Andrew Kelley 5619ce2406 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into stage2-whole-file-astgen
 * doc/langref.html.in
 * lib/std/enums.zig
 * lib/std/fmt.zig
 * lib/std/hash/auto_hash.zig
 * lib/std/math.zig
 * lib/std/mem.zig
 * lib/std/meta.zig
 * test/behavior/alignof.zig
 * test/behavior/bitcast.zig
 * test/behavior/bugs/1421.zig
 * test/behavior/cast.zig
 * test/behavior/ptrcast.zig
 * test/behavior/type_info.zig
 * test/behavior/vector.zig

Master branch added `try` to a bunch of testing function calls, and some
lines also had changed how to refer to the native architecture and other
`@import("builtin")` stuff.
2021-05-08 14:45:21 -07:00

338 lines
10 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const expectEqualSlices = std.testing.expectEqualSlices;
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;
const mem = std.mem;
const x = @intToPtr([*]i32, 0x1000)[0..0x500];
const y = x[0x100..];
test "compile time slice of pointer to hard coded address" {
try expect(@ptrToInt(x) == 0x1000);
try expect(x.len == 0x500);
try expect(@ptrToInt(y) == 0x1100);
try expect(y.len == 0x400);
test "runtime safety lets us slice from len..len" {
var an_array = [_]u8{
try expect(mem.eql(u8, sliceFromLenToLen(an_array[0..], 3, 3), ""));
fn sliceFromLenToLen(a_slice: []u8, start: usize, end: usize) []u8 {
return a_slice[start..end];
test "implicitly cast array of size 0 to slice" {
var msg = [_]u8{};
try assertLenIsZero(&msg);
fn assertLenIsZero(msg: []const u8) !void {
try expect(msg.len == 0);
test "C pointer" {
var buf: [*c]const u8 = "kjdhfkjdhfdkjhfkfjhdfkjdhfkdjhfdkjhf";
var len: u32 = 10;
var slice = buf[0..len];
try expectEqualSlices(u8, "kjdhfkjdhf", slice);
test "C pointer slice access" {
var buf: [10]u32 = [1]u32{42} ** 10;
const c_ptr = @ptrCast([*c]const u32, &buf);
var runtime_zero: usize = 0;
comptime try expectEqual([]const u32, @TypeOf(c_ptr[runtime_zero..1]));
comptime try expectEqual(*const [1]u32, @TypeOf(c_ptr[0..1]));
for (c_ptr[0..5]) |*cl| {
try expectEqual(@as(u32, 42), cl.*);
fn sliceSum(comptime q: []const u8) i32 {
comptime var result = 0;
inline for (q) |item| {
result += item;
return result;
test "comptime slices are disambiguated" {
try expect(sliceSum(&[_]u8{ 1, 2 }) == 3);
try expect(sliceSum(&[_]u8{ 3, 4 }) == 7);
test "slice type with custom alignment" {
const LazilyResolvedType = struct {
anything: i32,
var slice: []align(32) LazilyResolvedType = undefined;
var array: [10]LazilyResolvedType align(32) = undefined;
slice = &array;
slice[1].anything = 42;
try expect(array[1].anything == 42);
test "access len index of sentinel-terminated slice" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
var slice: [:0]const u8 = "hello";
try expect(slice.len == 5);
try expect(slice[5] == 0);
try S.doTheTest();
comptime try S.doTheTest();
test "obtaining a null terminated slice" {
// here we have a normal array
var buf: [50]u8 = undefined;
buf[0] = 'a';
buf[1] = 'b';
buf[2] = 'c';
buf[3] = 0;
// now we obtain a null terminated slice:
const ptr = buf[0..3 :0];
var runtime_len: usize = 3;
const ptr2 = buf[0..runtime_len :0];
// ptr2 is a null-terminated slice
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(ptr2) == [:0]u8);
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(ptr2[0..2]) == *[2]u8);
var runtime_zero: usize = 0;
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(ptr2[runtime_zero..2]) == []u8);
test "empty array to slice" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
const empty: []align(16) u8 = &[_]u8{};
const align_1: []align(1) u8 = empty;
const align_4: []align(4) u8 = empty;
const align_16: []align(16) u8 = empty;
try expectEqual(1, @typeInfo(@TypeOf(align_1)).Pointer.alignment);
try expectEqual(4, @typeInfo(@TypeOf(align_4)).Pointer.alignment);
try expectEqual(16, @typeInfo(@TypeOf(align_16)).Pointer.alignment);
try S.doTheTest();
comptime try S.doTheTest();
test "@ptrCast slice to pointer" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
var array align(@alignOf(u16)) = [5]u8{ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };
var slice: []u8 = &array;
var ptr = @ptrCast(*u16, slice);
try expect(ptr.* == 65535);
try S.doTheTest();
comptime try S.doTheTest();
test "slice syntax resulting in pointer-to-array" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
try testArray();
try testArrayZ();
try testArray0();
try testArrayAlign();
try testPointer();
try testPointerZ();
try testPointer0();
try testPointerAlign();
try testSlice();
try testSliceZ();
try testSlice0();
try testSliceOpt();
try testSliceAlign();
fn testArray() !void {
var array = [5]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
var slice = array[1..3];
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(slice) == *[2]u8);
try expect(slice[0] == 2);
try expect(slice[1] == 3);
fn testArrayZ() !void {
var array = [5:0]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(array[1..3]) == *[2]u8);
