Andrew Kelley e2e60f5ff9 std.heap.WasmAllocator: redo
The previous version had a fatal flaw: it did ensureCapacity(1) on the
freelist when allocating, but I neglected to consider that you could
free() twice in a row. Silly!

This strategy allocates an intrusive freelist node with every
allocation, big or small. It also does not have the problems with resize
because in this case we can push the upper areas of freed stuff into the
corresponding freelist.
2022-11-29 23:46:02 -07:00

236 lines
7.8 KiB

const WasmPageAllocator = @This();
const std = @import("../std.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const mem = std.mem;
const maxInt = std.math.maxInt;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
comptime {
if (!builtin.target.isWasm()) {
@compileError("WasmPageAllocator is only available for wasm32 arch");
pub const vtable = Allocator.VTable{
.alloc = alloc,
.resize = resize,
.free = free,
const PageStatus = enum(u1) {
used = 0,
free = 1,
pub const none_free: u8 = 0;
const FreeBlock = struct {
data: []u128,
const Io = std.packed_int_array.PackedIntIo(u1, .Little);
fn totalPages(self: FreeBlock) usize {
return self.data.len * 128;
fn isInitialized(self: FreeBlock) bool {
return self.data.len > 0;
fn getBit(self: FreeBlock, idx: usize) PageStatus {
const bit_offset = 0;
return @intToEnum(PageStatus, Io.get(mem.sliceAsBytes(self.data), idx, bit_offset));
fn setBits(self: FreeBlock, start_idx: usize, len: usize, val: PageStatus) void {
const bit_offset = 0;
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < len) : (i += 1) {
Io.set(mem.sliceAsBytes(self.data), start_idx + i, bit_offset, @enumToInt(val));
// Use '0xFFFFFFFF' as a _missing_ sentinel
// This saves ~50 bytes compared to returning a nullable
// We can guarantee that conventional memory never gets this big,
// and wasm32 would not be able to address this memory (32 GB > usize).
// Revisit if this is settled: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/3806
const not_found = maxInt(usize);
fn useRecycled(self: FreeBlock, num_pages: usize, log2_align: u8) usize {
for (self.data) |segment, i| {
const spills_into_next = @bitCast(i128, segment) < 0;
const has_enough_bits = @popCount(segment) >= num_pages;
if (!spills_into_next and !has_enough_bits) continue;
var j: usize = i * 128;
while (j < (i + 1) * 128) : (j += 1) {
var count: usize = 0;
while (j + count < self.totalPages() and self.getBit(j + count) == .free) {
count += 1;
const addr = j * mem.page_size;
if (count >= num_pages and mem.isAlignedLog2(addr, log2_align)) {
self.setBits(j, num_pages, .used);
return j;
j += count;
return not_found;
fn recycle(self: FreeBlock, start_idx: usize, len: usize) void {
self.setBits(start_idx, len, .free);
var _conventional_data = [_]u128{0} ** 16;
// Marking `conventional` as const saves ~40 bytes
const conventional = FreeBlock{ .data = &_conventional_data };
var extended = FreeBlock{ .data = &[_]u128{} };
fn extendedOffset() usize {
return conventional.totalPages();
fn nPages(memsize: usize) usize {
return mem.alignForward(memsize, mem.page_size) / mem.page_size;
fn alloc(ctx: *anyopaque, len: usize, log2_align: u8, ra: usize) ?[*]u8 {
_ = ctx;
_ = ra;
if (len > maxInt(usize) - (mem.page_size - 1)) return null;
const page_count = nPages(len);
const page_idx = allocPages(page_count, log2_align) catch return null;
return @intToPtr([*]u8, page_idx * mem.page_size);
fn allocPages(page_count: usize, log2_align: u8) !usize {
const idx = conventional.useRecycled(page_count, log2_align);
if (idx != FreeBlock.not_found) {
return idx;
