// Ported from: // // https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/02d85149a05cb1f6dc49f0ba7a2ceca53718ae17/compiler-rt/test/builtins/Unit/addtf3_test.c // https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/02d85149a05cb1f6dc49f0ba7a2ceca53718ae17/compiler-rt/test/builtins/Unit/subtf3_test.c const std = @import("std"); const math = std.math; const qnan128 = @bitCast(f128, @as(u128, 0x7fff800000000000) << 64); const __addtf3 = @import("addtf3.zig").__addtf3; const __addxf3 = @import("addxf3.zig").__addxf3; const __subtf3 = @import("subtf3.zig").__subtf3; fn test__addtf3(a: f128, b: f128, expected_hi: u64, expected_lo: u64) !void { const x = __addtf3(a, b); const rep = @bitCast(u128, x); const hi = @intCast(u64, rep >> 64); const lo = @truncate(u64, rep); if (hi == expected_hi and lo == expected_lo) { return; } // test other possible NaN representation (signal NaN) else if (expected_hi == 0x7fff800000000000 and expected_lo == 0x0) { if ((hi & 0x7fff000000000000) == 0x7fff000000000000 and ((hi & 0xffffffffffff) > 0 or lo > 0)) { return; } } return error.TestFailed; } test "addtf3" { try test__addtf3(qnan128, 0x1.23456789abcdefp+5, 0x7fff800000000000, 0x0); // NaN + any = NaN try test__addtf3(@bitCast(f128, (@as(u128, 0x7fff000000000000) << 64) | @as(u128, 0x800030000000)), 0x1.23456789abcdefp+5, 0x7fff800000000000, 0x0); // inf + inf = inf try test__addtf3(math.inf(f128), math.inf(f128), 0x7fff000000000000, 0x0); // inf + any = inf try test__addtf3(math.inf(f128), 0x1.2335653452436234723489432abcdefp+5, 0x7fff000000000000, 0x0); // any + any try test__addtf3(0x1.23456734245345543849abcdefp+5, 0x1.edcba52449872455634654321fp-1, 0x40042afc95c8b579, 0x61e58dd6c51eb77c); try test__addtf3(0x1.edcba52449872455634654321fp-1, 0x1.23456734245345543849abcdefp+5, 0x40042afc95c8b579, 0x61e58dd6c51eb77c); } fn test__subtf3(a: f128, b: f128, expected_hi: u64, expected_lo: u64) !void { const x = __subtf3(a, b); const rep = @bitCast(u128, x); const hi = @intCast(u64, rep >> 64); const lo = @truncate(u64, rep); if (hi == expected_hi and lo == expected_lo) { return; } // test other possible NaN representation (signal NaN) else if (expected_hi == 0x7fff800000000000 and expected_lo == 0x0) { if ((hi & 0x7fff000000000000) == 0x7fff000000000000 and ((hi & 0xffffffffffff) > 0 or lo > 0)) { return; } } return error.TestFailed; } test "subtf3" { // qNaN - any = qNaN try test__subtf3(qnan128, 0x1.23456789abcdefp+5, 0x7fff800000000000, 0x0); // NaN + any = NaN try test__subtf3(@bitCast(f128, (@as(u128, 0x7fff000000000000) << 64) | @as(u128, 0x800030000000)), 0x1.23456789abcdefp+5, 0x7fff800000000000, 0x0); // inf - any = inf try test__subtf3(math.inf(f128), 0x1.23456789abcdefp+5, 0x7fff000000000000, 0x0); // any + any try test__subtf3(0x1.234567829a3bcdef5678ade36734p+5, 0x1.ee9d7c52354a6936ab8d7654321fp-1, 0x40041b8af1915166, 0xa44a7bca780a166c); try test__subtf3(0x1.ee9d7c52354a6936ab8d7654321fp-1, 0x1.234567829a3bcdef5678ade36734p+5, 0xc0041b8af1915166, 0xa44a7bca780a166c); } const qnan80 = @bitCast(f80, @bitCast(u80, math.nan(f80)) | (1 << (math.floatFractionalBits(f80) - 1))); fn test__addxf3(a: f80, b: f80, expected: u80) !void { const x = __addxf3(a, b); const rep = @bitCast(u80, x); if (rep == expected) return; if (math.isNan(@bitCast(f80, expected)) and