Josh Soref 664941bf14
Spelling corrections (#9833)
Signed-off-by: Josh Soref <jsoref@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Josh Soref <jsoref@users.noreply.github.com>
2021-09-24 13:39:20 -04:00

3688 lines
110 KiB

const tests = @import("tests.zig");
const std = @import("std");
const CrossTarget = std.zig.CrossTarget;
pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.TranslateCContext) void {
const default_enum_type = if (std.Target.current.abi == .msvc) "c_int" else "c_uint";
cases.add("field access is grouped if necessary",
\\unsigned long foo(unsigned long x) {
\\ return ((union{unsigned long _x}){x})._x;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo(arg_x: c_ulong) c_ulong {
\\ var x = arg_x;
\\ const union_unnamed_1 = extern union {
\\ _x: c_ulong,
\\ };
\\ return (union_unnamed_1{
\\ ._x = x,
\\ })._x;
cases.add("unnamed child types of typedef receive typedef's name",
\\typedef enum {
\\ FooA,
\\ FooB,
\\} Foo;
\\typedef struct {
\\ int a, b;
\\} Bar;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FooA: c_int = 0;
\\pub const FooB: c_int = 1;
\\pub const Foo =
++ " " ++ default_enum_type ++
\\pub const Bar = extern struct {
\\ a: c_int,
\\ b: c_int,
cases.add("if as while stmt has semicolon",
\\void foo() {
\\ while (1) if (1) {
\\ int a = 1;
\\ } else {
\\ int b = 2;
\\ }
\\ if (1) if (1) {}
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ while (true) if (true) {
\\ var a: c_int = 1;
\\ _ = a;
\\ } else {
\\ var b: c_int = 2;
\\ _ = b;
\\ };
\\ if (true) if (true) {};
cases.add("conditional operator cast to void",
\\int bar();
\\void foo() {
\\ int a;
\\ a ? a = 2 : bar();
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn bar(...) c_int;
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: c_int = undefined;
\\ if (a != 0) a = 2 else _ = bar();
cases.add("struct in struct init to zero",
\\struct Foo {
\\ int a;
\\ struct Bar {
\\ int a;
\\ } b;
\\} a = {};
\\#define PTR void *
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_Bar = extern struct {
\\ a: c_int,
\\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ a: c_int,
\\ b: struct_Bar,
\\pub export var a: struct_Foo = struct_Foo{
\\ .a = 0,
\\ .b = @import("std").mem.zeroes(struct_Bar),
\\pub const PTR = ?*c_void;
cases.add("scoped record",
\\void foo() {
\\ struct Foo {
\\ int A;
\\ int B;
\\ int C;
\\ };
\\ struct Foo a = {0};
\\ {
\\ struct Foo {
\\ int A;
\\ int B;
\\ int C;
\\ };
\\ struct Foo a = {0};
\\ }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ A: c_int,
\\ B: c_int,
\\ C: c_int,
\\ };
\\ var a: struct_Foo = struct_Foo{
\\ .A = @as(c_int, 0),
\\ .B = 0,
\\ .C = 0,
\\ };
\\ _ = a;
\\ {
\\ const struct_Foo_1 = extern struct {
\\ A: c_int,
\\ B: c_int,
\\ C: c_int,
\\ };
\\ var a_2: struct_Foo_1 = struct_Foo_1{
\\ .A = @as(c_int, 0),
\\ .B = 0,
\\ .C = 0,
\\ };
\\ _ = a_2;
\\ }
cases.add("scoped typedef",
\\void foo() {
\\ typedef union {
\\ int A;
\\ int B;
\\ int C;
\\ } Foo;
\\ Foo a = {0};
\\ {
\\ typedef union {
\\ int A;
\\ int B;
\\ int C;
\\ } Foo;
\\ Foo a = {0};
\\ }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ const union_unnamed_1 = extern union {
\\ A: c_int,
\\ B: c_int,
\\ C: c_int,
\\ };
\\ _ = union_unnamed_1;
\\ const Foo = union_unnamed_1;
\\ var a: Foo = Foo{
\\ .A = @as(c_int, 0),
\\ };
\\ _ = a;
\\ {
\\ const union_unnamed_2 = extern union {
\\ A: c_int,
\\ B: c_int,
\\ C: c_int,
\\ };
\\ _ = union_unnamed_2;
\\ const Foo_1 = union_unnamed_2;
\\ var a_2: Foo_1 = Foo_1{
\\ .A = @as(c_int, 0),
\\ };
\\ _ = a_2;
\\ }
cases.add("use cast param as macro fn return type",
\\#include <stdint.h>
\\#define SYS_BASE_CACHED 0
\\#define MEM_PHYSICAL_TO_K0(x) (void*)((uint32_t)(x) + SYS_BASE_CACHED)
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub inline fn MEM_PHYSICAL_TO_K0(x: anytype) ?*c_void {
\\ return @import("std").zig.c_translation.cast(?*c_void, @import("std").zig.c_translation.cast(u32, x) + SYS_BASE_CACHED);
cases.add("variadic function demoted to extern",
\\int foo(int bar, ...) {
\\ return 1;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\warning: TODO unable to translate variadic function, demoted to extern
\\pub extern fn foo(bar: c_int, ...) c_int;
cases.add("pointer to opaque demoted struct",
\\typedef struct {
\\ _Atomic int foo;
\\} Foo;
\\typedef struct {
\\ Foo *bar;
\\} Bar;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\source.h:1:9: warning: struct demoted to opaque type - unable to translate type of field foo
\\pub const Foo = opaque {};
\\pub const Bar = extern struct {
\\ bar: ?*Foo,
cases.add("macro expressions respect C operator precedence",
\\int *foo = 0;
\\#define FOO *((foo) + 2)
\\#define VALUE (1 + 2 * 3 + 4 * 5 + 6 << 7 | 8 == 9)
\\#define _AL_READ3BYTES(p) ((*(unsigned char *)(p)) \
\\ | (*((unsigned char *)(p) + 1) << 8) \
\\ | (*((unsigned char *)(p) + 2) << 16))
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = (foo + @as(c_int, 2)).*;
\\pub const VALUE = ((((@as(c_int, 1) + (@as(c_int, 2) * @as(c_int, 3))) + (@as(c_int, 4) * @as(c_int, 5))) + @as(c_int, 6)) << @as(c_int, 7)) | @boolToInt(@as(c_int, 8) == @as(c_int, 9));
\\pub inline fn _AL_READ3BYTES(p: anytype) @TypeOf((@import("std").zig.c_translation.cast([*c]u8, p).* | ((@import("std").zig.c_translation.cast([*c]u8, p) + @as(c_int, 1)).* << @as(c_int, 8))) | ((@import("std").zig.c_translation.cast([*c]u8, p) + @as(c_int, 2)).* << @as(c_int, 16))) {
\\ return (@import("std").zig.c_translation.cast([*c]u8, p).* | ((@import("std").zig.c_translation.cast([*c]u8, p) + @as(c_int, 1)).* << @as(c_int, 8))) | ((@import("std").zig.c_translation.cast([*c]u8, p) + @as(c_int, 2)).* << @as(c_int, 16));
cases.add("static variable in block scope",
\\float bar;
\\int foo() {
\\ _Thread_local static int bar = 2;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export var bar: f32 = @import("std").mem.zeroes(f32);
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ const bar_1 = struct {
\\ threadlocal var static: c_int = 2;
\\ };
\\ _ = bar_1;
\\ return 0;
cases.add("missing return stmt",
\\int foo() {}
\\int bar() {
\\ int a = 2;
\\int baz() {
\\ return 0;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ return 0;
\\pub export fn bar() c_int {
\\ var a: c_int = 2;
\\ _ = a;
\\ return 0;
\\pub export fn baz() c_int {
\\ return 0;
\\void main() {
\\ int a = _Alignof(int);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn main() void {
\\ var a: c_int = @bitCast(c_int, @truncate(c_uint, @alignOf(c_int)));
\\ _ = a;
cases.add("initializer list macro",
\\typedef struct Color {
\\ unsigned char r;
\\ unsigned char g;
\\ unsigned char b;
\\ unsigned char a;
\\} Color;
\\#define CLITERAL(type) (type)
\\#define LIGHTGRAY CLITERAL(Color){ 200, 200, 200, 255 } // Light Gray
\\typedef struct boom_t
\\ int i1;
\\} boom_t;
\\#define FOO ((boom_t){1})
\\typedef struct { float x; } MyCStruct;
\\#define A(_x) (MyCStruct) { .x = (_x) }
\\#define B A(0.f)
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_Color = extern struct {
\\ r: u8,
\\ g: u8,
\\ b: u8,
\\ a: u8,
\\pub const Color = struct_Color;
\\pub inline fn CLITERAL(@"type": anytype) @TypeOf(@"type") {
\\ return @"type";
\\pub const LIGHTGRAY = @import("std").mem.zeroInit(CLITERAL(Color), .{ @as(c_int, 200), @as(c_int, 200), @as(c_int, 200), @as(c_int, 255) });
\\pub const struct_boom_t = extern struct {
\\ i1: c_int,
\\pub const boom_t = struct_boom_t;
\\pub const FOO = @import("std").mem.zeroInit(boom_t, .{@as(c_int, 1)});
\\pub const MyCStruct = extern struct {
\\ x: f32,
\\pub inline fn A(_x: anytype) MyCStruct {
\\ return @import("std").mem.zeroInit(MyCStruct, .{
\\ .x = _x,
\\ });
\\pub const B = A(@as(f32, 0.0));
cases.add("complex switch",
\\int main() {
\\ int i = 2;
\\ switch (i) {
\\ case 0: {
\\ case 2:{
\\ i += 2;}
\\ i += 1;
\\ }
\\ }
, &[_][]const u8{ // TODO properly translate this
\\source.h:5:13: warning: TODO complex switch
\\source.h:1:5: warning: unable to translate function, demoted to extern
\\pub extern fn main() c_int;
cases.add("correct semicolon after infixop",
\\#define _IO_ERR_SEEN 0
\\#define __ferror_unlocked_body(_fp) (((_fp)->_flags & _IO_ERR_SEEN) != 0)
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub inline fn __ferror_unlocked_body(_fp: anytype) @TypeOf((_fp.*._flags & _IO_ERR_SEEN) != @as(c_int, 0)) {
\\ return (_fp.*._flags & _IO_ERR_SEEN) != @as(c_int, 0);
cases.add("c booleans are just ints",
\\#define FOO(x) ((x >= 0) + (x >= 0))
\\#define BAR 1 && 2 > 4
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub inline fn FOO(x: anytype) @TypeOf(@boolToInt(x >= @as(c_int, 0)) + @boolToInt(x >= @as(c_int, 0))) {
\\ return @boolToInt(x >= @as(c_int, 0)) + @boolToInt(x >= @as(c_int, 0));
\\pub const BAR = (@as(c_int, 1) != 0) and (@as(c_int, 2) > @as(c_int, 4));
cases.add("struct with aligned fields",
\\struct foo {
\\ __attribute__((aligned(1))) short bar;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_foo = extern struct {
\\ bar: c_short align(1),
cases.add("struct with flexible array",
\\struct foo { int x; int y[]; };
\\struct bar { int x; int y[0]; };
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_foo = extern struct {
\\ x: c_int align(4),
\\ pub fn y(self: anytype) @import("std").zig.c_translation.FlexibleArrayType(@TypeOf(self), c_int) {
\\ const Intermediate = @import("std").zig.c_translation.FlexibleArrayType(@TypeOf(self), u8);
\\ const ReturnType = @import("std").zig.c_translation.FlexibleArrayType(@TypeOf(self), c_int);
\\ return @ptrCast(ReturnType, @alignCast(@alignOf(c_int), @ptrCast(Intermediate, self) + 4));
\\ }
\\pub const struct_bar = extern struct {
\\ x: c_int align(4),
\\ pub fn y(self: anytype) @import("std").zig.c_translation.FlexibleArrayType(@TypeOf(self), c_int) {
\\ const Intermediate = @import("std").zig.c_translation.FlexibleArrayType(@TypeOf(self), u8);
\\ const ReturnType = @import("std").zig.c_translation.FlexibleArrayType(@TypeOf(self), c_int);
\\ return @ptrCast(ReturnType, @alignCast(@alignOf(c_int), @ptrCast(Intermediate, self) + 4));
\\ }
cases.add("nested loops without blocks",
\\void foo() {
\\ while (0) while (0) {}
\\ for (;;) while (0);
\\ for (;;) do {} while (0);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ while (false) while (false) {};
\\ while (true) while (false) {};
\\ while (true) {}
cases.add("macro comma operator",
\\#define foo (foo, bar)
\\int baz(int x, int y) { return 0; }
\\#define bar(x) (&x, +3, 4 == 4, 5 * 6, baz(1, 2), 2 % 2, baz(1,2))
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const foo = blk: {
\\ _ = foo;
