//! Tar archive is single ordinary file which can contain many files (or //! directories, symlinks, ...). It's build by series of blocks each size of 512 //! bytes. First block of each entry is header which defines type, name, size //! permissions and other attributes. Header is followed by series of blocks of //! file content, if any that entry has content. Content is padded to the block //! size, so next header always starts at block boundary. //! //! This simple format is extended by GNU and POSIX pax extensions to support //! file names longer than 256 bytes and additional attributes. //! //! This is not comprehensive tar parser. Here we are only file types needed to //! support Zig package manager; normal file, directory, symbolic link. And //! subset of attributes: name, size, permissions. //! //! GNU tar reference: https://www.gnu.org/software/tar/manual/html_node/Standard.html //! pax reference: https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/pax.html#tag_20_92_13 const std = @import("std"); const assert = std.debug.assert; const testing = std.testing; pub const output = @import("tar/output.zig"); /// Provide this to receive detailed error messages. /// When this is provided, some errors which would otherwise be returned /// immediately will instead be added to this structure. The API user must check /// the errors in diagnostics to know whether the operation succeeded or failed. pub const Diagnostics = struct { allocator: std.mem.Allocator, errors: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Error) = .{}, root_entries: usize = 0, root_dir: ?[]const u8 = null, pub const Error = union(enum) { unable_to_create_sym_link: struct { code: anyerror, file_name: []const u8, link_name: []const u8, }, unable_to_create_file: struct { code: anyerror, file_name: []const u8, }, unsupported_file_type: struct { file_name: []const u8, file_type: Header.Kind, }, }; fn findRoot(d: *Diagnostics, path: []const u8, kind: FileKind) !void { if (rootDir(path)) |root_dir| { d.root_entries += 1; if (kind == .directory and d.root_entries == 1) { d.root_dir = try d.allocator.dupe(u8, root_dir); return; } if (d.root_dir) |r| { d.allocator.free(r); d.root_dir = null; } } } // If path is package root returns root_dir name, otherwise null. fn rootDir(path: []const u8) ?[]const u8 { if (path.len == 0) return null; const start_index: usize = if (path[0] == '/') 1 else 0; const end_index: usize = if (path[path.len - 1] == '/') path.len - 1 else path.len; const buf = path[start_index..end_index]; return if (std.mem.indexOfScalarPos(u8, buf, 0, '/') == null) buf else null; } test rootDir { const expectEqualStrings = testing.expectEqualStrings; const expect = testing.expect; try expectEqualStrings("a", rootDir("a").?); try expectEqualStrings("b", rootDir("b").?); try expectEqualStrings("c", rootDir("/c").?); try expectEqualStrings("d", rootDir("/d/").?); try expect(rootDir("a/b") == null); try expect(rootDir("") == null); } pub fn deinit(d: *Diagnostics) void { for (d.errors.items) |item| { switch (item) { .unable_to_create_sym_link => |info| { d.allocator.free(info.file_name); d.allocator.free(info.link_name); }, .unable_to_create_file => |info| { d.allocator.free(info.file_name); }, .unsupported_file_type => |info| { d.allocator.free(info.file_name); }, } } d.errors.deinit(d.allocator); if (d.root_dir) |r| { d.allocator.free(r); d.root_dir = null; } d.* = undefined; } }; /// pipeToFileSystem options pub const PipeOptions = struct { /// Number of directory levels to skip when extracting files. strip_components: u32 = 0, /// How to handle the "mode" property of files from within the tar file. mode_mode: ModeMode = .executable_bit_only, /// Prevents creation of empty directories. exclude_empty_directories: bool = false, /// Collects error messages during unpacking diagnostics: ?