started => { std.debug.print("dependency loop detected:\n {s}\n", .{}); return error.DependencyLoopDetected; }, .precheck_unstarted => { s.state = .precheck_started; try step_stack.ensureUnusedCapacity(b.allocator, s.dependencies.items.len); for (s.dependencies.items) |dep| { try step_stack.put(b.allocator, dep, {}); try dep.dependants.append(b.allocator, s); checkForDependencyLoop(b, dep, step_stack) catch |err| { if (err == error.DependencyLoopDetected) { std.debug.print(" {s}\n", .{}); } return err; }; } s.state = .precheck_done; }, .precheck_done => {}, // These don't happen until we actually run the step graph. .dependency_failure => unreachable, .running => unreachable, .success => unreachable, .failure => unreachable, .skipped => unreachable, } } fn workerMakeOneStep( wg: *std.Thread.WaitGroup, thread_pool: *std.Thread.Pool, b: *std.Build, s: *Step, prog_node: *std.Progress.Node, run: *Run, ) void { defer wg.finish(); // First, check the conditions for running this step. If they are not met, // then we return without doing the step, relying on another worker to // queue this step up again when dependencies are met. for (s.dependencies.items) |dep| { switch (@atomicLoad(Step.State, &dep.state, .SeqCst)) { .success, .skipped => continue, .failure, .dependency_failure => { @atomicStore(Step.State, &s.state, .dependency_failure, .SeqCst); return; }, .precheck_done, .running => { // dependency is not finished yet. return; }, .precheck_unstarted => unreachable, .precheck_started => unreachable, } } if (s.max_rss != 0) { run.max_rss_mutex.lock(); defer run.max_rss_mutex.unlock(); // Avoid running steps twice. if (s.state != .precheck_done) { // Another worker got the job. return; } const new_claimed_rss = run.claimed_rss + s.max_rss; if (new_claimed_rss > run.max_rss) { // Running this step right now could possibly exceed the allotted RSS. // Add this step to the queue of memory-blocked steps. run.memory_blocked_steps.append(s) catch @panic("OOM"); return; } run.claimed_rss = new_claimed_rss; s.state = .running; } else { // Avoid running steps twice. if (@cmpxchgStrong(Step.State, &s.state, .precheck_done, .running, .SeqCst, .SeqCst) != null) { // Another worker got the job. return; } } var sub_prog_node = prog_node.start(, 0); sub_prog_node.activate(); defer sub_prog_node.end(); const make_result = s.make(&sub_prog_node); // No matter the result, we want to display error/warning messages. if (s.result_error_msgs.items.len > 0) { sub_prog_node.context.lock_stderr(); defer sub_prog_node.context.unlock_stderr(); const stderr = run.stderr; const ttyconf = run.ttyconf; for (s.result_error_msgs.items) |msg| { // Sometimes it feels like you just can't catch a break. Finally, // with Zig, you can. ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Bold) catch break; stderr.writeAll(s.owner.dep_prefix) catch break; stderr.writeAll( catch break; stderr.writeAll(": ") catch break; ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Red) catch break; stderr.writeAll("error: ") catch break; ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .Reset) catch break; stderr.writeAll(msg) catch break; stderr.writeAll("\n") catch break; } } handle_result: { if (make_result) |_| { @atomicStore(Step.State, &s.state, .success, .SeqCst); } else |err| switch (err) { error.MakeFailed => { @atomicStore(Step.State, &s.state, .failure, .SeqCst); break :handle_result; }, error.MakeSkipped => @atomicStore(Step.State, &s.state, .skipped, .SeqCst), } // Successful completion of a step, so we queue up its dependants as well. for (s.dependants.items) |dep| { wg.start(); thread_pool.spawn(workerMakeOneStep, .{ wg, thread_pool, b, dep, prog_node, run, }) catch @panic("OOM"); } } // If this is a step that claims resources, we must now queue up other // steps that are waiting for resources. if (s.max_rss != 0) { run.max_rss_mutex.lock(); defer run.max_rss_mutex.unlock(); // Give the memory back to the scheduler. run.claimed_rss -= s.max_rss; // Avoid kicking off too many tasks that we already know will not have // enough resources. var remaining = run.max_rss - run.claimed_rss; var i: usize = 0; var j: usize = 0; while (j < run.memory_blocked_steps.items.len) : (j += 1) { const dep = run.memory_blocked_steps.items[j]; assert(dep.max_rss != 0); if (dep.max_rss <= remaining) { remaining -= dep.max_rss; wg.start(); thread_pool.spawn(workerMakeOneStep, .{ wg, thread_pool, b, dep, prog_node, run, }) catch @panic("OOM"); } else { run.memory_blocked_steps.items[i] = dep; i += 1; } } run.memory_blocked_steps.shrinkRetainingCapacity(i); } } fn steps(builder: *std.Build, already_ran_build: bool, out_stream: anytype) !void { // run the build script to collect the options if (!already_ran_build) { builder.resolveInstallPrefix(null, .{}); try builder.runBuild(root); } const allocator = builder.allocator; for (builder.top_level_steps.values()) |top_level_step| { const name = if (&top_level_step.step == builder.default_step) try fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{s} (default)", .