\\ break :blk bar;
\\pub inline fn bar(x: anytype) @TypeOf(baz(@as(c_int, 1), @as(c_int, 2))) {
\\ return blk: {
\\ _ = &x;
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 3);
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 4) == @as(c_int, 4);
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 5) * @as(c_int, 6);
\\ _ = baz(@as(c_int, 1), @as(c_int, 2));
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 2) % @as(c_int, 2);
\\ break :blk baz(@as(c_int, 1), @as(c_int, 2));
\\ };
cases.add("macro keyword define",
\\#define foo 1
\\#define inline 2
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const foo = @as(c_int, 1);
\\pub const @"inline" = @as(c_int, 2);
cases.add("macro line continuation",
\\int BAR = 0;
\\#define FOO -\
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = -BAR;
cases.add("struct with atomic field",
\\struct arcan_shmif_cont {
\\ struct arcan_shmif_page* addr;
\\struct arcan_shmif_page {
\\ volatile _Atomic int abufused[12];
, &[_][]const u8{
\\source.h:4:8: warning: struct demoted to opaque type - unable to translate type of field abufused
\\pub const struct_arcan_shmif_page = opaque {};
\\pub const struct_arcan_shmif_cont = extern struct {
\\ addr: ?*struct_arcan_shmif_page,
cases.add("function prototype translated as optional",
\\typedef void (*fnptr_ty)(void);
\\typedef __attribute__((cdecl)) void (*fnptr_attr_ty)(void);
\\struct foo {
\\ __attribute__((cdecl)) void (*foo)(void);
\\ void (*bar)(void);
\\ fnptr_ty baz;
\\ fnptr_attr_ty qux;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const fnptr_ty = ?fn () callconv(.C) void;
\\pub const fnptr_attr_ty = ?fn () callconv(.C) void;
\\pub const struct_foo = extern struct {
\\ foo: ?fn () callconv(.C) void,
\\ bar: ?fn () callconv(.C) void,
\\ baz: fnptr_ty,
\\ qux: fnptr_attr_ty,
cases.add("function prototype with parenthesis",
\\void (f0) (void *L);
\\void ((f1)) (void *L);
\\void (((f2))) (void *L);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn f0(L: ?*c_void) void;
\\pub extern fn f1(L: ?*c_void) void;
\\pub extern fn f2(L: ?*c_void) void;
cases.add("array initializer w/ typedef",
\\typedef unsigned char uuid_t[16];
\\static const uuid_t UUID_NULL __attribute__ ((unused)) = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const uuid_t = [16]u8;
\\pub const UUID_NULL: uuid_t = [16]u8{
\\ 0,
\\ 0,
\\ 0,
\\ 0,
\\ 0,
\\ 0,
\\ 0,
\\ 0,
\\ 0,
\\ 0,
\\ 0,
\\ 0,
\\ 0,
\\ 0,
\\ 0,
\\ 0,
cases.add("empty declaration",
, &[_][]const u8{""});
cases.add("#define hex literal with capital X",
\\#define VAL 0XF00D
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const VAL = @import("std").zig.c_translation.promoteIntLiteral(c_int, 0xF00D, .hexadecimal);
cases.add("anonymous struct & unions",
\\typedef struct {
\\ union {
\\ char x;
\\ struct { int y; };
\\ };
\\} outer;
\\void foo(outer *x) { x->y = x->x; }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\const struct_unnamed_2 = extern struct {
\\ y: c_int,
\\const union_unnamed_1 = extern union {
\\ x: u8,
\\ unnamed_0: struct_unnamed_2,
\\pub const outer = extern struct {
\\ unnamed_0: union_unnamed_1,
\\pub export fn foo(arg_x: [*c]outer) void {
\\ var x = arg_x;
\\ x.*.unnamed_0.unnamed_0.y = @bitCast(c_int, @as(c_uint, x.*.unnamed_0.x));
cases.add("union initializer",
\\union { int x; char c[4]; }
\\ ua = {1},
\\ ub = {.c={'a','b','b','a'}};
, &[_][]const u8{
\\const union_unnamed_1 = extern union {
\\ x: c_int,
\\ c: [4]u8,
\\pub export var ua: union_unnamed_1 = union_unnamed_1{
\\ .x = @as(c_int, 1),
\\pub export var ub: union_unnamed_1 = union_unnamed_1{
\\ .c = [4]u8{
\\ 'a',
\\ 'b',
\\ 'b',
\\ 'a',
\\ },
cases.add("struct initializer - simple",
\\typedef struct { int x; } foo;
\\struct {double x,y,z;} s0 = {1.2, 1.3};
\\struct {int sec,min,hour,day,mon,year;} s1 = {.day=31,12,2014,.sec=30,15,17};
\\struct {int x,y;} s2 = {.y = 2, .x=1};
\\foo s3 = { 123 };
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const foo = extern struct {
\\ x: c_int,
\\const struct_unnamed_1 = extern struct {
\\ x: f64,
\\ y: f64,
\\ z: f64,
\\pub export var s0: struct_unnamed_1 = struct_unnamed_1{
\\ .x = 1.2,
\\ .y = 1.3,
\\ .z = 0,
\\const struct_unnamed_2 = extern struct {
\\ sec: c_int,
\\ min: c_int,
\\ hour: c_int,
\\ day: c_int,
\\ mon: c_int,
\\ year: c_int,
\\pub export var s1: struct_unnamed_2 = struct_unnamed_2{
\\ .sec = @as(c_int, 30),
\\ .min = @as(c_int, 15),
\\ .hour = @as(c_int, 17),
\\ .day = @as(c_int, 31),
\\ .mon = @as(c_int, 12),
\\ .year = @as(c_int, 2014),
\\const struct_unnamed_3 = extern struct {
\\ x: c_int,
\\ y: c_int,
\\pub export var s2: struct_unnamed_3 = struct_unnamed_3{
\\ .x = @as(c_int, 1),
\\ .y = @as(c_int, 2),
\\pub export var s3: foo = foo{
\\ .x = @as(c_int, 123),
cases.add("simple ptrCast for casts between opaque types",
\\struct opaque;
\\struct opaque_2;
\\void function(struct opaque *opaque) {
\\ struct opaque_2 *cast = (struct opaque_2 *)opaque;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_opaque = opaque {};
\\pub const struct_opaque_2 = opaque {};
\\pub export fn function(arg_opaque_1: ?*struct_opaque) void {
\\ var opaque_1 = arg_opaque_1;
\\ var cast: ?*struct_opaque_2 = @ptrCast(?*struct_opaque_2, opaque_1);
\\ _ = cast;
cases.add("struct initializer - packed",
\\struct {int x,y,z;} __attribute__((packed)) s0 = {1, 2};
, &[_][]const u8{
\\const struct_unnamed_1 = packed struct {
\\ x: c_int,
\\ y: c_int,
\\ z: c_int,
\\pub export var s0: struct_unnamed_1 = struct_unnamed_1{
\\ .x = @as(c_int, 1),
\\ .y = @as(c_int, 2),
\\ .z = 0,
cases.add("align() attribute",
\\__attribute__ ((aligned(128)))
\\extern char my_array[16];
\\__attribute__ ((aligned(128)))
\\void my_fn(void) { }
\\void other_fn(void) {
\\ char ARR[16] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern var my_array: [16]u8 align(128);
\\pub export fn my_fn() align(128) void {}
\\pub export fn other_fn() void {
\\ var ARR: [16]u8 align(16) = undefined;
\\ _ = ARR;
cases.add("linksection() attribute",
\\// Use the "segment,section" format to make this test pass when
\\// targeting the mach-o binary format
\\__attribute__ ((__section__("NEAR,.data")))
\\extern char my_array[16];
\\__attribute__ ((__section__("NEAR,.data")))
\\void my_fn(void) { }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern var my_array: [16]u8 linksection("NEAR,.data");
\\pub export fn my_fn() linksection("NEAR,.data") void {}
cases.add("simple function prototypes",
\\void __attribute__((noreturn)) foo(void);
\\int bar(void);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn foo() noreturn;
\\pub extern fn bar() c_int;
cases.add("simple var decls",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ int a;
\\ char b = 123;
\\ const int c;
\\ const unsigned d = 440;
\\ int e = 10;
\\ unsigned int f = 10u;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: c_int = undefined;
\\ _ = a;
\\ var b: u8 = 123;
\\ _ = b;
\\ const c: c_int = undefined;
\\ _ = c;
\\ const d: c_uint = @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 440));
\\ _ = d;
\\ var e: c_int = 10;
\\ _ = e;
\\ var f: c_uint = 10;
\\ _ = f;
cases.add("ignore result, explicit function arguments",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ int a;
\\ 1;
\\ "hey";
\\ 1 + 1;
\\ 1 - 1;
\\ a = 1;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: c_int = undefined;
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 1);
\\ _ = "hey";
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 1) + @as(c_int, 1);
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 1) - @as(c_int, 1);
\\ a = 1;
cases.add("function with no prototype",
\\int foo() {
\\ return 5;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ return 5;
\\extern int extern_var;
\\static const int int_var = 13;
\\int foo;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern var extern_var: c_int;
\\pub const int_var: c_int = 13;
\\pub export var foo: c_int = @import("std").mem.zeroes(c_int);
cases.add("const ptr initializer",
\\static const char *v0 = "0.0.0";
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub var v0: [*c]const u8 = "0.0.0";
cases.add("static incomplete array inside function",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ static const char v2[] = "2.2.2";
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ const v2 = struct {
\\ const static: [5:0]u8 = "2.2.2".*;
\\ };
\\ _ = v2;
cases.add("simple function definition",
\\void foo(void) {}
\\static void bar(void) {}
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {}
\\pub fn bar() callconv(.C) void {}
cases.add("typedef void",
\\typedef void Foo;
\\Foo fun(Foo *a);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const Foo = c_void;
\\pub extern fn fun(a: ?*Foo) Foo;
cases.add("duplicate typedef",
\\typedef long foo;
\\typedef int bar;
\\typedef long foo;
\\typedef int baz;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const foo = c_long;
\\pub const bar = c_int;
\\pub const baz = c_int;
cases.add("casting pointers to ints and ints to pointers",
\\void foo(void);
\\void bar(void) {
\\ void *func_ptr = foo;
\\ void (*typed_func_ptr)(void) = (void (*)(void)) (unsigned long) func_ptr;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn foo() void;
\\pub export fn bar() void {
\\ var func_ptr: ?*c_void = @ptrCast(?*c_void, foo);
\\ var typed_func_ptr: ?fn () callconv(.C) void = @intToPtr(?fn () callconv(.C) void, @intCast(c_ulong, @ptrToInt(func_ptr)));
\\ _ = typed_func_ptr;
cases.add("noreturn attribute",
\\void foo(void) __attribute__((noreturn));
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn foo() noreturn;
cases.add("add, sub, mul, div, rem",
\\int s() {
\\ int a, b, c;
\\ c = a + b;
\\ c = a - b;
\\ c = a * b;
\\ c = a / b;
\\ c = a % b;
\\unsigned u() {
\\ unsigned a, b, c;
\\ c = a + b;
\\ c = a - b;
\\ c = a * b;
\\ c = a / b;
\\ c = a % b;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn s() c_int {
\\ var a: c_int = undefined;
\\ var b: c_int = undefined;
\\ var c: c_int = undefined;
\\ c = a + b;
\\ c = a - b;
\\ c = a * b;
\\ c = @divTrunc(a, b);
\\ c = @rem(a, b);
\\ return 0;
\\pub export fn u() c_uint {
\\ var a: c_uint = undefined;
\\ var b: c_uint = undefined;
\\ var c: c_uint = undefined;
\\ c = a +% b;
\\ c = a -% b;
\\ c = a *% b;
\\ c = a / b;
\\ c = a % b;
\\ return 0;
cases.add("typedef of function in struct field",
\\typedef void lws_callback_function(void);
\\struct Foo {
\\ void (*func)(void);
\\ lws_callback_function *callback_http;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const lws_callback_function = fn () callconv(.C) void;
