const std = @import("std"); const expect = std.testing.expect; const builtin = @import("builtin"); fn ShardedTable(comptime Key: type, comptime mask_bit_count: comptime_int, comptime V: type) type { const key_bits = @typeInfo(Key).Int.bits; std.debug.assert(Key == std.meta.Int(.unsigned, key_bits)); std.debug.assert(key_bits >= mask_bit_count); const shard_key_bits = mask_bit_count; const ShardKey = std.meta.Int(.unsigned, mask_bit_count); const shift_amount = key_bits - shard_key_bits; return struct { const Self = @This(); shards: [1 << shard_key_bits]?*Node, pub fn create() Self { return Self{ .shards = [_]?*Node{null} ** (1 << shard_key_bits) }; } fn getShardKey(key: Key) ShardKey { // // this special case is needed because you can't u32 >> 32. if (ShardKey == u0) return 0; // this can be u1 >> u0 const shard_key = key >> shift_amount; // TODO: // This cast could be implicit if we teach the compiler that // u32 >> 30 -> u2 return @as(ShardKey, @intCast(shard_key)); } pub fn put(self: *Self, node: *Node) void { const shard_key = Self.getShardKey(node.key); = self.shards[shard_key]; self.shards[shard_key] = node; } pub fn get(self: *Self, key: Key) ?*Node { const shard_key = Self.getShardKey(key); var maybe_node = self.shards[shard_key]; while (maybe_node) |node| : (maybe_node = { if (node.key == key) return node; } return null; } pub const Node = struct { key: Key, value: V, next: ?*Node, pub fn init(self: *Node, key: Key, value: V) void { self.key = key; self.value = value; = null; } }; }; } test "sharded table" { if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_arm) return error.SkipZigTest; if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_spirv64) return error.SkipZigTest; // realistic 16-way sharding try testShardedTable(u32, 4, 8); try testShardedTable(u5, 0, 32); // ShardKey == u0 try testShardedTable(u5, 2, 32); try testShardedTable(u5, 5, 32); try testShardedTable(u1, 0, 2); try testShardedTable(u1, 1, 2); // this does u1 >> u0 try testShardedTable(u0, 0, 1); } fn testShardedTable(comptime Key: type, comptime mask_bit_count: comptime_int, comptime node_count: comptime_int) !void { const Table = ShardedTable(Key, mask_bit_count, void); var table = Table.create(); var node_buffer: [node_count]Table.Node = undefined; for (&node_buffer, 0..) |*node, i| { const key = @as(Key, @intCast(i)); try expect(table.get(key) == null); node.init(key, {}); table.put(node); } for (&node_buffer, 0..) |*node, i| { try expect(table.get(@as(Key, @intCast(i))) == node); } } // #2225 test "comptime shr of BigInt" { comptime { var n0 = 0xdeadbeef0000000000000000; try expect(n0 >> 64 == 0xdeadbeef); var n1 = 17908056155735594659; try expect(n1 >> 64 == 0); } } test "comptime shift safety check" { _ = @as(usize, 42) << @sizeOf(usize); }