mlugg f26dda2117 all: migrate code to new cast builtin syntax
Most of this migration was performed automatically with `zig fmt`. There
were a few exceptions which I had to manually fix:

* `@alignCast` and `@addrSpaceCast` cannot be automatically rewritten
* `@truncate`'s fixup is incorrect for vectors
* Test cases are not formatted, and their error locations change
2023-06-24 16:56:39 -07:00

42 lines
1.1 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const udivmod = @import("udivmod.zig").udivmod;
const arch = builtin.cpu.arch;
const common = @import("common.zig");
pub const panic = common.panic;
comptime {
if (common.want_windows_v2u64_abi) {
@export(__divti3_windows_x86_64, .{ .name = "__divti3", .linkage = common.linkage, .visibility = common.visibility });
} else {
@export(__divti3, .{ .name = "__divti3", .linkage = common.linkage, .visibility = common.visibility });
pub fn __divti3(a: i128, b: i128) callconv(.C) i128 {
return div(a, b);
const v128 = @Vector(2, u64);
fn __divti3_windows_x86_64(a: v128, b: v128) callconv(.C) v128 {
return @as(v128, @bitCast(div(@as(i128, @bitCast(a)), @as(i128, @bitCast(b)))));
inline fn div(a: i128, b: i128) i128 {
const s_a = a >> (128 - 1);
const s_b = b >> (128 - 1);
const an = (a ^ s_a) -% s_a;
const bn = (b ^ s_b) -% s_b;
const r = udivmod(u128, @as(u128, @bitCast(an)), @as(u128, @bitCast(bn)), null);
const s = s_a ^ s_b;
return (@as(i128, @bitCast(r)) ^ s) -% s;
test {
_ = @import("divti3_test.zig");