Sean f32723a237
Update frexp.zig (#19370)
1. Entirely rewrote frexp with generics, reducing the implementation to a single function and enabling parameters of types f80 and f16
2. Expanded upon the tests, making them more descriptive and comprehensive, and automatically generating the test bodies for each floating point type
3. Added a doctest for frexp
2024-03-21 18:08:52 -04:00

229 lines
7.7 KiB

const std = @import("../std.zig");
const math = std.math;
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;
const expectApproxEqAbs = std.testing.expectApproxEqAbs;
pub fn Frexp(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
significand: T,
exponent: i32,
/// Breaks x into a normalized fraction and an integral power of two.
/// f == frac * 2^exp, with |frac| in the interval [0.5, 1).
/// Special Cases:
/// - frexp(+-0) = +-0, 0
/// - frexp(+-inf) = +-inf, 0
/// - frexp(nan) = nan, undefined
pub fn frexp(x: anytype) Frexp(@TypeOf(x)) {
const T: type = @TypeOf(x);
const bits: comptime_int = @typeInfo(T).Float.bits;
const Int: type = std.meta.Int(.unsigned, bits);
const exp_bits: comptime_int = math.floatExponentBits(T);
const mant_bits: comptime_int = math.floatMantissaBits(T);
const frac_bits: comptime_int = math.floatFractionalBits(T);
const exp_min: comptime_int = math.floatExponentMin(T);
const ExpInt: type = std.meta.Int(.unsigned, exp_bits);
const MantInt: type = std.meta.Int(.unsigned, mant_bits);
const FracInt: type = std.meta.Int(.unsigned, frac_bits);
const unreal_exponent: comptime_int = (1 << exp_bits) - 1;
const bias: comptime_int = (1 << (exp_bits - 1)) - 2;
const exp_mask: comptime_int = unreal_exponent << mant_bits;
const zero_exponent: comptime_int = bias << mant_bits;
const sign_mask: comptime_int = 1 << (bits - 1);
const not_exp: comptime_int = ~@as(Int, exp_mask);
const ones_place: comptime_int = mant_bits - frac_bits;
const extra_denorm_shift: comptime_int = 1 - ones_place;
var result: Frexp(T) = undefined;
var v: Int = @bitCast(x);
const m: MantInt = @truncate(v);
const e: ExpInt = @truncate(v >> mant_bits);
switch (e) {
0 => {
if (m != 0) {
// subnormal
const offset = @clz(m);
const shift = offset + extra_denorm_shift;
v &= sign_mask;
v |= zero_exponent;
v |= math.shl(MantInt, m, shift);
result.exponent = exp_min - @as(i32, offset) + ones_place;
} else {
// +-0 = (+-0, 0)
result.exponent = 0;
unreal_exponent => {
// +-nan -> {+-nan, undefined}
result.exponent = undefined;
// +-inf -> {+-inf, 0}
if (@as(FracInt, @truncate(v)) == 0)
result.exponent = 0;
else => {
// normal
v &= not_exp;
v |= zero_exponent;
result.exponent = @as(i32, e) - bias;
result.significand = @bitCast(v);
return result;
/// Generate a namespace of tests for frexp on values of the given type
fn FrexpTests(comptime Float: type) type {
return struct {
const T = Float;
test "normal" {
const epsilon = 1e-6;
var r: Frexp(T) = undefined;
r = frexp(@as(T, 1.3));
try expectApproxEqAbs(0.65, r.significand, epsilon);
try expectEqual(1, r.exponent);
r = frexp(@as(T, 78.0234));
try expectApproxEqAbs(0.609558, r.significand, epsilon);
try expectEqual(7, r.exponent);
r = frexp(@as(T, -1234.5678));
try expectEqual(11, r.exponent);
try expectApproxEqAbs(-0.602816, r.significand, epsilon);
test "max" {
const exponent = math.floatExponentMax(T) + 1;
const significand = 1.0 - math.floatEps(T) / 2;
