const std = @import("std.zig"); const assert = std.debug.assert; const testing = std.testing; const mem = std.mem; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; // Imagine that `fn at(self: *Self, index: usize) &T` is a customer asking for a box // from a warehouse, based on a flat array, boxes ordered from 0 to N - 1. // But the warehouse actually stores boxes in shelves of increasing powers of 2 sizes. // So when the customer requests a box index, we have to translate it to shelf index // and box index within that shelf. Illustration: // // customer indexes: // shelf 0: 0 // shelf 1: 1 2 // shelf 2: 3 4 5 6 // shelf 3: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 // shelf 4: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 // shelf 5: 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 // ... // // warehouse indexes: // shelf 0: 0 // shelf 1: 0 1 // shelf 2: 0 1 2 3 // shelf 3: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // shelf 4: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 // shelf 5: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 // ... // // With this arrangement, here are the equations to get the shelf index and // box index based on customer box index: // // shelf_index = floor(log2(customer_index + 1)) // shelf_count = ceil(log2(box_count + 1)) // box_index = customer_index + 1 - 2 ** shelf // shelf_size = 2 ** shelf_index // // Now we complicate it a little bit further by adding a preallocated shelf, which must be // a power of 2: // prealloc=4 // // customer indexes: // prealloc: 0 1 2 3 // shelf 0: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 // shelf 1: 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 // shelf 2: 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 // ... // // warehouse indexes: // prealloc: 0 1 2 3 // shelf 0: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // shelf 1: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 // shelf 2: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 // ... // // Now the equations are: // // shelf_index = floor(log2(customer_index + prealloc)) - log2(prealloc) - 1 // shelf_count = ceil(log2(box_count + prealloc)) - log2(prealloc) - 1 // box_index = customer_index + prealloc - 2 ** (log2(prealloc) + 1 + shelf) // shelf_size = prealloc * 2 ** (shelf_index + 1) /// This is a stack data structure where pointers to indexes have the same lifetime as the data structure /// itself, unlike ArrayList where append() invalidates all existing element pointers. /// The tradeoff is that elements are not guaranteed to be contiguous. For that, use ArrayList. /// Note however that most elements are contiguous, making this data structure cache-friendly. /// /// Because it never has to copy elements from an old location to a new location, it does not require /// its elements to be copyable, and it avoids wasting memory when backed by an ArenaAllocator. /// Note that the append() and pop() convenience methods perform a copy, but you can instead use /// addOne(), at(), setCapacity(), and shrinkCapacity() to avoid copying items. /// /// This data structure has O(1) append and O(1) pop. /// /// It supports preallocated elements, making it especially well suited when the expected maximum /// size is small. `prealloc_item_count` must be 0, or a power of 2. pub fn SegmentedList(comptime T: type, comptime prealloc_item_count: usize) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); const ShelfIndex = std.math.Log2Int(usize); const prealloc_exp: ShelfIndex = blk: { // we don't use the prealloc_exp constant when prealloc_item_count is 0 // but lazy-init may still be triggered by other code so supply a value if (prealloc_item_count == 0) { break :blk 0; } else { assert(std.math.isPowerOfTwo(prealloc_item_count)); const value = std.math.log2_int(usize, prealloc_item_count); break :blk value; } }; prealloc_segment: [prealloc_item_count]T = undefined, dynamic_segments: [][*]T = &[_][*]T{}, len: usize = 0, pub const prealloc_count = prealloc_item_count; fn AtType(comptime SelfType: type) type { if (@typeInfo(SelfType).Pointer.is_const) { return *const T; } else { return *T; } } pub fn deinit(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator) void { self.freeShelves(allocator, @as(ShelfIndex, @intCast(self.dynamic_segments.len)), 0);; self.