mlugg 3a25f6a22e Port some stage1 test cases to stage2
There are now very few stage1 cases remaining:
* `cases/compile_errors/stage1/obj/*` currently don't work correctly on
  stage2. There are 6 of these, and most of them are probably fairly
  simple to fix.
* `cases/compile_errors/async/*` and all remaining `safety/*` depend on
  async; see #6025.

Resolves: #14849
2023-03-20 19:55:50 -04:00

187 lines
5.5 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const Cases = @import("src/Cases.zig");
pub fn addCases(ctx: *Cases) !void {
const case = ctx.obj("multiline error messages", .{});
\\comptime {
\\ @compileError("hello\nworld");
, &[_][]const u8{
\\:2:5: error: hello
\\ world
\\comptime {
\\ @compileError(
\\ \\
\\ \\hello!
\\ \\I'm a multiline error message.
\\ \\I hope to be very useful!
\\ \\
\\ \\also I will leave this trailing newline here if you don't mind
\\ \\
\\ );
, &[_][]const u8{
\\:2:5: error:
\\ hello!
\\ I'm a multiline error message.
\\ I hope to be very useful!
\\ also I will leave this trailing newline here if you don't mind
const case = ctx.obj("isolated carriage return in multiline string literal", .{});
case.addError("const foo = \\\\\test\r\r rogue carriage return\n;", &[_][]const u8{
":1:19: error: expected ';' after declaration",
":1:20: note: invalid byte: '\\r'",
const case = ctx.obj("missing semicolon at EOF", .{});
\\const foo = 1
, &[_][]const u8{
\\:1:14: error: expected ';' after declaration
const case = ctx.obj("argument causes error", .{});
\\pub export fn entry() void {
\\ var lib: @import("b.zig").ElfDynLib = undefined;
\\ _ = lib.lookup(fn () void);
, &[_][]const u8{
":3:12: error: unable to resolve comptime value",
":3:12: note: argument to function being called at comptime must be comptime-known",
":2:55: note: expression is evaluated at comptime because the generic function was instantiated with a comptime-only return type",
\\pub const ElfDynLib = struct {
\\ pub fn lookup(self: *ElfDynLib, comptime T: type) ?T {
\\ _ = self;
\\ return undefined;
\\ }
const case = ctx.obj("astgen failure in file struct", .{});
\\pub export fn entry() void {
\\ _ = (@sizeOf(@import("b.zig")));
, &[_][]const u8{
":1:1: error: expected type expression, found '+'",
const case = ctx.obj("invalid store to comptime field", .{});
\\const a = @import("a.zig");
\\export fn entry() void {
\\ _ = a.S.foo(a.S{ .foo = 2, .bar = 2 });
, &[_][]const u8{
":4:23: error: value stored in comptime field does not match the default value of the field",
":2:25: note: default value set here",
\\pub const S = struct {
\\ comptime foo: u32 = 1,
\\ bar: u32,
\\ pub fn foo(x: @This()) void {
\\ _ = x;
\\ }
const case = ctx.obj("file in multiple modules", .{});
case.addDepModule("foo", "foo.zig");
\\comptime {
\\ _ = @import("foo");
\\ _ = @import("foo.zig");
, &[_][]const u8{
":1:1: error: file exists in multiple modules",
":1:1: note: root of module root.foo",
":3:17: note: imported from module root",
\\const dummy = 0;
const case = ctx.obj("wrong same named struct", .{});
\\const a = @import("a.zig");
\\const b = @import("b.zig");
\\export fn entry() void {
\\ var a1: a.Foo = undefined;
\\ bar(&a1);
\\fn bar(_: *b.Foo) void {}
, &[_][]const u8{
":6:9: error: expected type '*b.Foo', found '*a.Foo'",
":6:9: note: pointer type child 'a.Foo' cannot cast into pointer type child 'b.Foo'",
":1:17: note: struct declared here",
":1:17: note: struct declared here",
":9:11: note: parameter type declared here",
\\pub const Foo = struct {
\\ x: i32,
\\pub const Foo = struct {
\\ z: f64,
const case = ctx.obj("non-printable invalid character", .{});
case.addError("\xff\xfe" ++
\\export fn foo() bool {
\\ return true;
, &[_][]const u8{
":1:1: error: expected type expression, found 'invalid bytes'",
":1:1: note: invalid byte: '\\xff'",