mirror of
synced 2024-12-04 02:48:50 +00:00
Conflicts: * doc/langref.html.in * lib/std/enums.zig * lib/std/fmt.zig * lib/std/hash/auto_hash.zig * lib/std/math.zig * lib/std/mem.zig * lib/std/meta.zig * test/behavior/alignof.zig * test/behavior/bitcast.zig * test/behavior/bugs/1421.zig * test/behavior/cast.zig * test/behavior/ptrcast.zig * test/behavior/type_info.zig * test/behavior/vector.zig Master branch added `try` to a bunch of testing function calls, and some lines also had changed how to refer to the native architecture and other `@import("builtin")` stuff.
453 lines
10 KiB
453 lines
10 KiB
const std = @import("std");
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const expectError = std.testing.expectError;
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;
const mem = std.mem;
pub fn foo() anyerror!i32 {
const x = try bar();
return x + 1;
pub fn bar() anyerror!i32 {
return 13;
pub fn baz() anyerror!i32 {
const y = foo() catch 1234;
return y + 1;
test "error wrapping" {
try expect((baz() catch unreachable) == 15);
fn gimmeItBroke() []const u8 {
return @errorName(error.ItBroke);
test "@errorName" {
try expect(mem.eql(u8, @errorName(error.AnError), "AnError"));
try expect(mem.eql(u8, @errorName(error.ALongerErrorName), "ALongerErrorName"));
test "error values" {
const a = @errorToInt(error.err1);
const b = @errorToInt(error.err2);
try expect(a != b);
test "redefinition of error values allowed" {
shouldBeNotEqual(error.AnError, error.SecondError);
fn shouldBeNotEqual(a: anyerror, b: anyerror) void {
if (a == b) unreachable;
test "error binary operator" {
const a = errBinaryOperatorG(true) catch 3;
const b = errBinaryOperatorG(false) catch 3;
try expect(a == 3);
try expect(b == 10);
fn errBinaryOperatorG(x: bool) anyerror!isize {
return if (x) error.ItBroke else @as(isize, 10);
test "unwrap simple value from error" {
const i = unwrapSimpleValueFromErrorDo() catch unreachable;
try expect(i == 13);
fn unwrapSimpleValueFromErrorDo() anyerror!isize {
return 13;
test "error return in assignment" {
doErrReturnInAssignment() catch unreachable;
fn doErrReturnInAssignment() anyerror!void {
var x: i32 = undefined;
x = try makeANonErr();
fn makeANonErr() anyerror!i32 {
return 1;
test "error union type " {
try testErrorUnionType();
comptime try testErrorUnionType();
fn testErrorUnionType() !void {
const x: anyerror!i32 = 1234;
if (x) |value| try expect(value == 1234) else |_| unreachable;
try expect(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(x)) == .ErrorUnion);
try expect(@typeInfo(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(x)).ErrorUnion.error_set) == .ErrorSet);
try expect(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(x)).ErrorUnion.error_set == anyerror);
test "error set type" {
try testErrorSetType();
comptime try testErrorSetType();
const MyErrSet = error{
fn testErrorSetType() !void {
try expect(@typeInfo(MyErrSet).ErrorSet.?.len == 2);
const a: MyErrSet!i32 = 5678;
const b: MyErrSet!i32 = MyErrSet.OutOfMemory;
if (a) |value| try expect(value == 5678) else |err| switch (err) {
error.OutOfMemory => unreachable,
error.FileNotFound => unreachable,
test "explicit error set cast" {
try testExplicitErrorSetCast(Set1.A);
comptime try testExplicitErrorSetCast(Set1.A);
const Set1 = error{
const Set2 = error{
fn testExplicitErrorSetCast(set1: Set1) !void {
var x = @errSetCast(Set2, set1);
var y = @errSetCast(Set1, x);
try expect(y == error.A);
test "comptime test error for empty error set" {
try testComptimeTestErrorEmptySet(1234);
comptime try testComptimeTestErrorEmptySet(1234);
const EmptyErrorSet = error{};
fn testComptimeTestErrorEmptySet(x: EmptyErrorSet!i32) !void {
if (x) |v| try expect(v == 1234) else |err| @compileError("bad");
test "syntax: optional operator in front of error union operator" {
comptime {
try expect(?(anyerror!i32) == ?(anyerror!i32));
test "comptime err to int of error set with only 1 possible value" {
testErrToIntWithOnePossibleValue(error.A, @errorToInt(error.A));
comptime testErrToIntWithOnePossibleValue(error.A, @errorToInt(error.A));
fn testErrToIntWithOnePossibleValue(
x: error{A},
comptime value: u32,
) void {
if (@errorToInt(x) != value) {
test "empty error union" {
const x = error{} || error{};
test "error union peer type resolution" {
try testErrorUnionPeerTypeResolution(1);
fn testErrorUnionPeerTypeResolution(x: i32) !void {
const y = switch (x) {
1 => bar_1(),
2 => baz_1(),
else => quux_1(),
if (y) |_| {
@panic("expected error");
} else |e| {
try expect(e == error.A);
fn bar_1() anyerror {
return error.A;
fn baz_1() !i32 {
return error.B;
fn quux_1() !i32 {
return error.C;
test "error: fn returning empty error set can be passed as fn returning any error" {