\\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ func: ?fn () callconv(.C) void,
\\ callback_http: ?lws_callback_function,
cases.add("pointer to struct demoted to opaque due to bit fields",
\\struct Foo {
\\ unsigned int: 1;
\\struct Bar {
\\ struct Foo *foo;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_Foo = opaque {};
\\pub const struct_Bar = extern struct {
\\ foo: ?*struct_Foo,
cases.add("macro with left shift",
\\#define REDISMODULE_READ (1<<0)
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const REDISMODULE_READ = @as(c_int, 1) << @as(c_int, 0);
cases.add("macro with right shift",
\\#define FLASH_SIZE 0x200000UL /* 2 MB */
\\#define FLASH_BANK_SIZE (FLASH_SIZE >> 1) /* 1 MB */
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FLASH_SIZE = @as(c_ulong, 0x200000);
\\pub const FLASH_BANK_SIZE = FLASH_SIZE >> @as(c_int, 1);
cases.add("double define struct",
\\typedef struct Bar Bar;
\\typedef struct Foo Foo;
\\struct Foo {
\\ Foo *a;
\\struct Bar {
\\ Foo *a;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ a: [*c]Foo,
\\pub const Foo = struct_Foo;
\\pub const struct_Bar = extern struct {
\\ a: [*c]Foo,
\\pub const Bar = struct_Bar;
cases.add("simple struct",
\\struct Foo {
\\ int x;
\\ char *y;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ x: c_int,
\\ y: [*c]u8,
\\pub const Foo = struct_Foo;
cases.add("self referential struct with function pointer",
\\struct Foo {
\\ void (*derp)(struct Foo *foo);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ derp: ?fn ([*c]struct_Foo) callconv(.C) void,
\\pub const Foo = struct_Foo;
cases.add("struct prototype used in func",
\\struct Foo;
\\struct Foo *some_func(struct Foo *foo, int x);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_Foo = opaque {};
\\pub extern fn some_func(foo: ?*struct_Foo, x: c_int) ?*struct_Foo;
\\pub const Foo = struct_Foo;
cases.add("#define an unsigned integer literal",
\\#define CHANNEL_COUNT 24
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const CHANNEL_COUNT = @as(c_int, 24);
cases.add("#define referencing another #define",
\\#define THING2 THING1
\\#define THING1 1234
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const THING1 = @as(c_int, 1234);
\\pub const THING2 = THING1;
cases.add("circular struct definitions",
\\struct Bar;
\\struct Foo {
\\ struct Bar *next;
\\struct Bar {
\\ struct Foo *next;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_Bar = extern struct {
\\ next: [*c]struct_Foo,
\\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ next: [*c]struct_Bar,
cases.add("#define string",
\\#define foo "a string"
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const foo = "a string";
cases.add("zig keywords in C code",
\\struct comptime {
\\ int defer;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_comptime = extern struct {
\\ @"defer": c_int,
\\pub const @"comptime" = struct_comptime;
cases.add("macro with parens around negative number",
\\#define LUA_GLOBALSINDEX (-10002)
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const LUA_GLOBALSINDEX = -@as(c_int, 10002);
"u integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition",
"#define ZERO 0U",
&[_][]const u8{
"pub const ZERO = @as(c_uint, 0);",
"l integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition",
"#define ZERO 0L",
&[_][]const u8{
"pub const ZERO = @as(c_long, 0);",
"ul integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition",
"#define ZERO 0UL",
&[_][]const u8{
"pub const ZERO = @as(c_ulong, 0);",
"lu integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition",
"#define ZERO 0LU",
&[_][]const u8{
"pub const ZERO = @as(c_ulong, 0);",
"ll integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition",
"#define ZERO 0LL",
&[_][]const u8{
"pub const ZERO = @as(c_longlong, 0);",
"ull integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition",
"#define ZERO 0ULL",
&[_][]const u8{
"pub const ZERO = @as(c_ulonglong, 0);",
"llu integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition",
"#define ZERO 0LLU",
&[_][]const u8{
"pub const ZERO = @as(c_ulonglong, 0);",
"bitwise not on u-suffixed 0 (zero) in macro definition",
"#define NOT_ZERO (~0U)",
&[_][]const u8{
"pub const NOT_ZERO = ~@as(c_uint, 0);",
cases.add("float suffixes",
\\#define foo 3.14f
\\#define bar 16.e-2l
\\#define FOO 0.12345
\\#define BAR .12345
, &[_][]const u8{
"pub const foo = @as(f32, 3.14);",
"pub const bar = @as(c_longdouble, 16.0e-2);",
"pub const FOO = 0.12345;",
"pub const BAR = 0.12345;",
\\#define foo 1 //foo
\\#define bar /* bar */ 2
, &[_][]const u8{
"pub const foo = @as(c_int, 1);",
"pub const bar = @as(c_int, 2);",
cases.add("string prefix",
\\#define foo L"hello"
, &[_][]const u8{
"pub const foo = \"hello\";",
cases.add("null statements",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ ;;;;;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {}
if (std.Target.current.os.tag != .windows) {
// Windows treats this as an enum with type c_int
cases.add("big negative enum init values when C ABI supports long long enums",
\\enum EnumWithInits {
\\ VAL01 = 0,
\\ VAL02 = 1,
\\ VAL03 = 2,
\\ VAL04 = 3,
\\ VAL05 = -1,
\\ VAL06 = -2,
\\ VAL07 = -3,
\\ VAL08 = -4,
\\ VAL09 = VAL02 + VAL08,
\\ VAL10 = -1000012000,
\\ VAL11 = -1000161000,
\\ VAL12 = -1000174001,
\\ VAL13 = VAL09,
\\ VAL14 = VAL10,
\\ VAL15 = VAL11,
\\ VAL16 = VAL13,
\\ VAL17 = (VAL16 - VAL10 + 1),
\\ VAL18 = 0x1000000000000000L,
\\ VAL19 = VAL18 + VAL18 + VAL18 - 1,
\\ VAL20 = VAL19 + VAL19,
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const VAL01: c_int = 0;
\\pub const VAL02: c_int = 1;
\\pub const VAL03: c_int = 2;
\\pub const VAL04: c_int = 3;
\\pub const VAL05: c_int = -1;
\\pub const VAL06: c_int = -2;
\\pub const VAL07: c_int = -3;
\\pub const VAL08: c_int = -4;
\\pub const VAL09: c_int = -3;
\\pub const VAL10: c_int = -1000012000;
\\pub const VAL11: c_int = -1000161000;
\\pub const VAL12: c_int = -1000174001;
\\pub const VAL13: c_int = -3;
\\pub const VAL14: c_int = -1000012000;
\\pub const VAL15: c_int = -1000161000;
\\pub const VAL16: c_int = -3;
\\pub const VAL17: c_int = 1000011998;
\\pub const VAL18: c_longlong = 1152921504606846976;
\\pub const VAL19: c_longlong = 3458764513820540927;
\\pub const VAL20: c_longlong = 6917529027641081854;
\\pub const VAL21: c_longlong = 6917529027641081853;
\\pub const VAL22: c_int = 0;
\\pub const VAL23: c_longlong = -1;
\\pub const enum_EnumWithInits = c_longlong;
cases.add("predefined expressions",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ __func__;
\\ __FUNCTION__;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ _ = "foo";
\\ _ = "foo";
\\ _ = "void foo(void)";
cases.add("constant size array",
\\void func(int array[20]);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn func(array: [*c]c_int) void;
cases.add("__cdecl doesn't mess up function pointers",
\\void foo(void (__cdecl *fn_ptr)(void));
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn foo(fn_ptr: ?fn () callconv(.C) void) void;
cases.add("void cast",
\\void foo() {
\\ int a;
\\ (void) a;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: c_int = undefined;
\\ _ = a;
cases.add("implicit cast to void *",
\\void *foo() {
\\ unsigned short *x;
\\ return x;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() ?*c_void {
\\ var x: [*c]c_ushort = undefined;
\\ return @ptrCast(?*c_void, x);
cases.add("null pointer implicit cast",
\\int* foo(void) {
\\ return 0;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() [*c]c_int {
\\ return null;
cases.add("simple union",
\\union Foo {
\\ int x;
\\ double y;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const union_Foo = extern union {
\\ x: c_int,
\\ y: f64,
\\pub const Foo = union_Foo;
cases.add("string literal",
\\const char *foo(void) {
\\ return "bar";
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() [*c]const u8 {
\\ return "bar";
cases.add("return void",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ return;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ return;
cases.add("for loop",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ for (int i = 0; i; i++) { }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ {
\\ var i: c_int = 0;
\\ while (i != 0) : (i += 1) {}
\\ }
cases.add("empty for loop",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ for (;;) { }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ while (true) {}
cases.add("for loop with simple init expression",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ int i;
\\ for (i = 3; i; i--) { }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var i: c_int = undefined;
\\ {
\\ i = 3;
\\ while (i != 0) : (i -= 1) {}
\\ }
cases.add("break statement",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ for (;;) {
\\ break;
\\ }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ while (true) {
\\ break;
\\ }
cases.add("continue statement",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ for (;;) {
\\ continue;
\\ }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ while (true) {
\\ continue;
\\ }
cases.add("pointer casting",
\\float *ptrcast() {
\\ int *a;
\\ return (float *)a;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn ptrcast() [*c]f32 {
\\ var a: [*c]c_int = undefined;
\\ return @ptrCast([*c]f32, @alignCast(@import("std").meta.alignment(f32), a));
cases.add("pointer conversion with different alignment",
\\void test_ptr_cast() {
\\ void *p;
\\ {
\\ char *to_char = (char *)p;
\\ short *to_short = (short *)p;
\\ int *to_int = (int *)p;
\\ long long *to_longlong = (long long *)p;
\\ }
\\ {
\\ char *to_char = p;
\\ short *to_short = p;
\\ int *to_int = p;
\\ long long *to_longlong = p;
\\ }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn test_ptr_cast() void {
\\ var p: ?*c_void = undefined;
\\ {
\\ var to_char: [*c]u8 = @ptrCast([*c]u8, @alignCast(@import("std").meta.alignment(u8), p));
\\ _ = to_char;
\\ var to_short: [*c]c_short = @ptrCast([*c]c_short, @alignCast(@import("std").meta.alignment(c_short), p));
\\ _ = to_short;
\\ var to_int: [*c]c_int = @ptrCast([*c]c_int, @alignCast(@import("std").meta.alignment(c_int), p));
\\ _ = to_int;
\\ var to_longlong: [*c]c_longlong = @ptrCast([*c]c_longlong, @alignCast(@import("std").meta.alignment(c_longlong), p));
\\ _ = to_longlong;
\\ }
\\ {
\\ var to_char: [*c]u8 = @ptrCast([*c]u8, @alignCast(@import("std").meta.alignment(u8), p));
\\ _ = to_char;
\\ var to_short: [*c]c_short = @ptrCast([*c]c_short, @alignCast(@import("std").meta.alignment(c_short), p));
\\ _ = to_short;
