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synced 2024-12-01 09:32:31 +00:00
1557 lines
42 KiB
1557 lines
42 KiB
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;
test "compile time recursion" {
try expect(some_data.len == 21);
var some_data: [@intCast(usize, fibonacci(7))]u8 = undefined;
fn fibonacci(x: i32) i32 {
if (x <= 1) return 1;
return fibonacci(x - 1) + fibonacci(x - 2);
fn unwrapAndAddOne(blah: ?i32) i32 {
return blah.? + 1;
const should_be_1235 = unwrapAndAddOne(1234);
test "static add one" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_arm) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
try expect(should_be_1235 == 1235);
test "inlined loop" {
comptime var i = 0;
comptime var sum = 0;
inline while (i <= 5) : (i += 1)
sum += i;
try expect(sum == 15);
fn gimme1or2(comptime a: bool) i32 {
const x: i32 = 1;
const y: i32 = 2;
comptime var z: i32 = if (a) x else y;
return z;
test "inline variable gets result of const if" {
try expect(gimme1or2(true) == 1);
try expect(gimme1or2(false) == 2);
test "static function evaluation" {
try expect(statically_added_number == 3);
const statically_added_number = staticAdd(1, 2);
fn staticAdd(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
return a + b;
test "const expr eval on single expr blocks" {
try expect(constExprEvalOnSingleExprBlocksFn(1, true) == 3);
comptime try expect(constExprEvalOnSingleExprBlocksFn(1, true) == 3);
fn constExprEvalOnSingleExprBlocksFn(x: i32, b: bool) i32 {
const literal = 3;
const result = if (b) b: {
break :b literal;
} else b: {
break :b x;
return result;
test "constant expressions" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
var array: [array_size]u8 = undefined;
try expect(@sizeOf(@TypeOf(array)) == 20);
const array_size: u8 = 20;
fn max(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) T {
if (T == bool) {
return a or b;
} else if (a > b) {
return a;
} else {
return b;
fn letsTryToCompareBools(a: bool, b: bool) bool {
return max(bool, a, b);
test "inlined block and runtime block phi" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
try expect(letsTryToCompareBools(true, true));
try expect(letsTryToCompareBools(true, false));
try expect(letsTryToCompareBools(false, true));
try expect(!letsTryToCompareBools(false, false));
comptime {
try expect(letsTryToCompareBools(true, true));
try expect(letsTryToCompareBools(true, false));
try expect(letsTryToCompareBools(false, true));
try expect(!letsTryToCompareBools(false, false));
test "eval @setRuntimeSafety at compile-time" {
const result = comptime fnWithSetRuntimeSafety();
try expect(result == 1234);
fn fnWithSetRuntimeSafety() i32 {
return 1234;
test "compile-time downcast when the bits fit" {
comptime {
const spartan_count: u16 = 255;
const byte = @intCast(u8, spartan_count);
try expect(byte == 255);
test "pointer to type" {
comptime {
var T: type = i32;
try expect(T == i32);
var ptr = &T;
try expect(@TypeOf(ptr) == *type);
ptr.* = f32;
try expect(T == f32);
try expect(*T == *f32);
test "a type constructed in a global expression" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_x86_64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
var l: List = undefined;
l.array[0] = 10;
l.array[1] = 11;
l.array[2] = 12;
const ptr = @ptrCast([*]u8, &l.array);
try expect(ptr[0] == 10);
try expect(ptr[1] == 11);
try expect(ptr[2] == 12);
const List = blk: {
const T = [10]u8;
break :blk struct {
array: T,
test "comptime function with the same args is memoized" {
comptime {
try expect(MakeType(i32) == MakeType(i32));
try expect(MakeType(i32) != MakeType(f64));
fn MakeType(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
field: T,
test "try to trick eval with runtime if" {
try expect(testTryToTrickEvalWithRuntimeIf(true) == 10);
fn testTryToTrickEvalWithRuntimeIf(b: bool) usize {
comptime var i: usize = 0;