*Diagnostics = null, pub const ModeMode = enum { /// The mode from the tar file is completely ignored. Files are created /// with the default mode when creating files. ignore, /// The mode from the tar file is inspected for the owner executable bit /// only. This bit is copied to the group and other executable bits. /// Other bits of the mode are left as the default when creating files. executable_bit_only, }; }; const Header = struct { const SIZE = 512; const MAX_NAME_SIZE = 100 + 1 + 155; // name(100) + separator(1) + prefix(155) const LINK_NAME_SIZE = 100; bytes: *const [SIZE]u8, const Kind = enum(u8) { normal_alias = 0, normal = '0', hard_link = '1', symbolic_link = '2', character_special = '3', block_special = '4', directory = '5', fifo = '6', contiguous = '7', global_extended_header = 'g', extended_header = 'x', // Types 'L' and 'K' are used by the GNU format for a meta file // used to store the path or link name for the next file. gnu_long_name = 'L', gnu_long_link = 'K', gnu_sparse = 'S', solaris_extended_header = 'X', _, }; /// Includes prefix concatenated, if any. /// TODO: check against "../" and other nefarious things pub fn fullName(header: Header, buffer: []u8) ![]const u8 { const n = name(header); const p = prefix(header); if (buffer.len < n.len + p.len + 1) return error.TarInsufficientBuffer; if (!is_ustar(header) or p.len == 0) { @memcpy(buffer[0..n.len], n); return buffer[0..n.len]; } @memcpy(buffer[0..p.len], p); buffer[p.len] = '/'; @memcpy(buffer[p.len + 1 ..][0..n.len], n); return buffer[0 .. p.len + 1 + n.len]; } /// When kind is symbolic_link linked-to name (target_path) is specified in /// the linkname field. pub fn linkName(header: Header, buffer: []u8) ![]const u8 { const link_name = header.str(157, 100); if (link_name.len == 0) { return buffer[0..0]; } if (buffer.len < link_name.len) return error.TarInsufficientBuffer; const buf = buffer[0..link_name.len]; @memcpy(buf, link_name); return buf; } pub fn name(header: Header) []const u8 { return header.str(0, 100); } pub fn mode(header: Header) !u32 { return @intCast(try header.octal(100, 8)); } pub fn size(header: Header) !u64 { const start = 124; const len = 12; const raw = header.bytes[start..][0..len]; // If the leading byte is 0xff (255), all the bytes of the field // (including the leading byte) are concatenated in big-endian order, // with the result being a negative number expressed in two’s // complement form. if (raw[0] == 0xff) return error.TarNumericValueNegative; // If the leading byte is 0x80 (128), the non-leading bytes of the // field are concatenated in big-endian order. if (raw[0] == 0x80) { if (raw[1] != 0 or raw[2] != 0 or raw[3] != 0) return error.TarNumericValueTooBig; return std.mem.readInt(u64, raw[4..12], .big); } return try header.octal(start, len); } pub fn chksum(header: Header) !u64 { return header.octal(148, 8); } pub fn is_ustar(header: Header) bool { const magic = header.bytes[257..][0..6]; return std.mem.eql(u8, magic[0..5], "ustar") and (magic[5] == 0 or magic[5] == ' '); } pub fn prefix(header: Header) []const u8 { return header.str(345, 155); } pub fn kind(header: Header) Kind { const result: Kind = @enumFromInt(header.bytes[156]); if (result == .normal_alias) return .normal; return result; } fn str(header: Header, start: usize, len: usize) []const u8 { return nullStr(header.bytes[start .. start + len]); } fn octal(header: Header, start: usize, len: usize) !u64 { const raw = header.bytes[start..][0..len]; // Zero-filled octal number in ASCII. Each numeric field of width w // contains w minus 1 digits, and a null const ltrimmed = std.mem.trimLeft(u8, raw, "0 "); const rtrimmed = std.mem.trimRight(u8, ltrimmed, " \x00"); if (rtrimmed.len == 0) return 0; return std.fmt.parseInt(u64, rtrimmed, 8) catch return error.TarHeader; } const Chksums = struct { unsigned: u64, signed: i64, }; // Sum of all bytes in the header block. The chksum field is treated as if // it were filled with spaces (ASCII 32). fn computeChksum(header: Header) Chksums { var cs: Chksums = .