// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Zig Contributors // This file is part of [zig](https://ziglang.org/), which is MIT licensed. // The MIT license requires this copyright notice to be included in all copies // and substantial portions of the software. const std = @import("../std.zig"); const testing = std.testing; const mem = std.mem; const fmt = std.fmt; // Hash using the specified hasher `H` asserting `expected == H(input)`. pub fn assertEqualHash(comptime Hasher: anytype, comptime expected: []const u8, input: []const u8) void { var h: [expected.len / 2]u8 = undefined; Hasher.hash(input, h[0..]); assertEqual(expected, &h); } // Assert `expected` == `input` where `input` is a bytestring. pub fn assertEqual(comptime expected: []const u8, input: []const u8) void { var expected_bytes: [expected.len / 2]u8 = undefined; for (expected_bytes) |*r, i| { r.* = fmt.parseInt(u8, expected[2 * i .. 2 * i + 2], 16) catch unreachable; } testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, &expected_bytes, input); }