const std = @import("std.zig"); const assert = std.debug.assert; const testing = std.testing; const mem = std.mem; const math = std.math; pub const block = @import("sort/block.zig").block; pub const pdq = @import("sort/pdq.zig").pdq; pub const pdqContext = @import("sort/pdq.zig").pdqContext; /// Stable in-place sort. O(n) best case, O(pow(n, 2)) worst case. /// O(1) memory (no allocator required). /// Sorts in ascending order with respect to the given `lessThan` function. pub fn insertion( comptime T: type, items: []T, context: anytype, comptime lessThanFn: fn (@TypeOf(context), lhs: T, rhs: T) bool, ) void { const Context = struct { items: []T, sub_ctx: @TypeOf(context), pub fn lessThan(ctx: @This(), a: usize, b: usize) bool { return lessThanFn(ctx.sub_ctx, ctx.items[a], ctx.items[b]); } pub fn swap(ctx: @This(), a: usize, b: usize) void { return mem.swap(T, &ctx.items[a], &ctx.items[b]); } }; insertionContext(0, items.len, Context{ .items = items, .sub_ctx = context }); } /// Stable in-place sort. O(n) best case, O(pow(n, 2)) worst case. /// O(1) memory (no allocator required). /// `context` must have methods `swap` and `lessThan`, /// which each take 2 `usize` parameters indicating the index of an item. /// Sorts in ascending order with respect to `lessThan`. pub fn insertionContext(a: usize, b: usize, context: anytype) void { assert(a <= b); var i = a + 1; while (i < b) : (i += 1) { var j = i; while (j > a and context.lessThan(j, j - 1)) : (j -= 1) { context.swap(j, j - 1); } } } /// Unstable in-place sort. O(n*log(n)) best case, worst case and average case. /// O(1) memory (no allocator required). /// Sorts in ascending order with respect to the given `lessThan` function. pub fn heap( comptime T: type, items: []T, context: anytype, comptime lessThanFn: fn (@TypeOf(context), lhs: T, rhs: T) bool, ) void { const Context = struct { items: []T, sub_ctx: @TypeOf(context), pub fn lessThan(ctx: @This(), a: usize, b: usize) bool { return lessThanFn(ctx.sub_ctx, ctx.items[a], ctx.items[b]); } pub fn swap(ctx: @This(), a: usize, b: usize) void { return mem.swap(T, &ctx.items[a], &ctx.items[b]); } }; heapContext(0, items.len, Context{ .items = items, .sub_ctx = context }); } /// Unstable in-place sort. O(n*log(n)) best case, worst case and average case. /// O(1) memory (no allocator required). /// `context` must have methods `swap` and `lessThan`, /// which each take 2 `usize` parameters indicating the index of an item. /// Sorts in ascending order with respect to `lessThan`. pub fn heapContext(a: usize, b: usize, context: anytype) void { assert(a <= b); // build the heap in linear time. var i = a + (b - a) / 2; while (i > a) { i -= 1; siftDown(a, i, b, context); } // pop maximal elements from the heap. i = b; while (i > a) { i -= 1; context.swap(a, i); siftDown(a, a, i, context); } } fn siftDown(a: usize, target: usize, b: usize, context: anytype) void { var cur = target; while (true) { // When we don't overflow from the multiply below, the following expression equals (2*cur) - (2*a) + a + 1 // The `+ a + 1` is safe because: // for `a > 0` then `2a >= a + 1`. // for `a = 0`, the expression equals `2*cur+1`. `2*cur` is an even number, therefore adding 1 is safe. var child = (math.mul(usize, cur - a, 2) catch break) + a + 1; // stop if we overshot the boundary if (!