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synced 2024-11-27 07:32:44 +00:00
* CLI: change to -mred-zone and -mno-red-zone to match gcc/clang. * build.zig: remove the double negative and make it an optional bool. This follows precedent from other flags, allowing the compiler CLI to be the decider of what is default instead of duplicating the default value into the build system code. * Compilation: make it an optional `want_red_zone` instead of a `no_red_zone` bool. The default is decided by a call to `target_util.hasRedZone`. * When creating a Clang command line, put -mred-zone on the command line if we are forcing it to be enabled. * Update update_clang_options.zig with respect to the recent {s}/{} format changes. * `zig cc` integration with red zone preference.
631 lines
17 KiB
631 lines
17 KiB
//! To get started, run this tool with no args and read the help message.
//! Clang has a file "options.td" which describes all of its command line parameter options.
//! When using `zig cc`, Zig acts as a proxy between the user and Clang. It does not need
//! to understand all the parameters, but it does need to understand some of them, such as
//! the target. This means that Zig must understand when a C command line parameter expects
//! to "consume" the next parameter on the command line.
//! For example, `-z -target` would mean to pass `-target` to the linker, whereas `-E -target`
//! would mean that the next parameter specifies the target.
const std = @import("std");
const fs = std.fs;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const json = std.json;
const KnownOpt = struct {
name: []const u8,
/// Corresponds to stage.zig ClangArgIterator.Kind
ident: []const u8,
const known_options = [_]KnownOpt{
.name = "target",
.ident = "target",
.name = "o",
.ident = "o",
.name = "c",
.ident = "c",
.name = "l",
.ident = "l",
.name = "pipe",
.ident = "ignore",
.name = "help",
.ident = "driver_punt",
.name = "fPIC",
.ident = "pic",
.name = "fno-PIC",
.ident = "no_pic",
.name = "fPIE",
.ident = "pie",
.name = "fno-PIE",
.ident = "no_pie",
.name = "nolibc",
.ident = "nostdlib",
.name = "nostdlib",
.ident = "nostdlib",
.name = "no-standard-libraries",
.ident = "nostdlib",
.name = "nostdlib++",
.ident = "nostdlib_cpp",
.name = "nostdinc++",
.ident = "nostdlib_cpp",
.name = "nostdlibinc",
.ident = "nostdlibinc",
.name = "nostdinc",
.ident = "nostdlibinc",
.name = "no-standard-includes",
.ident = "nostdlibinc",
.name = "shared",
.ident = "shared",
.name = "rdynamic",
.ident = "rdynamic",
.name = "Wl,",
.ident = "wl",
.name = "Xlinker",
.ident = "for_linker",
.name = "for-linker",
.ident = "for_linker",
.name = "for-linker=",
.ident = "for_linker",
.name = "z",
.ident = "linker_input_z",
.name = "E",
.ident = "preprocess_only",
.name = "preprocess",
.ident = "preprocess_only",
.name = "S",
.ident = "asm_only",
.name = "assemble",
.ident = "asm_only",
.name = "O0",
.ident = "optimize",
.name = "O1",
.ident = "optimize",
.name = "O2",
.ident = "optimize",
// O3 is only detected from the joined "-O" option
.name = "O4",
.ident = "optimize",
.name = "Og",
.ident = "optimize",
.name = "Os",
.ident = "optimize",
// Oz is only detected from the joined "-O" option
.name = "O",
.ident = "optimize",
.name = "Ofast",
.ident = "optimize",
.name = "optimize",
.ident = "optimize",
.name = "g1",
.ident = "debug",
.name = "gline-tables-only",
.ident = "debug",
.name = "g",
.ident = "debug",
.name = "debug",
.ident = "debug",
.name = "g-dwarf",
.ident = "debug",
.name = "g-dwarf-2",
.ident = "debug",
.name = "g-dwarf-3",
.ident = "debug",
.name = "g-dwarf-4",
.ident = "debug",
.name = "g-dwarf-5",
.ident = "debug",
.name = "fsanitize",
.ident = "sanitize",
.name = "T",
.ident = "linker_script",
.name = "###",
.ident = "dry_run",
.name = "v",
.ident = "verbose",
.name = "L",
.ident = "lib_dir",
.name = "library-directory",
.ident = "lib_dir",
.name = "mcpu",
.ident = "mcpu",
.name = "march",
.ident = "mcpu",
.name = "mtune",
.ident = "mcpu",
.name = "mred-zone",
.ident = "red_zone",
.name = "mno-red-zone",
.ident = "no_red_zone",
.name = "MD",
.ident = "dep_file",
.name = "MV",
.ident = "dep_file",
.name = "MF",
.ident = "dep_file",
.name = "MT",
.ident = "dep_file",
.name = "MG",
.ident = "dep_file",
.name = "MJ",
.ident = "dep_file",
.name = "MM",
.ident = "dep_file",
.name = "MMD",
.ident = "dep_file",
.name = "MP",
.ident = "dep_file",
.name = "MQ",
.ident = "dep_file",
.name = "F",
.ident = "framework_dir",
.name = "framework",
.ident = "framework",
const blacklisted_options = [_][]const u8{};
fn knownOption(name: []const u8) ?[]const u8 {
const chopped_name = if (std.mem.endsWith(u8, name, "=")) name[0 .. name.len - 1] else name;
for (known_options) |item| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, chopped_name, item.name)) {
return item.ident;
return null;
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const allocator = &arena.allocator;