* = undefined; } pub fn at(self: anytype, i: usize) AtType(@TypeOf(self)) { assert(i < self.len); return self.uncheckedAt(i); } pub fn count(self: Self) usize { return self.len; } pub fn append(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator, item: T) Allocator.Error!void { const new_item_ptr = try self.addOne(allocator); new_item_ptr.* = item; } pub fn appendSlice(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator, items: []const T) Allocator.Error!void { for (items) |item| { try self.append(allocator, item); } } pub fn pop(self: *Self) ?T { if (self.len == 0) return null; const index = self.len - 1; const result = uncheckedAt(self, index).*; self.len = index; return result; } pub fn addOne(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator) Allocator.Error!*T { const new_length = self.len + 1; try self.growCapacity(allocator, new_length); const result = uncheckedAt(self, self.len); self.len = new_length; return result; } /// Reduce length to `new_len`. /// Invalidates pointers for the elements at index new_len and beyond. pub fn shrinkRetainingCapacity(self: *Self, new_len: usize) void { assert(new_len <= self.len); self.len = new_len; } /// Invalidates all element pointers. pub fn clearRetainingCapacity(self: *Self) void { self.len = 0; } /// Invalidates all element pointers. pub fn clearAndFree(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator) void { self.setCapacity(allocator, 0) catch unreachable; self.len = 0; } /// Grows or shrinks capacity to match usage. /// TODO update this and related methods to match the conventions set by ArrayList pub fn setCapacity(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator, new_capacity: usize) Allocator.Error!void { if (prealloc_item_count != 0) { if (new_capacity <= @as(usize, 1) << (prealloc_exp + @as(ShelfIndex, @intCast(self.dynamic_segments.len)))) { return self.shrinkCapacity(allocator, new_capacity); } } return self.growCapacity(allocator, new_capacity); } /// Only grows capacity, or retains current capacity. pub fn growCapacity(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator, new_capacity: usize) Allocator.Error!void { const new_cap_shelf_count = shelfCount(new_capacity); const old_shelf_count = @as(ShelfIndex, @intCast(self.dynamic_segments.len)); if (new_cap_shelf_count <= old_shelf_count) return; const new_dynamic_segments = try allocator.alloc([*]T, new_cap_shelf_count); errdefer; var i: ShelfIndex = 0; while (i < old_shelf_count) : (i += 1) { new_dynamic_segments[i] = self.dynamic_segments[i]; } errdefer while (i > old_shelf_count) : (i -= 1) {[i][0..shelfSize(i)]); }; while (i < new_cap_shelf_count) : (i += 1) { new_dynamic_segments[i] = (try allocator.alloc(T, shelfSize(i))).ptr; }; self.dynamic_segments = new_dynamic_segments; } /// Only shrinks capacity or retains current capacity. /// It may fail to reduce the capacity in which case the capacity will remain unchanged. pub fn shrinkCapacity(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator, new_capacity: usize) void { if (new_capacity <= prealloc_item_count) { const len = @as(ShelfIndex, @intCast(self.dynamic_segments.len)); self.freeShelves(allocator, len, 0);; self.dynamic_segments = &[_][*]T{}; return; } const new_cap_shelf_count = shelfCount(new_capacity); const old_shelf_count = @as(ShelfIndex, @intCast(self.dynamic_segments.len)); assert(new_cap_shelf_count <= old_shelf_count); if (new_cap_shelf_count == old_shelf_count) return; // freeShelves() must be called before resizing the dynamic // segments, but