Andrew Kelley b6556c944b fix another round of regressions in this branch
* std.log: still print error messages in ReleaseSmall builds.
   - when start code gets an error code from main, it uses std.log.err
     to report the error. this resulted in a test failure because
     ReleaseSmall wasn't printing `error: TheErrorCode` when an error
     was returned from main. But that seems like it should keep working.
     So I changed the std.log defaults. I plan to follow this up with a
     proposal to change the names of and reduce the quantity of the
     log levels.
 * warning emitted when using -femit-h when using stage1 backend; fatal
   log message when using -femit-h with self-hosted backend (because the
   feature is not yet available)
 * fix double `test-cli` build steps in zig's build.zig
 * update docgen to use new CLI
 * translate-c uses `-x c` and generates a temporary basename with a
   `.h` extension. Otherwise clang reports an error.
 * --show-builtin implies -fno-emit-bin
 * restore the compile error for using an extern "c" function without
   putting -lc on the build line. we have to know about the libc
   dependency up front.
 * Fix ReleaseFast and ReleaseSmall getting swapped when passing the
   value to the stage1 backend.
 * correct the zig0 CLI usage text.
 * update test harness code to the new CLI.
2020-09-26 21:03:38 -07:00

551 lines
22 KiB

const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("std");
const Builder = std.build.Builder;
const tests = @import("test/tests.zig");
const BufMap = std.BufMap;
const warn = std.debug.warn;
const mem = std.mem;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
const io = std.io;
const fs = std.fs;
const InstallDirectoryOptions = std.build.InstallDirectoryOptions;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const zig_version = std.builtin.Version{ .major = 0, .minor = 6, .patch = 0 };
pub fn build(b: *Builder) !void {
const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions();
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
var docgen_exe = b.addExecutable("docgen", "doc/docgen.zig");
const rel_zig_exe = try fs.path.relative(b.allocator, b.build_root, b.zig_exe);
const langref_out_path = fs.path.join(
&[_][]const u8{ b.cache_root, "langref.html" },
) catch unreachable;
var docgen_cmd = docgen_exe.run();
docgen_cmd.addArgs(&[_][]const u8{
"doc" ++ fs.path.sep_str ++ "langref.html.in",
const docs_step = b.step("docs", "Build documentation");
const test_step = b.step("test", "Run all the tests");
var test_stage2 = b.addTest("src/test.zig");
test_stage2.addPackagePath("stage2_tests", "test/stage2/test.zig");
const fmt_build_zig = b.addFmt(&[_][]const u8{"build.zig"});
const skip_release = b.option(bool, "skip-release", "Main test suite skips release builds") orelse false;
const skip_release_small = b.option(bool, "skip-release-small", "Main test suite skips release-small builds") orelse skip_release;
const skip_release_fast = b.option(bool, "skip-release-fast", "Main test suite skips release-fast builds") orelse skip_release;
const skip_release_safe = b.option(bool, "skip-release-safe", "Main test suite skips release-safe builds") orelse skip_release;
const skip_non_native = b.option(bool, "skip-non-native", "Main test suite skips non-native builds") orelse false;
const skip_libc = b.option(bool, "skip-libc", "Main test suite skips tests that link libc") orelse false;
const skip_compile_errors = b.option(bool, "skip-compile-errors", "Main test suite skips compile error tests") orelse false;
const only_install_lib_files = b.option(bool, "lib-files-only", "Only install library files") orelse false;
const enable_llvm = b.option(bool, "enable-llvm", "Build self-hosted compiler with LLVM backend enabled") orelse false;
const config_h_path_option = b.option([]const u8, "config_h", "Path to the generated config.h");
.source_dir = "lib",
.install_dir = .Lib,
.install_subdir = "zig",
.exclude_extensions = &[_][]const u8{
if (only_install_lib_files)
const tracy = b.option([]const u8, "tracy", "Enable Tracy integration. Supply path to Tracy source");
const link_libc = b.option(bool, "force-link-libc", "Force self-hosted compiler to link libc") orelse enable_llvm;
var exe = b.addExecutable("zig", "src/main.zig");
exe.addBuildOption(bool, "have_llvm", enable_llvm);
if (enable_llvm) {
const config_h_text = if (config_h_path_option) |config_h_path|
try std.fs.cwd().readFileAlloc(b.allocator, toNativePathSep(b, config_h_path), max_config_h_bytes)
try findAndReadConfigH(b);
var ctx = parseConfigH(b, config_h_text);
ctx.llvm = try findLLVM(b, ctx.llvm_config_exe);
try configureStage2(b, exe, ctx, tracy != null);
if (link_libc) {
const log_scopes = b.option([]const []const u8, "log", "Which log scopes to enable") orelse &[0][]const u8{};
const zir_dumps = b.option([]const []const u8, "dump-zir", "Which functions to dump ZIR for before codegen") orelse &[0][]const u8{};
const opt_version_string = b.option([]const u8, "version-string", "Override Zig version string. Default is to find out with git.");
const version = if (opt_version_string) |version| version else v: {
const version_string = b.fmt("{}.{}.{}", .{ zig_version.major, zig_version.minor, zig_version.patch });
var code: u8 = undefined;
const git_sha_untrimmed = b.execAllowFail(&[_][]const u8{
"git", "-C", b.build_root, "name-rev", "HEAD",
"--tags", "--name-only", "--no-undefined", "--always",
}, &code, .Ignore) catch {
break :v version_string;
const git_sha_trimmed = mem.trim(u8, git_sha_untrimmed, " \n\r");
// Detect dirty changes.
