Thomas Ives 51efd553ae C backend: Improve lowering of Zig types to C types
1. Changed Zig pointers to functions to be typedef'd so then we can
   treat them the same as other types.

2. Distinguished between const slices (zig_L prefix) and mut slices
   (zig_M prefix).

3. Changed lowering of Zig "const pointers" (e.g. *const u8) to to C
   "pointers to const" (e.g. const char *) rather than C "const
   pointers" (e.g.  char * const)

4. Ensured that all typedefs are "linked" even if the decl doesn't
   require any forward declarations

5. Added test that exercises function pointer type rendering

6. Changed .slice_ptr instruction to allocate pointer local rather than
   a uintptr_t local
2021-11-10 12:39:47 -05:00

295 lines
5.9 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const mem = std.mem;
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const expectEqualStrings = std.testing.expectEqualStrings;
// normal comment
/// this is a documentation comment
/// doc comment line 2
fn emptyFunctionWithComments() void {}
test "empty function with comments" {
test "truncate" {
try expect(testTruncate(0x10fd) == 0xfd);
comptime try expect(testTruncate(0x10fd) == 0xfd);
fn testTruncate(x: u32) u8 {
return @truncate(u8, x);
test "truncate to non-power-of-two integers" {
try testTrunc(u32, u1, 0b10101, 0b1);
try testTrunc(u32, u1, 0b10110, 0b0);
try testTrunc(u32, u2, 0b10101, 0b01);
try testTrunc(u32, u2, 0b10110, 0b10);
try testTrunc(i32, i5, -4, -4);
try testTrunc(i32, i5, 4, 4);
try testTrunc(i32, i5, -28, 4);
try testTrunc(i32, i5, 28, -4);
try testTrunc(i32, i5, std.math.maxInt(i32), -1);
fn testTrunc(comptime Big: type, comptime Little: type, big: Big, little: Little) !void {
try expect(@truncate(Little, big) == little);
const g1: i32 = 1233 + 1;
var g2: i32 = 0;
test "global variables" {
try expect(g2 == 0);
g2 = g1;
try expect(g2 == 1234);
test "comptime keyword on expressions" {
const x: i32 = comptime x: {
break :x 1 + 2 + 3;
try expect(x == comptime 6);
test "type equality" {
try expect(*const u8 != *u8);
test "pointer dereferencing" {
var x = @as(i32, 3);
const y = &x;
y.* += 1;
try expect(x == 4);
try expect(y.* == 4);
test "const expression eval handling of variables" {
var x = true;
while (x) {
x = false;
test "character literals" {
try expect('\'' == single_quote);
const single_quote = '\'';
test "non const ptr to aliased type" {
const int = i32;
try expect(?*int == ?*i32);
test "cold function" {
comptime thisIsAColdFn();
fn thisIsAColdFn() void {
test "unicode escape in character literal" {
var a: u24 = '\u{01f4a9}';
try expect(a == 128169);
test "unicode character in character literal" {
try expect('💩' == 128169);
fn first4KeysOfHomeRow() []const u8 {
return "aoeu";
test "return string from function" {
try expect(mem.eql(u8, first4KeysOfHomeRow(), "aoeu"));
test "hex escape" {
try expect(mem.eql(u8, "\x68\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f", "hello"));
test "multiline string" {
const s1 =
const s2 = "one\ntwo)\nthree";
try expect(mem.eql(u8, s1, s2));
test "multiline string comments at start" {
const s1 =
const s2 = "two)\nthree";
try expect(mem.eql(u8, s1, s2));
test "multiline string comments at end" {
const s1 =
const s2 = "one\ntwo)";
try expect(mem.eql(u8, s1, s2));
test "multiline string comments in middle" {
const s1 =
const s2 = "one\nthree";
try expect(mem.eql(u8, s1, s2));
test "multiline string comments at multiple places" {
const s1 =
const s2 = "one\nthree\nfive";
try expect(mem.eql(u8, s1, s2));
test "string concatenation" {
try expect(mem.eql(u8, "OK" ++ " IT " ++ "WORKED", "OK IT WORKED"));
test "array mult operator" {
try expect(mem.eql(u8, "ab" ** 5, "ababababab"));
const OpaqueA = opaque {};
const OpaqueB = opaque {};
test "opaque types" {
try expect(*OpaqueA != *OpaqueB);
if (!builtin.zig_is_stage2) {
try expect(mem.eql(u8, @typeName(OpaqueA), "OpaqueA"));
try expect(mem.eql(u8, @typeName(OpaqueB), "OpaqueB"));
const global_a: i32 = 1234;
const global_b: *const i32 = &global_a;
const global_c: *const f32 = @ptrCast(*const f32, global_b);
test "compile time global reinterpret" {
const d = @ptrCast(*const i32, global_c);
try expect(d.* == 1234);
test "cast undefined" {
const array: [100]u8 = undefined;
const slice = @as([]const u8, &array);
fn testCastUndefined(x: []const u8) void {
_ = x;
test "implicit cast after unreachable" {
try expect(outer() == 1234);
fn inner() i32 {
return 1234;
fn outer() i64 {
return inner();
test "comptime if inside runtime while which unconditionally breaks" {
comptime testComptimeIfInsideRuntimeWhileWhichUnconditionallyBreaks(true);
fn testComptimeIfInsideRuntimeWhileWhichUnconditionallyBreaks(cond: bool) void {
while (cond) {
if (false) {}
test "implicit comptime while" {
while (false) {
fn fnThatClosesOverLocalConst() type {
const c = 1;
return struct {
fn g() i32 {
return c;
test "function closes over local const" {
const x = fnThatClosesOverLocalConst().g();
try expect(x == 1);
test "volatile load and store" {
var number: i32 = 1234;
const ptr = @as(*volatile i32, &number);
ptr.* += 1;
try expect(ptr.* == 1235);
fn fA() []const u8 {
return "a";
fn fB() []const u8 {
return "b";
test "call function pointer in struct" {
try expect(mem.eql(u8, f3(true), "a"));
try expect(mem.eql(u8, f3(false), "b"));
fn f3(x: bool) []const u8 {
var wrapper: FnPtrWrapper = .{
.fn_ptr = fB,
if (x) {
wrapper.fn_ptr = fA;
return wrapper.fn_ptr();
const FnPtrWrapper = struct {
fn_ptr: fn () []const u8,
test "const ptr from var variable" {
var x: u64 = undefined;
var y: u64 = undefined;
x = 78;
copy(&x, &y);
try expect(x == y);
fn copy(src: *const u64, dst: *u64) void {
dst.* = src.*;