const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(allocator);
if (args.len <= 1) {
usageAndExit(std.io.getStdErr(), args[0], 1);
if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[1], "--help")) {
usageAndExit(std.io.getStdOut(), args[0], 0);
if (args.len < 3) {
usageAndExit(std.io.getStdErr(), args[0], 1);
const llvm_tblgen_exe = args[1];
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, llvm_tblgen_exe, "-")) {
usageAndExit(std.io.getStdErr(), args[0], 1);
const llvm_src_root = args[2];
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, llvm_src_root, "-")) {
usageAndExit(std.io.getStdErr(), args[0], 1);
const child_args = [_][]const u8{
try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{s}/clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td", .{llvm_src_root}),
try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "-I={s}/llvm/include", .{llvm_src_root}),
try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "-I={s}/clang/include/clang/Driver", .{llvm_src_root}),
const child_result = try std.ChildProcess.exec(.{
.allocator = allocator,
.argv = &child_args,
.max_output_bytes = 100 * 1024 * 1024,
std.debug.warn("{s}\n", .{child_result.stderr});
const json_text = switch (child_result.term) {
.Exited => |code| if (code == 0) child_result.stdout else {
std.debug.warn("llvm-tblgen exited with code {d}\n", .{code});
else => {
std.debug.warn("llvm-tblgen crashed\n", .{});
var parser = json.Parser.init(allocator, false);
const tree = try parser.parse(json_text);
const root_map = &tree.root.Object;
var all_objects = std.ArrayList(*json.ObjectMap).init(allocator);
var it = root_map.iterator();
it_map: while (it.next()) |kv| {
if (kv.key.len == 0) continue;
if (kv.key[0] == '!') continue;
if (kv.value != .Object) continue;
if (!kv.value.Object.contains("NumArgs")) continue;
if (!kv.value.Object.contains("Name")) continue;
for (blacklisted_options) |blacklisted_key| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, blacklisted_key, kv.key)) continue :it_map;
if (kv.value.Object.get("Name").?.String.len == 0) continue;
try all_objects.append(&kv.value.Object);
// Some options have multiple matches. As an example, "-Wl,foo" matches both
// "W" and "Wl,". So we sort this list in order of descending priority.
std.sort.sort(*json.ObjectMap, all_objects.items, {}, objectLessThan);
var buffered_stdout = std.io.bufferedWriter(std.io.getStdOut().writer());
const stdout = buffered_stdout.writer();
try stdout.writeAll(
\\// This file is generated by tools/update_clang_options.zig.
\\// zig fmt: off
\\usingnamespace @import("clang_options.zig");
\\pub const data = blk: { @setEvalBranchQuota(6000); break :blk &[_]CliArg{
for (all_objects.items) |obj| {
const name = obj.get("Name").?.String;
var pd1 = false;
var pd2 = false;
var pslash = false;
for (obj.get("Prefixes").?.Array.items) |prefix_json| {
const prefix = prefix_json.String;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, prefix, "-")) {
pd1 = true;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, prefix, "--")) {
pd2 = true;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, prefix, "/")) {
pslash = true;
} else {
std.debug.warn("{s} has unrecognized prefix '{s}'\n", .{ name, prefix });
const syntax = objSyntax(obj);
if (std.mem.eql(u8, name, "MT") and syntax == .flag) {
// `-MT foo` is ambiguous because there is also an -MT flag
// The canonical way to specify the flag is with `/MT` and so we make this
// the only way.
try stdout.print("flagpsl(\"{s}\"),\n", .{name});
} else if (knownOption(name)) |ident| {
// Workaround the fact that in 'Options.td' -Ofast is listed as 'joined'
const final_syntax = if (std.mem.eql(u8, name, "Ofast")) .flag else syntax;
try stdout.print(
\\ .name = "{s}",
\\ .syntax = {s},
\\ .zig_equivalent = .{s},
\\ .pd1 = {s},
\\ .pd2 = {s},
\\ .psl = {s},
, .{ name, final_syntax, ident, pd1, pd2, pslash });
} else if (pd1 and !pd2 and !pslash and syntax == .flag) {
try stdout.print("flagpd1(\"{s}\"),\n", .{name});
} else if (!pd1 and !pd2 and pslash and syntax == .flag) {
try stdout.print("flagpsl(\"{s}\"),\n", .{name});
} else if (pd1 and !pd2 and !pslash and syntax == .joined) {
try stdout.print("joinpd1(\"{s}\"),\n", .{name});
} else if (pd1 and !pd2 and !pslash and syntax == .joined_or_separate) {
try stdout.print("jspd1(\"{s}\"),\n", .{name});
} else if (pd1 and !pd2 and !pslash and syntax == .separate) {
try stdout.print("sepd1(\"{s}\"),\n", .{name});
} else {
try stdout.print(
\\ .name = "{s}",
\\ .syntax = {s},
\\ .zig_equivalent = .other,
\\ .pd1 = {s},
\\ .pd2 = {s},
\\ .psl = {s},
, .{ name, syntax, pd1, pd2, pslash });
try stdout.writeAll(
try buffered_stdout.flush();
// TODO we should be able to import clang_options.zig but currently this is problematic because it will
// import stage2.zig and that causes a bunch of stuff to get exported
const Syntax = union(enum) {
/// A flag with no values.