inline while (i < 10) : (i += 1) {
const result = if (b) false else true;
_ = result;
comptime {
return i;
test "@setEvalBranchQuota" {
comptime {
// 1001 for the loop and then 1 more for the expect fn call
var i = 0;
var sum = 0;
while (i < 1001) : (i += 1) {
sum += i;
try expect(sum == 500500);
test "constant struct with negation" {
try expect(vertices[0].x == @as(f32, -0.6));
const Vertex = struct {
x: f32,
y: f32,
r: f32,
g: f32,
b: f32,
const vertices = [_]Vertex{
.x = -0.6,
.y = -0.4,
.r = 1.0,
.g = 0.0,
.b = 0.0,
.x = 0.6,
.y = -0.4,
.r = 0.0,
.g = 1.0,
.b = 0.0,
.x = 0.0,
.y = 0.6,
.r = 0.0,
.g = 0.0,
.b = 1.0,
test "statically initialized list" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
try expect(static_point_list[0].x == 1);
try expect(static_point_list[0].y == 2);
try expect(static_point_list[1].x == 3);
try expect(static_point_list[1].y == 4);
const Point = struct {
x: i32,
y: i32,
const static_point_list = [_]Point{
makePoint(1, 2),
makePoint(3, 4),
fn makePoint(x: i32, y: i32) Point {
return Point{
.x = x,
.y = y,
test "statically initialized array literal" {
const y: [4]u8 = st_init_arr_lit_x;
try expect(y[3] == 4);
const st_init_arr_lit_x = [_]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4 };
const CmdFn = struct {
name: []const u8,
func: fn (i32) i32,
const cmd_fns = [_]CmdFn{
.name = "one",
.func = one,
.name = "two",
.func = two,
.name = "three",
.func = three,
fn one(value: i32) i32 {
return value + 1;
fn two(value: i32) i32 {
return value + 2;
fn three(value: i32) i32 {
return value + 3;
fn performFn(comptime prefix_char: u8, start_value: i32) i32 {
var result: i32 = start_value;
comptime var i = 0;
inline while (i < cmd_fns.len) : (i += 1) {
if (cmd_fns[i].name[0] == prefix_char) {
result = cmd_fns[i].func(result);
return result;
test "comptime iterate over fn ptr list" {
try expect(performFn('t', 1) == 6);
try expect(performFn('o', 0) == 1);
try expect(performFn('w', 99) == 99);
test "create global array with for loop" {
try expect(global_array[5] == 5 * 5);
try expect(global_array[9] == 9 * 9);
const global_array = x: {
var result: [10]usize = undefined;
for (result) |*item, index| {
item.* = index * index;
break :x result;
fn generateTable(comptime T: type) [1010]T {
var res: [1010]T = undefined;
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < 1010) : (i += 1) {
res[i] = @intCast(T, i);
return res;
fn doesAlotT(comptime T: type, value: usize) T {
const table = comptime blk: {
break :blk generateTable(T);
return table[value];
test "@setEvalBranchQuota at same scope as generic function call" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
try expect(doesAlotT(u32, 2) == 2);
pub const Info = struct {
version: u8,
pub const diamond_info = Info{ .version = 0 };
test "comptime modification of const struct field" {
comptime {
var res = diamond_info;
res.version = 1;
try expect(diamond_info.version == 0);
try expect(res.version == 1);
test "refer to the type of a generic function" {
const Func = fn (type) void;
const f: Func = doNothingWithType;
fn doNothingWithType(comptime T: type) void {
_ = T;
test "zero extend from u0 to u1" {
var zero_u0: u0 = 0;
var zero_u1: u1 = zero_u0;
try expect(zero_u1 == 0);
test "return 0 from function that has u0 return type" {
const S = struct {
fn foo_zero() u0 {
return 0;
comptime {
if (S.foo_zero() != 0) {
@compileError("test failed");
test "statically initialized struct" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
st_init_str_foo.x += 1;
try expect(st_init_str_foo.x == 14);
const StInitStrFoo = struct {
x: i32,
y: bool,
var st_init_str_foo = StInitStrFoo{
.x = 13,
.y = true,
test "inline for with same type but different values" {
var res: usize = 0;
inline for ([_]type{ [2]u8, [1]u8, [2]u8 }) |T| {
var a: T = undefined;
res += a.len;
try expect(res == 5);