const r: Frexp(T) = frexp(math.floatMax(T));
try expectEqual(exponent, r.exponent);
try expectEqual(significand, r.significand);
test "min" {
const exponent = math.floatExponentMin(T) + 1;
const r: Frexp(T) = frexp(math.floatMin(T));
try expectEqual(exponent, r.exponent);
try expectEqual(0.5, r.significand);
test "subnormal" {
const normal_min_exponent = math.floatExponentMin(T) + 1;
const exponent = normal_min_exponent - math.floatFractionalBits(T);
const r: Frexp(T) = frexp(math.floatTrueMin(T));
try expectEqual(exponent, r.exponent);
try expectEqual(0.5, r.significand);
test "zero" {
var r: Frexp(T) = undefined;
r = frexp(@as(T, 0.0));
try expectEqual(0, r.exponent);
try expect(math.isPositiveZero(r.significand));
r = frexp(@as(T, -0.0));
try expectEqual(0, r.exponent);
try expect(math.isNegativeZero(r.significand));
test "inf" {
var r: Frexp(T) = undefined;
r = frexp(math.inf(T));
try expectEqual(0, r.exponent);
try expect(math.isPositiveInf(r.significand));
r = frexp(-math.inf(T));
try expectEqual(0, r.exponent);
try expect(math.isNegativeInf(r.significand));
test "nan" {
const r: Frexp(T) = frexp(math.nan(T));
try expect(math.isNan(r.significand));
// Generate tests for each floating point type
comptime {
for ([_]type{ f16, f32, f64, f80, f128 }) |T| {
_ = FrexpTests(T);
test frexp {
inline for ([_]type{ f16, f32, f64, f80, f128 }) |T| {
const max_exponent = math.floatExponentMax(T) + 1;
const min_exponent = math.floatExponentMin(T) + 1;
const truemin_exponent = min_exponent - math.floatFractionalBits(T);
var result: Frexp(T) = undefined;
comptime var x: T = undefined;
// basic usage
// value -> {significand, exponent},
// value == significand * (2 ^ exponent)
x = 1234.5678;
result = frexp(x);
try expectEqual(11, result.exponent);
try expectApproxEqAbs(0.602816, result.significand, 1e-6);
try expectEqual(x, math.ldexp(result.significand, result.exponent));
// float maximum
x = math.floatMax(T);
result = frexp(x);
try expectEqual(max_exponent, result.exponent);
try expectEqual(1.0 - math.floatEps(T) / 2, result.significand);
try expectEqual(x, math.ldexp(result.significand, result.exponent));
// float minimum
x = math.floatMin(T);
result = frexp(x);
try expectEqual(min_exponent, result.exponent);
try expectEqual(0.5, result.significand);
try expectEqual(x, math.ldexp(result.significand, result.exponent));
// float true minimum
// subnormal -> {normal, exponent}
x = math.floatTrueMin(T);
result = frexp(x);
try expectEqual(truemin_exponent, result.exponent);
try expectEqual(0.5, result.significand);
try expectEqual(x, math.ldexp(result.significand, result.exponent));
// infinity -> {infinity, zero} (+)
result = frexp(math.inf(T));
try expectEqual(0, result.exponent);
try expect(math.isPositiveInf(result.significand));
// infinity -> {infinity, zero} (-)
result = frexp(-math.inf(T));
try expectEqual(0, result.exponent);
try expect(math.isNegativeInf(result.significand));
// zero -> {zero, zero} (+)
result = frexp(@as(T, 0.0));
try expectEqual(0, result.exponent);
try expect(math.isPositiveZero(result.significand));
// zero -> {zero, zero} (-)
result = frexp(@as(T, -0.0));
try expectEqual(0, result.exponent);
try expect(math.isNegativeZero(result.significand));
// nan -> {nan, undefined}
result = frexp(math.nan(T));
try expect(math.isNan(result.significand));