(child < b)) break; // `next_child` is at most `b`, therefore no overflow is possible const next_child = child + 1; // store the greater child in `child` if (next_child < b and context.lessThan(child, next_child)) { child = next_child; } // stop if the Heap invariant holds at `cur`. if (context.lessThan(child, cur)) break; // swap `cur` with the greater child, // move one step down, and continue sifting. context.swap(child, cur); cur = child; } } /// Use to generate a comparator function for a given type. e.g. `sort(u8, slice, {}, asc(u8))`. pub fn asc(comptime T: type) fn (void, T, T) bool { return struct { pub fn inner(_: void, a: T, b: T) bool { return a < b; } }.inner; } /// Use to generate a comparator function for a given type. e.g. `sort(u8, slice, {}, desc(u8))`. pub fn desc(comptime T: type) fn (void, T, T) bool { return struct { pub fn inner(_: void, a: T, b: T) bool { return a > b; } }.inner; } const asc_u8 = asc(u8); const asc_i32 = asc(i32); const desc_u8 = desc(u8); const desc_i32 = desc(i32); const sort_funcs = &[_]fn (comptime type, anytype, anytype, comptime anytype) void{ block, pdq, insertion, heap, }; const context_sort_funcs = &[_]fn (usize, usize, anytype) void{ // blockContext, pdqContext, insertionContext, heapContext, }; const IdAndValue = struct { id: usize, value: i32, fn lessThan(context: void, a: IdAndValue, b: IdAndValue) bool { _ = context; return a.value < b.value; } }; test "stable sort" { const expected = [_]IdAndValue{ IdAndValue{ .id = 0, .value = 0 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 1, .value = 0 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 2, .value = 0 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 0, .value = 1 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 1, .value = 1 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 2, .value = 1 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 0, .value = 2 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 1, .value = 2 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 2, .value = 2 }, }; var cases = [_][9]IdAndValue{ [_]IdAndValue{ IdAndValue{ .id = 0, .value = 0 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 0, .value = 1 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 0, .value = 2 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 1, .value = 0 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 1, .value = 1 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 1, .value = 2 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 2, .value = 0 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 2, .value = 1 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 2, .value = 2 }, }, [_]IdAndValue{ IdAndValue{ .id = 0, .value = 2 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 0, .value = 1 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 0, .value = 0 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 1, .value = 2 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 1, .value = 1 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 1, .value = 0 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 2, .value = 2 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 2, .value = 1 }, IdAndValue{ .id = 2, .value = 0 }, }, }; for (&cases) |*case| { block(IdAndValue, (case.*)[0..], {}, IdAndValue.lessThan); for (case.*, 0..) |item, i| { try testing.expect( == expected[i].id); try testing.expect(item.value == expected[i].value); } } } test "sort" { const u8cases = [_][]const []const u8{ &[_][]const u8{ "", "", }, &[_][]const u8{ "a", "a", }, &[_][]const u8{ "az", "az", }, &[_][]const u8{ "za", "az", }, &[_][]const u8{ "asdf", "adfs", }, &[_][]const u8{ "one", "eno", }, }; const i32cases = [_][]const []const i32{ &[_][]const i32{ &[_]i32{}, &[_]i32{}, }, &[_][]const i32{ &[_]i32{1}, &[_]i32{1}, }, &[_][]const i32{ &[_]i32{ 0, 1 }, &[_]i32{ 0, 1 }, }, &[_][]const i32{ &[_]i32{ 1, 0 }, &[_]i32{ 0, 1 }, }, &[_][]const i32{ &[_]i32{ 1, -1, 0 }, &[_]i32{ -1, 0, 1 }, }, &[_][]const i32{ &[_]i32{ 2, 1, 3 }, &[_]i32{ 1, 2, 3 }, }, &[_][]const i32{ &[_]i32{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 55, 32, 39, 58, 21, 88, 43, 22, 59 }, &[_]i32{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 21, 22, 32, 39, 43, 55, 58, 59, 88 }, }, }; inline for (sort_funcs) |sortFn| { for (u8cases) |case| { var buf: [20]u8 = undefined; const slice = buf[[0].len]; @memcpy(slice, case[0]); sortFn(u8, slice, {}, asc_u8); try testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, slice, case[1])); } for (i32cases) |case| { var buf: [20]i32 = undefined; const slice = buf[[0].len]; @memcpy(slice, case[0]); sortFn(i32, slice, {}, asc_i32); try testing.expect(mem.eql(i32, slice, case[1])); } } } test "sort descending" { const rev_cases = [_][]const []const i32{ &[_][]const i32{ &[_]i32{}, &[_]i32{}, }, &[_][]const i32{ &[_]i32{1}, &[_]i32{1}, }, &[_][]const i32{ &[_]i32{ 0, 1 }, &[_]i32{ 1, 0 }, }, &[_][]const i32{ &[_]i32{ 1, 0 }, &[_]i32{ 1, 0 }, }, &[_][]const i32{ &[_]i32{ 1, -1, 0 }, &[_]i32{ 1, 0, -1 }, }, &[_][]const i32{ &[_]i32{ 2, 1, 3 }, &[_]i32{ 3, 2, 1 }, }, }; inline for (sort_funcs) |sortFn| { for (rev_cases) |case| { var buf: [8]i32 = undefined; const slice = buf[[0].len]; @memcpy(slice, case[0]); sortFn(i32, slice, {}, desc_i32); try testing.expect(mem.eql(i32, slice, case[1])); } } } test "sort with context in the middle of a slice" { const Context = struct { items: []i32, pub fn lessThan(ctx: @This(), a: usize, b: usize) bool { return ctx.items[a] < ctx.items[b]; } pub fn swap(ctx: @This(), a: usize, b: usize) void { return mem.swap(i32, &ctx.items[a], &ctx.items[b]); } }; const i32cases = [_][]const []const i32{ &[_][]const i32{ &[_]i32{ 0, 1, 8, 3, 6, 5, 4, 2, 9, 7, 10, 55, 32, 39, 58, 21, 88, 43, 22, 59 }, &[_]i32{ 50, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 21, 22, 32, 39, 43, 55, 58, 59, 88 }, }, }; const ranges = [_]struct { start: usize, end: usize }{ .{ .start = 10, .end = 20 }, .{ .start = 1, .end = 11 }, .{ .start = 3, .end = 7 }, }; inline for (context_sort_funcs) |sortFn| { for (i32cases) |case| { for (ranges) |range| { var buf: [20]i32 = undefined; const slice = buf[[0].len]; @memcpy(slice, case[0]); sortFn(range.start, range.end, Context{ .items = slice }); try testing.expectEqualSlices(i32, case[1][range.start..range.end], slice[range.start..range.end]); } } } } test "sort fuzz testing" { var prng = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(0x12345678); const random = prng.random(); const test_case_count = 10; inline for (sort_funcs) |sortFn| { var i: usize = 0; while (i < test_case_count) : (i += 1) { const array_size = random.intRangeLessThan(usize, 0, 1000); var array = try testing.allocator.alloc(i32, array_size); defer; // populate with random data for (array) |*item| { item.* = random.intRangeLessThan(i32, 0, 100); } sortFn(i32, array, {}, asc_i32); try testing.expect(isSorted(i32, array, {}, asc_i32)); } } } pub fn binarySearch( comptime T: type, key: anytype, items: []const T, context: anytype, comptime compareFn: fn (context: @TypeOf(context), key: @TypeOf(key), mid_item: T) math.Order, ) ?usize { var left: usize = 0; var right: usize = items.len; while (left < right) { // Avoid overflowing in the midpoint calculation const mid = left + (right - left) / 2; // Compare the key with the midpoint element switch (compareFn(context, key, items[mid])) { .eq => return mid, .gt => left = mid + 1, .lt => right = mid, } } return null; } test "binarySearch" { const S = struct { fn order_u32(context: void, lhs: u32, rhs: u32) math.Order { _ = context; return math.order(lhs, rhs); } fn order_i32(context: void, lhs: i32, rhs: i32) math.Order { _ = context; return math.order(lhs, rhs); } }; try testing.expectEqual( @as(?usize, null), binarySearch(u32, @as(u32, 1), &[_]u32{}, {}, S.order_u32), ); try testing.expectEqual( @as(?usize, 0), binarySearch(u32, @as(u32, 1), &[_]u32{1}, {}, S.order_u32), ); try testing.expectEqual( @as(?usize, null), binarySearch(u32, @as(u32, 1), &[_]u32{0}, {}, S.order_u32), ); try testing.expectEqual( @as(?usize, null), binarySearch(u32, @as(u32, 0), &[_]u32{1}, {}, S.order_u32), ); try testing.expectEqual( @as(?usize, 4), binarySearch(u32, @as(u32, 5), &[_]u32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, {}, S.order_u32), ); try testing.expectEqual( @as(?usize, 0), binarySearch(u32, @as(u32, 2), &[_]u32{ 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 }, {}, S.order_u32), ); try testing.expectEqual( @as(?usize, 1), binarySearch(i32, @as(i32, -4), &[_]i32{ -7, -4, 0, 9, 10 }, {}, S.order_i32), ); try testing.expectEqual( @as(?usize, 3), binarySearch(i32, @as(i32, 98), &[_]i32{ -100, -25, 2, 98, 99, 100 }, {}, S.order_i32), ); const R = struct { b: i32, e: i32, fn r(b: i32, e: i32) @This() { return @This(){ .b = b, .e = e }; } fn order(context: void, key: i32, mid_item: @This()) math.Order { _ = context; if (key < mid_item.b) { return .lt; } if (key > mid_item.e) { return .gt; } return .eq; } }; try testing.expectEqual( @as(?usize, null), binarySearch(R, @as(i32, -45), &[_]R{ R.r(-100, -50), R.r(-40, -20), R.r(-10, 20), R.r(30, 40) }, {}, R.order), ); try testing.expectEqual( @as(?usize, 2), binarySearch(R, @as(i32, 10), &[_]R{ R.r(-100, -50), R.r(-40, -20), R.r(-10, 20), R.r(30, 40) }, {}, R.order), ); try testing.expectEqual( @as(?usize, 1), binarySearch(R, @as(i32, -20), &[_]R{ R.r(-100, -50), R.r(-40, -20), R.r(-10, 20), R.r(30, 40) }, {}, R.order), ); } pub fn argMin( comptime T: type, items: []const T, context: anytype, comptime lessThan: fn (@TypeOf(context), lhs: T, rhs: T) bool, ) ?usize { if (items.len == 0) { return null; } var smallest = items[0]; var smallest_index: usize = 0; for (items[1..], 0..) |item, i| { if (lessThan(context, item, smallest)) { smallest = item; smallest_index = i + 1; } } return smallest_index; } test "argMin" { try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), argMin(i32, &[_]i32{}, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, 0), argMin(i32, &[_]i32{1}, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, 0), argMin(i32, &[_]i32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, 3), argMin(i32, &[_]i32{ 9, 3, 8, 2, 5 }, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, 0), argMin(i32, &[_]i32{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, 0), argMin(i32, &[_]i32{ -10, 1, 10 }, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, 3), argMin(i32, &[_]i32{ 6, 3, 5, 7, 6 }, {}, desc_i32)); } pub fn min( comptime T: type, items: []const T, context: anytype, comptime lessThan: fn (context: @TypeOf(context), lhs: T, rhs: T) bool, ) ?T { const i = argMin(T, items, context, lessThan) orelse return null; return items[i]; } test "min" { try testing.expectEqual(@as(?i32, null), min(i32, &[_]i32{}, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?i32, 1), min(i32, &[_]i32{1}, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?i32, 1), min(i32, &[_]i32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?i32, 2), min(i32, &[_]i32{ 9, 3, 8, 2, 5 }, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?i32, 1), min(i32, &[_]i32{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?i32, -10), min(i32, &[_]i32{ -10, 1, 10 }, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?i32, 7), min(i32, &[_]i32{ 