test "f32 at compile time is lossy" {
try expect(@as(f32, 1 << 24) + 1 == 1 << 24);
test "f64 at compile time is lossy" {
try expect(@as(f64, 1 << 53) + 1 == 1 << 53);
test {
comptime try expect(@as(f128, 1 << 113) == 10384593717069655257060992658440192);
fn copyWithPartialInline(s: []u32, b: []u8) void {
comptime var i: usize = 0;
inline while (i < 4) : (i += 1) {
s[i] = 0;
s[i] |= @as(u32, b[i * 4 + 0]) << 24;
s[i] |= @as(u32, b[i * 4 + 1]) << 16;
s[i] |= @as(u32, b[i * 4 + 2]) << 8;
s[i] |= @as(u32, b[i * 4 + 3]) << 0;
test "binary math operator in partially inlined function" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_arm) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
var s: [4]u32 = undefined;
var b: [16]u8 = undefined;
for (b) |*r, i|
r.* = @intCast(u8, i + 1);
copyWithPartialInline(s[0..], b[0..]);
try expect(s[0] == 0x1020304);
try expect(s[1] == 0x5060708);
try expect(s[2] == 0x90a0b0c);
try expect(s[3] == 0xd0e0f10);
test "comptime shl" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_wasm) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_x86_64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_arm) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
var a: u128 = 3;
var b: u7 = 63;
var c: u128 = 3 << 63;
try expect((a << b) == c);
test "comptime bitwise operators" {
comptime {
try expect(3 & 1 == 1);
try expect(3 & -1 == 3);
try expect(-3 & -1 == -3);
try expect(3 | -1 == -1);
try expect(-3 | -1 == -1);
try expect(3 ^ -1 == -4);
try expect(-3 ^ -1 == 2);
try expect(~@as(i8, -1) == 0);
try expect(~@as(i128, -1) == 0);
try expect(18446744073709551615 & 18446744073709551611 == 18446744073709551611);
try expect(-18446744073709551615 & -18446744073709551611 == -18446744073709551615);
try expect(~@as(u128, 0) == 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff);
test "comptime shlWithOverflow" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_arm) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
const ct_shifted: u64 = comptime amt: {
var amt = @as(u64, 0);
_ = @shlWithOverflow(u64, ~@as(u64, 0), 16, &amt);
break :amt amt;
const rt_shifted: u64 = amt: {
var amt = @as(u64, 0);
_ = @shlWithOverflow(u64, ~@as(u64, 0), 16, &amt);
break :amt amt;
try expect(ct_shifted == rt_shifted);
test "const ptr to variable data changes at runtime" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
try expect(foo_ref.name[0] == 'a');
foo_ref.name = "b";
try expect(foo_ref.name[0] == 'b');
const Foo = struct {
name: []const u8,
var foo_contents = Foo{ .name = "a" };
const foo_ref = &foo_contents;
test "runtime 128 bit integer division" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_wasm) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_x86_64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_arm) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
var a: u128 = 152313999999999991610955792383;
var b: u128 = 10000000000000000000;
var c = a / b;
try expect(c == 15231399999);
test "@tagName of @typeInfo" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
const str = @tagName(@typeInfo(u8));
try expect(std.mem.eql(u8, str, "Int"));
test "static eval list init" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_x86_64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_arm) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
try expect(static_vec3.data[2] == 1.0);
try expect(vec3(0.0, 0.0, 3.0).data[2] == 3.0);
const static_vec3 = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
pub const Vec3 = struct {
data: [3]f32,
pub fn vec3(x: f32, y: f32, z: f32) Vec3 {
return Vec3{
.data = [_]f32{ x, y, z },
test "inlined loop has array literal with elided runtime scope on first iteration but not second iteration" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
var runtime = [1]i32{3};
comptime var i: usize = 0;
inline while (i < 2) : (i += 1) {