{}) else; try out_stream.print(" {s:<28} {s}\n", .{ name, top_level_step.description }); } } fn usage(builder: *std.Build, already_ran_build: bool, out_stream: anytype) !void { // run the build script to collect the options if (!already_ran_build) { builder.resolveInstallPrefix(null, .{}); try builder.runBuild(root); } try out_stream.print( \\ \\Usage: {s} build [steps] [options] \\ \\Steps: \\ , .{builder.zig_exe}); try steps(builder, true, out_stream); try out_stream.writeAll( \\ \\General Options: \\ -p, --prefix [path] Override default install prefix \\ --prefix-lib-dir [path] Override default library directory path \\ --prefix-exe-dir [path] Override default executable directory path \\ --prefix-include-dir [path] Override default include directory path \\ \\ --sysroot [path] Set the system root directory (usually /) \\ --search-prefix [path] Add a path to look for binaries, libraries, headers \\ --libc [file] Provide a file which specifies libc paths \\ \\ -fdarling, -fno-darling Integration with system-installed Darling to \\ execute macOS programs on Linux hosts \\ (default: no) \\ -fqemu, -fno-qemu Integration with system-installed QEMU to execute \\ foreign-architecture programs on Linux hosts \\ (default: no) \\ --glibc-runtimes [path] Enhances QEMU integration by providing glibc built \\ for multiple foreign architectures, allowing \\ execution of non-native programs that link with glibc. \\ -frosetta, -fno-rosetta Rely on Rosetta to execute x86_64 programs on \\ ARM64 macOS hosts. (default: no) \\ -fwasmtime, -fno-wasmtime Integration with system-installed wasmtime to \\ execute WASI binaries. (default: no) \\ -fwine, -fno-wine Integration with system-installed Wine to execute \\ Windows programs on Linux hosts. (default: no) \\ \\ -h, --help Print this help and exit \\ -l, --list-steps Print available steps \\ --verbose Print commands before executing them \\ --color [auto|off|on] Enable or disable colored error messages \\ -fsummary Print the build summary, even on success \\ -fno-summary Omit the build summary, even on failure \\ -j Limit concurrent jobs (default is to use all CPU cores) \\ --maxrss Limit memory usage (default is to use available memory) \\ \\Project-Specific Options: \\ ); const allocator = builder.allocator; if (builder.available_options_list.items.len == 0) { try out_stream.print(" (none)\n", .{}); } else { for (builder.available_options_list.items) |option| { const name = try fmt.allocPrint(allocator, " -D{s}=[{s}]", .{, @tagName(option.type_id), }); defer; try out_stream.print("{s:<30} {s}\n", .{ name, option.description }); if (option.enum_options) |enum_options| { const padding = " " ** 33; try out_stream.writeAll(padding ++ "Supported Values:\n"); for (enum_options) |enum_option| { try out_stream.print(padding ++ " {s}\n", .{enum_option}); } } } } try out_stream.writeAll( \\ \\Advanced Options: \\ -freference-trace[=num] How many lines of reference trace should be shown per compile error \\ -fno-reference-trace Disable reference trace \\ --build-file [file] Override path to build.zig \\ --cache-dir [path] Override path to local Zig cache directory \\ --global-cache-dir [path] Override path to global Zig cache directory \\ --zig-lib-dir [arg] Override path to Zig lib directory \\ --build-runner [file] Override path to build runner \\ --debug-log [scope] Enable debugging the compiler \\ --debug-pkg-config Fail if unknown pkg-config flags encountered \\ --verbose-link Enable compiler debug output for linking \\ --verbose-air Enable compiler debug output for Zig AIR \\ --verbose-llvm-ir[=file] Enable compiler debug output for LLVM IR \\ --verbose-llvm-bc=[file] Enable compiler debug output for LLVM BC \\ --verbose-cimport Enable compiler debug output for C imports \\ --verbose-cc Enable compiler debug output for C compilation \\ --verbose-llvm-cpu-features Enable compiler debug output for LLVM CPU features \\ ); } fn usageAndErr(builder: *std.Build, already_ran_build: bool, out_stream: anytype) noreturn { usage(builder, already_ran_build, out_stream) catch {}; process.exit(1); } fn nextArg(args: [][:0]const u8, idx: *usize) ?[:0]const u8 { if (idx.* >= args.len) return null; defer idx.* += 1; return args[idx.*]; } fn argsRest(args: [][:0]const u8, idx: usize) ?[][:0]const u8 { if (idx >= args.len) return null; return args[idx..]; } fn cleanExit() void { // Perhaps in the future there could be an Advanced Options flag such as // --debug-build-runner-leaks which would make this function return instead // of calling exit. process.exit(0); } const Color = enum { auto, off, on }; fn get_tty_conf(color: Color, stderr: std.fs.File) std.debug.TTY.Config { return switch (color) { .auto => std.debug.detectTTYConfig(stderr), .on => .escape_codes, .off => .no_color, }; } fn renderOptions(ttyconf: std.debug.TTY.Config) std.zig.ErrorBundle.RenderOptions { return .{ .ttyconf = ttyconf, .include_source_line = ttyconf != .no_color, .include_reference_trace = ttyconf != .no_color, }; }