\\ var to_int: [*c]c_int = @ptrCast([*c]c_int, @alignCast(@import("std").meta.alignment(c_int), p));
\\ _ = to_int;
\\ var to_longlong: [*c]c_longlong = @ptrCast([*c]c_longlong, @alignCast(@import("std").meta.alignment(c_longlong), p));
\\ _ = to_longlong;
\\ }
cases.add("while on non-bool",
\\int while_none_bool() {
\\ int a;
\\ float b;
\\ void *c;
\\ while (a) return 0;
\\ while (b) return 1;
\\ while (c) return 2;
\\ return 3;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn while_none_bool() c_int {
\\ var a: c_int = undefined;
\\ var b: f32 = undefined;
\\ var c: ?*c_void = undefined;
\\ while (a != 0) return 0;
\\ while (b != 0) return 1;
\\ while (c != null) return 2;
\\ return 3;
cases.add("for on non-bool",
\\int for_none_bool() {
\\ int a;
\\ float b;
\\ void *c;
\\ for (;a;) return 0;
\\ for (;b;) return 1;
\\ for (;c;) return 2;
\\ return 3;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn for_none_bool() c_int {
\\ var a: c_int = undefined;
\\ var b: f32 = undefined;
\\ var c: ?*c_void = undefined;
\\ while (a != 0) return 0;
\\ while (b != 0) return 1;
\\ while (c != null) return 2;
\\ return 3;
\\int foo(void) {
\\ return (1 << 2) >> 1;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ return (@as(c_int, 1) << @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), 2)) >> @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), 1);
\\#include <stddef.h>
\\size_t size_of(void) {
\\ return sizeof(int);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn size_of() usize {
\\ return @sizeOf(c_int);
cases.add("normal deref",
\\void foo() {
\\ int *x;
\\ *x = 1;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var x: [*c]c_int = undefined;
\\ x.* = 1;
cases.add("address of operator",
\\int foo(void) {
\\ int x = 1234;
\\ int *ptr = &x;
\\ return *ptr;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ var x: c_int = 1234;
\\ var ptr: [*c]c_int = &x;
\\ return ptr.*;
cases.add("bin not",
\\int foo() {
\\ int x;
\\ return ~x;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ var x: c_int = undefined;
\\ return ~x;
cases.add("bool not",
\\int foo() {
\\ int a;
\\ float b;
\\ void *c;
\\ return !(a == 0);
\\ return !a;
\\ return !b;
\\ return !c;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ var a: c_int = undefined;
\\ var b: f32 = undefined;
\\ var c: ?*c_void = undefined;
\\ return @boolToInt(!(a == @as(c_int, 0)));
\\ return @boolToInt(!(a != 0));
\\ return @boolToInt(!(b != 0));
\\ return @boolToInt(!(c != null));
cases.add("__extension__ cast",
\\int foo(void) {
\\ return __extension__ 1;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ return 1;
if (std.Target.current.os.tag != .windows) {
// sysv_abi not currently supported on windows
cases.add("Macro qualified functions",
\\void __attribute__((sysv_abi)) foo(void);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn foo() void;
cases.add("Forward-declared enum",
\\extern enum enum_ty my_enum;
\\enum enum_ty { FOO };
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO: c_int = 0;
\\pub const enum_enum_ty = c_int;
\\pub extern var my_enum: enum_enum_ty;
cases.add("Parameterless function pointers",
\\typedef void (*fn0)();
\\typedef void (*fn1)(char);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const fn0 = ?fn (...) callconv(.C) void;
\\pub const fn1 = ?fn (u8) callconv(.C) void;
cases.addWithTarget("Calling convention", .{
.cpu_arch = .i386,
.os_tag = .linux,
.abi = .none,
\\void __attribute__((fastcall)) foo1(float *a);
\\void __attribute__((stdcall)) foo2(float *a);
\\void __attribute__((vectorcall)) foo3(float *a);
\\void __attribute__((cdecl)) foo4(float *a);
\\void __attribute__((thiscall)) foo5(float *a);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn foo1(a: [*c]f32) callconv(.Fastcall) void;
\\pub extern fn foo2(a: [*c]f32) callconv(.Stdcall) void;
\\pub extern fn foo3(a: [*c]f32) callconv(.Vectorcall) void;
\\pub extern fn foo4(a: [*c]f32) void;
\\pub extern fn foo5(a: [*c]f32) callconv(.Thiscall) void;
cases.addWithTarget("Calling convention", CrossTarget.parse(.{
.arch_os_abi = "arm-linux-none",
.cpu_features = "generic+v8_5a",
}) catch unreachable,
\\void __attribute__((pcs("aapcs"))) foo1(float *a);
\\void __attribute__((pcs("aapcs-vfp"))) foo2(float *a);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn foo1(a: [*c]f32) callconv(.AAPCS) void;
\\pub extern fn foo2(a: [*c]f32) callconv(.AAPCSVFP) void;
cases.addWithTarget("Calling convention", CrossTarget.parse(.{
.arch_os_abi = "aarch64-linux-none",
.cpu_features = "generic+v8_5a",
}) catch unreachable,
\\void __attribute__((aarch64_vector_pcs)) foo1(float *a);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn foo1(a: [*c]f32) callconv(.Vectorcall) void;
cases.add("Parameterless function prototypes",
\\void a() {}
\\void b(void) {}
\\void c();
\\void d(void);
\\static void e() {}
\\static void f(void) {}
\\static void g();
\\static void h(void);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn a() void {}
\\pub export fn b() void {}
\\pub extern fn c(...) void;
\\pub extern fn d() void;
\\pub fn e() callconv(.C) void {}
\\pub fn f() callconv(.C) void {}
\\pub extern fn g() void;
\\pub extern fn h() void;
cases.add("variable declarations",
\\extern char arr0[] = "hello";
\\static char arr1[] = "hello";
\\char arr2[] = "hello";
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export var arr0: [5:0]u8 = "hello".*;
\\pub var arr1: [5:0]u8 = "hello".*;
\\pub export var arr2: [5:0]u8 = "hello".*;
cases.add("array initializer expr",
\\static void foo(void){
\\ char arr[10] ={1};
\\ char *arr1[10] ={0};
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub fn foo() callconv(.C) void {
\\ var arr: [10]u8 = [1]u8{
\\ 1,
\\ } ++ [1]u8{0} ** 9;
\\ _ = arr;
\\ var arr1: [10][*c]u8 = [1][*c]u8{
\\ null,
\\ } ++ [1][*c]u8{null} ** 9;
\\ _ = arr1;
\\typedef enum {
\\ a,
\\ b,
\\ c,
\\} d;
\\enum {
\\ e,
\\ f = 4,
\\ g,
\\} h = e;
\\struct Baz {
\\ enum {
\\ i,
\\ j,
\\ k,
\\ } l;
\\ d m;
\\enum i {
\\ n,
\\ o,
\\ p,
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const a: c_int = 0;
\\pub const b: c_int = 1;
\\pub const c: c_int = 2;
\\pub const d =
++ " " ++ default_enum_type ++
\\pub const e: c_int = 0;
\\pub const f: c_int = 4;
\\pub const g: c_int = 5;
\\const enum_unnamed_1 =
++ " " ++ default_enum_type ++
\\pub export var h: enum_unnamed_1 = @bitCast(c_uint, e);
\\pub const i: c_int = 0;
\\pub const j: c_int = 1;
\\pub const k: c_int = 2;
\\const enum_unnamed_2 =
++ " " ++ default_enum_type ++
\\pub const struct_Baz = extern struct {
\\ l: enum_unnamed_2,
\\ m: d,
\\pub const n: c_int = 0;
\\pub const o: c_int = 1;
\\pub const p: c_int = 2;
\\pub const enum_i =
++ " " ++ default_enum_type ++
"pub const Baz = struct_Baz;",
cases.add("#define a char literal",
\\#define A_CHAR 'a'
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const A_CHAR = 'a';
cases.add("comment after integer literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020 /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_int, 0x00000020);
cases.add("u integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020u /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_uint, 0x00000020);
cases.add("l integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020l /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_long, 0x00000020);
cases.add("ul integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020ul /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_ulong, 0x00000020);
cases.add("lu integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020lu /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_ulong, 0x00000020);
cases.add("ll integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020ll /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_longlong, 0x00000020);
cases.add("ull integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020ull /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_ulonglong, 0x00000020);
cases.add("llu integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020llu /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_ulonglong, 0x00000020);
cases.add("generate inline func for #define global extern fn",
\\extern void (*fn_ptr)(void);
\\#define foo fn_ptr
\\extern char (*fn_ptr2)(int, float);
\\#define bar fn_ptr2
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern var fn_ptr: ?fn () callconv(.C) void;
\\pub inline fn foo() void {
\\ return fn_ptr.?();
\\pub extern var fn_ptr2: ?fn (c_int, f32) callconv(.C) u8;
\\pub inline fn bar(arg_1: c_int, arg_2: f32) u8 {
\\ return fn_ptr2.?(arg_1, arg_2);
cases.add("macros with field targets",
\\typedef unsigned int GLbitfield;
\\typedef void (*PFNGLCLEARPROC) (GLbitfield mask);
\\typedef void(*OpenGLProc)(void);
\\union OpenGLProcs {
\\ OpenGLProc ptr[1];
\\ struct {
\\ } gl;
\\extern union OpenGLProcs glProcs;
\\#define glClearUnion glProcs.gl.Clear
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const GLbitfield = c_uint;
\\pub const PFNGLCLEARPROC = ?fn (GLbitfield) callconv(.C) void;
\\pub const OpenGLProc = ?fn () callconv(.C) void;
\\const struct_unnamed_1 = extern struct {
\\pub const union_OpenGLProcs = extern union {
\\ ptr: [1]OpenGLProc,
\\ gl: struct_unnamed_1,
\\pub extern var glProcs: union_OpenGLProcs;
\\pub const glClearPFN = PFNGLCLEARPROC;
\\pub inline fn glClearUnion(arg_2: GLbitfield) void {
\\ return glProcs.gl.Clear.?(arg_2);
\\pub const OpenGLProcs = union_OpenGLProcs;
cases.add("macro pointer cast",
\\#define NRF_GPIO_BASE 0
\\typedef struct { int dummy; } NRF_GPIO_Type;
\\#define NRF_GPIO ((NRF_GPIO_Type *) NRF_GPIO_BASE)
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const NRF_GPIO = @import("std").zig.c_translation.cast([*c]NRF_GPIO_Type, NRF_GPIO_BASE);
cases.add("basic macro function",
\\extern int c;
\\#define BASIC(c) (c*2)
\\#define FOO(L,b) (L + b)
\\#define BAR() (c*c)
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern var c: c_int;
\\pub inline fn BASIC(c_1: anytype) @TypeOf(c_1 * @as(c_int, 2)) {
\\ return c_1 * @as(c_int, 2);
\\pub inline fn FOO(L: anytype, b: anytype) @TypeOf(L + b) {
\\ return L + b;
\\pub inline fn BAR() @TypeOf(c * c) {
\\ return c * c;
cases.add("macro defines string literal with hex",
\\#define FOO "aoeu\xab derp"
\\#define FOO2 "aoeu\x0007a derp"
\\#define FOO_CHAR '\xfF'
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = "aoeu\xab derp";
\\pub const FOO2 = "aoeu\x7a derp";
\\pub const FOO_CHAR = '\xff';
cases.add("macro add",
\\#define D3_AHB1PERIPH_BASE 0