const result = if (i == 0) [1]i32{2} else runtime;
_ = result;
comptime {
try expect(i == 2);
test "ptr to local array argument at comptime" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
comptime {
var bytes: [10]u8 = undefined;
try expect(bytes[0] == 'a');
try expect(bytes[9] == 'b');
fn modifySomeBytes(bytes: []u8) void {
bytes[0] = 'a';
bytes[9] = 'b';
test "comparisons 0 <= uint and 0 > uint should be comptime" {
fn testCompTimeUIntComparisons(x: u32) void {
if (!(0 <= x)) {
@compileError("this condition should be comptime-known");
if (0 > x) {
@compileError("this condition should be comptime-known");
if (!(x >= 0)) {
@compileError("this condition should be comptime-known");
if (x < 0) {
@compileError("this condition should be comptime-known");
const hi1 = "hi";
const hi2 = hi1;
test "const global shares pointer with other same one" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
try assertEqualPtrs(&hi1[0], &hi2[0]);
comptime try expect(&hi1[0] == &hi2[0]);
fn assertEqualPtrs(ptr1: *const u8, ptr2: *const u8) !void {
try expect(ptr1 == ptr2);
// This one is still up for debate in the language specification.
// Application code should not rely on this behavior until it is solidified.
// Historically, stage1 had special case code to make this pass for string literals
// but it did not work if the values are constructed with comptime code, or if
// arrays of non-u8 elements are used instead.
// The official language specification might not make this guarantee. However, if
// it does make this guarantee, it will make it consistently for all types, not
// only string literals. This is why Zig currently has a string table for
// string literals, to match legacy stage1 behavior and pass this test, however
// the end-game once the lang spec issue is settled would be to use a global
// InternPool for comptime memoized objects, making this behavior consistent
// across all types.
test "string literal used as comptime slice is memoized" {
const a = "link";
const b = "link";
comptime try expect(TypeWithCompTimeSlice(a).Node == TypeWithCompTimeSlice(b).Node);
comptime try expect(TypeWithCompTimeSlice("link").Node == TypeWithCompTimeSlice("link").Node);
pub fn TypeWithCompTimeSlice(comptime field_name: []const u8) type {
_ = field_name;
return struct {
pub const Node = struct {};
test "comptime function with mutable pointer is not memoized" {
comptime {
var x: i32 = 1;
const ptr = &x;
try expect(x == 3);
fn increment(value: *i32) void {
value.* += 1;
test "const ptr to comptime mutable data is not memoized" {
comptime {
var foo = SingleFieldStruct{ .x = 1 };
try expect(foo.read_x() == 1);
foo.x = 2;
try expect(foo.read_x() == 2);
const SingleFieldStruct = struct {
x: i32,
fn read_x(self: *const SingleFieldStruct) i32 {
return self.x;
test "function which returns struct with type field causes implicit comptime" {
const ty = wrap(i32).T;
try expect(ty == i32);
const Wrapper = struct {
T: type,
fn wrap(comptime T: type) Wrapper {
return Wrapper{ .T = T };
test "call method with comptime pass-by-non-copying-value self parameter" {
const S = struct {
a: u8,
fn b(comptime s: @This()) u8 {
return s.a;
const s = S{ .a = 2 };
var b = s.b();
try expect(b == 2);
test "setting backward branch quota just before a generic fn call" {
fn loopNTimes(comptime n: usize) void {
comptime var i = 0;
inline while (i < n) : (i += 1) {}
test "variable inside inline loop that has different types on different iterations" {
try testVarInsideInlineLoop(.{ true, @as(u32, 42) });
fn testVarInsideInlineLoop(args: anytype) !void {
comptime var i = 0;
inline while (i < args.len) : (i += 1) {
const x = args[i];
if (i == 0) try expect(x);
if (i == 1) try expect(x == 42);
test "*align(1) u16 is the same as *align(1:0:2) u16" {
comptime {
try expect(*align(1:0:2) u16 == *align(1) u16);
