2018-04-16 03:26:10 +03:00

408 lines
10 KiB

// These functions are provided when not linking against libc because LLVM
// sometimes generates code that calls them.
const builtin = @import("builtin");
// Avoid dragging in the runtime safety mechanisms into this .o file,
// unless we're trying to test this file.
pub fn panic(msg: []const u8, error_return_trace: ?&builtin.StackTrace) noreturn {
if (builtin.is_test) {
@import("std").debug.panic("{}", msg);
} else {
export fn memset(dest: ?&u8, c: u8, n: usize) ?&u8 {
var index: usize = 0;
while (index != n) : (index += 1)
(??dest)[index] = c;
return dest;
export fn memcpy(noalias dest: ?&u8, noalias src: ?&const u8, n: usize) ?&u8 {
var index: usize = 0;
while (index != n) : (index += 1)
(??dest)[index] = (??src)[index];
return dest;
export fn memmove(dest: ?&u8, src: ?&const u8, n: usize) ?&u8 {
if (@ptrToInt(dest) < @ptrToInt(src)) {
var index: usize = 0;
while (index != n) : (index += 1) {
(??dest)[index] = (??src)[index];
} else {
var index = n;
while (index != 0) {
index -= 1;
(??dest)[index] = (??src)[index];
return dest;
comptime {
if (builtin.mode != builtin.Mode.ReleaseFast and
builtin.mode != builtin.Mode.ReleaseSmall and
builtin.os != builtin.Os.windows) {
@export("__stack_chk_fail", __stack_chk_fail, builtin.GlobalLinkage.Strong);
if (builtin.os == builtin.Os.linux and builtin.arch == builtin.Arch.x86_64) {
@export("clone", clone, builtin.GlobalLinkage.Strong);
extern fn __stack_chk_fail() noreturn {
@panic("stack smashing detected");
// TODO we should be able to put this directly in std/linux/x86_64.zig but
// it causes a segfault in release mode. this is a workaround of calling it
// across .o file boundaries. fix comptime @ptrCast of nakedcc functions.
nakedcc fn clone() void {
asm volatile (
\\ xor %%eax,%%eax
\\ mov $56,%%al
\\ mov %%rdi,%%r11
\\ mov %%rdx,%%rdi
\\ mov %%r8,%%rdx
\\ mov %%r9,%%r8
\\ mov 8(%%rsp),%%r10
\\ mov %%r11,%%r9
\\ and $-16,%%rsi
\\ sub $8,%%rsi
\\ mov %%rcx,(%%rsi)
\\ syscall
\\ test %%eax,%%eax
\\ jnz 1f
\\ xor %%ebp,%%ebp
\\ pop %%rdi
\\ call *%%r9
\\ mov %%eax,%%edi
\\ xor %%eax,%%eax
\\ mov $60,%%al
\\ syscall
\\ hlt
\\1: ret
const math = @import("../math/index.zig");
export fn fmodf(x: f32, y: f32) f32 { return generic_fmod(f32, x, y); }
export fn fmod(x: f64, y: f64) f64 { return generic_fmod(f64, x, y); }
// TODO add intrinsics for these (and probably the double version too)
// and have the math stuff use the intrinsic. same as @mod and @rem
export fn floorf(x: f32) f32 { return math.floor(x); }
export fn ceilf(x: f32) f32 { return math.ceil(x); }
export fn floor(x: f64) f64 { return math.floor(x); }
export fn ceil(x: f64) f64 { return math.ceil(x); }
fn generic_fmod(comptime T: type, x: T, y: T) T {
const uint = @IntType(false, T.bit_count);
const log2uint = math.Log2Int(uint);
const digits = if (T == f32) 23 else 52;
const exp_bits = if (T == f32) 9 else 12;
const bits_minus_1 = T.bit_count - 1;
const mask = if (T == f32) 0xff else 0x7ff;
var ux = @bitCast(uint, x);
var uy = @bitCast(uint, y);
var ex = i32((ux >> digits) & mask);
var ey = i32((uy >> digits) & mask);
const sx = if (T == f32) u32(ux & 0x80000000) else i32(ux >> bits_minus_1);
var i: uint = undefined;
if (uy << 1 == 0 or isNan(uint, uy) or ex == mask)
return (x * y) / (x * y);
if (ux << 1 <= uy << 1) {
if (ux << 1 == uy << 1)
return 0 * x;
return x;
// normalize x and y
if (ex == 0) {
i = ux << exp_bits;
while (i >> bits_minus_1 == 0) : (b: {ex -= 1; break :b i <<= 1;}) {}
ux <<= log2uint(@bitCast(u32, -ex + 1));
} else {
ux &= @maxValue(uint) >> exp_bits;
ux |= 1 << digits;
if (ey == 0) {
i = uy << exp_bits;
while (i >> bits_minus_1 == 0) : (b: {ey -= 1; break :b i <<= 1;}) {}
uy <<= log2uint(@bitCast(u32, -ey + 1));
} else {
uy &= @maxValue(uint) >> exp_bits;
uy |= 1 << digits;
// x mod y
while (ex > ey) : (ex -= 1) {
i = ux -% uy;
if (i >> bits_minus_1 == 0) {
if (i == 0)
return 0 * x;
ux = i;
ux <<= 1;
i = ux -% uy;
if (i >> bits_minus_1 == 0) {
if (i == 0)
return 0 * x;
ux = i;
while (ux >> digits == 0) : (b: {ux <<= 1; break :b ex -= 1;}) {}
// scale result up
if (ex > 0) {
ux -%= 1 << digits;
ux |= uint(@bitCast(u32, ex)) << digits;
} else {
ux >>= log2uint(@bitCast(u32, -ex + 1));
if (T == f32) {
ux |= sx;
} else {
ux |= uint(sx) << bits_minus_1;
return @bitCast(T, ux);
fn isNan(comptime T: type, bits: T) bool {
if (T == u32) {
return (bits & 0x7fffffff) > 0x7f800000;
} else if (T == u64) {
return (bits & (@maxValue(u64) >> 1)) > (u64(0x7ff) << 52);
} else {
// NOTE: The original code is full of implicit signed -> unsigned assumptions and u32 wraparound
// behaviour. Most intermediate i32 values are changed to u32 where appropriate but there are
// potentially some edge cases remaining that are not handled in the same way.
