Jacob Young e3424332d3 Build: cleanup
* `doc/langref` formatting
 * upgrade `.{ .path = "..." }` to `b.path("...")`
 * avoid using arguments named `self`
 * make `Build.Step.Id` usage more consistent
 * add `Build.pathResolve`
 * use `pathJoin` and `pathResolve` everywhere
 * make sure `Build.LazyPath.getPath2` returns an absolute path
2024-05-05 09:42:51 -04:00

37 lines
842 B

const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const Foo = struct { data: *u32 };
fn getData() !u32 {
return 666;
fn genFoos(allocator: Allocator, num: usize) ![]Foo {
const foos = try allocator.alloc(Foo, num);
errdefer allocator.free(foos);
// Used to track how many foos have been initialized
// (including their data being allocated)
var num_allocated: usize = 0;
errdefer for (foos[0..num_allocated]) |foo| {
for (foos, 0..) |*foo, i| {
foo.data = try allocator.create(u32);
num_allocated += 1;
if (i >= 3) return error.TooManyFoos;
foo.data.* = try getData();
return foos;
test "genFoos" {
try std.testing.expectError(error.TooManyFoos, genFoos(std.testing.allocator, 5));
// test