const std = @import("std.zig"); const StringHashMap = std.StringHashMap; const mem = @import("mem.zig"); const Allocator = mem.Allocator; const testing = std.testing; /// A BufSet is a set of strings. The BufSet duplicates /// strings internally, and never takes ownership of strings /// which are passed to it. pub const BufSet = struct { hash_map: BufSetHashMap, const BufSetHashMap = StringHashMap(void); pub const Iterator = BufSetHashMap.KeyIterator; /// Create a BufSet using an allocator. The allocator will /// be used internally for both backing allocations and /// string duplication. pub fn init(a: Allocator) BufSet { return .{ .hash_map = BufSetHashMap.init(a) }; } /// Free a BufSet along with all stored keys. pub fn deinit(self: *BufSet) void { var it = self.hash_map.keyIterator(); while ( |key_ptr| {*); } self.hash_map.deinit(); self.* = undefined; } /// Insert an item into the BufSet. The item will be /// copied, so the caller may delete or reuse the /// passed string immediately. pub fn insert(self: *BufSet, value: []const u8) !void { const gop = try self.hash_map.getOrPut(value); if (!gop.found_existing) { gop.key_ptr.* = self.copy(value) catch |err| { _ = self.hash_map.remove(value); return err; }; } } /// Check if the set contains an item matching the passed string pub fn contains(self: BufSet, value: []const u8) bool { return self.hash_map.contains(value); } /// Remove an item from the set. pub fn remove(self: *BufSet, value: []const u8) void { const kv = self.hash_map.fetchRemove(value) orelse return;; } /// Returns the number of items stored in the set pub fn count(self: *const BufSet) usize { return self.hash_map.count(); } /// Returns an iterator over the items stored in the set. /// Iteration order is arbitrary. pub fn iterator(self: *const BufSet) Iterator { return self.hash_map.keyIterator(); } /// Get the allocator used by this set pub fn allocator(self: *const BufSet) Allocator { return self.hash_map.allocator; } /// Creates a copy of this BufSet, using a specified allocator. pub fn cloneWithAllocator( self: *const BufSet, new_allocator: Allocator, ) Allocator.Error!BufSet { const cloned_hashmap = try self.hash_map.cloneWithAllocator(new_allocator); const cloned = BufSet{ .hash_map = cloned_hashmap }; var it = cloned.hash_map.keyIterator(); while ( |key_ptr| { key_ptr.* = try cloned.copy(key_ptr.*); } return cloned; } /// Creates a copy of this BufSet, using the same allocator. pub fn clone(self: *const BufSet) Allocator.Error!BufSet { return self.cloneWithAllocator(self.allocator()); } fn free(self: *const BufSet, value: []const u8) void {; } fn copy(self: *const BufSet, value: []const u8) ![]const u8 { const result = try self.hash_map.allocator.alloc(u8, value.len); @memcpy(result, value); return result; } }; test "BufSet" { var bufset = BufSet.init(std.testing.allocator); defer bufset.deinit(); try bufset.insert("x"); try testing.expect(bufset.count() == 1); bufset.remove("x"); try testing.expect(bufset.count() == 0); try bufset.insert("x"); try bufset.insert("y"); try bufset.insert("z"); } test "BufSet clone" { var original = BufSet.init(testing.allocator); defer original.deinit(); try original.insert("x"); var cloned = try original.clone(); defer cloned.deinit(); cloned.remove("x"); try testing.expect(original.count() == 1); try testing.expect(cloned.count() == 0); try testing.expectError( error.OutOfMemory, original.cloneWithAllocator(testing.failing_allocator), ); } test "BufSet.clone with arena" { const allocator = std.testing.allocator; var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator); defer arena.deinit(); var buf = BufSet.init(allocator); defer buf.deinit(); try buf.insert("member1"); try buf.insert("member2"); _ = try buf.cloneWithAllocator(arena.allocator()); }