export fn sqrt(x: f64) f64 {
const tiny: f64 = 1.0e-300;
const sign: u32 = 0x80000000;
const u = @bitCast(u64, x);
var ix0 = u32(u >> 32);
var ix1 = u32(u & 0xFFFFFFFF);
// sqrt(nan) = nan, sqrt(+inf) = +inf, sqrt(-inf) = nan
if (ix0 & 0x7FF00000 == 0x7FF00000) {
return x * x + x;
// sqrt(+-0) = +-0
if (x == 0.0) {
return x;
// sqrt(-ve) = snan
if (ix0 & sign != 0) {
return math.snan(f64);
// normalize x
var m = i32(ix0 >> 20);
if (m == 0) {
// subnormal
while (ix0 == 0) {
m -= 21;
ix0 |= ix1 >> 11;
ix1 <<= 21;
// subnormal
var i: u32 = 0;
while (ix0 & 0x00100000 == 0) : (i += 1) {
ix0 <<= 1;
m -= i32(i) - 1;
ix0 |= ix1 >> u5(32 - i);
ix1 <<= u5(i);
// unbias exponent
m -= 1023;
ix0 = (ix0 & 0x000FFFFF) | 0x00100000;
if (m & 1 != 0) {
ix0 += ix0 + (ix1 >> 31);
ix1 = ix1 +% ix1;
m >>= 1;
// sqrt(x) bit by bit
ix0 += ix0 + (ix1 >> 31);
ix1 = ix1 +% ix1;
var q: u32 = 0;
var q1: u32 = 0;
var s0: u32 = 0;
var s1: u32 = 0;
var r: u32 = 0x00200000;
var t: u32 = undefined;
var t1: u32 = undefined;
while (r != 0) {
t = s0 +% r;
if (t <= ix0) {
s0 = t + r;
ix0 -= t;
q += r;
ix0 = ix0 +% ix0 +% (ix1 >> 31);
ix1 = ix1 +% ix1;
r >>= 1;
r = sign;
while (r != 0) {
t = s1 +% r;
t = s0;
if (t < ix0 or (t == ix0 and t1 <= ix1)) {
s1 = t1 +% r;
if (t1 & sign == sign and s1 & sign == 0) {
s0 += 1;
ix0 -= t;
if (ix1 < t1) {
ix0 -= 1;
ix1 = ix1 -% t1;
q1 += r;
ix0 = ix0 +% ix0 +% (ix1 >> 31);
ix1 = ix1 +% ix1;
r >>= 1;
// rounding direction
if (ix0 | ix1 != 0) {
var z = 1.0 - tiny; // raise inexact
if (z >= 1.0) {
z = 1.0 + tiny;
if (q1 == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
q1 = 0;
q += 1;
} else if (z > 1.0) {
if (q1 == 0xFFFFFFFE) {
q += 1;
q1 += 2;
} else {
q1 += q1 & 1;
ix0 = (q >> 1) + 0x3FE00000;
ix1 = q1 >> 1;
if (q & 1 != 0) {
ix1 |= 0x80000000;
// NOTE: musl here appears to rely on signed twos-complement wraparound. +% has the same
// behaviour at least.
var iix0 = i32(ix0);
iix0 = iix0 +% (m << 20);
const uz = (u64(iix0) << 32) | ix1;
return @bitCast(f64, uz);
export fn sqrtf(x: f32) f32 {
const tiny: f32 = 1.0e-30;
const sign: i32 = @bitCast(i32, u32(0x80000000));
var ix: i32 = @bitCast(i32, x);
if ((ix & 0x7F800000) == 0x7F800000) {
return x * x + x; // sqrt(nan) = nan, sqrt(+inf) = +inf, sqrt(-inf) = snan
// zero
if (ix <= 0) {
if (ix & ~sign == 0) {
return x; // sqrt (+-0) = +-0
if (ix < 0) {
return math.snan(f32);
// normalize
var m = ix >> 23;
if (m == 0) {
// subnormal
var i: i32 = 0;
while (ix & 0x00800000 == 0) : (i += 1) {
ix <<= 1;
m -= i - 1;
m -= 127; // unbias exponent
ix = (ix & 0x007FFFFF) | 0x00800000;
if (m & 1 != 0) { // odd m, double x to even
ix += ix;
m >>= 1; // m = [m / 2]
// sqrt(x) bit by bit
ix += ix;
var q: i32 = 0; // q = sqrt(x)
var s: i32 = 0;
var r: i32 = 0x01000000; // r = moving bit right -> left
while (r != 0) {
const t = s + r;
if (t <= ix) {
s = t + r;
ix -= t;
q += r;
ix += ix;
r >>= 1;
// floating add to find rounding direction
if (ix != 0) {
var z = 1.0 - tiny; // inexact
if (z >= 1.0) {
z = 1.0 + tiny;
if (z > 1.0) {
q += 2;
} else {
if (q & 1 != 0) {
q += 1;
ix = (q >> 1) + 0x3f000000;
ix += m << 23;
return @bitCast(f32, ix);