\\#define PERIPH_BASE (0x40000000UL) /*!< Base address of : AHB/APB Peripherals */
\\#define D3_APB1PERIPH_BASE (PERIPH_BASE + 0x18000000UL)
\\#define RCC_BASE (D3_AHB1PERIPH_BASE + 0x4400UL)
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const PERIPH_BASE = @as(c_ulong, 0x40000000);
\\pub const D3_APB1PERIPH_BASE = PERIPH_BASE + @as(c_ulong, 0x18000000);
\\pub const RCC_BASE = D3_AHB1PERIPH_BASE + @as(c_ulong, 0x4400);
cases.add("variable aliasing",
\\static long a = 2;
\\static long b = 2;
\\static int c = 4;
\\void foo(char c) {
\\ int a;
\\ char b = 123;
\\ b = (char) a;
\\ {
\\ int d = 5;
\\ }
\\ unsigned d = 440;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub var a: c_long = 2;
\\pub var b: c_long = 2;
\\pub var c: c_int = 4;
\\pub export fn foo(arg_c_1: u8) void {
\\ var c_1 = arg_c_1;
\\ _ = c_1;
\\ var a_2: c_int = undefined;
\\ var b_3: u8 = 123;
\\ b_3 = @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, a_2));
\\ {
\\ var d: c_int = 5;
\\ _ = d;
\\ }
\\ var d: c_uint = @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 440));
\\ _ = d;
cases.add("comma operator",
\\int foo() {
\\ 2, 4;
\\ return 2, 4, 6;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ _ = blk: {
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 2);
\\ break :blk @as(c_int, 4);
\\ };
\\ return blk: {
\\ _ = blk_1: {
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 2);
\\ break :blk_1 @as(c_int, 4);
\\ };
\\ break :blk @as(c_int, 6);
\\ };
cases.add("worst-case assign",
\\void foo() {
\\ int a;
\\ int b;
\\ a = b = 2;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: c_int = undefined;
\\ var b: c_int = undefined;
\\ a = blk: {
\\ const tmp = @as(c_int, 2);
\\ b = tmp;
\\ break :blk tmp;
\\ };
cases.add("while loops",
\\int foo() {
\\ int a = 5;
\\ while (2)
\\ a = 2;
\\ while (4) {
\\ int a = 4;
\\ a = 9;
\\ return 6, a;
\\ }
\\ do {
\\ int a = 2;
\\ a = 12;
\\ } while (4);
\\ do
\\ a = 7;
\\ while (4);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ var a: c_int = 5;
\\ while (true) {
\\ a = 2;
\\ }
\\ while (true) {
\\ var a_1: c_int = 4;
\\ a_1 = 9;
\\ return blk: {
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 6);
\\ break :blk a_1;
\\ };
\\ }
\\ while (true) {
\\ var a_1: c_int = 2;
\\ a_1 = 12;
\\ }
\\ while (true) {
\\ a = 7;
\\ }
\\ return 0;
cases.add("for loops",
\\void foo() {
\\ for (int i = 2, b = 4; i + 2; i = 2) {
\\ int a = 2;
\\ a = 6, 5, 7;
\\ }
\\ char i = 2;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ {
\\ var i: c_int = 2;
\\ var b: c_int = 4;
\\ _ = b;
\\ while ((i + @as(c_int, 2)) != 0) : (i = 2) {
\\ var a: c_int = 2;
\\ _ = blk: {
\\ _ = blk_1: {
\\ a = 6;
\\ break :blk_1 @as(c_int, 5);
\\ };
\\ break :blk @as(c_int, 7);
\\ };
\\ }
\\ }
\\ var i: u8 = 2;
\\ _ = i;
cases.add("shadowing primitive types",
\\unsigned anyerror = 2;
\\#define noreturn _Noreturn
\\typedef enum {
\\ f32,
\\ u32,
\\} BadEnum;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export var @"anyerror": c_uint = 2;
\\pub const @"noreturn" = @compileError("unable to translate C expr: unexpected token .Keyword_noreturn");
\\pub const @"f32": c_int = 0;
\\pub const @"u32": c_int = 1;
\\pub const BadEnum = c_uint;
\\float a = 3.1415;
\\double b = 3.1415;
\\int c = 3.1415;
\\double d = 3;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export var a: f32 = @floatCast(f32, 3.1415);
\\pub export var b: f64 = 3.1415;
\\pub export var c: c_int = @floatToInt(c_int, 3.1415);
\\pub export var d: f64 = 3;
cases.add("conditional operator",
\\int bar(void) {
\\ if (2 ? 5 : 5 ? 4 : 6) 2;
\\ return 2 ? 5 : 5 ? 4 : 6;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn bar() c_int {
\\ if ((if (true) @as(c_int, 5) else if (true) @as(c_int, 4) else @as(c_int, 6)) != 0) {
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 2);
\\ }
\\ return if (true) @as(c_int, 5) else if (true) @as(c_int, 4) else @as(c_int, 6);
cases.add("switch on int",
\\void switch_fn(int i) {
\\ int res = 0;
\\ switch (i) {
\\ case 0:
\\ res = 1;
\\ case 1 ... 3:
\\ res = 2;
\\ default:
\\ res = 3 * i;
\\ break;
\\ break;
\\ case 7: {
\\ res = 7;
\\ break;
\\ }
\\ case 4:
\\ case 5:
\\ res = 69;
\\ {
\\ res = 5;
\\ return;
\\ }
\\ case 6:
\\ switch (res) {
\\ case 9: break;
\\ }
\\ res = 1;
\\ return;
\\ }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn switch_fn(arg_i: c_int) void {
\\ var i = arg_i;
\\ var res: c_int = 0;
\\ while (true) {
\\ switch (i) {
\\ @as(c_int, 0) => {
\\ res = 1;
\\ res = 2;
\\ res = @as(c_int, 3) * i;
\\ break;
\\ },
\\ @as(c_int, 1)...@as(c_int, 3) => {
\\ res = 2;
\\ res = @as(c_int, 3) * i;
\\ break;
\\ },
\\ else => {
\\ res = @as(c_int, 3) * i;
\\ break;
\\ },
\\ @as(c_int, 7) => {
\\ {
\\ res = 7;
\\ break;
\\ }
\\ },
\\ @as(c_int, 4), @as(c_int, 5) => {
\\ res = 69;
\\ {
\\ res = 5;
\\ return;
\\ }
\\ },
\\ @as(c_int, 6) => {
\\ while (true) {
\\ switch (res) {
\\ @as(c_int, 9) => break,
\\ else => {},
\\ }
\\ break;
\\ }
\\ res = 1;
\\ return;
\\ },
\\ }
\\ break;
\\ }
if (std.Target.current.os.tag != .windows) {
// When clang uses the <arch>-windows-none triple it behaves as MSVC and
// interprets the inner `struct Bar` as an anonymous structure
cases.add("type referenced struct",
\\struct Foo {
\\ struct Bar{
\\ int b;
\\ };
\\ struct Bar c;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_Bar = extern struct {
\\ b: c_int,
\\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ c: struct_Bar,
cases.add("undefined array global",
\\int array[100] = {};
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export var array: [100]c_int = [1]c_int{0} ** 100;
cases.add("restrict -> noalias",
\\void foo(void *restrict bar, void *restrict);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn foo(noalias bar: ?*c_void, noalias ?*c_void) void;
\\void max(int a) {
\\ int tmp;
\\ tmp = a;
\\ a = tmp;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn max(arg_a: c_int) void {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var tmp: c_int = undefined;
\\ tmp = a;
\\ a = tmp;
cases.add("chaining assign",
\\void max(int a) {
\\ int b, c;
\\ c = b = a;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn max(arg_a: c_int) void {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var b: c_int = undefined;
\\ var c: c_int = undefined;
\\ c = blk: {
\\ const tmp = a;
\\ b = tmp;
\\ break :blk tmp;
\\ };
cases.add("anonymous enum",
\\enum {
\\ One,
\\ Two,
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const One: c_int = 0;
\\pub const Two: c_int = 1;
\\const enum_unnamed_1 =
++ " " ++ default_enum_type ++
cases.add("c style cast",
\\int float_to_int(float a) {
\\ return (int)a;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn float_to_int(arg_a: f32) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ return @floatToInt(c_int, a);
cases.add("escape sequences",
\\const char *escapes() {
\\char a = '\'',
\\ b = '\\',
\\ c = '\a',
\\ d = '\b',
\\ e = '\f',
\\ f = '\n',
\\ g = '\r',
\\ h = '\t',
\\ i = '\v',
\\ j = '\0',
\\ k = '\"';
\\ return "\'\\\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\0\"";
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn escapes() [*c]const u8 {
\\ var a: u8 = '\'';
\\ _ = a;
\\ var b: u8 = '\\';
\\ _ = b;
\\ var c: u8 = '\x07';
\\ _ = c;
\\ var d: u8 = '\x08';
\\ _ = d;
\\ var e: u8 = '\x0c';
\\ _ = e;
\\ var f: u8 = '\n';
\\ _ = f;
\\ var g: u8 = '\r';
\\ _ = g;
\\ var h: u8 = '\t';
\\ _ = h;
\\ var i: u8 = '\x0b';
\\ _ = i;
\\ var j: u8 = '\x00';
\\ _ = j;
\\ var k: u8 = '"';
\\ _ = k;
\\ return "'\\\x07\x08\x0c\n\r\t\x0b\x00\"";
cases.add("do loop",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ int a = 2;
\\ do {
\\ a = a - 1;
\\ } while (a);
\\ int b = 2;
\\ do
\\ b = b -1;
\\ while (b);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: c_int = 2;
\\ while (true) {
\\ a = a - @as(c_int, 1);
\\ if (!(a != 0)) break;
\\ }
\\ var b: c_int = 2;
\\ while (true) {
\\ b = b - @as(c_int, 1);
\\ if (!(b != 0)) break;
\\ }
cases.add("logical and, logical or, on non-bool values, extra parens",
\\enum Foo {
\\ FooA,
\\ FooB,
\\ FooC,
\\typedef int SomeTypedef;
\\int and_or_non_bool(int a, float b, void *c) {
\\ enum Foo d = FooA;
\\ int e = (a && b);
\\ int f = (b && c);
\\ int g = (a && c);
\\ int h = (a || b);
\\ int i = (b || c);
\\ int j = (a || c);
\\ int k = (a || (int)d);
\\ int l = ((int)d && b);
\\ int m = (c || (unsigned int)d);
\\ SomeTypedef td = 44;
\\ int o = (td || b);
\\ int p = (c && td);
\\ return ((((((((((e + f) + g) + h) + i) + j) + k) + l) + m) + o) + p);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FooA: c_int = 0;
\\pub const FooB: c_int = 1;
\\pub const FooC: c_int = 2;
\\pub const enum_Foo =
++ " " ++ default_enum_type ++
\\pub const SomeTypedef = c_int;
\\pub export fn and_or_non_bool(arg_a: c_int, arg_b: f32, arg_c: ?*c_void) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var b = arg_b;
\\ var c = arg_c;
\\ var d: enum_Foo = @bitCast(c_uint, FooA);
\\ var e: c_int = @boolToInt((a != 0) and (b != 0));
\\ var f: c_int = @boolToInt((b != 0) and (c != null));
\\ var g: c_int = @boolToInt((a != 0) and (c != null));
\\ var h: c_int = @boolToInt((a != 0) or (b != 0));
\\ var i: c_int = @boolToInt((b != 0) or (c != null));
\\ var j: c_int = @boolToInt((a != 0) or (c != null));
\\ var k: c_int = @boolToInt((a != 0) or (@bitCast(c_int, d) != 0));
\\ var l: c_int = @boolToInt((@bitCast(c_int, d) != 0) and (b != 0));
\\ var m: c_int = @boolToInt((c != null) or (d != 0));
\\ var td: SomeTypedef = 44;
\\ var o: c_int = @boolToInt((td != 0) or (b != 0));
\\ var p: c_int = @boolToInt((c != null) and (td != 0));
\\ return (((((((((e + f) + g) + h) + i) + j) + k) + l) + m) + o) + p;
\\pub const Foo = enum_Foo;
cases.add("qualified struct and enum",
\\struct Foo {
\\ int x;
\\ int y;
\\enum Bar {
\\ BarA,
\\ BarB,
\\void func(struct Foo *a, enum Bar **b);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ x: c_int,
\\ y: c_int,
\\pub const BarA: c_int = 0;
\\pub const BarB: c_int = 1;
\\pub const enum_Bar =
++ " " ++ default_enum_type ++
\\pub extern fn func(a: [*c]struct_Foo, b: [*c][*c]enum_Bar) void;
\\pub const Foo = struct_Foo;
\\pub const Bar = enum_Bar;
cases.add("bitwise binary operators, simpler parens",
\\int max(int a, int b) {
\\ return (a & b) ^ (a | b);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn max(arg_a: c_int, arg_b: c_int) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var b = arg_b;
\\ return (a & b) ^ (a | b);
cases.add("comparison operators (no if)", // TODO Come up with less contrived tests? Make sure to cover all these comparisons.