{ .signed = 0, .unsigned = 0 }; for (header.bytes, 0..) |v, i| { const b = if (148 <= i and i < 156) 32 else v; // Treating chksum bytes as spaces. cs.unsigned += b; cs.signed += @as(i8, @bitCast(b)); } return cs; } // Checks calculated chksum with value of chksum field. // Returns error or valid chksum value. // Zero value indicates empty block. pub fn checkChksum(header: Header) !u64 { const field = try header.chksum(); const cs = header.computeChksum(); if (field == 0 and cs.unsigned == 256) return 0; if (field != cs.unsigned and field != cs.signed) return error.TarHeaderChksum; return field; } }; // Breaks string on first null character. fn nullStr(str: []const u8) []const u8 { for (str, 0..) |c, i| { if (c == 0) return str[0..i]; } return str; } /// Options for iterator. /// Buffers should be provided by the caller. pub const IteratorOptions = struct { /// Use a buffer with length `std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES` to match file system capabilities. file_name_buffer: []u8, /// Use a buffer with length `std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES` to match file system capabilities. link_name_buffer: []u8, /// Collects error messages during unpacking diagnostics: ?*Diagnostics = null, }; /// Iterates over files in tar archive. /// `next` returns each file in tar archive. pub fn iterator(reader: anytype, options: IteratorOptions) Iterator(@TypeOf(reader)) { return .{ .reader = reader, .diagnostics = options.diagnostics, .file_name_buffer = options.file_name_buffer, .link_name_buffer = options.link_name_buffer, }; } /// Type of the file returned by iterator `next` method. pub const FileKind = enum { directory, sym_link, file, }; /// Iteartor over entries in the tar file represented by reader. pub fn Iterator(comptime ReaderType: type) type { return struct { reader: ReaderType, diagnostics: ?*Diagnostics = null, // buffers for heeader and file attributes header_buffer: [Header.SIZE]u8 = undefined, file_name_buffer: []u8, link_name_buffer: []u8, // bytes of padding to the end of the block padding: usize = 0, // not consumed bytes of file from last next iteration unread_file_bytes: u64 = 0, pub const File = struct { name: []const u8, // name of file, symlink or directory link_name: []const u8, // target name of symlink size: u64 = 0, // size of the file in bytes mode: u32 = 0, kind: FileKind = .file, unread_bytes: *u64, parent_reader: ReaderType, pub const Reader = std.io.Reader(File, ReaderType.Error, File.read); pub fn reader(self: File) Reader { return .{ .context = self }; } pub fn read(self: File, dest: []u8) ReaderType.Error!usize { const buf = dest[0..@min(dest.len, self.unread_bytes.*)]; const n = try self.parent_reader.read(buf); self.unread_bytes.* -= n; return n; } // Writes file content to writer. pub fn writeAll(self: File, writer: anytype) !void { var buffer: [4096]u8 = undefined; while (self.unread_bytes.* > 0) { const buf = buffer[0..@min(buffer.len, self.unread_bytes.*)]; try self.parent_reader.readNoEof(buf); try writer.writeAll(buf); self.unread_bytes.* -= buf.len; } } }; const Self = @This(); fn readHeader(self: *Self) !?Header { if (self.padding > 0) { try self.reader.skipBytes(self.padding, .{}); } const n = try self.reader.readAll(&self.header_buffer); if (n == 0) return null; if (n < Header.SIZE) return error.UnexpectedEndOfStream; const header = Header{ .bytes = self.header_buffer[0..Header.SIZE] }; if (try header.checkChksum() == 0) return null; return header; } fn readString(self: *Self, size: usize, buffer: []u8) ![]const u8 { if (size > buffer.len) return error.TarInsufficientBuffer; const buf = buffer[0..size]; try self.reader.readNoEof(buf); return nullStr(buf); } fn newFile(self: *Self) File { return .{ .name = self.file_name_buffer[0..0], .link_name = self.link_name_buffer[0..0], .parent_reader = self.reader, .unread_bytes = &self.unread_file_bytes, }; } // Number of padding bytes in the last file block. fn blockPadding(size: u64) usize { const block_rounded = std.mem.alignForward(u64, size, Header.SIZE); // size rounded to te block boundary return @intCast(block_rounded - size); } /// Iterates through the tar archive as if it is a series of files. /// Internally, the tar format often uses entries (header with optional /// content) to add meta data that describes the next file. These /// entries should not normally be visible to the outside. As such, this /// loop iterates through one or more entries until it collects a all /// file attributes. pub fn next(self: *Self) !?File { if (self.unread_file_bytes > 0) { // If file content was not consumed by caller try self.reader.skipBytes(self.unread_file_bytes, .