const std = @import("std"); const io =; const builtin = @import("builtin"); pub const std_options = struct { pub const io_mode: io.Mode = builtin.test_io_mode; pub const logFn = log; }; var log_err_count: usize = 0; var cmdline_buffer: [4096]u8 = undefined; var fba = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&cmdline_buffer); pub fn main() void { if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_wasm or builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_x86_64 or builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) { return mainSimple() catch @panic("test failure"); } const args = std.process.argsAlloc(fba.allocator()) catch @panic("unable to parse command line args"); var listen = false; for (args[1..]) |arg| { if (std.mem.eql(u8, arg, "--listen=-")) { listen = true; } else { @panic("unrecognized command line argument"); } } if (listen) { return mainServer() catch @panic("internal test runner failure"); } else { return mainTerminal(); } } fn mainServer() !void { var server = try std.zig.Server.init(.{ .gpa = fba.allocator(), .in =, .out =, .zig_version = builtin.zig_version_string, }); defer server.deinit(); while (true) { const hdr = try server.receiveMessage(); switch (hdr.tag) { .exit => { return std.process.exit(0); }, .query_test_metadata => { std.testing.allocator_instance = .{}; defer if (std.testing.allocator_instance.deinit()) { @panic("internal test runner memory leak"); }; var string_bytes: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8) = .{}; defer string_bytes.deinit(std.testing.allocator); try string_bytes.append(std.testing.allocator, 0); // Reserve 0 for null. const test_fns = builtin.test_functions; const names = try std.testing.allocator.alloc(u32, test_fns.len); defer; const async_frame_sizes = try std.testing.allocator.alloc(u32, test_fns.len); defer; const expected_panic_msgs = try std.testing.allocator.alloc(u32, test_fns.len); defer; for (test_fns, names, async_frame_sizes, expected_panic_msgs) |test_fn, *name, *async_frame_size, *expected_panic_msg| { name.* = @intCast(u32, string_bytes.items.len); try string_bytes.ensureUnusedCapacity(std.testing.allocator, + 1); string_bytes.appendSliceAssumeCapacity(; string_bytes.appendAssumeCapacity(0); async_frame_size.* = @intCast(u32, test_fn.async_frame_size orelse 0); expected_panic_msg.* = 0; } try server.serveTestMetadata(.{ .names = names, .async_frame_sizes = async_frame_sizes, .expected_panic_msgs = expected_panic_msgs, .string_bytes = string_bytes.items, }); }, .run_test => { std.testing.allocator_instance = .{}; const index = try server.receiveBody_u32(); const test_fn = builtin.test_functions[index]; if (test_fn.async_frame_size != null) @panic("TODO test runner implement async tests"); var fail = false; var skip = false; var leak = false; test_fn.func() catch |err| switch (err) { error.SkipZigTest => skip = true, else => { fail = true; if (@errorReturnTrace()) |trace| { std.debug.dumpStackTrace(trace.*); } }, }; leak = std.testing.allocator_instance.deinit(); try server.serveTestResults(.{ .index = index, .flags = .{ .fail = fail, .skip = skip, .leak = leak, }, }); }, else => { std.debug.print("unsupported message: {x}", .{@enumToInt(hdr.tag)}); std.process.exit(1); }, } } } fn mainTerminal() void { const test_fn_list = builtin.test_functions; var ok_count: usize = 0; var skip_count: usize = 0; var fail_count: usize = 0; var progress = std.Progress{ .dont_print_on_dumb = true, }; const root_node = progress.start("Test", test_fn_list.len); const have_tty = progress.terminal != null and (progress.supports_ansi_escape_codes or progress.is_windows_terminal); var async_frame_buffer: []align(std.Target.stack_align) u8 = undefined; // TODO this is on the next line (using `undefined` above) because otherwise zig incorrectly // ignores the alignment of the slice. async_frame_buffer = &[_]u8{}; var leaks: usize = 0; for (test_fn_list, 0..) |test_fn, i| { std.testing.allocator_instance = .{}; defer { if (std.testing.allocator_instance.deinit()) { leaks += 1; } } std.testing.log_level = .warn; var test_node = root_node.start(, 0); test_node.activate(); progress.refresh(); if (!have_tty) { std.debug.print("{d}/{d} {s}... ", .{ i + 1, test_fn_list.len, }); } const result = if (test_fn.async_frame_size) |size| switch (std.options.io_mode) { .evented => blk: { if (async_frame_buffer.len < size) {; async_frame_buffer = std.heap.page_allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, std.Target.stack_align, size) catch @panic("out of memory"); } const casted_fn = @ptrCast(fn () callconv(.Async) anyerror!void, test_fn.func); break :blk await @asyncCall(async_frame_buffer, {}, casted_fn, .{}); }, .blocking => { skip_count += 1; test_node.end(); progress.log("SKIP (async test)\n", .{}); continue; }, } else test_fn.func(); if (result) |_| { ok_count += 1; test_node.end(); if (!have_tty) std.debug.print("OK\n", .{}); } else |err| switch (err) { error.SkipZigTest => { skip_count += 1; progress.log("SKIP\n", .{}); test_node.end(); }, else => { fail_count += 1; progress.log("FAIL ({s})\n", .{@errorName(err)}); if (@errorReturnTrace()) |trace| { std.debug.dumpStackTrace(trace.*); } test_node.end(); }, } } root_node.end(); if (ok_count == test_fn_list.len) { std.debug.print("All {d} tests passed.\n", .{ok_count}); } else { std.debug.print("{d} passed; {d} skipped; {d} failed.\n", .{ ok_count, skip_count, fail_count }); } if (log_err_count != 0) { std.debug.print("{d} errors were logged.\n", .{log_err_count}); } if (leaks != 0) { std.debug.print("{d} tests leaked memory.\n", .{leaks}); } if (leaks != 0 or log_err_count != 0 or fail_count != 0) { std.process.exit(1); } } pub fn log( comptime message_level: std.log.Level, comptime scope: @Type(.EnumLiteral), comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype, ) void { if (@enumToInt(message_level) <= @enumToInt(std.log.Level.err)) { log_err_count += 1; } if (@enumToInt(message_level) <= @enumToInt(std.testing.log_level)) { std.debug.print( "[" ++ @tagName(scope) ++ "] (" ++ @tagName(message_level) ++ "): " ++ format ++ "\n", args, ); } } /// Simpler main(), exercising fewer language features, so that /// work-in-progress backends can handle it. pub fn mainSimple() anyerror!void { //const stderr =; for (builtin.test_functions) |test_fn| { test_fn.func() catch |err| { if (err != error.SkipZigTest) { //stderr.writeAll( catch {}; //stderr.writeAll("\n") catch {}; return err; } }; } }