Andrew Kelley d29871977f remove redundant license headers from zig standard library
We already have a LICENSE file that covers the Zig Standard Library. We
no longer need to remind everyone that the license is MIT in every single

Previously this was introduced to clarify the situation for a fork of
Zig that made Zig's LICENSE file harder to find, and replaced it with
their own license that required annual payments to their company.
However that fork now appears to be dead. So there is no need to
reinforce the copyright notice in every single file.
2021-08-24 12:25:09 -07:00

49 lines
1.8 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
export var _tls_index: u32 = std.os.windows.TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES;
export var _tls_start: u8 linksection(".tls") = 0;
export var _tls_end: u8 linksection(".tls$ZZZ") = 0;
export var __xl_a: std.os.windows.PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK linksection(".CRT$XLA") = null;
export var __xl_z: std.os.windows.PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK linksection(".CRT$XLZ") = null;
comptime {
if (builtin.target.cpu.arch == .i386) {
// The __tls_array is the offset of the ThreadLocalStoragePointer field
// in the TEB block whose base address held in the %fs segment.
asm (
\\ .global __tls_array
\\ __tls_array = 0x2C
// TODO this is how I would like it to be expressed
// TODO also note, ReactOS has a +1 on StartAddressOfRawData and AddressOfCallBacks. Investigate
// why they do that.
//export const _tls_used linksection(".rdata$T") = std.os.windows.IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY {
// .StartAddressOfRawData = @ptrToInt(&_tls_start),
// .EndAddressOfRawData = @ptrToInt(&_tls_end),
// .AddressOfIndex = @ptrToInt(&_tls_index),
// .AddressOfCallBacks = @ptrToInt(__xl_a),
// .SizeOfZeroFill = 0,
// .Characteristics = 0,
// This is the workaround because we can't do @ptrToInt at comptime like that.
pub const IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY = extern struct {
StartAddressOfRawData: *c_void,
EndAddressOfRawData: *c_void,
AddressOfIndex: *c_void,
AddressOfCallBacks: *c_void,
SizeOfZeroFill: u32,
Characteristics: u32,
export const _tls_used linksection(".rdata$T") = IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY{
.StartAddressOfRawData = &_tls_start,
.EndAddressOfRawData = &_tls_end,
.AddressOfIndex = &_tls_index,
.AddressOfCallBacks = &__xl_a,
.SizeOfZeroFill = 0,
.Characteristics = 0,