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(array[1..5]) == *[4:0]u8);
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(array[1..]) == *[4:0]u8);
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(array[1..3 :4]) == *[2:4]u8);
fn testArray0() !void {
var array = [0]u8{};
var slice = array[0..0];
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(slice) == *[0]u8);
var array = [0:0]u8{};
var slice = array[0..0];
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(slice) == *[0:0]u8);
try expect(slice[0] == 0);
fn testArrayAlign() !void {
var array align(4) = [5]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
var slice = array[4..5];
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(slice) == *align(4) [1]u8);
try expect(slice[0] == 5);
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(array[0..2]) == *align(4) [2]u8);
fn testPointer() !void {
var array = [5]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
var pointer: [*]u8 = &array;
var slice = pointer[1..3];
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(slice) == *[2]u8);
try expect(slice[0] == 2);
try expect(slice[1] == 3);
fn testPointerZ() !void {
var array = [5:0]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
var pointer: [*:0]u8 = &array;
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(pointer[1..3]) == *[2]u8);
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(pointer[1..3 :4]) == *[2:4]u8);
fn testPointer0() !void {
var pointer: [*]const u0 = &[1]u0{0};
var slice = pointer[0..1];
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(slice) == *const [1]u0);
try expect(slice[0] == 0);
fn testPointerAlign() !void {
var array align(4) = [5]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
var pointer: [*]align(4) u8 = &array;
var slice = pointer[4..5];
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(slice) == *align(4) [1]u8);
try expect(slice[0] == 5);
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(pointer[0..2]) == *align(4) [2]u8);
fn testSlice() !void {
var array = [5]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
var src_slice: []u8 = &array;
var slice = src_slice[1..3];
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(slice) == *[2]u8);
try expect(slice[0] == 2);
try expect(slice[1] == 3);
fn testSliceZ() !void {
var array = [5:0]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
var slice: [:0]u8 = &array;
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(slice[1..3]) == *[2]u8);
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(slice[1..]) == [:0]u8);
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(slice[1..3 :4]) == *[2:4]u8);
fn testSliceOpt() !void {
var array: [2]u8 = [2]u8{ 1, 2 };
var slice: ?[]u8 = &array;
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(&array, slice) == ?[]u8);
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(slice.?[0..2]) == *[2]u8);
fn testSlice0() !void {
var array = [0]u8{};
var src_slice: []u8 = &array;
var slice = src_slice[0..0];
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(slice) == *[0]u8);
var array = [0:0]u8{};
var src_slice: [:0]u8 = &array;
var slice = src_slice[0..0];
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(slice) == *[0]u8);
fn testSliceAlign() !void {
var array align(4) = [5]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
var src_slice: []align(4) u8 = &array;
var slice = src_slice[4..5];
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(slice) == *align(4) [1]u8);
try expect(slice[0] == 5);
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(src_slice[0..2]) == *align(4) [2]u8);
fn testConcatStrLiterals() !void {
try expectEqualSlices("a"[0..] ++ "b"[0..], "ab");
try expectEqualSlices("a"[0.. :0] ++ "b"[0.. :0], "ab");
try S.doTheTest();
comptime try S.doTheTest();
test "slice of hardcoded address to pointer" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
const pointer = @intToPtr([*]u8, 0x04)[0..2];
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(pointer) == *[2]u8);
const slice: []const u8 = pointer;
try expect(@ptrToInt(slice.ptr) == 4);
try expect(slice.len == 2);
try S.doTheTest();
test "type coercion of pointer to anon struct literal to pointer to slice" {
const S = struct {
const U = union {
a: u32,
b: bool,
c: []const u8,
fn doTheTest() !void {
var x1: u8 = 42;
const t1 = &.{ x1, 56, 54 };
var slice1: []const u8 = t1;
try expect(slice1.len == 3);
try expect(slice1[0] == 42);
try expect(slice1[1] == 56);
try expect(slice1[2] == 54);
var x2: []const u8 = "hello";
const t2 = &.{ x2, ", ", "world!" };
// @compileLog(@TypeOf(t2));
var slice2: []const []const u8 = t2;
try expect(slice2.len == 3);
try expect(mem.eql(u8, slice2[0], "hello"));
try expect(mem.eql(u8, slice2[1], ", "));
try expect(mem.eql(u8, slice2[2], "world!"));
// try S.doTheTest();
comptime try S.doTheTest();