\\int test_comparisons(int a, int b) {
\\ int c = (a < b);
\\ int d = (a > b);
\\ int e = (a <= b);
\\ int f = (a >= b);
\\ int g = (c < d);
\\ int h = (e < f);
\\ int i = (g < h);
\\ return i;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn test_comparisons(arg_a: c_int, arg_b: c_int) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var b = arg_b;
\\ var c: c_int = @boolToInt(a < b);
\\ var d: c_int = @boolToInt(a > b);
\\ var e: c_int = @boolToInt(a <= b);
\\ var f: c_int = @boolToInt(a >= b);
\\ var g: c_int = @boolToInt(c < d);
\\ var h: c_int = @boolToInt(e < f);
\\ var i: c_int = @boolToInt(g < h);
\\ return i;
cases.add("==, !=",
\\int max(int a, int b) {
\\ if (a == b)
\\ return a;
\\ if (a != b)
\\ return b;
\\ return a;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn max(arg_a: c_int, arg_b: c_int) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var b = arg_b;
\\ if (a == b) return a;
\\ if (a != b) return b;
\\ return a;
cases.add("typedeffed bool expression",
\\typedef char* yes;
\\void foo(void) {
\\ yes a;
\\ if (a) 2;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const yes = [*c]u8;
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: yes = undefined;
\\ if (a != null) {
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 2);
\\ }
cases.add("statement expression",
\\int foo(void) {
\\ return ({
\\ int a = 1;
\\ a;
\\ a;
\\ });
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ return blk: {
\\ var a: c_int = 1;
\\ _ = a;
\\ break :blk a;
\\ };
cases.add("field access expression",
\\#define ARROW a->b
\\#define DOT a.b
\\extern struct Foo {
\\ int b;
\\float b = 2.0f;
\\void foo(void) {
\\ struct Foo *c;
\\ a.b;
\\ c->b;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ b: c_int,
\\pub extern var a: struct_Foo;
\\pub export var b: f32 = 2.0;
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var c: [*c]struct_Foo = undefined;
\\ _ = a.b;
\\ _ = c.*.b;
\\pub const DOT = a.b;
\\pub const ARROW = a.*.b;
cases.add("array access",
\\#define ACCESS array[2]
\\int array[100] = {};
\\int foo(int index) {
\\ return array[index];
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export var array: [100]c_int = [1]c_int{0} ** 100;
\\pub export fn foo(arg_index: c_int) c_int {
\\ var index = arg_index;
\\ return array[@intCast(c_uint, index)];
\\pub const ACCESS = array[@as(c_int, 2)];
cases.add("cast signed array index to unsigned",
\\void foo() {
\\ int a[10], i = 0;
\\ a[i] = 0;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: [10]c_int = undefined;
\\ var i: c_int = 0;
\\ a[@intCast(c_uint, i)] = 0;
cases.add("long long array index cast to usize",
\\void foo() {
\\ long long a[10], i = 0;
\\ a[i] = 0;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: [10]c_longlong = undefined;
\\ var i: c_longlong = 0;
\\ a[@intCast(usize, i)] = 0;
cases.add("unsigned array index skips cast",
\\void foo() {
\\ unsigned int a[10], i = 0;
\\ a[i] = 0;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: [10]c_uint = undefined;
\\ var i: c_uint = 0;
\\ a[i] = 0;
cases.add("macro call",
\\#define CALL(arg) bar(arg)
\\int bar(int x) { return x; }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub inline fn CALL(arg: anytype) @TypeOf(bar(arg)) {
\\ return bar(arg);
cases.add("macro call with no args",
\\#define CALL(arg) bar()
\\int bar(void) { return 0; }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub inline fn CALL(arg: anytype) @TypeOf(bar()) {
\\ _ = arg;
\\ return bar();
cases.add("logical and, logical or",
\\int max(int a, int b) {
\\ if (a < b || a == b)
\\ return b;
\\ if (a >= b && a == b)
\\ return a;
\\ return a;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn max(arg_a: c_int, arg_b: c_int) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var b = arg_b;
\\ if ((a < b) or (a == b)) return b;
\\ if ((a >= b) and (a == b)) return a;
\\ return a;
cases.add("simple if statement",
\\int max(int a, int b) {
\\ if (a < b)
\\ return b;
\\ if (a < b)
\\ return b;
\\ else
\\ return a;
\\ if (a < b) ; else ;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn max(arg_a: c_int, arg_b: c_int) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var b = arg_b;
\\ if (a < b) return b;
\\ if (a < b) return b else return a;
\\ if (a < b) {} else {}
\\ return 0;
cases.add("if statements",
\\void foo() {
\\ if (2) {
\\ int a = 2;
\\ }
\\ if (2, 5) {
\\ int a = 2;
\\ }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ if (true) {
\\ var a: c_int = 2;
\\ _ = a;
\\ }
\\ if ((blk: {
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 2);
\\ break :blk @as(c_int, 5);
\\ }) != 0) {
\\ var a: c_int = 2;
\\ _ = a;
\\ }
cases.add("if on non-bool",
\\enum SomeEnum { A, B, C };
\\int if_none_bool(int a, float b, void *c, enum SomeEnum d) {
\\ if (a) return 0;
\\ if (b) return 1;
\\ if (c) return 2;
\\ if (d) return 3;
\\ return 4;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const A: c_int = 0;
\\pub const B: c_int = 1;
\\pub const C: c_int = 2;
\\pub const enum_SomeEnum =
++ " " ++ default_enum_type ++
\\pub export fn if_none_bool(arg_a: c_int, arg_b: f32, arg_c: ?*c_void, arg_d: enum_SomeEnum) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var b = arg_b;
\\ var c = arg_c;
\\ var d = arg_d;
\\ if (a != 0) return 0;
\\ if (b != 0) return 1;
\\ if (c != null) return 2;
\\ if (d != 0) return 3;
\\ return 4;
cases.add("simple data types",
\\#include <stdint.h>
\\int foo(char a, unsigned char b, signed char c);
\\int foo(char a, unsigned char b, signed char c); // test a duplicate prototype
\\void bar(uint8_t a, uint16_t b, uint32_t c, uint64_t d);
\\void baz(int8_t a, int16_t b, int32_t c, int64_t d);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn foo(a: u8, b: u8, c: i8) c_int;
\\pub extern fn bar(a: u8, b: u16, c: u32, d: u64) void;
\\pub extern fn baz(a: i8, b: i16, c: i32, d: i64) void;
cases.add("simple function",
\\int abs(int a) {
\\ return a < 0 ? -a : a;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn abs(arg_a: c_int) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ return if (a < @as(c_int, 0)) -a else a;
cases.add("post increment",
\\unsigned foo1(unsigned a) {
\\ a++;
\\ return a;
\\int foo2(int a) {
\\ a++;
\\ return a;
\\int *foo3(int *a) {
\\ a++;
\\ return a;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo1(arg_a: c_uint) c_uint {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ a +%= 1;
\\ return a;
\\pub export fn foo2(arg_a: c_int) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ a += 1;
\\ return a;
\\pub export fn foo3(arg_a: [*c]c_int) [*c]c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ a += 1;
\\ return a;
cases.add("deref function pointer",
\\void foo(void) {}
\\int baz(void) { return 0; }
\\void bar(void) {
\\ void(*f)(void) = foo;
\\ int(*b)(void) = baz;
\\ f();
\\ (*(f))();
\\ foo();
\\ b();
\\ (*(b))();
\\ baz();
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {}
\\pub export fn baz() c_int {
\\ return 0;
\\pub export fn bar() void {
\\ var f: ?fn () callconv(.C) void = foo;
\\ var b: ?fn () callconv(.C) c_int = baz;
\\ f.?();
\\ f.?();
\\ foo();
\\ _ = b.?();
\\ _ = b.?();
\\ _ = baz();
cases.add("pre increment/decrement",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ int i = 0;
\\ unsigned u = 0;
\\ ++i;
\\ --i;
\\ ++u;
\\ --u;
\\ i = ++i;
\\ i = --i;
\\ u = ++u;
\\ u = --u;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var i: c_int = 0;
\\ var u: c_uint = 0;
\\ i += 1;
\\ i -= 1;
\\ u +%= 1;
\\ u -%= 1;
\\ i = blk: {
\\ const ref = &i;
\\ ref.* += 1;
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ };
\\ i = blk: {
\\ const ref = &i;
\\ ref.* -= 1;
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ };
\\ u = blk: {
\\ const ref = &u;
\\ ref.* +%= 1;
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ };
\\ u = blk: {
\\ const ref = &u;
\\ ref.* -%= 1;
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ };
cases.add("shift right assign",
\\int log2(unsigned a) {
\\ int i = 0;
\\ while (a > 0) {
\\ a >>= 1;
\\ }
\\ return i;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn log2(arg_a: c_uint) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var i: c_int = 0;
\\ while (a > @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 0))) {
\\ a >>= @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), @as(c_int, 1));
\\ }
\\ return i;
cases.add("shift right assign with a fixed size type",
\\#include <stdint.h>
\\int log2(uint32_t a) {
\\ int i = 0;
\\ while (a > 0) {
\\ a >>= 1;
\\ }
\\ return i;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn log2(arg_a: u32) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var i: c_int = 0;
\\ while (a > @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 0))) {
\\ a >>= @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), @as(c_int, 1));
\\ }
\\ return i;
cases.add("compound assignment operators",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ int a = 0;
\\ unsigned b = 0;
\\ a += (a += 1);
\\ a -= (a -= 1);
\\ a *= (a *= 1);
\\ a &= (a &= 1);
\\ a |= (a |= 1);
\\ a ^= (a ^= 1);
\\ a >>= (a >>= 1);
\\ a <<= (a <<= 1);
\\ a /= (a /= 1);
\\ a %= (a %= 1);
\\ b /= (b /= 1);
\\ b %= (b %= 1);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: c_int = 0;
\\ var b: c_uint = 0;
\\ a += blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* += @as(c_int, 1);
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ };
\\ a -= blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* -= @as(c_int, 1);
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ };
\\ a *= blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* *= @as(c_int, 1);
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ };
\\ a &= blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* &= @as(c_int, 1);
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ };
\\ a |= blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* |= @as(c_int, 1);