{}); self.unread_file_bytes = 0; } var file: File = self.newFile(); while (try self.readHeader()) |header| { const kind = header.kind(); const size: u64 = try header.size(); self.padding = blockPadding(size); switch (kind) { // File types to retrun upstream .directory, .normal, .symbolic_link => { file.kind = switch (kind) { .directory => .directory, .normal => .file, .symbolic_link => .sym_link, else => unreachable, }; file.mode = try header.mode(); // set file attributes if not already set by prefix/extended headers if (file.size == 0) { file.size = size; } if (file.link_name.len == 0) { file.link_name = try header.linkName(self.link_name_buffer); } if (file.name.len == 0) { file.name = try header.fullName(self.file_name_buffer); } self.padding = blockPadding(file.size); self.unread_file_bytes = file.size; return file; }, // Prefix header types .gnu_long_name => { file.name = try self.readString(@intCast(size), self.file_name_buffer); }, .gnu_long_link => { file.link_name = try self.readString(@intCast(size), self.link_name_buffer); }, .extended_header => { // Use just attributes from last extended header. file = self.newFile(); var rdr = paxIterator(self.reader, @intCast(size)); while (try rdr.next()) |attr| { switch (attr.kind) { .path => { file.name = try attr.value(self.file_name_buffer); }, .linkpath => { file.link_name = try attr.value(self.link_name_buffer); }, .size => { var buf: [pax_max_size_attr_len]u8 = undefined; file.size = try std.fmt.parseInt(u64, try attr.value(&buf), 10); }, } } }, // Ignored header type .global_extended_header => { self.reader.skipBytes(size, .{}) catch return error.TarHeadersTooBig; }, // All other are unsupported header types else => { const d = self.diagnostics orelse return error.TarUnsupportedHeader; try d.errors.append(d.allocator, .{ .unsupported_file_type = .{ .file_name = try d.allocator.dupe(u8, header.name()), .file_type = kind, } }); if (kind == .gnu_sparse) { try self.skipGnuSparseExtendedHeaders(header); } self.reader.skipBytes(size, .{}) catch return error.TarHeadersTooBig; }, } } return null; } fn skipGnuSparseExtendedHeaders(self: *Self, header: Header) !void { var is_extended = header.bytes[482] > 0; while (is_extended) { var buf: [Header.SIZE]u8 = undefined; const n = try self.reader.readAll(&buf); if (n < Header.SIZE) return error.UnexpectedEndOfStream; is_extended = buf[504] > 0; } } }; } /// Pax attributes iterator. /// Size is length of pax extended header in reader. fn paxIterator(reader: anytype, size: usize) PaxIterator(@TypeOf(reader)) { return PaxIterator(@TypeOf(reader)){ .reader = reader, .size = size, }; } const PaxAttributeKind = enum { path, linkpath, size, }; // maxInt(u64) has 20 chars, base 10 in practice we got 24 chars const pax_max_size_attr_len = 64; fn PaxIterator(comptime ReaderType: type) type { return struct { size: usize, // cumulative size of all pax attributes reader: ReaderType, // scratch buffer used for reading attribute length and keyword scratch: [128]u8 = undefined, const Self = @This(); const Attribute = struct { kind: PaxAttributeKind, len: usize, // length of the attribute value reader: ReaderType, // reader positioned at value start // Copies pax attribute value into destination buffer. // Must be called with destination buffer of size at least Attribute.len. pub fn value(self: Attribute, dst: []u8) ![]const u8 { if (self.len > dst.len) return error.TarInsufficientBuffer; // assert(self.len <= dst.len); const buf = dst[0..self.len]; const n = try self.reader.readAll(buf); if (n < self.len) return error.UnexpectedEndOfStream; try validateAttributeEnding(self.reader); if (hasNull(buf)) return error.PaxNullInValue; return buf; } }; // Iterates over pax attributes. Returns known only known attributes. // Caller has to call value in Attribute, to advance reader across value. pub fn next(self: *Self) !?Attribute { // Pax extended