try expect(*align(2:0:2) u16 == *u16);
test "array concatenation of function calls" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_arm) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
var a = oneItem(3) ++ oneItem(4);
try expect(std.mem.eql(i32, &a, &[_]i32{ 3, 4 }));
test "array multiplication of function calls" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_arm) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
var a = oneItem(3) ** scalar(2);
try expect(std.mem.eql(i32, &a, &[_]i32{ 3, 3 }));
fn oneItem(x: i32) [1]i32 {
return [_]i32{x};
fn scalar(x: u32) u32 {
return x;
test "array concatenation peer resolves element types - value" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_arm) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
var a = [2]u3{ 1, 7 };
var b = [3]u8{ 200, 225, 255 };
var c = a ++ b;
comptime assert(@TypeOf(c) == [5]u8);
try expect(c[0] == 1);
try expect(c[1] == 7);
try expect(c[2] == 200);
try expect(c[3] == 225);
try expect(c[4] == 255);
test "array concatenation peer resolves element types - pointer" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_arm) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
var a = [2]u3{ 1, 7 };
var b = [3]u8{ 200, 225, 255 };
var c = &a ++ &b;
comptime assert(@TypeOf(c) == *[5]u8);
try expect(c[0] == 1);
try expect(c[1] == 7);
try expect(c[2] == 200);
try expect(c[3] == 225);
try expect(c[4] == 255);
test "array concatenation sets the sentinel - value" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_wasm) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_x86_64) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_arm) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
var a = [2]u3{ 1, 7 };
var b = [3:69]u8{ 200, 225, 255 };
var c = a ++ b;
comptime assert(@TypeOf(c) == [5:69]u8);
try expect(c[0] == 1);
try expect(c[1] == 7);
try expect(c[2] == 200);
try expect(c[3] == 225);
try expect(c[4] == 255);
var ptr: [*]const u8 = &c;
try expect(ptr[5] == 69);
test "array concatenation sets the sentinel - pointer" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
var a = [2]u3{ 1, 7 };
var b = [3:69]u8{ 200, 225, 255 };
var c = &a ++ &b;
comptime assert(@TypeOf(c) == *[5:69]u8);
try expect(c[0] == 1);
try expect(c[1] == 7);
try expect(c[2] == 200);
try expect(c[3] == 225);
try expect(c[4] == 255);
var ptr: [*]const u8 = c;
try expect(ptr[5] == 69);
test "array multiplication sets the sentinel - value" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_wasm) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_x86_64) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_arm) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
var a = [2:7]u3{ 1, 6 };
var b = a ** 2;
comptime assert(@TypeOf(b) == [4:7]u3);
try expect(b[0] == 1);
try expect(b[1] == 6);
try expect(b[2] == 1);
try expect(b[3] == 6);
var ptr: [*]const u3 = &b;
try expect(ptr[4] == 7);
test "array multiplication sets the sentinel - pointer" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_arm) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
var a = [2:7]u3{ 1, 6 };
var b = &a ** 2;
comptime assert(@TypeOf(b) == *[4:7]u3);
try expect(b[0] == 1);
try expect(b[1] == 6);
try expect(b[2] == 1);
try expect(b[3] == 6);
var ptr: [*]const u3 = b;
try expect(ptr[4] == 7);
test "comptime assign int to optional int" {
comptime {
var x: ?i32 = null;
x = 2;
x.? *= 10;
try expectEqual(20, x.?);
test "two comptime calls with array default initialized to undefined" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_arm) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
const S = struct {
const CrossTarget = struct {
dynamic_linker: DynamicLinker = DynamicLinker{},
pub fn parse() void {
var result: CrossTarget = .{};
pub fn getCpuArch(self: CrossTarget) void {
_ = self;
const DynamicLinker = struct {
buffer: [255]u8 = undefined,