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ };
\\ a ^= blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* ^= @as(c_int, 1);
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ };
\\ a >>= @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* >>= @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
\\ a <<= @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* <<= @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
\\ a = @divTrunc(a, blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* = @divTrunc(ref.*, @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
\\ a = @rem(a, blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* = @rem(ref.*, @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
\\ b /= blk: {
\\ const ref = &b;
\\ ref.* /= @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ };
\\ b %= blk: {
\\ const ref = &b;
\\ ref.* %= @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ };
cases.add("compound assignment operators unsigned",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ unsigned a = 0;
\\ a += (a += 1);
\\ a -= (a -= 1);
\\ a *= (a *= 1);
\\ a &= (a &= 1);
\\ a |= (a |= 1);
\\ a ^= (a ^= 1);
\\ a >>= (a >>= 1);
\\ a <<= (a <<= 1);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: c_uint = 0;
\\ a +%= blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* +%= @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ };
\\ a -%= blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* -%= @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ };
\\ a *%= blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* *%= @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ };
\\ a &= blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* &= @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ };
\\ a |= blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* |= @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ };
\\ a ^= blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* ^= @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ };
\\ a >>= @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_uint), blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* >>= @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
\\ a <<= @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_uint), blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* <<= @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
cases.add("post increment/decrement",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ int i = 0;
\\ unsigned u = 0;
\\ i++;
\\ i--;
\\ u++;
\\ u--;
\\ i = i++;
\\ i = i--;
\\ u = u++;
\\ u = u--;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var i: c_int = 0;
\\ var u: c_uint = 0;
\\ i += 1;
\\ i -= 1;
\\ u +%= 1;
\\ u -%= 1;
\\ i = blk: {
\\ const ref = &i;
\\ const tmp = ref.*;
\\ ref.* += 1;
\\ break :blk tmp;
\\ };
\\ i = blk: {
\\ const ref = &i;
\\ const tmp = ref.*;
\\ ref.* -= 1;
\\ break :blk tmp;
\\ };
\\ u = blk: {
\\ const ref = &u;
\\ const tmp = ref.*;
\\ ref.* +%= 1;
\\ break :blk tmp;
\\ };
\\ u = blk: {
\\ const ref = &u;
\\ const tmp = ref.*;
\\ ref.* -%= 1;
\\ break :blk tmp;
\\ };
cases.add("implicit casts",
\\#include <stdbool.h>
\\void fn_int(int x);
\\void fn_f32(float x);
\\void fn_f64(double x);
\\void fn_char(char x);
\\void fn_bool(bool x);
\\void fn_ptr(void *x);
\\void call() {
\\ fn_int(3.0f);
\\ fn_int(3.0);
\\ fn_int('ABCD');
\\ fn_f32(3);
\\ fn_f64(3);
\\ fn_char('3');
\\ fn_char('\x1');
\\ fn_char(0);
\\ fn_f32(3.0f);
\\ fn_f64(3.0);
\\ fn_bool(123);
\\ fn_bool(0);
\\ fn_bool(&fn_int);
\\ fn_int(&fn_int);
\\ fn_ptr(42);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn fn_int(x: c_int) void;
\\pub extern fn fn_f32(x: f32) void;
\\pub extern fn fn_f64(x: f64) void;
\\pub extern fn fn_char(x: u8) void;
\\pub extern fn fn_bool(x: bool) void;
\\pub extern fn fn_ptr(x: ?*c_void) void;
\\pub export fn call() void {
\\ fn_int(@floatToInt(c_int, 3.0));
\\ fn_int(@floatToInt(c_int, 3.0));
\\ fn_int(@as(c_int, 1094861636));
\\ fn_f32(@intToFloat(f32, @as(c_int, 3)));
\\ fn_f64(@intToFloat(f64, @as(c_int, 3)));
\\ fn_char(@bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, '3'))));
\\ fn_char(@bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, '\x01'))));
\\ fn_char(@bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, 0))));
\\ fn_f32(3.0);
\\ fn_f64(3.0);
\\ fn_bool(@as(c_int, 123) != 0);
\\ fn_bool(@as(c_int, 0) != 0);
\\ fn_bool(@ptrToInt(fn_int) != 0);
\\ fn_int(@intCast(c_int, @ptrToInt(fn_int)));
\\ fn_ptr(@intToPtr(?*c_void, @as(c_int, 42)));
cases.add("function call",
\\static void bar(void) { }
\\void foo(int *(baz)(void)) {
\\ bar();
\\ baz();
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub fn bar() callconv(.C) void {}
\\pub export fn foo(arg_baz: ?fn () callconv(.C) [*c]c_int) void {
\\ var baz = arg_baz;
\\ bar();
\\ _ = baz.?();
cases.add("macro defines string literal with octal",
\\#define FOO "aoeu\023 derp"
\\#define FOO2 "aoeu\0234 derp"
\\#define FOO_CHAR '\077'
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = "aoeu\x13 derp";
\\pub const FOO2 = "aoeu\x134 derp";
\\pub const FOO_CHAR = '\x3f';
\\enum Foo {
\\ FooA = 2,
\\ FooB = 5,
\\ Foo1,
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FooA: c_int = 2;
\\pub const FooB: c_int = 5;
\\pub const Foo1: c_int = 6;
\\pub const enum_Foo =
++ " " ++ default_enum_type ++
\\pub const Foo = enum_Foo;
cases.add("macro cast",
\\#include <stdint.h>
\\int baz(void *arg) { return 0; }
\\#define FOO(bar) baz((void *)(baz))
\\#define BAR (void*) a
\\#define BAZ (uint32_t)(2)
\\#define a 2
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub inline fn FOO(bar: anytype) @TypeOf(baz(@import("std").zig.c_translation.cast(?*c_void, baz))) {
\\ _ = bar;
\\ return baz(@import("std").zig.c_translation.cast(?*c_void, baz));
\\pub const BAR = @import("std").zig.c_translation.cast(?*c_void, a);
\\pub const BAZ = @import("std").zig.c_translation.cast(u32, @as(c_int, 2));
cases.add("macro with cast to unsigned short, long, and long long",
\\#define CURLAUTH_BASIC_BUT_USHORT ((unsigned short) 1)
\\#define CURLAUTH_BASIC ((unsigned long) 1)
\\#define CURLAUTH_BASIC_BUT_ULONGLONG ((unsigned long long) 1)
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const CURLAUTH_BASIC_BUT_USHORT = @import("std").zig.c_translation.cast(c_ushort, @as(c_int, 1));
\\pub const CURLAUTH_BASIC = @import("std").zig.c_translation.cast(c_ulong, @as(c_int, 1));
\\pub const CURLAUTH_BASIC_BUT_ULONGLONG = @import("std").zig.c_translation.cast(c_ulonglong, @as(c_int, 1));
cases.add("macro conditional operator",
\\ int a, b, c;
\\#define FOO a ? b : c
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = if (a) b else c;
cases.add("do while as expr",
\\static void foo(void) {
\\ if (1)
\\ do {} while (0);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub fn foo() callconv(.C) void {
\\ if (true) {}
cases.add("macro comparisons",
\\#define MIN(a, b) ((b) < (a) ? (b) : (a))
\\#define MAX(a, b) ((b) > (a) ? (b) : (a))
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub inline fn MIN(a: anytype, b: anytype) @TypeOf(if (b < a) b else a) {
\\ return if (b < a) b else a;
\\pub inline fn MAX(a: anytype, b: anytype) @TypeOf(if (b > a) b else a) {
\\ return if (b > a) b else a;
cases.add("nested assignment",
\\int foo(int *p, int x) {
\\ return *p++ = x;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo(arg_p: [*c]c_int, arg_x: c_int) c_int {
\\ var p = arg_p;
\\ var x = arg_x;
\\ return blk: {
\\ const tmp = x;
\\ (blk_1: {
\\ const ref = &p;
\\ const tmp_2 = ref.*;
\\ ref.* += 1;
\\ break :blk_1 tmp_2;
\\ }).* = tmp;
\\ break :blk tmp;
\\ };
cases.add("widening and truncating integer casting to different signedness",
\\unsigned long foo(void) {
\\ return -1;
\\unsigned short bar(long x) {
\\ return x;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_ulong {
\\ return @bitCast(c_ulong, @as(c_long, -@as(c_int, 1)));
\\pub export fn bar(arg_x: c_long) c_ushort {
\\ var x = arg_x;
\\ return @bitCast(c_ushort, @truncate(c_short, x));
cases.add("arg name aliasing decl which comes after",
\\void foo(int bar) {
\\ bar = 2;
\\int bar = 4;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo(arg_bar_1: c_int) void {
\\ var bar_1 = arg_bar_1;
\\ bar_1 = 2;
\\pub export var bar: c_int = 4;
cases.add("arg name aliasing macro which comes after",
\\void foo(int bar) {
\\ bar = 2;
\\#define bar 4
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo(arg_bar_1: c_int) void {
\\ var bar_1 = arg_bar_1;
\\ bar_1 = 2;
\\pub const bar = @as(c_int, 4);
cases.add("don't export inline functions",
\\inline void a(void) {}
\\static void b(void) {}
\\void c(void) {}
\\static void foo() {}
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub fn a() callconv(.C) void {}
\\pub fn b() callconv(.C) void {}
\\pub export fn c() void {}
\\pub fn foo() callconv(.C) void {}
cases.add("casting away const and volatile",
\\void foo(int *a) {}
\\void bar(const int *a) {
\\ foo((int *)a);
\\void baz(volatile int *a) {
\\ foo((int *)a);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo(arg_a: [*c]c_int) void {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ _ = a;
\\pub export fn bar(arg_a: [*c]const c_int) void {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ foo(@intToPtr([*c]c_int, @ptrToInt(a)));
\\pub export fn baz(arg_a: [*c]volatile c_int) void {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ foo(@intToPtr([*c]c_int, @ptrToInt(a)));
cases.add("handling of _Bool type",
\\_Bool foo(_Bool x) {
\\ _Bool a = x != 1;
\\ _Bool b = a != 0;
\\ _Bool c = foo;
\\ return foo(c != b);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo(arg_x: bool) bool {
\\ var x = arg_x;
\\ var a: bool = @as(c_int, @boolToInt(x)) != @as(c_int, 1);
\\ var b: bool = @as(c_int, @boolToInt(a)) != @as(c_int, 0);
\\ var c: bool = @ptrToInt(foo) != 0;
\\ return foo(@as(c_int, @boolToInt(c)) != @as(c_int, @boolToInt(b)));