header consists of one or more attributes, each constructed as follows: // "%d %s=%s\n", , , while (self.size > 0) { const length_buf = try self.readUntil(' '); const length = try std.fmt.parseInt(usize, length_buf, 10); // record length in bytes const keyword = try self.readUntil('='); if (hasNull(keyword)) return error.PaxNullInKeyword; // calculate value_len const value_start = length_buf.len + keyword.len + 2; // 2 separators if (length < value_start + 1 or self.size < length) return error.UnexpectedEndOfStream; const value_len = length - value_start - 1; // \n separator at end self.size -= length; const kind: PaxAttributeKind = if (eql(keyword, "path")) .path else if (eql(keyword, "linkpath")) .linkpath else if (eql(keyword, "size")) .size else { try self.reader.skipBytes(value_len, .{}); try validateAttributeEnding(self.reader); continue; }; if (kind == .size and value_len > pax_max_size_attr_len) { return error.PaxSizeAttrOverflow; } return Attribute{ .kind = kind, .len = value_len, .reader = self.reader, }; } return null; } fn readUntil(self: *Self, delimiter: u8) ![]const u8 { var fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(&self.scratch); try self.reader.streamUntilDelimiter(fbs.writer(), delimiter, null); return fbs.getWritten(); } fn eql(a: []const u8, b: []const u8) bool { return std.mem.eql(u8, a, b); } fn hasNull(str: []const u8) bool { return (std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, str, 0)) != null; } // Checks that each record ends with new line. fn validateAttributeEnding(reader: ReaderType) !void { if (try reader.readByte() != '\n') return error.PaxInvalidAttributeEnd; } }; } /// Saves tar file content to the file systems. pub fn pipeToFileSystem(dir: std.fs.Dir, reader: anytype, options: PipeOptions) !void { var file_name_buffer: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined; var link_name_buffer: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined; var iter = iterator(reader, .{ .file_name_buffer = &file_name_buffer, .link_name_buffer = &link_name_buffer, .diagnostics = options.diagnostics, }); while (try iter.next()) |file| { const file_name = stripComponents(file.name, options.strip_components); if (options.diagnostics) |d| { try d.findRoot(file_name, file.kind); } switch (file.kind) { .directory => { if (file_name.len != 0 and !options.exclude_empty_directories) { try dir.makePath(file_name); } }, .file => { if (file_name.len == 0) return error.BadFileName; if (createDirAndFile(dir, file_name, fileMode(file.mode, options))) |fs_file| { defer fs_file.close(); try file.writeAll(fs_file); } else |err| { const d = options.diagnostics orelse return err; try d.errors.append(d.allocator, .{ .unable_to_create_file = .{ .code = err, .file_name = try d.allocator.dupe(u8, file_name), } }); } }, .sym_link => { if (file_name.len == 0) return error.BadFileName; const link_name = file.link_name; createDirAndSymlink(dir, link_name, file_name) catch |err| { const d = options.diagnostics orelse return error.UnableToCreateSymLink; try d.errors.append(d.allocator, .{ .unable_to_create_sym_link = .{ .code = err, .file_name = try d.allocator.dupe(u8, file_name), .link_name = try d.allocator.dupe(u8, link_name), } }); }; }, } } } fn createDirAndFile(dir: std.fs.Dir, file_name: []const u8, mode: std.fs.File.Mode) !std.fs.File { const fs_file = dir.createFile(file_name, .{ .exclusive = true, .mode = mode }) catch |err| { if (err == error.FileNotFound) { if (std.fs.path.dirname(file_name)) |dir_name| { try dir.makePath(dir_name); return try dir.createFile(file_name, .{ .exclusive = true, .mode = mode }); } } return err; }; return fs_file; } // Creates a symbolic link at path `file_name` which points to `link_name`. fn createDirAndSymlink(dir: std.fs.Dir, link_name: []const u8, file_name: []const u8) !void { dir.symLink(link_name, file_name, .{}) catch |err| { if (err == error.FileNotFound) { if (std.fs.path.dirname(file_name)) |dir_name| { try dir.makePath(dir_name); return try dir.symLink(link_name, file_name, .