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synced 2024-12-03 18:38:45 +00:00
The purpose of this branch is to switch to using an object file for each independent function, in order to make linking simpler - instead of relying on `-ffunction-sections` and `--gc-sections`, which involves the linker doing the work of linking everything and then undoing work via garbage collection, this will allow the linker to only include the compilation units that are depended on in the first place. This commit makes progress towards that goal.
188 lines
8.1 KiB
188 lines
8.1 KiB
const std = @import("std");
pub inline fn truncf(comptime dst_t: type, comptime src_t: type, a: src_t) dst_t {
const src_rep_t = std.meta.Int(.unsigned, @typeInfo(src_t).Float.bits);
const dst_rep_t = std.meta.Int(.unsigned, @typeInfo(dst_t).Float.bits);
const srcSigBits = std.math.floatMantissaBits(src_t);
const dstSigBits = std.math.floatMantissaBits(dst_t);
const SrcShift = std.math.Log2Int(src_rep_t);
// Various constants whose values follow from the type parameters.
// Any reasonable optimizer will fold and propagate all of these.
const srcBits = @typeInfo(src_t).Float.bits;
const srcExpBits = srcBits - srcSigBits - 1;
const srcInfExp = (1 << srcExpBits) - 1;
const srcExpBias = srcInfExp >> 1;
const srcMinNormal = 1 << srcSigBits;
const srcSignificandMask = srcMinNormal - 1;
const srcInfinity = srcInfExp << srcSigBits;
const srcSignMask = 1 << (srcSigBits + srcExpBits);
const srcAbsMask = srcSignMask - 1;
const roundMask = (1 << (srcSigBits - dstSigBits)) - 1;
const halfway = 1 << (srcSigBits - dstSigBits - 1);
const srcQNaN = 1 << (srcSigBits - 1);
const srcNaNCode = srcQNaN - 1;
const dstBits = @typeInfo(dst_t).Float.bits;
const dstExpBits = dstBits - dstSigBits - 1;
const dstInfExp = (1 << dstExpBits) - 1;
const dstExpBias = dstInfExp >> 1;
const underflowExponent = srcExpBias + 1 - dstExpBias;
const overflowExponent = srcExpBias + dstInfExp - dstExpBias;
const underflow = underflowExponent << srcSigBits;
const overflow = overflowExponent << srcSigBits;
const dstQNaN = 1 << (dstSigBits - 1);
const dstNaNCode = dstQNaN - 1;
// Break a into a sign and representation of the absolute value
const aRep: src_rep_t = @bitCast(src_rep_t, a);
const aAbs: src_rep_t = aRep & srcAbsMask;
const sign: src_rep_t = aRep & srcSignMask;
var absResult: dst_rep_t = undefined;
if (aAbs -% underflow < aAbs -% overflow) {
// The exponent of a is within the range of normal numbers in the
// destination format. We can convert by simply right-shifting with
// rounding and adjusting the exponent.
absResult = @truncate(dst_rep_t, aAbs >> (srcSigBits - dstSigBits));
absResult -%= @as(dst_rep_t, srcExpBias - dstExpBias) << dstSigBits;
const roundBits: src_rep_t = aAbs & roundMask;
if (roundBits > halfway) {
// Round to nearest
absResult += 1;
} else if (roundBits == halfway) {
// Ties to even
absResult += absResult & 1;
} else if (aAbs > srcInfinity) {
// a is NaN.
// Conjure the result by beginning with infinity, setting the qNaN
// bit and inserting the (truncated) trailing NaN field.
absResult = @intCast(dst_rep_t, dstInfExp) << dstSigBits;
absResult |= dstQNaN;
absResult |= @intCast(dst_rep_t, ((aAbs & srcNaNCode) >> (srcSigBits - dstSigBits)) & dstNaNCode);
} else if (aAbs >= overflow) {
// a overflows to infinity.
absResult = @intCast(dst_rep_t, dstInfExp) << dstSigBits;
} else {
// a underflows on conversion to the destination type or is an exact
// zero. The result may be a denormal or zero. Extract the exponent
// to get the shift amount for the denormalization.
const aExp = @intCast(u32, aAbs >> srcSigBits);
const shift = @intCast(u32, srcExpBias - dstExpBias - aExp + 1);
const significand: src_rep_t = (aRep & srcSignificandMask) | srcMinNormal;
// Right shift by the denormalization amount with sticky.