cases.add("Don't make const parameters mutable",
\\int max(const int x, int y) {
\\ return (x > y) ? x : y;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn max(x: c_int, arg_y: c_int) c_int {
\\ var y = arg_y;
\\ return if (x > y) x else y;
cases.add("string concatenation in macros",
\\#define FOO "hello"
\\#define BAR FOO " world"
\\#define BAZ "oh, " FOO
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = "hello";
\\pub const BAR = FOO ++ " world";
\\pub const BAZ = "oh, " ++ FOO;
cases.add("string concatenation in macros: two defines",
\\#define FOO "hello"
\\#define BAZ " world"
\\#define BAR FOO BAZ
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = "hello";
\\pub const BAZ = " world";
\\pub const BAR = FOO ++ BAZ;
cases.add("string concatenation in macros: two strings",
\\#define FOO "a" "b"
\\#define BAR FOO "c"
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = "a" ++ "b";
\\pub const BAR = FOO ++ "c";
cases.add("string concatenation in macros: three strings",
\\#define FOO "a" "b" "c"
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = "a" ++ "b" ++ "c";
cases.add("multibyte character literals",
\\#define FOO 'abcd'
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = 0x61626364;
cases.add("Make sure casts are grouped",
\\typedef struct
\\ int i;
\\typedef struct _XDisplay Display;
\\#define DefaultScreen(dpy) (((_XPrivDisplay)(dpy))->default_screen)
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub inline fn DefaultScreen(dpy: anytype) @TypeOf(@import("std").zig.c_translation.cast(_XPrivDisplay, dpy).*.default_screen) {
\\ return @import("std").zig.c_translation.cast(_XPrivDisplay, dpy).*.default_screen;
cases.add("macro integer literal casts",
\\#define NULL ((void*)0)
\\#define FOO ((int)0x8000)
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const NULL = @import("std").zig.c_translation.cast(?*c_void, @as(c_int, 0));
\\pub const FOO = @import("std").zig.c_translation.cast(c_int, @import("std").zig.c_translation.promoteIntLiteral(c_int, 0x8000, .hexadecimal));
if (std.Target.current.abi == .msvc) {
cases.add("nameless struct fields",
\\typedef struct NAMED
\\ long name;
\\} NAMED;
\\typedef struct ONENAMEWITHSTRUCT
\\ long b;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_NAMED = extern struct {
\\ name: c_long,
\\pub const NAMED = struct_NAMED;
\\pub const struct_ONENAMEWITHSTRUCT = extern struct {
\\ unnamed_0: struct_NAMED,
\\ b: c_long,
} else {
cases.add("nameless struct fields",
\\typedef struct NAMED
\\ long name;
\\} NAMED;
\\typedef struct ONENAMEWITHSTRUCT
\\ long b;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_NAMED = extern struct {
\\ name: c_long,
\\pub const NAMED = struct_NAMED;
\\pub const struct_ONENAMEWITHSTRUCT = extern struct {
\\ b: c_long,
cases.add("unnamed fields have predictable names",
\\struct a {
\\ struct {};
\\struct b {
\\ struct {};
, &[_][]const u8{
\\const struct_unnamed_1 = extern struct {};
\\pub const struct_a = extern struct {
\\ unnamed_0: struct_unnamed_1,
\\const struct_unnamed_2 = extern struct {};
\\pub const struct_b = extern struct {
\\ unnamed_0: struct_unnamed_2,
cases.add("integer literal promotion",
\\#define GUARANTEED_TO_FIT_1 1024
\\#define GUARANTEED_TO_FIT_2 10241024L
\\#define GUARANTEED_TO_FIT_3 20482048LU
\\#define MAY_NEED_PROMOTION_1 10241024
\\#define MAY_NEED_PROMOTION_2 307230723072L
\\#define MAY_NEED_PROMOTION_3 819281928192LU
\\#define MAY_NEED_PROMOTION_HEX 0x80000000
\\#define MAY_NEED_PROMOTION_OCT 020000000000
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const GUARANTEED_TO_FIT_1 = @as(c_int, 1024);
\\pub const GUARANTEED_TO_FIT_2 = @as(c_long, 10241024);
\\pub const GUARANTEED_TO_FIT_3 = @as(c_ulong, 20482048);
\\pub const MAY_NEED_PROMOTION_1 = @import("std").zig.c_translation.promoteIntLiteral(c_int, 10241024, .decimal);
\\pub const MAY_NEED_PROMOTION_2 = @import("std").zig.c_translation.promoteIntLiteral(c_long, 307230723072, .decimal);
\\pub const MAY_NEED_PROMOTION_3 = @import("std").zig.c_translation.promoteIntLiteral(c_ulong, 819281928192, .decimal);
\\pub const MAY_NEED_PROMOTION_HEX = @import("std").zig.c_translation.promoteIntLiteral(c_int, 0x80000000, .hexadecimal);
\\pub const MAY_NEED_PROMOTION_OCT = @import("std").zig.c_translation.promoteIntLiteral(c_int, 0o20000000000, .octal);
cases.add("demote un-implemented builtins",
\\#define FOO(X) __builtin_alloca_with_align((X), 8)
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = @compileError("unable to translate macro: undefined identifier `__builtin_alloca_with_align`");
cases.add("null sentinel arrays when initialized from string literal. Issue #8256",
\\#include <stdint.h>
\\char zero[0] = "abc";
\\uint32_t zero_w[0] = U"💯💯💯";
\\char empty_incomplete[] = "";
\\uint32_t empty_incomplete_w[] = U"";
\\char empty_constant[100] = "";
\\uint32_t empty_constant_w[100] = U"";
\\char incomplete[] = "abc";
\\uint32_t incomplete_w[] = U"💯💯💯";
\\char truncated[1] = "abc";
\\uint32_t truncated_w[1] = U"💯💯💯";
\\char extend[5] = "a";
\\uint32_t extend_w[5] = U"💯";
\\char no_null[3] = "abc";
\\uint32_t no_null_w[3] = U"💯💯💯";
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export var zero: [0]u8 = [0]u8{};
\\pub export var zero_w: [0]u32 = [0]u32{};
\\pub export var empty_incomplete: [1]u8 = [1]u8{0} ** 1;
\\pub export var empty_incomplete_w: [1]u32 = [1]u32{0} ** 1;
\\pub export var empty_constant: [100]u8 = [1]u8{0} ** 100;
\\pub export var empty_constant_w: [100]u32 = [1]u32{0} ** 100;
\\pub export var incomplete: [3:0]u8 = "abc".*;
\\pub export var incomplete_w: [3:0]u32 = [3:0]u32{
\\ '\u{1f4af}',
\\ '\u{1f4af}',
\\ '\u{1f4af}',
\\pub export var truncated: [1]u8 = "abc"[0..1].*;
\\pub export var truncated_w: [1]u32 = [1]u32{
\\ '\u{1f4af}',
\\pub export var extend: [5]u8 = "a"[0..1].* ++ [1]u8{0} ** 4;
\\pub export var extend_w: [5]u32 = [1]u32{
\\ '\u{1f4af}',
\\} ++ [1]u32{0} ** 4;
\\pub export var no_null: [3]u8 = "abc".*;
\\pub export var no_null_w: [3]u32 = [3]u32{
\\ '\u{1f4af}',
\\ '\u{1f4af}',
\\ '\u{1f4af}',
cases.add("global assembly",
\\__asm__(".globl func\n\t"
\\ ".type func, @function\n\t"
\\ "func:\n\t"
\\ ".cfi_startproc\n\t"
\\ "movl $42, %eax\n\t"
\\ "ret\n\t"
\\ ".cfi_endproc");
, &[_][]const u8{
\\comptime {
\\ asm (".globl func\n\t.type func, @function\n\tfunc:\n\t.cfi_startproc\n\tmovl $42, %eax\n\tret\n\t.cfi_endproc");
cases.add("Demote function that initializes opaque struct",
\\struct my_struct {
\\ unsigned a: 15;
\\ unsigned: 2;
\\ unsigned b: 15;
\\void initialize(void) {
\\ struct my_struct S = {.a = 1, .b = 2};
, &[_][]const u8{
\\warning: cannot initialize opaque type
\\warning: unable to translate function, demoted to extern
\\pub extern fn initialize() void;
cases.add("Demote function that dereferences opaque type",
\\struct my_struct {
\\ unsigned a: 1;
\\void deref(struct my_struct *s) {
\\ *s;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\warning: cannot dereference opaque type
\\warning: unable to translate function, demoted to extern
\\pub extern fn deref(arg_s: ?*struct_my_struct) void;
cases.add("Function prototype declared within function",
\\int foo(void) {
\\ extern int bar(int, int);
\\ return bar(1, 2);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn bar(c_int, c_int) c_int;
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ return bar(@as(c_int, 1), @as(c_int, 2));
cases.add("static local variable zero-initialized if no initializer",
\\struct FOO {int x; int y;};
\\int bar(void) {
\\ static struct FOO foo;
\\ return foo.x;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_FOO = extern struct {
\\ x: c_int,
\\ y: c_int,
\\pub export fn bar() c_int {
\\ const foo = struct {
\\ var static: struct_FOO = @import("std").mem.zeroes(struct_FOO);
\\ };
\\ return foo.static.x;
cases.add("macro with nontrivial cast",
\\#define MAP_FAILED ((void *) -1)
\\typedef long long LONG_PTR;
\\#define INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ((void *)(LONG_PTR)-1)
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const MAP_FAILED = @import("std").zig.c_translation.cast(?*c_void, -@as(c_int, 1));
\\pub const INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = @import("std").zig.c_translation.cast(?*c_void, @import("std").zig.c_translation.cast(LONG_PTR, -@as(c_int, 1)));
cases.add("discard unused local variables and function parameters",
\\#define FOO(A, B) (A)
\\int bar(int x, int y) {
\\ return x;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn bar(arg_x: c_int, arg_y: c_int) c_int {
\\ var x = arg_x;
\\ var y = arg_y;
\\ _ = y;
\\ return x;
\\pub inline fn FOO(A: anytype, B: anytype) @TypeOf(A) {
\\ _ = B;
\\ return A;
cases.add("Use @ syntax for bare underscore identifier in macro or public symbol",
\\#define FOO _
\\int _ = 42;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = @"_";
\\pub export var @"_": c_int = 42;
cases.add("Macro matching",
\\#define FOO(X) (X ## U)
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = @import("std").zig.c_translation.Macros.U_SUFFIX;
cases.add("Simple array access of pointer with non-negative integer constant",
\\void foo(int *p) {
\\ p[0];
\\ p[1];
, &[_][]const u8{
\\_ = p[@intCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 0))];
\\_ = p[@intCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 1))];
cases.add("Undefined macro identifier",
\\#define FOO BAR
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = @compileError("unable to translate macro: undefined identifier `BAR`");
cases.add("Macro redefines builtin",
\\#define FOO __builtin_popcount
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = __builtin_popcount;
cases.add("Only consider public decls in `isBuiltinDefined`",
\\#define FOO std
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = @compileError("unable to translate macro: undefined identifier `std`");
cases.add("Macro without a value",
\\#define FOO
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = "";