2022-11-29 23:46:02 -07:00

342 lines
11 KiB

//! This is intended to be merged into GeneralPurposeAllocator at some point.
const std = @import("../std.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const mem = std.mem;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const wasm = std.wasm;
const math = std.math;
comptime {
if (!builtin.target.isWasm()) {
@compileError("WasmPageAllocator is only available for wasm32 arch");
pub const vtable = Allocator.VTable{
.alloc = alloc,
.resize = resize,
.free = free,
pub const Error = Allocator.Error;
const max_usize = math.maxInt(usize);
const ushift = math.Log2Int(usize);
const bigpage_size = 64 * 1024;
const pages_per_bigpage = bigpage_size / wasm.page_size;
const bigpage_count = max_usize / bigpage_size;
/// Because of storing free list pointers, the minimum size class is 3.
const min_class = math.log2(math.ceilPowerOfTwoAssert(usize, 1 + @sizeOf(usize)));
const size_class_count = math.log2(bigpage_size) - min_class;
/// 0 - 1 bigpage
/// 1 - 2 bigpages
/// 2 - 4 bigpages
/// etc.
const big_size_class_count = math.log2(bigpage_count);
var next_addrs = [1]usize{0} ** size_class_count;
/// For each size class, points to the freed pointer.
var frees = [1]usize{0} ** size_class_count;
/// For each big size class, points to the freed pointer.
var big_frees = [1]usize{0} ** big_size_class_count;
fn alloc(ctx: *anyopaque, len: usize, alignment: u29, len_align: u29, ra: usize) Error![]u8 {
_ = ctx;
_ = len_align;
_ = ra;
if (alignment > wasm.page_size) return error.OutOfMemory; // calm down
// Make room for the freelist next pointer.
const actual_len = @max(len +| @sizeOf(usize), alignment);
const slot_size = math.ceilPowerOfTwo(usize, actual_len) catch return error.OutOfMemory;
const class = math.log2(slot_size) - min_class;
if (class < size_class_count) {
const addr = a: {
const top_free_ptr = frees[class];
if (top_free_ptr != 0) {
const node = @intToPtr(*usize, top_free_ptr + (slot_size - @sizeOf(usize)));
frees[class] = node.*;
break :a top_free_ptr;
const next_addr = next_addrs[class];
if (next_addr % wasm.page_size == 0) {
const addr = try allocBigPages(1);
//std.debug.print("allocated fresh slot_size={d} class={d} addr=0x{x}\n", .{
// slot_size, class, addr,
next_addrs[class] = addr + slot_size;
break :a addr;
} else {
next_addrs[class] = next_addr + slot_size;
break :a next_addr;
return @intToPtr([*]u8, addr)[0..len];
const bigpages_needed = bigPagesNeeded(actual_len);
const addr = try allocBigPages(bigpages_needed);
return @intToPtr([*]u8, addr)[0..len];
fn resize(
ctx: *anyopaque,
buf: []u8,
buf_align: u29,
new_len: usize,
len_align: u29,
ra: usize,
) ?usize {
_ = ctx;
_ = len_align;
_ = ra;
// We don't want to move anything from one size class to another. But we can recover bytes
// in between powers of two.
const old_actual_len = @max(buf.len + @sizeOf(usize), buf_align);
const new_actual_len = @max(new_len +| @sizeOf(usize), buf_align);
const old_small_slot_size = math.ceilPowerOfTwoAssert(usize, old_actual_len);
const old_small_class = math.log2(old_small_slot_size) - min_class;
if (old_small_class < size_class_count) {
const new_small_slot_size = math.ceilPowerOfTwo(usize, new_actual_len) catch return null;
if (old_small_slot_size == new_small_slot_size) return new_len;
if (new_actual_len >= old_actual_len) return null;
const new_small_class = math.log2(new_small_slot_size) - min_class;
assert(new_small_class < old_small_class);
// Split the small allocation into frees.
var class = old_small_class - 1;
while (true) {
const slot_size = @as(usize, 1) << @intCast(ushift, class + min_class);
const upper_addr = @ptrToInt(buf.ptr) + slot_size;
const node = @intToPtr(*usize, upper_addr + (slot_size - @sizeOf(usize)));
node.* = frees[class];
frees[class] = upper_addr;
if (class == new_small_class) break;
class -= 1;
} else {
const old_bigpages_needed = bigPagesNeeded(old_actual_len);
const old_big_slot_pages = math.ceilPowerOfTwoAssert(usize, old_bigpages_needed);
const new_bigpages_needed = bigPagesNeeded(new_actual_len);
const new_big_slot_pages = math.ceilPowerOfTwo(usize, new_bigpages_needed) catch return null;
if (old_big_slot_pages == new_big_slot_pages) return new_len;
if (new_actual_len >= old_actual_len) return null;
const new_small_slot_size = math.ceilPowerOfTwoAssert(usize, new_actual_len);
if (new_small_slot_size < size_class_count) {
const new_small_class = math.log2(new_small_slot_size) - min_class;
// TODO: push the big allocation into the free list
_ = new_small_class;
} else {
const new_big_class = math.log2(new_big_slot_pages);
// TODO: push the upper area into the free list
_ = new_big_class;
return new_len;
fn free(
ctx: *anyopaque,
buf: []u8,
buf_align: u29,
return_address: usize,
) void {
_ = ctx;
_ = return_address;
const actual_len = @max(buf.len + @sizeOf(usize), buf_align);
const slot_size = math.ceilPowerOfTwoAssert(usize, actual_len);
const class = math.log2(slot_size) - min_class;
const addr = @ptrToInt(buf.ptr);
if (class < size_class_count) {
const node = @intToPtr(*usize, addr + (slot_size - @sizeOf(usize)));
node.* = frees[class];
frees[class] = addr;
} else {
const bigpages_needed = bigPagesNeeded(actual_len);
const pow2_pages = math.ceilPowerOfTwoAssert(usize, bigpages_needed);
const big_slot_size_bytes = pow2_pages * bigpage_size;
const node = @intToPtr(*usize, addr + (big_slot_size_bytes - @sizeOf(usize)));
const big_class = math.log2(pow2_pages);
node.* = big_frees[big_class];
big_frees[big_class] = addr;
inline fn bigPagesNeeded(byte_count: usize) usize {
return (byte_count + (bigpage_size + (@sizeOf(usize) - 1))) / bigpage_size;
fn allocBigPages(n: usize) !usize {
const pow2_pages = math.ceilPowerOfTwoAssert(usize, n);
const slot_size_bytes = pow2_pages * bigpage_size;
const class = math.log2(pow2_pages);
const top_free_ptr = big_frees[class];
if (top_free_ptr != 0) {
const node = @intToPtr(*usize, top_free_ptr + (slot_size_bytes - @sizeOf(usize)));
big_frees[class] = node.*;
return top_free_ptr;
const page_index = @wasmMemoryGrow(0, pow2_pages * pages_per_bigpage);
if (page_index <= 0) return error.OutOfMemory;
const addr = @intCast(u32, page_index) * wasm.page_size;
return addr;
const test_ally = Allocator{
.ptr = undefined,
.vtable = &vtable,
test "small allocations - free in same order" {
var list: [513]*u64 = undefined;
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < 513) : (i += 1) {
const ptr = try test_ally.create(u64);
list[i] = ptr;
for (list) |ptr| {
test "small allocations - free in reverse order" {
var list: [513]*u64 = undefined;
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < 513) : (i += 1) {
const ptr = try test_ally.create(u64);
list[i] = ptr;
i = list.len;
while (i > 0) {
i -= 1;
const ptr = list[i];
test "large allocations" {
const ptr1 = try test_ally.alloc(u64, 42768);
const ptr2 = try test_ally.alloc(u64, 52768);
const ptr3 = try test_ally.alloc(u64, 62768);
test "very large allocation" {
try std.testing.expectError(error.OutOfMemory, test_ally.alloc(u8, math.maxInt(usize)));
test "realloc" {
var slice = try test_ally.alignedAlloc(u8, @alignOf(u32), 1);
defer test_ally.free(slice);
slice[0] = 0x12;
// This reallocation should keep its pointer address.
const old_slice = slice;
slice = try test_ally.realloc(slice, 2);
try std.testing.expect(old_slice.ptr == slice.ptr);
try std.testing.expect(slice[0] == 0x12);
slice[1] = 0x34;
// This requires upgrading to a larger size class
slice = try test_ally.realloc(slice, 17);
try std.testing.expect(slice[0] == 0x12);
try std.testing.expect(slice[1] == 0x34);
test "shrink" {
var slice = try test_ally.alloc(u8, 20);
defer test_ally.free(slice);
mem.set(u8, slice, 0x11);
slice = test_ally.shrink(slice, 17);
for (slice) |b| {
try std.testing.expect(b == 0x11);
slice = test_ally.shrink(slice, 16);
for (slice) |b| {
try std.testing.expect(b == 0x11);
test "large object - grow" {
var slice1 = try test_ally.alloc(u8, bigpage_size * 2 - 20);
defer test_ally.free(slice1);
const old = slice1;
slice1 = try test_ally.realloc(slice1, bigpage_size * 2 - 10);
try std.testing.expect(slice1.ptr == old.ptr);
slice1 = try test_ally.realloc(slice1, bigpage_size * 2);
slice1 = try test_ally.realloc(slice1, bigpage_size * 2 + 1);
test "realloc small object to large object" {
var slice = try test_ally.alloc(u8, 70);
defer test_ally.free(slice);
slice[0] = 0x12;
slice[60] = 0x34;
// This requires upgrading to a large object
const large_object_size = bigpage_size * 2 + 50;
slice = try test_ally.realloc(slice, large_object_size);
try std.testing.expect(slice[0] == 0x12);
try std.testing.expect(slice[60] == 0x34);
test "shrink large object to large object" {
var slice = try test_ally.alloc(u8, bigpage_size * 2 + 50);
defer test_ally.free(slice);
slice[0] = 0x12;
slice[60] = 0x34;
slice = test_ally.resize(slice, bigpage_size * 2 + 1) orelse return;
try std.testing.expect(slice[0] == 0x12);
try std.testing.expect(slice[60] == 0x34);
slice = test_ally.shrink(slice, bigpage_size * 2 + 1);
try std.testing.expect(slice[0] == 0x12);
try std.testing.expect(slice[60] == 0x34);
slice = try test_ally.realloc(slice, bigpage_size * 2);
try std.testing.expect(slice[0] == 0x12);
try std.testing.expect(slice[60] == 0x34);
test "realloc large object to small object" {
var slice = try test_ally.alloc(u8, bigpage_size * 2 + 50);
defer test_ally.free(slice);
slice[0] = 0x12;
slice[16] = 0x34;
slice = try test_ally.realloc(slice, 19);
try std.testing.expect(slice[0] == 0x12);
try std.testing.expect(slice[16] == 0x34);
test "objects of size 1024 and 2048" {
const slice = try test_ally.alloc(u8, 1025);
const slice2 = try test_ally.alloc(u8, 3000);
test "standard allocator tests" {
try std.heap.testAllocator(test_ally);
try std.heap.testAllocatorAligned(test_ally);