/// An option which prefixes its (single) value.
/// An option which is followed by its value.
/// An option which is either joined to its (non-empty) value, or followed by its value.
/// An option which is both joined to its (first) value, and followed by its (second) value.
/// An option followed by its values, which are separated by commas.
/// An option which consumes an optional joined argument and any other remaining arguments.
/// An option which is which takes multiple (separate) arguments.
multi_arg: u8,
pub fn format(
self: Syntax,
comptime fmt: []const u8,
options: std.fmt.FormatOptions,
out_stream: anytype,
) !void {
switch (self) {
.multi_arg => |n| return out_stream.print(".{{.{s}={}}}", .{ @tagName(self), n }),
else => return out_stream.print(".{s}", .{@tagName(self)}),
fn objSyntax(obj: *json.ObjectMap) Syntax {
const num_args = @intCast(u8, obj.get("NumArgs").?.Integer);
for (obj.get("!superclasses").?.Array.items) |superclass_json| {
const superclass = superclass_json.String;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, superclass, "Joined")) {
return .joined;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, superclass, "CLJoined")) {
return .joined;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, superclass, "CLIgnoredJoined")) {
return .joined;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, superclass, "CLCompileJoined")) {
return .joined;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, superclass, "JoinedOrSeparate")) {
return .joined_or_separate;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, superclass, "CLJoinedOrSeparate")) {
return .joined_or_separate;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, superclass, "CLCompileJoinedOrSeparate")) {
return .joined_or_separate;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, superclass, "Flag")) {
return .flag;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, superclass, "CLFlag")) {
return .flag;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, superclass, "CLIgnoredFlag")) {
return .flag;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, superclass, "Separate")) {
return .separate;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, superclass, "JoinedAndSeparate")) {
return .joined_and_separate;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, superclass, "CommaJoined")) {
return .comma_joined;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, superclass, "CLRemainingArgsJoined")) {
return .remaining_args_joined;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, superclass, "MultiArg")) {
return .{ .multi_arg = num_args };
const name = obj.get("Name").?.String;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, name, "<input>")) {
return .flag;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, name, "<unknown>")) {
return .flag;
const kind_def = obj.get("Kind").?.Object.get("def").?.String;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, kind_def, "KIND_FLAG")) {
return .flag;
const key = obj.get("!name").?.String;
std.debug.warn("{s} (key {s}) has unrecognized superclasses:\n", .{ name, key });
for (obj.get("!superclasses").?.Array.items) |superclass_json| {
std.debug.warn(" {s}\n", .{superclass_json.String});
fn syntaxMatchesWithEql(syntax: Syntax) bool {
return switch (syntax) {
=> true,
=> false,
fn objectLessThan(context: void, a: *json.ObjectMap, b: *json.ObjectMap) bool {
// Priority is determined by exact matches first, followed by prefix matches in descending
// length, with key as a final tiebreaker.
const a_syntax = objSyntax(a);
const b_syntax = objSyntax(b);
const a_match_with_eql = syntaxMatchesWithEql(a_syntax);
const b_match_with_eql = syntaxMatchesWithEql(b_syntax);
if (a_match_with_eql and !b_match_with_eql) {
return true;
} else if (!a_match_with_eql and b_match_with_eql) {
return false;
if (!a_match_with_eql and !b_match_with_eql) {
const a_name = a.get("Name").?.String;
const b_name = b.get("Name").?.String;
if (a_name.len != b_name.len) {
return a_name.len > b_name.len;
const a_key = a.get("!name").?.String;
const b_key = b.get("!name").?.String;
return std.mem.lessThan(u8, a_key, b_key);
fn usageAndExit(file: fs.File, arg0: []const u8, code: u8) noreturn {
\\Usage: {s} /path/to/llvm-tblgen /path/to/git/llvm/llvm-project
\\Alternative Usage: zig run /path/to/git/zig/tools/update_clang_options.zig -- /path/to/llvm-tblgen /path/to/git/llvm/llvm-project
\\Prints to stdout Zig code which you can use to replace the file src/clang_options_data.zig.
, .{arg0}) catch std.process.exit(1);