const idx = extended.useRecycled(page_count, log2_align);
if (idx != FreeBlock.not_found) {
return idx + extendedOffset();
const next_page_idx = @wasmMemorySize(0);
const next_page_addr = next_page_idx * mem.page_size;
const aligned_addr = mem.alignForwardLog2(next_page_addr, log2_align);
const drop_page_count = @divExact(aligned_addr - next_page_addr, mem.page_size);
const result = @wasmMemoryGrow(0, @intCast(u32, drop_page_count + page_count));
if (result <= 0)
return error.OutOfMemory;
assert(result == next_page_idx);
const aligned_page_idx = next_page_idx + drop_page_count;
if (drop_page_count > 0) {
freePages(next_page_idx, aligned_page_idx);
return @intCast(usize, aligned_page_idx);
fn freePages(start: usize, end: usize) void {
if (start < extendedOffset()) {
conventional.recycle(start, @min(extendedOffset(), end) - start);
if (end > extendedOffset()) {
var new_end = end;
if (!extended.isInitialized()) {
// Steal the last page from the memory currently being recycled
// TODO: would it be better if we use the first page instead?
new_end -= 1;
extended.data = @intToPtr([*]u128, new_end * mem.page_size)[0 .. mem.page_size / @sizeOf(u128)];
// Since this is the first page being freed and we consume it, assume *nothing* is free.
mem.set(u128, extended.data, PageStatus.none_free);
const clamped_start = @max(extendedOffset(), start);
extended.recycle(clamped_start - extendedOffset(), new_end - clamped_start);
fn resize(
ctx: *anyopaque,
buf: []u8,
log2_buf_align: u8,
new_len: usize,
return_address: usize,
) bool {
_ = ctx;
_ = log2_buf_align;
_ = return_address;
const aligned_len = mem.alignForward(buf.len, mem.page_size);
if (new_len > aligned_len) return false;
const current_n = nPages(aligned_len);
const new_n = nPages(new_len);
if (new_n != current_n) {
const base = nPages(@ptrToInt(buf.ptr));
freePages(base + new_n, base + current_n);
return true;
fn free(
ctx: *anyopaque,
buf: []u8,
log2_buf_align: u8,
return_address: usize,
) void {
_ = ctx;
_ = log2_buf_align;
_ = return_address;
const aligned_len = mem.alignForward(buf.len, mem.page_size);
const current_n = nPages(aligned_len);
const base = nPages(@ptrToInt(buf.ptr));
freePages(base, base + current_n);
test "internals" {
const page_allocator = std.heap.page_allocator;
const testing = std.testing;
const conventional_memsize = WasmPageAllocator.conventional.totalPages() * mem.page_size;
const initial = try page_allocator.alloc(u8, mem.page_size);
try testing.expect(@ptrToInt(initial.ptr) < conventional_memsize); // If this isn't conventional, the rest of these tests don't make sense. Also we have a serious memory leak in the test suite.
var inplace = try page_allocator.realloc(initial, 1);
try testing.expectEqual(initial.ptr, inplace.ptr);
inplace = try page_allocator.realloc(inplace, 4);
try testing.expectEqual(initial.ptr, inplace.ptr);
const reuse = try page_allocator.alloc(u8, 1);
try testing.expectEqual(initial.ptr, reuse.ptr);
// This segment may span conventional and extended which has really complex rules so we're just ignoring it for now.
const padding = try page_allocator.alloc(u8, conventional_memsize);
const ext = try page_allocator.alloc(u8, conventional_memsize);
try testing.expect(@ptrToInt(ext.ptr) >= conventional_memsize);
const use_small = try page_allocator.alloc(u8, 1);
try testing.expectEqual(initial.ptr, use_small.ptr);
inplace = try page_allocator.realloc(ext, 1);
try testing.expectEqual(ext.ptr, inplace.ptr);
const reuse_extended = try page_allocator.alloc(u8, conventional_memsize);
try testing.expectEqual(ext.ptr, reuse_extended.ptr);