6, 3, 5, 7, 6 }, {}, desc_i32)); } pub fn argMax( comptime T: type, items: []const T, context: anytype, comptime lessThan: fn (context: @TypeOf(context), lhs: T, rhs: T) bool, ) ?usize { if (items.len == 0) { return null; } var biggest = items[0]; var biggest_index: usize = 0; for (items[1..], 0..) |item, i| { if (lessThan(context, biggest, item)) { biggest = item; biggest_index = i + 1; } } return biggest_index; } test "argMax" { try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), argMax(i32, &[_]i32{}, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, 0), argMax(i32, &[_]i32{1}, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, 4), argMax(i32, &[_]i32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, 0), argMax(i32, &[_]i32{ 9, 3, 8, 2, 5 }, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, 0), argMax(i32, &[_]i32{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, 2), argMax(i32, &[_]i32{ -10, 1, 10 }, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, 1), argMax(i32, &[_]i32{ 6, 3, 5, 7, 6 }, {}, desc_i32)); } pub fn max( comptime T: type, items: []const T, context: anytype, comptime lessThan: fn (context: @TypeOf(context), lhs: T, rhs: T) bool, ) ?T { const i = argMax(T, items, context, lessThan) orelse return null; return items[i]; } test "max" { try testing.expectEqual(@as(?i32, null), max(i32, &[_]i32{}, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?i32, 1), max(i32, &[_]i32{1}, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?i32, 5), max(i32, &[_]i32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?i32, 9), max(i32, &[_]i32{ 9, 3, 8, 2, 5 }, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?i32, 1), max(i32, &[_]i32{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?i32, 10), max(i32, &[_]i32{ -10, 1, 10 }, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(@as(?i32, 3), max(i32, &[_]i32{ 6, 3, 5, 7, 6 }, {}, desc_i32)); } pub fn isSorted( comptime T: type, items: []const T, context: anytype, comptime lessThan: fn (context: @TypeOf(context), lhs: T, rhs: T) bool, ) bool { var i: usize = 1; while (i < items.len) : (i += 1) { if (lessThan(context, items[i], items[i - 1])) { return false; } } return true; } test "isSorted" { try testing.expect(isSorted(i32, &[_]i32{}, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expect(isSorted(i32, &[_]i32{10}, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expect(isSorted(i32, &[_]i32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expect(isSorted(i32, &[_]i32{ -10, 1, 1, 1, 10 }, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expect(isSorted(i32, &[_]i32{}, {}, desc_i32)); try testing.expect(isSorted(i32, &[_]i32{-20}, {}, desc_i32)); try testing.expect(isSorted(i32, &[_]i32{ 3, 2, 1, 0, -1 }, {}, desc_i32)); try testing.expect(isSorted(i32, &[_]i32{ 10, -10 }, {}, desc_i32)); try testing.expect(isSorted(i32, &[_]i32{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expect(isSorted(i32, &[_]i32{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, {}, desc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(false, isSorted(i32, &[_]i32{ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }, {}, asc_i32)); try testing.expectEqual(false, isSorted(i32, &[_]i32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, {}, desc_i32)); try testing.expect(isSorted(u8, "abcd", {}, asc_u8)); try testing.expect(isSorted(u8, "zyxw", {}, desc_u8)); try testing.expectEqual(false, isSorted(u8, "abcd", {}, desc_u8)); try testing.expectEqual(false, isSorted(u8, "zyxw", {}, asc_u8)); try testing.expect(isSorted(u8, "ffff", {}, asc_u8)); try testing.expect(isSorted(u8, "ffff", {}, desc_u8)); }