const std = @import("std"); const assert = std.debug.assert; const expect = std.testing.expect; test "simple destructure" { const S = struct { fn doTheTest() !void { var x: u32 = undefined; x, const y, var z: u64 = .{ 1, @as(u16, 2), 3 }; comptime assert(@TypeOf(y) == u16); try expect(x == 1); try expect(y == 2); try expect(z == 3); } }; try S.doTheTest(); try comptime S.doTheTest(); } test "destructure with comptime syntax" { const S = struct { fn doTheTest() void { comptime var x: f32 = undefined; comptime x, const y, var z = .{ 0.5, 123, 456 }; // z is a comptime var comptime assert(@TypeOf(y) == comptime_int); comptime assert(@TypeOf(z) == comptime_int); comptime assert(x == 0.5); comptime assert(y == 123); comptime assert(z == 456); } }; S.doTheTest(); comptime S.doTheTest(); } test "destructure from labeled block" { const S = struct { fn doTheTest(rt_true: bool) !void { const x: u32, const y: u8, const z: i64 = blk: { if (rt_true) break :blk .{ 1, 2, 3 }; break :blk .{ 4, 5, 6 }; }; try expect(x == 1); try expect(y == 2); try expect(z == 3); } }; try S.doTheTest(true); try comptime S.doTheTest(true); } test "destructure tuple value" { const tup: struct { f32, u32, i64 } = .{ 10.0, 20, 30 }; const x, const y, const z = tup; comptime assert(@TypeOf(x) == f32); comptime assert(@TypeOf(y) == u32); comptime assert(@TypeOf(z) == i64); try expect(x == 10.0); try expect(y == 20); try expect(z == 30); } test "destructure array value" { const arr: [3]u32 = .{ 10, 20, 30 }; const x, const y, const z = arr; comptime assert(@TypeOf(x) == u32); comptime assert(@TypeOf(y) == u32); comptime assert(@TypeOf(z) == u32); try expect(x == 10); try expect(y == 20); try expect(z == 30); } test "destructure from struct init with named tuple fields" { const Tuple = struct { u8, u16, u32 }; const x, const y, const z = Tuple{ .@"0" = 100, .@"1" = 200, .@"2" = 300, }; comptime assert(@TypeOf(x) == u8); comptime assert(@TypeOf(y) == u16); comptime assert(@TypeOf(z) == u32); try expect(x == 100); try expect(y == 200); try expect(z == 300); }