{}); } } return err; }; } fn stripComponents(path: []const u8, count: u32) []const u8 { var i: usize = 0; var c = count; while (c > 0) : (c -= 1) { if (std.mem.indexOfScalarPos(u8, path, i, '/')) |pos| { i = pos + 1; } else { i = path.len; break; } } return path[i..]; } test stripComponents { const expectEqualStrings = testing.expectEqualStrings; try expectEqualStrings("a/b/c", stripComponents("a/b/c", 0)); try expectEqualStrings("b/c", stripComponents("a/b/c", 1)); try expectEqualStrings("c", stripComponents("a/b/c", 2)); try expectEqualStrings("", stripComponents("a/b/c", 3)); try expectEqualStrings("", stripComponents("a/b/c", 4)); } test PaxIterator { const Attr = struct { kind: PaxAttributeKind, value: []const u8 = undefined, err: ?anyerror = null, }; const cases = [_]struct { data: []const u8, attrs: []const Attr, err: ?anyerror = null, }{ .{ // valid but unknown keys .data = \\30 mtime=1350244992.023960108 \\6 k=1 \\13 key1=val1 \\10 a=name \\9 a=name \\ , .attrs = &[_]Attr{}, }, .{ // mix of known and unknown keys .data = \\6 k=1 \\13 path=name \\17 linkpath=link \\13 key1=val1 \\12 size=123 \\13 key2=val2 \\ , .attrs = &[_]Attr{ .{ .kind = .path, .value = "name" }, .{ .kind = .linkpath, .value = "link" }, .{ .kind = .size, .value = "123" }, }, }, .{ // too short size of the second key-value pair .data = \\13 path=name \\10 linkpath=value \\ , .attrs = &[_]Attr{ .{ .kind = .path, .value = "name" }, }, .err = error.UnexpectedEndOfStream, }, .{ // too long size of the second key-value pair .data = \\13 path=name \\6 k=1 \\19 linkpath=value \\ , .attrs = &[_]Attr{ .{ .kind = .path, .value = "name" }, }, .err = error.UnexpectedEndOfStream, }, .{ // too long size of the second key-value pair .data = \\13 path=name \\19 linkpath=value \\6 k=1 \\ , .attrs = &[_]Attr{ .{ .kind = .path, .value = "name" }, .{ .kind = .linkpath, .err = error.PaxInvalidAttributeEnd }, }, }, .{ // null in keyword is not valid .data = "13 path=name\n" ++ "7 k\x00b=1\n", .attrs = &[_]Attr{ .{ .kind = .path, .value = "name" }, }, .err = error.PaxNullInKeyword, }, .{ // null in value is not valid .data = "23 path=name\x00with null\n", .attrs = &[_]Attr{ .{ .kind = .path, .err = error.PaxNullInValue }, }, }, .{ // 1000 characters path .data = "1011 path=" ++ "0123456789" ** 100 ++ "\n", .attrs = &[_]Attr{ .{ .kind = .path, .value = "0123456789" ** 100 }, }, }, }; var buffer: [1024]u8 = undefined; outer: for (cases) |case| { var stream = std.io.fixedBufferStream(case.data); var iter = paxIterator(stream.reader(), case.data.len); var i: usize = 0; while (iter.next() catch |err| { if (case.err) |e| { try testing.expectEqual(e, err); continue; } return err; }) |attr| : (i += 1) { const exp = case.attrs[i]; try testing.expectEqual(exp.kind, attr.kind); const value = attr.value(&buffer) catch |err| { if (exp.err) |e| { try testing.expectEqual(e, err); break :outer; } return err; }; try testing.expectEqualStrings(exp.value, value); } try testing.expectEqual(case.attrs.len, i); try testing.expect(case.err == null); } } test { _ = @import("tar/test.zig"); _ = Diagnostics; } test "header parse size" { const cases = [_]struct { in: []const u8, want: u64 = 0, err: ?anyerror = null, }{ // Test base-256 (binary) encoded values. .{ .in = "", .want = 0 }, .{ .in = "\x80", .want = 0 }, .{ .in = "\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01", .want = 1 }, .{ .in = "\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02", .want = 0x0102 }, .{ .in = "\x80\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08", .want = 0x0102030405060708 }, .{ .in = "\x80\x00\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09", .err = error.TarNumericValueTooBig }, .{ .in = "\x80\x00\x00\x00\x07\x76\xa2\x22\xeb\x8a\x72\x61", .want = 537795476381659745 }, .{ .in = "\x80\x80\x80\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08", .err = error.TarNumericValueTooBig }, // // Test base-8 (octal) encoded values. .{ .in = "00000000227\x00", .want = 0o227 }, .{ .in = " 000000227\x00", .want = 0o227 }, .{ .in = "00000000228\x00", .err = error.TarHeader }, .{ .in = "11111111111\x00", .want = 0o11111111111 }, }; for (cases) |case| { var bytes = [_]u8{0} ** Header.SIZE; @memcpy(bytes[124 .. 