const builtin = @import("builtin"); const endian = builtin.cpu.arch.endian(); const testing = @import("std").testing; const ptr_size = @sizeOf(usize); test "type pun signed and unsigned as single pointer" { comptime { var x: u32 = 0; const y = @as(*i32, @ptrCast(&x)); y.* = -1; try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 0xFFFFFFFF), x); } } test "type pun signed and unsigned as many pointer" { comptime { var x: u32 = 0; const y = @as([*]i32, @ptrCast(&x)); y[0] = -1; try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 0xFFFFFFFF), x); } } test "type pun signed and unsigned as array pointer" { comptime { var x: u32 = 0; const y = @as(*[1]i32, @ptrCast(&x)); y[0] = -1; try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 0xFFFFFFFF), x); } } test "type pun signed and unsigned as offset many pointer" { if (true) { // TODO return error.SkipZigTest; } comptime { var x: u32 = 0; var y = @as([*]i32, @ptrCast(&x)); y -= 10; y[10] = -1; try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 0xFFFFFFFF), x); } } test "type pun signed and unsigned as array pointer with pointer arithemtic" { if (true) { // TODO return error.SkipZigTest; } comptime { var x: u32 = 0; const y = @as([*]i32, @ptrCast(&x)) - 10; const z: *[15]i32 = y[0..15]; z[10] = -1; try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 0xFFFFFFFF), x); } } test "type pun value and struct" { comptime { const StructOfU32 = extern struct { x: u32 }; var inst: StructOfU32 = .{ .x = 0 }; @as(*i32, @ptrCast(&inst.x)).* = -1; try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 0xFFFFFFFF), inst.x); @as(*i32, @ptrCast(&inst)).* = -2; try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 0xFFFFFFFE), inst.x); } } fn bigToNativeEndian(comptime T: type, v: T) T { return if (endian == .Big) v else @byteSwap(v); } test "type pun endianness" { if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO comptime { const StructOfBytes = extern struct { x: [4]u8 }; var inst: StructOfBytes = .{ .x = [4]u8{ 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; const structPtr = @as(*align(1) u32, @ptrCast(&inst)); const arrayPtr = @as(*align(1) u32, @ptrCast(&inst.x)); inst.x[0] = 0xFE; inst.x[2] = 0xBE; try testing.expectEqual(bigToNativeEndian(u32, 0xFE00BE00), structPtr.*); try testing.expectEqual(bigToNativeEndian(u32, 0xFE00BE00), arrayPtr.*); structPtr.* = bigToNativeEndian(u32, 0xDEADF00D); try testing.expectEqual(bigToNativeEndian(u32, 0xDEADF00D), structPtr.*); try testing.expectEqual(bigToNativeEndian(u32, 0xDEADF00D), arrayPtr.*); try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 0xDE), inst.x[0]); try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 0xAD), inst.x[1]); try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 0xF0), inst.x[2]); try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 0x0D), inst.x[3]); } } const Bits = packed struct { // Note: This struct has only single byte words so it // doesn't need to be byte swapped. p0: u1, p1: u4, p2: u3, p3: u2, p4: u6, p5: u8, p6: u7, p7: u1, }; const ShuffledBits = packed struct { p1: u4, p3: u2, p7: u1, p0: u1, p5: u8, p2: u3, p6: u7, p4: u6, }; fn shuffle(ptr: usize, comptime From: type, comptime To: type) usize { if (@sizeOf(From) != @sizeOf(To)) @compileError("Mismatched sizes! " ++ @typeName(From) ++ " and " ++ @typeName(To) ++ " must have the same size!"); const array_len = @divExact(ptr_size, @sizeOf(From)); var result: usize = 0; const pSource = @as(*align(1) const [array_len]From, @ptrCast(&ptr)); const pResult = @as(*align(1) [array_len]To, @ptrCast(&result)); var i: usize = 0; while (i < array_len) : (i += 1) { inline for (@typeInfo(To).Struct.fields) |f| { @field(pResult[i], = @field(pSource[i],; } } return result; } fn doTypePunBitsTest(as_bits: *Bits) !void { const as_u32 = @as(*align(1) u32, @ptrCast(as_bits)); const as_bytes = @as(*[4]u8, @ptrCast(as_bits)); as_u32.* = bigToNativeEndian(u32, 0xB0A7DEED); try testing.expectEqual(@as(u1, 0x00), as_bits.p0); try testing.expectEqual(@as(u4, 0x08), as_bits.p1); try testing.expectEqual(@as(u3, 0x05), as_bits.p2); try testing.expectEqual(@as(u2, 0x03), as_bits.p3); try testing.expectEqual(@as(u6, 0x29), as_bits.p4); try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 0xDE), as_bits.p5); try testing.expectEqual(@as(u7, 0x6D), as_bits.p6); try testing.expectEqual(@as(u1, 0x01), as_bits.p7); as_bits.p6 = 0x2D; as_bits.p1 = 0x0F; try testing.expectEqual(bigToNativeEndian(u32, 0xBEA7DEAD), as_u32.*); // clobbering one bit doesn't clobber the word as_bits.p7 = undefined; try testing.expectEqual(@as(u7, 0x2D), as_bits.p6); // even when read as a whole const u = as_u32.*; _ = u; // u is undefined try testing.expectEqual(@as(u7, 0x2D), as_bits.p6); // or if a field which shares the byte is modified as_bits.p6 = 0x6D; try testing.expectEqual(@as(u7, 0x6D), as_bits.p6); // but overwriting the undefined will clear it as_bytes[3] = 0xAF; try testing.expectEqual(bigToNativeEndian(u32, 0xBEA7DEAF), as_u32.*); } test "type pun bits" { if (true) { // TODO return error.SkipZigTest; } comptime { var v: u32 = undefined; try doTypePunBitsTest(@as(*Bits, @ptrCast(&v))); } } const imports = struct { var global_u32: u32 = 0; }; // Make sure lazy values work on their own, before getting into more complex tests test "basic pointer preservation" { if (true) { // TODO return error.SkipZigTest; } comptime { const lazy_address = @intFromPtr(&imports.global_u32); try testing.expectEqual(@intFromPtr(&imports.global_u32), lazy_address); try testing.expectEqual(&imports.global_u32, @as(*u32, @ptrFromInt(lazy_address))); } } test "byte copy preserves linker value" { if (true) { // TODO return error.SkipZigTest; } const ct_value = comptime blk: { const lazy = &imports.global_u32; var result: *u32 = undefined; const pSource = @as(*const [ptr_size]u8, @ptrCast(&lazy)); const pResult = @as(*[ptr_size]u8, @ptrCast(&result)); var i: usize = 0; while (i < ptr_size) : (i += 1) { pResult[i] = pSource[i]; try testing.expectEqual(pSource[i], pResult[i]); } try testing.expectEqual(&imports.global_u32, result); break :blk result; }; try testing.expectEqual(&imports.global_u32, ct_value); } test "unordered byte copy preserves linker value" { if (true) { // TODO return error.SkipZigTest; } const ct_value = comptime blk: { const lazy = &imports.global_u32; var result: *u32 = undefined; const pSource = @as(*const [ptr_size]u8, @ptrCast(&lazy)); const pResult = @as(*[ptr_size]u8, @ptrCast(&result)); if (ptr_size > 8) @compileError("This array needs to be expanded for platform with very big pointers"); const shuffled_indices = [_]usize{ 4, 5, 2, 6, 1, 3, 0, 7 }; for (shuffled_indices) |i| { pResult[i] = pSource[i]; try testing.expectEqual(pSource[i], pResult[i]); } try testing.expectEqual(&imports.global_u32, result); break :blk result; }; try testing.expectEqual(&imports.global_u32, ct_value); } test "shuffle chunks of linker value" { if (true) { // TODO return error.SkipZigTest; } const lazy_address = @intFromPtr(&imports.global_u32); const shuffled1_rt = shuffle(lazy_address, Bits, ShuffledBits); const unshuffled1_rt = shuffle(shuffled1_rt, ShuffledBits, Bits); try testing.expectEqual(lazy_address, unshuffled1_rt); const shuffled1_ct = comptime shuffle(lazy_address, Bits, ShuffledBits); const shuffled1_ct_2 = comptime shuffle(lazy_address, Bits, ShuffledBits); try comptime testing.expectEqual(shuffled1_ct, shuffled1_ct_2); const unshuffled1_ct = comptime shuffle(shuffled1_ct, ShuffledBits, Bits); try comptime testing.expectEqual(lazy_address, unshuffled1_ct); try testing.expectEqual(shuffled1_ct, shuffled1_rt); } test "dance on linker values" { if (true) { // TODO return error.SkipZigTest; } comptime { var arr: [2]usize = undefined; arr[0] = @intFromPtr(&imports.global_u32); arr[1] = @intFromPtr(&imports.global_u32); const weird_ptr = @as([*]Bits, @ptrCast(@as([*]u8, @ptrCast(&arr)) + @sizeOf(usize) - 3)); try doTypePunBitsTest(&weird_ptr[0]); if (ptr_size > @sizeOf(Bits)) try doTypePunBitsTest(&weird_ptr[1]); var arr_bytes = @as(*[2][ptr_size]u8, @ptrCast(&arr)); var rebuilt_bytes: [ptr_size]u8 = undefined; var i: usize = 0; while (i < ptr_size - 3) : (i += 1) { rebuilt_bytes[i] = arr_bytes[0][i]; } while (i < ptr_size) : (i += 1) { rebuilt_bytes[i] = arr_bytes[1][i]; } try testing.expectEqual(&imports.global_u32, @as(*u32, @ptrFromInt(@as(usize, @bitCast(rebuilt_bytes))))); } } test "offset array ptr by element size" { if (true) { // TODO return error.SkipZigTest; } comptime { const VirtualStruct = struct { x: u32 }; var arr: [4]VirtualStruct = .