comptime entry();
fn entry() void {
fn foo2(f: fn () anyerror!void) void {
const x = f();
fn bar2() (error{}!void) {}
test "error: Zero sized error set returned with value payload crash" {
_ = foo3(0) catch {};
_ = comptime foo3(0) catch {};
const Error = error{};
fn foo3(b: usize) Error!usize {
return b;
test "error: Infer error set from literals" {
_ = nullLiteral("n") catch |err| handleErrors(err);
_ = floatLiteral("n") catch |err| handleErrors(err);
_ = intLiteral("n") catch |err| handleErrors(err);
_ = comptime nullLiteral("n") catch |err| handleErrors(err);
_ = comptime floatLiteral("n") catch |err| handleErrors(err);
_ = comptime intLiteral("n") catch |err| handleErrors(err);
fn handleErrors(err: anytype) noreturn {
switch (err) {
error.T => {},
fn nullLiteral(str: []const u8) !?i64 {
if (str[0] == 'n') return null;
return error.T;
fn floatLiteral(str: []const u8) !?f64 {
if (str[0] == 'n') return 1.0;
return error.T;
fn intLiteral(str: []const u8) !?i64 {
if (str[0] == 'n') return 1;
return error.T;
test "nested error union function call in optional unwrap" {
const S = struct {
const Foo = struct {
a: i32,
fn errorable() !i32 {
var x: Foo = (try getFoo()) orelse return error.Other;
return x.a;
fn errorable2() !i32 {
var x: Foo = (try getFoo2()) orelse return error.Other;
return x.a;
fn errorable3() !i32 {
var x: Foo = (try getFoo3()) orelse return error.Other;
return x.a;
fn getFoo() anyerror!?Foo {
return Foo{ .a = 1234 };
fn getFoo2() anyerror!?Foo {
return error.Failure;
fn getFoo3() anyerror!?Foo {
return null;
try expect((try S.errorable()) == 1234);
try expectError(error.Failure, S.errorable2());
try expectError(error.Other, S.errorable3());
comptime {
try expect((try S.errorable()) == 1234);
try expectError(error.Failure, S.errorable2());
try expectError(error.Other, S.errorable3());
test "widen cast integer payload of error union function call" {
const S = struct {
fn errorable() !u64 {
var x = @as(u64, try number());
return x;
fn number() anyerror!u32 {
return 1234;
try expect((try S.errorable()) == 1234);
test "return function call to error set from error union function" {
const S = struct {
fn errorable() anyerror!i32 {
return fail();
fn fail() anyerror {
return error.Failure;
try expectError(error.Failure, S.errorable());
comptime try expectError(error.Failure, S.errorable());
test "optional error set is the same size as error set" {
comptime try expect(@sizeOf(?anyerror) == @sizeOf(anyerror));
const S = struct {
fn returnsOptErrSet() ?anyerror {
return null;
try expect(S.returnsOptErrSet() == null);
comptime try expect(S.returnsOptErrSet() == null);
test "debug info for optional error set" {
const SomeError = error{Hello};
var a_local_variable: ?SomeError = null;
test "nested catch" {
const S = struct {
fn entry() !void {
try expectError(error.Bad, func());
fn fail() anyerror!Foo {
return error.Wrong;
fn func() anyerror!Foo {
const x = fail() catch
fail() catch
return error.Bad;
const Foo = struct {
field: i32,
try S.entry();
comptime try S.entry();
test "implicit cast to optional to error union to return result loc" {
const S = struct {
fn entry() !void {
var x: Foo = undefined;
if (func(&x)) |opt| {
try expect(opt != null);
} else |_| @panic("expected non error");
fn func(f: *Foo) anyerror!?*Foo {
return f;
const Foo = struct {
field: i32,
try S.entry();
//comptime S.entry(); TODO
test "function pointer with return type that is error union with payload which is pointer of parent struct" {
const S = struct {
const Foo = struct {
fun: fn (a: i32) (anyerror!*Foo),
const Err = error{UnspecifiedErr};
fn bar(a: i32) anyerror!*Foo {
return Err.UnspecifiedErr;
fn doTheTest() !void {
var x = Foo{ .fun = bar };
try expectError(error.UnspecifiedErr, x.fun(1));
try S.doTheTest();
test "return result loc as peer result loc in inferred error set function" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
if (foo(2)) |x| {
try expect(x.Two);
} else |e| switch (e) {
error.Whatever => @panic("fail"),
try expectError(error.Whatever, foo(99));
const FormValue = union(enum) {
One: void,
Two: bool,
fn foo(id: u64) !FormValue {
return switch (id) {
2 => FormValue{ .Two = true },
1 => FormValue{ .One = {} },
else => return error.Whatever,
try S.doTheTest();
comptime try S.doTheTest();
test "error payload type is correctly resolved" {
const MyIntWrapper = struct {
const Self = @This();
x: i32,
pub fn create() anyerror!Self {
return Self{ .x = 42 };
try expectEqual(MyIntWrapper{ .x = 42 }, try MyIntWrapper.create());
test "error union comptime caching" {
const S = struct {
fn foo(comptime arg: anytype) void {}
S.foo(@as(anyerror!void, {}));
S.foo(@as(anyerror!void, {}));