math.isNan(x)) return; // We don't currently test NaN payload propagation return error.TestFailed; } test "addxf3" { // NaN + any = NaN try test__addxf3(qnan80, 0x1.23456789abcdefp+5, @bitCast(u80, qnan80)); try test__addxf3(@bitCast(f80, @as(u80, 0x7fff_8000_8000_3000_0000)), 0x1.23456789abcdefp+5, @bitCast(u80, qnan80)); // any + NaN = NaN try test__addxf3(0x1.23456789abcdefp+5, qnan80, @bitCast(u80, qnan80)); try test__addxf3(0x1.23456789abcdefp+5, @bitCast(f80, @as(u80, 0x7fff_8000_8000_3000_0000)), @bitCast(u80, qnan80)); // NaN + inf = NaN try test__addxf3(qnan80, math.inf(f80), @bitCast(u80, qnan80)); // inf + NaN = NaN try test__addxf3(math.inf(f80), qnan80, @bitCast(u80, qnan80)); // inf + inf = inf try test__addxf3(math.inf(f80), math.inf(f80), @bitCast(u80, math.inf(f80))); // inf + -inf = NaN try test__addxf3(math.inf(f80), -math.inf(f80), @bitCast(u80, qnan80)); // -inf + inf = NaN try test__addxf3(-math.inf(f80), math.inf(f80), @bitCast(u80, qnan80)); // inf + any = inf try test__addxf3(math.inf(f80), 0x1.2335653452436234723489432abcdefp+5, @bitCast(u80, math.inf(f80))); // any + inf = inf try test__addxf3(0x1.2335653452436234723489432abcdefp+5, math.inf(f80), @bitCast(u80, math.inf(f80))); // any + any try test__addxf3(0x1.23456789abcdp+5, 0x1.dcba987654321p+5, 0x4005_BFFFFFFFFFFFC400); try test__addxf3(0x1.23456734245345543849abcdefp+5, 0x1.edcba52449872455634654321fp-1, 0x4004_957E_4AE4_5ABC_B0F3); try test__addxf3(0x1.ffff_ffff_ffff_fffcp+0, 0x1.0p-63, 0x3FFF_FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); // exact try test__addxf3(0x1.ffff_ffff_ffff_fffep+0, 0x0.0p0, 0x3FFF_FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); // exact try test__addxf3(0x1.ffff_ffff_ffff_fffcp+0, 0x1.4p-63, 0x3FFF_FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); // round down try test__addxf3(0x1.ffff_ffff_ffff_fffcp+0, 0x1.8p-63, 0x4000_8000000000000000); // round up to even try test__addxf3(0x1.ffff_ffff_ffff_fffcp+0, 0x1.cp-63, 0x4000_8000000000000000); // round up try test__addxf3(0x1.ffff_ffff_ffff_fffcp+0, 0x2.0p-63, 0x4000_8000000000000000); // exact try test__addxf3(0x1.ffff_ffff_ffff_fffcp+0, 0x2.1p-63, 0x4000_8000000000000000); // round down try test__addxf3(0x1.ffff_ffff_ffff_fffcp+0, 0x3.0p-63, 0x4000_8000000000000000); // round down to even try test__addxf3(0x1.ffff_ffff_ffff_fffcp+0, 0x3.1p-63, 0x4000_8000000000000001); // round up try test__addxf3(0x1.ffff_ffff_ffff_fffcp+0, 0x4.0p-63, 0x4000_8000000000000001); // exact try test__addxf3(0x1.0fff_ffff_ffff_fffep+0, 0x1.0p-63, 0x3FFF_8800000000000000); // exact try test__addxf3(0x1.0fff_ffff_ffff_fffep+0, 0x1.7p-63, 0x3FFF_8800000000000000); // round down try test__addxf3(0x1.0fff_ffff_ffff_fffep+0, 0x1.8p-63, 0x3FFF_8800000000000000); // round down to even try test__addxf3(0x1.0fff_ffff_ffff_fffep+0, 0x1.9p-63, 0x3FFF_8800000000000001); // round up try test__addxf3(0x1.0fff_ffff_ffff_fffep+0, 0x2.0p-63, 0x3FFF_8800000000000001); // exact try test__addxf3(0x0.ffff_ffff_ffff_fffcp-16382, 0x0.0000_0000_0000_0002p-16382, 0x0000_7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); // exact try test__addxf3(0x0.1fff_ffff_ffff_fffcp-16382, 0x0.0000_0000_0000_0002p-16382, 0x0000_0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); // exact }