comptime {
test "const type-annotated local initialized with function call has correct type" {
const S = struct {
fn foo() comptime_int {
return 1234;
const x: u64 = S.foo();
try expect(@TypeOf(x) == u64);
try expect(x == 1234);
test "comptime pointer load through elem_ptr" {
const S = struct {
x: usize,
comptime {
var array: [10]S = undefined;
for (array) |*elem, i| {
elem.* = .{
.x = i,
var ptr = @ptrCast([*]S, &array);
var x = ptr[0].x;
assert(x == 0);
ptr += 1;
assert(ptr[1].x == 2);
test "debug variable type resolved through indirect zero-bit types" {
const T = struct { key: []void };
const slice: []const T = &[_]T{};
_ = slice;
test "const local with comptime init through array init" {
const E1 = enum {
fn a() void {}
const S = struct {
fn declarations(comptime T: type) []const std.builtin.Type.Declaration {
return @typeInfo(T).Enum.decls;
const decls = comptime [_][]const std.builtin.Type.Declaration{
try comptime expect(decls[0][0].name[0] == 'a');
test "closure capture type of runtime-known parameter" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
const S = struct {
fn b(c: anytype) !void {
const D = struct { c: @TypeOf(c) };
var d = D{ .c = c };
try expect(d.c == 1234);
var c: i32 = 1234;
try S.b(c);
test "comptime break passing through runtime condition converted to runtime break" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_x86_64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
var runtime: u8 = 'b';
inline for ([3]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c' }) |byte| {
if (byte == runtime) {
try expect(ok);
try expect(count == 2);
var ok = false;
var count: usize = 0;
fn foo(byte: u8) void {
ok = byte == 'b';
fn bar() void {
count += 1;
try S.doTheTest();
test "comptime break to outer loop passing through runtime condition converted to runtime break" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_x86_64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_arm) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
var runtime: u8 = 'b';
outer: inline for ([3]u8{ 'A', 'B', 'C' }) |outer_byte| {
inline for ([3]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c' }) |byte| {
if (byte == runtime) {
break :outer;
try expect(ok);
try expect(count == 2);
var ok = false;
var count: usize = 0;
fn foo(byte: u8) void {
ok = byte == 'b';
fn bar(byte: u8) void {
_ = byte;
count += 1;
try S.doTheTest();
test "comptime break operand passing through runtime condition converted to runtime break" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest(runtime: u8) !void {
const result = inline for ([3]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c' }) |byte| {
if (byte == runtime) {
break runtime;
} else 'z';
try expect(result == 'b');
try S.doTheTest('b');
comptime try S.doTheTest('b');
test "comptime break operand passing through runtime switch converted to runtime break" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest(runtime: u8) !void {
const result = inline for ([3]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c' }) |byte| {
switch (runtime) {
byte => break runtime,
else => {},
} else 'z';
try expect(result == 'b');
try S.doTheTest('b');
comptime try S.doTheTest('b');
test "no dependency loop for alignment of self struct" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
var a: namespace.A = undefined;
a.d = .{ .g = &buf };
a.d.g[3] = 42;
a.d.g[3] += 1;
try expect(a.d.g[3] == 43);
var buf: [10]u8 align(@alignOf([*]u8)) = undefined;
const namespace = struct {
const B = struct { a: A };
const A = C(B);
pub fn C(comptime B: type) type {
return struct {
d: D(F) = .{},
const F = struct { b: B };
pub fn D(comptime F: type) type {
return struct {
g: [*]align(@alignOf(F)) u8 = undefined,
try S.doTheTest();
test "no dependency loop for alignment of self bare union" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