124 + case.in.len], case.in); var header = Header{ .bytes = &bytes }; if (case.err) |err| { try testing.expectError(err, header.size()); } else { try testing.expectEqual(case.want, try header.size()); } } } test "header parse mode" { const cases = [_]struct { in: []const u8, want: u64 = 0, err: ?anyerror = null, }{ .{ .in = "0000644\x00", .want = 0o644 }, .{ .in = "0000777\x00", .want = 0o777 }, .{ .in = "7777777\x00", .want = 0o7777777 }, .{ .in = "7777778\x00", .err = error.TarHeader }, .{ .in = "77777777", .want = 0o77777777 }, .{ .in = "777777777777", .want = 0o77777777 }, }; for (cases) |case| { var bytes = [_]u8{0} ** Header.SIZE; @memcpy(bytes[100 .. 100 + case.in.len], case.in); var header = Header{ .bytes = &bytes }; if (case.err) |err| { try testing.expectError(err, header.mode()); } else { try testing.expectEqual(case.want, try header.mode()); } } } test "create file and symlink" { var root = testing.tmpDir(.{}); defer root.cleanup(); var file = try createDirAndFile(root.dir, "file1", default_mode); file.close(); file = try createDirAndFile(root.dir, "a/b/c/file2", default_mode); file.close(); createDirAndSymlink(root.dir, "a/b/c/file2", "symlink1") catch |err| { // On Windows when developer mode is not enabled if (err == error.AccessDenied) return error.SkipZigTest; return err; }; try createDirAndSymlink(root.dir, "../../../file1", "d/e/f/symlink2"); // Danglink symlnik, file created later try createDirAndSymlink(root.dir, "../../../g/h/i/file4", "j/k/l/symlink3"); file = try createDirAndFile(root.dir, "g/h/i/file4", default_mode); file.close(); } test iterator { // Example tar file is created from this tree structure: // $ tree example // example // ├── a // │   └── file // ├── b // │   └── symlink -> ../a/file // └── empty // $ cat example/a/file // content // $ tar -cf example.tar example // $ tar -tvf example.tar // example/ // example/b/ // example/b/symlink -> ../a/file // example/a/ // example/a/file // example/empty/ const data = @embedFile("tar/testdata/example.tar"); var fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(data); // User provided buffers to the iterator var file_name_buffer: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined; var link_name_buffer: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined; // Create iterator var iter = iterator(fbs.reader(), .{ .file_name_buffer = &file_name_buffer, .link_name_buffer = &link_name_buffer, }); // Iterate over files in example.tar var file_no: usize = 0; while (try iter.next()) |file| : (file_no += 1) { switch (file.kind) { .directory => { switch (file_no) { 0 => try testing.expectEqualStrings("example/", file.name), 1 => try testing.expectEqualStrings("example/b/", file.name), 3 => try testing.expectEqualStrings("example/a/", file.name), 5 => try testing.expectEqualStrings("example/empty/", file.name), else => unreachable, } }, .file => { try testing.expectEqualStrings("example/a/file", file.name); // Read file content var buf: [16]u8 = undefined; const n = try file.reader().readAll(&buf); try testing.expectEqualStrings("content\n", buf[0..n]); }, .sym_link => { try testing.expectEqualStrings("example/b/symlink", file.name); try testing.expectEqualStrings("../a/file", file.link_name); }, } } } test pipeToFileSystem { // Example tar file is created from this tree structure: // $ tree example // example // ├── a // │   └── file // ├── b // │   └── symlink -> ../a/file // └── empty // $ cat example/a/file // content // $ tar -cf example.tar example // $ tar -tvf example.tar // example/ // example/b/ // example/b/symlink -> ../a/file // example/a/ // example/a/file // example/empty/ const data = @embedFile("tar/testdata/example.tar"); var fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(data); const reader = fbs.reader(); var tmp = testing.tmpDir(.{ .no_follow = true }); defer tmp.cleanup(); const dir = tmp.dir; // Save tar from `reader` to the file system `dir` pipeToFileSystem(dir, reader, .