we don't know if resizing the dynamic segments // will work until we try it. So we must allocate a fresh memory // buffer in order to reduce capacity. const new_dynamic_segments = allocator.alloc([*]T, new_cap_shelf_count) catch return; self.freeShelves(allocator, old_shelf_count, new_cap_shelf_count); if (allocator.resize(self.dynamic_segments, new_cap_shelf_count)) { // We didn't need the new memory allocation after all. self.dynamic_segments = self.dynamic_segments[0..new_cap_shelf_count];; } else { // Good thing we allocated that new memory slice. @memcpy(new_dynamic_segments, self.dynamic_segments[0..new_cap_shelf_count]);; self.dynamic_segments = new_dynamic_segments; } } pub fn shrink(self: *Self, new_len: usize) void { assert(new_len <= self.len); // TODO take advantage of the new realloc semantics self.len = new_len; } pub fn writeToSlice(self: *Self, dest: []T, start: usize) void { const end = start + dest.len; assert(end <= self.len); var i = start; if (end <= prealloc_item_count) { const src = self.prealloc_segment[i..end]; @memcpy(dest[i - start ..][0..src.len], src); return; } else if (i < prealloc_item_count) { const src = self.prealloc_segment[i..]; @memcpy(dest[i - start ..][0..src.len], src); i = prealloc_item_count; } while (i < end) { const shelf_index = shelfIndex(i); const copy_start = boxIndex(i, shelf_index); const copy_end = @min(shelfSize(shelf_index), copy_start + end - i); const src = self.dynamic_segments[shelf_index][copy_start..copy_end]; @memcpy(dest[i - start ..][0..src.len], src); i += (copy_end - copy_start); } } pub fn uncheckedAt(self: anytype, index: usize) AtType(@TypeOf(self)) { if (index < prealloc_item_count) { return &self.prealloc_segment[index]; } const shelf_index = shelfIndex(index); const box_index = boxIndex(index, shelf_index); return &self.dynamic_segments[shelf_index][box_index]; } fn shelfCount(box_count: usize) ShelfIndex { if (prealloc_item_count == 0) { return log2_int_ceil(usize, box_count + 1); } return log2_int_ceil(usize, box_count + prealloc_item_count) - prealloc_exp - 1; } fn shelfSize(shelf_index: ShelfIndex) usize { if (prealloc_item_count == 0) { return @as(usize, 1) << shelf_index; } return @as(usize, 1) << (shelf_index + (prealloc_exp + 1)); } fn shelfIndex(list_index: usize) ShelfIndex { if (prealloc_item_count == 0) { return std.math.log2_int(usize, list_index + 1); } return std.math.log2_int(usize, list_index + prealloc_item_count) - prealloc_exp - 1; } fn boxIndex(list_index: usize, shelf_index: ShelfIndex) usize { if (prealloc_item_count == 0) { return (list_index + 1) - (@as(usize, 1) << shelf_index); } return list_index + prealloc_item_count - (@as(usize, 1) << ((prealloc_exp + 1) + shelf_index)); } fn freeShelves(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator, from_count: ShelfIndex, to_count: ShelfIndex) void { var i = from_count; while (i != to_count) { i -= 1;[i][0..shelfSize(i)]); } } pub const Iterator = BaseIterator(*Self, *T); pub const ConstIterator = BaseIterator(*const Self, *const T); fn BaseIterator(comptime SelfType: type, comptime ElementPtr: type) type { return struct { list: SelfType, index: usize, box_index: usize, shelf_index: ShelfIndex, shelf_size: usize, pub fn next(it: *@This()) ?ElementPtr { if (it.index >= it.list.len) return null; if (it.index < prealloc_item_count) { const ptr = &it.list.prealloc_segment[it.index]; it.index += 1; if (it.index == prealloc_item_count) { it.box_index = 0; it.shelf_index = 0; it.shelf_size = prealloc_item_count * 2; } return ptr; } const ptr = &it.list.dynamic_segments[it.shelf_index][it.box_index]; it.index += 1; it.box_index += 1; if (it.box_index == it.shelf_size) { it.shelf_index += 1; it.box_index = 0; it.shelf_size *= 2; } return ptr; } pub fn prev(it: *@This()) ?ElementPtr { if (it.index == 0) return null; it.index -= 1; if (it.index < prealloc_item_count) return &it.list.prealloc_segment[it.index]; if (it.box_index == 0) { it.shelf_index -= 1; it.shelf_size /= 2; it.box_index = it.shelf_size - 1; } else { it.box_index -= 1; } return &it.list.dynamic_segments[it.shelf_index][it.box_index]; } pub fn peek(it: *@This()) ?ElementPtr { if (it.index >= it.list.len) return null; if (it.index < prealloc_item_count) return &it.list.prealloc_segment[it.index]; return &it.list.dynamic_segments[it.shelf_index][it.box_index]; } pub fn set(it: *@This(), index: usize) void { it.index = index; if (index < prealloc_item_count) return; it.shelf_index = shelfIndex(index); it.box_index = boxIndex(index, it.shelf_index); it.shelf_size = shelfSize(it.shelf_index); } }; } pub fn iterator(self: *Self, start_index: usize) Iterator { var it = Iterator{ .list = self, .index = undefined, .shelf_index = undefined, .box_index = undefined, .shelf_size = undefined, }; it.set(start_index); return it; } pub fn constIterator(self: *const Self, start_index: usize) ConstIterator { var it = ConstIterator{ .list = self, .index = undefined, .shelf_index = undefined, .box_index = undefined, .shelf_size = undefined, }; it.set(start_index); return it; } }; } test "SegmentedList basic usage" { try testSegmentedList(0); try testSegmentedList(1); try testSegmentedList(2); try testSegmentedList(4); try testSegmentedList(8); try testSegmentedList(16); } fn testSegmentedList(comptime prealloc: usize) !void { var list = SegmentedList(i32, prealloc){}; defer list.deinit(testing.allocator); { var i: usize = 0; while (i < 100) : (i += 1) { try list.append(testing.allocator, @as(i32, @intCast(i + 1))); try testing.expect(list.len == i + 1); } } { var i: usize = 0; while (i < 100) : (i += 1) { try testing.expect(* == @as(i32, @intCast(i + 1))); } } { var it = list.iterator(0); var x: i32 = 0; while ( |item| { x += 1; try testing.expect(item.* == x); } try testing.expect(x == 100); while (it.prev()) |item| : (x -= 1) { try testing.expect(item.* == x); } try testing.expect(x == 0); } { var it = list.constIterator(0); var x: i32 = 0; while ( |item| { x += 1; try testing.expect(item.* == x); } try testing.expect(x == 100); while (it.prev()) |item| : (x -= 1) { try testing.expect(item.* == x); } try testing.expect(x == 0); } try testing.expect(list.pop().? == 100); try testing.expect(list.len == 99); try list.appendSlice(testing.allocator, &[_]i32{ 1, 2, 3 }); try testing.expect(list.len == 102); try testing.expect(list.pop().? == 3); try testing.expect(list.pop().? == 2); try testing.expect(list.pop().? == 1); try testing.expect(list.len == 99); try list.appendSlice(testing.allocator, &[_]i32{}); try testing.expect(list.len == 99); { var i: i32 = 99; while (list.pop()) |item| : (i -= 1) { try testing.expect(item == i); list.shrinkCapacity(testing.allocator, list.len); } } { var control: [100]i32 = undefined; var dest: [100]i32 = undefined; var i: i32 = 0; while (i < 100) : (i += 1) { try list.append(testing.allocator, i + 1); control[@as(usize, @intCast(i))] = i + 1; } @memset(dest[0..], 0); list.writeToSlice(dest[0..], 0); try testing.expect(mem.eql(i32, control[0..], dest[0..])); @memset(dest[0..], 0); list.writeToSlice(dest[50..], 50); try testing.expect(mem.eql(i32, control[50..], dest[50..])); } try list.setCapacity(testing.allocator, 0); } test "std.segmented_list clearRetainingCapacity" { var list = SegmentedList(i32, 1){}; defer list.deinit(testing.allocator); try list.appendSlice(testing.allocator, &[_]i32{ 4, 5 }); list.clearRetainingCapacity(); try list.append(testing.allocator, 6); try testing.expect(* == 6); try testing.expect(list.len == 1); list.clearRetainingCapacity(); try testing.expect(list.len == 0); } /// TODO look into why this std.math function was changed in /// fc9430f56798a53f9393a697f4ccd6bf9981b970. fn log2_int_ceil(comptime T: type, x: T) std.math.Log2Int(T) { assert(x != 0); const log2_val = std.math.log2_int(T, x); if (@as(T, 1) << log2_val == x) return log2_val; return log2_val + 1; }