var a: namespace.A = undefined;
a.d = .{ .g = &buf };
a.d.g[3] = 42;
a.d.g[3] += 1;
try expect(a.d.g[3] == 43);
var buf: [10]u8 align(@alignOf([*]u8)) = undefined;
const namespace = struct {
const B = union { a: A, b: void };
const A = C(B);
pub fn C(comptime B: type) type {
return struct {
d: D(F) = .{},
const F = struct { b: B };
pub fn D(comptime F: type) type {
return struct {
g: [*]align(@alignOf(F)) u8 = undefined,
try S.doTheTest();
test "no dependency loop for alignment of self tagged union" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
var a: namespace.A = undefined;
a.d = .{ .g = &buf };
a.d.g[3] = 42;
a.d.g[3] += 1;
try expect(a.d.g[3] == 43);
var buf: [10]u8 align(@alignOf([*]u8)) = undefined;
const namespace = struct {
const B = union(enum) { a: A, b: void };
const A = C(B);
pub fn C(comptime B: type) type {
return struct {
d: D(F) = .{},
const F = struct { b: B };
pub fn D(comptime F: type) type {
return struct {
g: [*]align(@alignOf(F)) u8 = undefined,
try S.doTheTest();
test "equality of pointers to comptime const" {
const a: i32 = undefined;
comptime assert(&a == &a);
test "storing an array of type in a field" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_x86_64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_arm) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() void {
comptime var foobar = Foobar.foo();
const Foobar = struct {
myTypes: [128]type,
str: [1024]u8,
fn foo() @This() {
comptime var foobar: Foobar = undefined;
foobar.str = [_]u8{'a'} ** 1024;
return foobar;
fn foo(arg: anytype) void {
_ = arg;
test "pass pointer to field of comptime-only type as a runtime parameter" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_x86_64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
const S = struct {
const Mixed = struct {
T: type,
x: i32,
const bag: Mixed = .{
.T = bool,
.x = 1234,
var ok = false;
fn doTheTest() !void {
try expect(ok);
fn foo(ptr: *const i32) void {
ok = ptr.* == 1234;
try S.doTheTest();
test "comptime write through extern struct reinterpreted as array" {
comptime {
const S = extern struct {
a: u8,
b: u8,
c: u8,
var s: S = undefined;
@ptrCast(*[3]u8, &s)[0] = 1;
@ptrCast(*[3]u8, &s)[1] = 2;
@ptrCast(*[3]u8, &s)[2] = 3;
assert(s.a == 1);
assert(s.b == 2);
assert(s.c == 3);
test "continue nested in a conditional in an inline for" {
var x: u32 = 1;
inline for ([_]u8{ 1, 2, 3 }) |_| {
if (1 == 1) {
x = 0;
try expect(x == 0);
test "optional pointer represented as a pointer value" {
comptime {
var val: u8 = 15;
const opt_ptr: ?*u8 = &val;
const payload_ptr = &opt_ptr.?;
try expect(payload_ptr.*.* == 15);
test "mutate through pointer-like optional at comptime" {
comptime {
var val: u8 = 15;
var opt_ptr: ?*const u8 = &val;
const payload_ptr = &opt_ptr.?;
payload_ptr.* = &@as(u8, 16);
try expect(payload_ptr.*.* == 16);
test "repeated value is correctly expanded" {
const S = struct { x: [4]i8 = std.mem.zeroes([4]i8) };
const M = struct { x: [4]S = std.mem.zeroes([4]S) };
comptime {
var res = M{};
for (.{ 1, 2, 3 }) |i| res.x[i].x[i] = i;
try expectEqual(M{ .x = .{
.{ .x = .{ 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
.{ .x = .{ 0, 1, 0, 0 } },
.{ .x = .{ 0, 0, 2, 0 } },
.{ .x = .{ 0, 0, 0, 3 } },
} }, res);
test "value in if block is comptime-known" {
const first = blk: {
const s = if (false) "a" else "b";
break :blk "foo" ++ s;
const second = blk: {
const S = struct { str: []const u8 };
const s = if (false) S{ .str = "a" } else S{ .str = "b" };
break :blk "foo" ++ s.str;
comptime try expect(std.mem.eql(u8, first, second));
test "lazy sizeof is resolved in division" {
const A = struct {
a: u32,
const a = 2;
try expect(@sizeOf(A) / a == 2);
try expect(@sizeOf(A) - a == 2);
test "lazy value is resolved as slice operand" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