{ .{ .x = bigToNativeEndian(u32, 0x0004080c) }, .{ .x = bigToNativeEndian(u32, 0x0105090d) }, .{ .x = bigToNativeEndian(u32, 0x02060a0e) }, .{ .x = bigToNativeEndian(u32, 0x03070b0f) }, }; const address = @intFromPtr(&arr); try testing.expectEqual(@intFromPtr(&arr[0]), address); try testing.expectEqual(@intFromPtr(&arr[0]) + 10, address + 10); try testing.expectEqual(@intFromPtr(&arr[1]), address + @sizeOf(VirtualStruct)); try testing.expectEqual(@intFromPtr(&arr[2]), address + 2 * @sizeOf(VirtualStruct)); try testing.expectEqual(@intFromPtr(&arr[3]), address + @sizeOf(VirtualStruct) * 3); const secondElement = @as(*VirtualStruct, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(&arr[0]) + 2 * @sizeOf(VirtualStruct))); try testing.expectEqual(bigToNativeEndian(u32, 0x02060a0e), secondElement.x); } } test "offset instance by field size" { if (true) { // TODO return error.SkipZigTest; } comptime { const VirtualStruct = struct { x: u32, y: u32, z: u32, w: u32 }; var inst = VirtualStruct{ .x = 0, .y = 1, .z = 2, .w = 3 }; var ptr = @intFromPtr(&inst); ptr -= 4; ptr += @offsetOf(VirtualStruct, "x"); try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), @as([*]u32, @ptrFromInt(ptr))[1]); ptr -= @offsetOf(VirtualStruct, "x"); ptr += @offsetOf(VirtualStruct, "y"); try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 1), @as([*]u32, @ptrFromInt(ptr))[1]); ptr = ptr - @offsetOf(VirtualStruct, "y") + @offsetOf(VirtualStruct, "z"); try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 2), @as([*]u32, @ptrFromInt(ptr))[1]); ptr = @intFromPtr(&inst.z) - 4 - @offsetOf(VirtualStruct, "z"); ptr += @offsetOf(VirtualStruct, "w"); try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 3), @as(*u32, @ptrFromInt(ptr + 4)).*); } } test "offset field ptr by enclosing array element size" { if (true) { // TODO return error.SkipZigTest; } comptime { const VirtualStruct = struct { x: u32 }; var arr: [4]VirtualStruct = .{ .{ .x = bigToNativeEndian(u32, 0x0004080c) }, .{ .x = bigToNativeEndian(u32, 0x0105090d) }, .{ .x = bigToNativeEndian(u32, 0x02060a0e) }, .{ .x = bigToNativeEndian(u32, 0x03070b0f) }, }; var i: usize = 0; while (i < 4) : (i += 1) { var ptr: [*]u8 = @as([*]u8, @ptrCast(&arr[0])); ptr += i; ptr += @offsetOf(VirtualStruct, "x"); var j: usize = 0; while (j < 4) : (j += 1) { const base = ptr + j * @sizeOf(VirtualStruct); try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, @intCast(i * 4 + j)), base[0]); } } } } test "accessing reinterpreted memory of parent object" { if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO const S = extern struct { a: f32, b: [4]u8, c: f32, }; const expected = if (endian == .Little) 102 else 38; comptime { const x = S{ .a = 1.5, .b = [_]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }, .c = 2.6, }; const ptr = &x.b[0]; const b = @as([*c]const u8, @ptrCast(ptr))[5]; try testing.expect(b == expected); } } test "bitcast packed union to integer" { const U = packed union { x: u1, y: u2, }; comptime { const a = U{ .x = 1 }; const b = U{ .y = 2 }; const cast_a = @as(u2, @bitCast(a)); const cast_b = @as(u2, @bitCast(b)); // truncated because the upper bit is garbage memory that we don't care about try testing.expectEqual(@as(u1, 1), @as(u1, @truncate(cast_a))); try testing.expectEqual(@as(u2, 2), cast_b); } } test "mutate entire slice at comptime" { comptime { var buf: [3]u8 = undefined; const x: [2]u8 = .{ 1, 2 }; // Avoid RLS buf[1..3].* = x; } } test "dereference undefined pointer to zero-bit type" { const p0: *void = undefined; try testing.expectEqual({}, p0.*); const p1: *[0]u32 = undefined; try testing.expect(p1.*.len == 0); } test "type pun extern struct" { if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_spirv64) return error.SkipZigTest; const S = extern struct { f: u8 }; comptime var s = S{ .f = 123 }; @as(*u8, @ptrCast(&s)).* = 72; try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 72), s.f); } test "type pun @ptrFromInt" { const p: *u8 = @ptrFromInt(42); // note that expectEqual hides the bug try testing.expect(@as(*const [*]u8, @ptrCast(&p)).* == @as([*]u8, @ptrFromInt(42))); } test "type pun null pointer-like optional" { const p: ?*u8 = null; // note that expectEqual hides the bug try testing.expect(@as(*const ?*i8, @ptrCast(&p)).* == null); }