{ .mode_mode = .ignore, .strip_components = 1, .exclude_empty_directories = true, }) catch |err| { // Skip on platform which don't support symlinks if (err == error.UnableToCreateSymLink) return error.SkipZigTest; return err; }; try testing.expectError(error.FileNotFound, dir.statFile("empty")); try testing.expect((try dir.statFile("a/file")).kind == .file); try testing.expect((try dir.statFile("b/symlink")).kind == .file); // statFile follows symlink var buf: [32]u8 = undefined; try testing.expectEqualSlices( u8, "../a/file", normalizePath(try dir.readLink("b/symlink", &buf)), ); } test "pipeToFileSystem root_dir" { const data = @embedFile("tar/testdata/example.tar"); var fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(data); const reader = fbs.reader(); // with strip_components = 1 { var tmp = testing.tmpDir(.{ .no_follow = true }); defer tmp.cleanup(); var diagnostics: Diagnostics = .{ .allocator = testing.allocator }; defer diagnostics.deinit(); pipeToFileSystem(tmp.dir, reader, .{ .strip_components = 1, .diagnostics = &diagnostics, }) catch |err| { // Skip on platform which don't support symlinks if (err == error.UnableToCreateSymLink) return error.SkipZigTest; return err; }; // there is no root_dir try testing.expect(diagnostics.root_dir == null); try testing.expectEqual(3, diagnostics.root_entries); } // with strip_components = 0 { fbs.reset(); var tmp = testing.tmpDir(.{ .no_follow = true }); defer tmp.cleanup(); var diagnostics: Diagnostics = .{ .allocator = testing.allocator }; defer diagnostics.deinit(); pipeToFileSystem(tmp.dir, reader, .{ .strip_components = 0, .diagnostics = &diagnostics, }) catch |err| { // Skip on platform which don't support symlinks if (err == error.UnableToCreateSymLink) return error.SkipZigTest; return err; }; // root_dir found try testing.expectEqualStrings("example", diagnostics.root_dir.?); try testing.expectEqual(1, diagnostics.root_entries); } } fn normalizePath(bytes: []u8) []u8 { const canonical_sep = std.fs.path.sep_posix; if (std.fs.path.sep == canonical_sep) return bytes; std.mem.replaceScalar(u8, bytes, std.fs.path.sep, canonical_sep); return bytes; } const default_mode = std.fs.File.default_mode; // File system mode based on tar header mode and mode_mode options. fn fileMode(mode: u32, options: PipeOptions) std.fs.File.Mode { if (!std.fs.has_executable_bit or options.mode_mode == .ignore) return default_mode; const S = std.posix.S; // The mode from the tar file is inspected for the owner executable bit. if (mode & S.IXUSR == 0) return default_mode; // This bit is copied to the group and other executable bits. // Other bits of the mode are left as the default when creating files. return default_mode | S.IXUSR | S.IXGRP | S.IXOTH; } test fileMode { if (!std.fs.has_executable_bit) return error.SkipZigTest; try testing.expectEqual(default_mode, fileMode(0o744, PipeOptions{ .mode_mode = .ignore })); try testing.expectEqual(0o777, fileMode(0o744, PipeOptions{})); try testing.expectEqual(0o666, fileMode(0o644, PipeOptions{})); try testing.expectEqual(0o666, fileMode(0o655, PipeOptions{})); } test "executable bit" { if (!std.fs.has_executable_bit) return error.SkipZigTest; const S = std.posix.S; const data = @embedFile("tar/testdata/example.tar"); for ([_]PipeOptions.ModeMode{ .ignore, .executable_bit_only }) |opt| { var fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(data); const reader = fbs.reader(); var tmp = testing.tmpDir(.{ .no_follow = true }); //defer tmp.cleanup(); pipeToFileSystem(tmp.dir, reader, .{ .strip_components = 1, .exclude_empty_directories = true, .mode_mode = opt, }) catch |err| { // Skip on platform which don't support symlinks if (err == error.UnableToCreateSymLink) return error.SkipZigTest; return err; }; const fs = try tmp.dir.statFile("a/file"); try testing.expect(fs.kind == .file); if (opt == .executable_bit_only) { // Executable bit is set for user, group and others try testing.expect(fs.mode & S.IXUSR > 0); try testing.expect(fs.mode & S.IXGRP > 0); try testing.expect(fs.mode & S.IXOTH > 0); } if (opt == .ignore) { try testing.expect(fs.mode & S.IXUSR == 0); try testing.expect(fs.mode & S.IXGRP == 0); try testing.expect(fs.mode & S.IXOTH == 0); } } }