const A = struct { a: u32 };
var a: [512]u64 = undefined;
const ptr1 = a[0..@sizeOf(A)];
const ptr2 = @ptrCast([*]u8, &a)[0..@sizeOf(A)];
try expect(@ptrToInt(ptr1) == @ptrToInt(ptr2));
try expect(ptr1.len == ptr2.len);
test "break from inline loop depends on runtime condition" {
const S = struct {
fn foo(a: u8) bool {
return a == 4;
const arr = [_]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4 };
const blk = blk: {
inline for (arr) |val| {
if (S.foo(val)) {
break :blk val;
return error.TestFailed;
try expect(blk == 4);
comptime var i = 0;
const blk = blk: {
inline while (i < arr.len) : (i += 1) {
const val = arr[i];
if (S.foo(val)) {
break :blk val;
return error.TestFailed;
try expect(blk == 4);
test "inline for inside a runtime condition" {
var a = false;
if (a) {
const arr = .{ 1, 2, 3 };
inline for (arr) |val| {
if (val < 3) continue;
try expect(val == 3);
test "continue in inline for inside a comptime switch" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
const arr = .{ 1, 2, 3 };
var count: u8 = 0;
switch (arr[1]) {
2 => {
inline for (arr) |val| {
if (val == 2) continue;
count += val;
else => {},
try expect(count == 4);
test "length of global array is determinable at comptime" {
const S = struct {
var bytes: [1024]u8 = undefined;
fn foo() !void {
try std.testing.expect(bytes.len == 1024);
comptime try S.foo();
test "continue nested inline for loop" {
// TODO: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/13175
if (true) return error.SkipZigTest;
var a: u8 = 0;
loop: inline for ([_]u8{ 1, 2 }) |x| {
inline for ([_]u8{1}) |y| {
if (x == y) {
continue :loop;
a = x;
try expect(x == 2);
try expect(a == 2);
test "continue nested inline for loop in named block expr" {
// TODO: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/13175
if (true) return error.SkipZigTest;
var a: u8 = 0;
loop: inline for ([_]u8{ 1, 2 }) |x| {
a = b: {
inline for ([_]u8{1}) |y| {
if (x == y) {
continue :loop;
break :b x;
try expect(x == 2);
try expect(a == 2);
test "x and false is comptime-known false" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
const T = struct {
var x: u32 = 0;
fn foo() bool {
x += 1; // Observable side-effect
return true;
if (T.foo() and T.foo() and false and T.foo()) {
@compileError("Condition should be comptime-known false");
try expect(T.x == 2);
T.x = 0;
if (T.foo() and T.foo() and b: {
_ = T.foo();
break :b false;
} and T.foo()) {
@compileError("Condition should be comptime-known false");
try expect(T.x == 3);
test "x or true is comptime-known true" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
const T = struct {
var x: u32 = 0;
fn foo() bool {
x += 1; // Observable side-effect
return false;
if (!(T.foo() or T.foo() or true or T.foo())) {
@compileError("Condition should be comptime-known false");
try expect(T.x == 2);
T.x = 0;
if (!(T.foo() or T.foo() or b: {
_ = T.foo();
break :b true;
} or T.foo())) {
@compileError("Condition should be comptime-known false");
try expect(T.x == 3);
test "non-optional and optional array elements concatenated" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_x86_64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_arm) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_wasm) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_sparc64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
const array = [1]u8{'A'} ++ [1]?u8{null};
var index: usize = 0;
try expect(array[index].? == 'A');
test "inline call in @TypeOf inherits is_inline property" {
const S = struct {
inline fn doNothing() void {}
const T = @TypeOf(doNothing());
try expect(S.T == void);
test "comptime function turns function value to function pointer" {
const S = struct {
fn fnPtr(function: anytype) *const @TypeOf(function) {
return &function;
fn Nil() u8 {
return 0;
const foo = &[_]*const fn () u8{
comptime try expect(S.foo[0] == &S.Nil);