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synced 2024-12-03 10:28:48 +00:00
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249 lines
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const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const mem = std.mem;
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const expectEqualStrings = std.testing.expectEqualStrings;
test "call result of if else expression" {
try expect(mem.eql(u8, f2(true), "a"));
try expect(mem.eql(u8, f2(false), "b"));
fn f2(x: bool) []const u8 {
return (if (x) fA else fB)();
fn fA() []const u8 {
return "a";
fn fB() []const u8 {
return "b";
test "memcpy and memset intrinsics" {
try testMemcpyMemset();
// TODO add comptime test coverage
//comptime try testMemcpyMemset();
fn testMemcpyMemset() !void {
var foo: [20]u8 = undefined;
var bar: [20]u8 = undefined;
@memset(&foo, 'A', foo.len);
@memcpy(&bar, &foo, bar.len);
try expect(bar[0] == 'A');
try expect(bar[11] == 'A');
try expect(bar[19] == 'A');
const OpaqueA = opaque {};
const OpaqueB = opaque {};
test "variable is allowed to be a pointer to an opaque type" {
var x: i32 = 1234;
_ = hereIsAnOpaqueType(@ptrCast(*OpaqueA, &x));
fn hereIsAnOpaqueType(ptr: *OpaqueA) *OpaqueA {
var a = ptr;
return a;
test "take address of parameter" {
try testTakeAddressOfParameter(12.34);
fn testTakeAddressOfParameter(f: f32) !void {
const f_ptr = &f;
try expect(f_ptr.* == 12.34);
test "pointer to void return type" {
try testPointerToVoidReturnType();
fn testPointerToVoidReturnType() anyerror!void {
const a = testPointerToVoidReturnType2();
return a.*;
const test_pointer_to_void_return_type_x = void{};
fn testPointerToVoidReturnType2() *const void {
return &test_pointer_to_void_return_type_x;
test "array 2D const double ptr" {
const rect_2d_vertexes = [_][1]f32{
try testArray2DConstDoublePtr(&rect_2d_vertexes[0][0]);
fn testArray2DConstDoublePtr(ptr: *const f32) !void {
const ptr2 = @ptrCast([*]const f32, ptr);
try expect(ptr2[0] == 1.0);
try expect(ptr2[1] == 2.0);
test "double implicit cast in same expression" {
var x = @as(i32, @as(u16, nine()));
try expect(x == 9);
fn nine() u8 {
return 9;
test "struct inside function" {
try testStructInFn();
comptime try testStructInFn();
fn testStructInFn() !void {
const BlockKind = u32;
const Block = struct {
kind: BlockKind,
var block = Block{ .kind = 1234 };
block.kind += 1;
try expect(block.kind == 1235);
test "fn call returning scalar optional in equality expression" {
try expect(getNull() == null);
fn getNull() ?*i32 {
return null;
var global_foo: *i32 = undefined;
test "global variable assignment with optional unwrapping with var initialized to undefined" {
const S = struct {
var data: i32 = 1234;
fn foo() ?*i32 {
return &data;
global_foo = S.foo() orelse {
try expect(global_foo.* == 1234);
test "peer result location with typed parent, runtime condition, comptime prongs" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest(arg: i32) i32 {
const st = Structy{
.bleh = if (arg == 1) 1 else 1,
if (st.bleh == 1)
return 1234;
return 0;
const Structy = struct {
bleh: i32,
try expect(S.doTheTest(0) == 1234);
try expect(S.doTheTest(1) == 1234);
fn ZA() type {
return struct {
b: B(),
const Self = @This();
fn B() type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
test "non-ambiguous reference of shadowed decls" {
try expect(ZA().B().Self != ZA().Self);
test "use of declaration with same name as primitive" {
const S = struct {
const @"u8" = u16;
const alias = @"u8";
const a: S.u8 = 300;
try expect(a == 300);
const b: S.alias = 300;
try expect(b == 300);
const @"u8" = u16;
const c: @"u8" = 300;
try expect(c == 300);
fn emptyFn() void {}
test "constant equal function pointers" {
const alias = emptyFn;
try expect(comptime x: {
break :x emptyFn == alias;
test "multiline string literal is null terminated" {
const s1 =
const s2 = "one\ntwo)\nthree";
try expect(std.cstr.cmp(s1, s2) == 0);
test "self reference through fn ptr field" {
const S = struct {
const A = struct {
f: fn (A) u8,
fn foo(a: A) u8 {
_ = a;
return 12;
var a: S.A = undefined;
a.f = S.foo;
try expect(a.f(a) == 12);
test "global variable initialized to global variable array element" {
try expect(global_ptr == &gdt[0]);
const GDTEntry = struct {
field: i32,
var gdt = [_]GDTEntry{
GDTEntry{ .field = 1 },
GDTEntry{ .field = 2 },
var global_ptr = &gdt[0];
test "global constant is loaded with a runtime-known index" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
var index: usize = 1;
const ptr = &pieces[index].field;
try expect(ptr.* == 2);
const Piece = struct {
field: i32,
const pieces = [_]Piece{ Piece{ .field = 1 }, Piece{ .field = 2 }, Piece{ .field = 3 } };
try S.doTheTest();