if (shift > srcSigBits) {
absResult = 0;
} else {
const sticky: src_rep_t = @boolToInt(significand << @intCast(SrcShift, srcBits - shift) != 0);
const denormalizedSignificand: src_rep_t = significand >> @intCast(SrcShift, shift) | sticky;
absResult = @intCast(dst_rep_t, denormalizedSignificand >> (srcSigBits - dstSigBits));
const roundBits: src_rep_t = denormalizedSignificand & roundMask;
if (roundBits > halfway) {
// Round to nearest
absResult += 1;
} else if (roundBits == halfway) {
// Ties to even
absResult += absResult & 1;
const result: dst_rep_t align(@alignOf(dst_t)) = absResult |
@truncate(dst_rep_t, sign >> @intCast(SrcShift, srcBits - dstBits));
return @bitCast(dst_t, result);
pub inline fn trunc_f80(comptime dst_t: type, a: f80) dst_t {
const dst_rep_t = std.meta.Int(.unsigned, @typeInfo(dst_t).Float.bits);
const src_sig_bits = std.math.floatMantissaBits(f80) - 1; // -1 for the integer bit
const dst_sig_bits = std.math.floatMantissaBits(dst_t);
const src_exp_bias = 16383;
const round_mask = (1 << (src_sig_bits - dst_sig_bits)) - 1;
const halfway = 1 << (src_sig_bits - dst_sig_bits - 1);
const dst_bits = @typeInfo(dst_t).Float.bits;
const dst_exp_bits = dst_bits - dst_sig_bits - 1;
const dst_inf_exp = (1 << dst_exp_bits) - 1;
const dst_exp_bias = dst_inf_exp >> 1;
const underflow = src_exp_bias + 1 - dst_exp_bias;
const overflow = src_exp_bias + dst_inf_exp - dst_exp_bias;
const dst_qnan = 1 << (dst_sig_bits - 1);
const dst_nan_mask = dst_qnan - 1;
// Break a into a sign and representation of the absolute value
var a_rep = std.math.break_f80(a);
const sign = a_rep.exp & 0x8000;
a_rep.exp &= 0x7FFF;
a_rep.fraction &= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
var abs_result: dst_rep_t = undefined;
if (a_rep.exp -% underflow < a_rep.exp -% overflow) {
// The exponent of a is within the range of normal numbers in the
// destination format. We can convert by simply right-shifting with
// rounding and adjusting the exponent.
abs_result = @as(dst_rep_t, a_rep.exp) << dst_sig_bits;
abs_result |= @truncate(dst_rep_t, a_rep.fraction >> (src_sig_bits - dst_sig_bits));
abs_result -%= @as(dst_rep_t, src_exp_bias - dst_exp_bias) << dst_sig_bits;
const round_bits = a_rep.fraction & round_mask;
if (round_bits > halfway) {
// Round to nearest
abs_result += 1;
} else if (round_bits == halfway) {
// Ties to even
abs_result += abs_result & 1;
} else if (a_rep.exp == 0x7FFF and a_rep.fraction != 0) {
// a is NaN.
// Conjure the result by beginning with infinity, setting the qNaN
// bit and inserting the (truncated) trailing NaN field.
abs_result = @intCast(dst_rep_t, dst_inf_exp) << dst_sig_bits;
abs_result |= dst_qnan;
abs_result |= @intCast(dst_rep_t, (a_rep.fraction >> (src_sig_bits - dst_sig_bits)) & dst_nan_mask);
} else if (a_rep.exp >= overflow) {
// a overflows to infinity.
abs_result = @intCast(dst_rep_t, dst_inf_exp) << dst_sig_bits;
} else {
// a underflows on conversion to the destination type or is an exact
// zero. The result may be a denormal or zero. Extract the exponent
// to get the shift amount for the denormalization.
const shift = src_exp_bias - dst_exp_bias - a_rep.exp;
// Right shift by the denormalization amount with sticky.
if (shift > src_sig_bits) {
abs_result = 0;
} else {
const sticky = @boolToInt(a_rep.fraction << @intCast(u6, shift) != 0);
const denormalized_significand = a_rep.fraction >> @intCast(u6, shift) | sticky;
abs_result = @intCast(dst_rep_t, denormalized_significand >> (src_sig_bits - dst_sig_bits));
const round_bits = denormalized_significand & round_mask;
if (round_bits > halfway) {
// Round to nearest
abs_result += 1;
} else if (round_bits == halfway) {
// Ties to even
abs_result += abs_result & 1;
const result align(@alignOf(dst_t)) = abs_result | @as(dst_rep_t, sign) << dst_bits - 16;
return @bitCast(dst_t, result);
test {
_ = @import("truncf_test.zig");