const diff_untrimmed = b.execAllowFail(&[_][]const u8{
"git", "-C", b.build_root, "diff", "HEAD",
}, &code, .Ignore) catch |err| {
std.debug.print("Error executing git diff: {}", .{err});
const trimmed_diff = mem.trim(u8, diff_untrimmed, " \n\r");
const dirty_suffix = if (trimmed_diff.len == 0) "" else s: {
const dirty_hash = std.hash.Wyhash.hash(0, trimmed_diff);
break :s b.fmt("dirty{x}", .{@truncate(u32, dirty_hash)});
// This will look like e.g. "0.6.0^0" for a tag commit.
if (mem.endsWith(u8, git_sha_trimmed, "^0")) {
const git_ver_string = git_sha_trimmed[0 .. git_sha_trimmed.len - 2];
if (!mem.eql(u8, git_ver_string, version_string)) {
std.debug.print("Expected git tag '{}', found '{}'", .{ version_string, git_ver_string });
break :v b.fmt("{}{}", .{ version_string, dirty_suffix });
} else {
break :v b.fmt("{}+{}{}", .{ version_string, git_sha_trimmed, dirty_suffix });
exe.addBuildOption([]const u8, "version", version);
exe.addBuildOption([]const []const u8, "log_scopes", log_scopes);
exe.addBuildOption([]const []const u8, "zir_dumps", zir_dumps);
exe.addBuildOption(bool, "enable_tracy", tracy != null);
exe.addBuildOption(bool, "is_stage1", false);
if (tracy) |tracy_path| {
const client_cpp = fs.path.join(
&[_][]const u8{ tracy_path, "TracyClient.cpp" },
) catch unreachable;
exe.addCSourceFile(client_cpp, &[_][]const u8{ "-DTRACY_ENABLE=1", "-fno-sanitize=undefined" });
if (!enable_llvm) {
const test_filter = b.option([]const u8, "test-filter", "Skip tests that do not match filter");
const is_wine_enabled = b.option(bool, "enable-wine", "Use Wine to run cross compiled Windows tests") orelse false;
const is_qemu_enabled = b.option(bool, "enable-qemu", "Use QEMU to run cross compiled foreign architecture tests") orelse false;
const is_wasmtime_enabled = b.option(bool, "enable-wasmtime", "Use Wasmtime to enable and run WASI libstd tests") orelse false;
const glibc_multi_dir = b.option([]const u8, "enable-foreign-glibc", "Provide directory with glibc installations to run cross compiled tests that link glibc");
test_stage2.addBuildOption(bool, "is_stage1", false);
test_stage2.addBuildOption(bool, "have_llvm", enable_llvm);
test_stage2.addBuildOption(bool, "enable_qemu", is_qemu_enabled);
test_stage2.addBuildOption(bool, "enable_wine", is_wine_enabled);
test_stage2.addBuildOption(bool, "enable_wasmtime", is_wasmtime_enabled);
test_stage2.addBuildOption(?[]const u8, "glibc_multi_install_dir", glibc_multi_dir);
test_stage2.addBuildOption([]const u8, "version", version);
const test_stage2_step = b.step("test-stage2", "Run the stage2 compiler tests");
var chosen_modes: [4]builtin.Mode = undefined;
var chosen_mode_index: usize = 0;
chosen_modes[chosen_mode_index] = builtin.Mode.Debug;
chosen_mode_index += 1;
if (!skip_release_safe) {
chosen_modes[chosen_mode_index] = builtin.Mode.ReleaseSafe;
chosen_mode_index += 1;
if (!skip_release_fast) {
chosen_modes[chosen_mode_index] = builtin.Mode.ReleaseFast;
chosen_mode_index += 1;
if (!skip_release_small) {
chosen_modes[chosen_mode_index] = builtin.Mode.ReleaseSmall;
chosen_mode_index += 1;
const modes = chosen_modes[0..chosen_mode_index];
// run stage1 `zig fmt` on this build.zig file just to make sure it works
const fmt_step = b.step("test-fmt", "Run zig fmt against build.zig to make sure it works");
// TODO for the moment, skip wasm32-wasi until bugs are sorted out.
test_step.dependOn(tests.addPkgTests(b, test_filter, "test/stage1/behavior.zig", "behavior", "Run the behavior tests", modes, false, skip_non_native, skip_libc, is_wine_enabled, is_qemu_enabled, is_wasmtime_enabled, glibc_multi_dir));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addPkgTests(b, test_filter, "lib/std/std.zig", "std", "Run the standard library tests", modes, false, skip_non_native, skip_libc, is_wine_enabled, is_qemu_enabled, is_wasmtime_enabled, glibc_multi_dir));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addPkgTests(b, test_filter, "lib/std/special/compiler_rt.zig", "compiler-rt", "Run the compiler_rt tests", modes, true, skip_non_native, true, is_wine_enabled, is_qemu_enabled, is_wasmtime_enabled, glibc_multi_dir));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addCompareOutputTests(b, test_filter, modes));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addStandaloneTests(b, test_filter, modes));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addStackTraceTests(b, test_filter, modes));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addCliTests(b, test_filter, modes));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addAssembleAndLinkTests(b, test_filter, modes));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addRuntimeSafetyTests(b, test_filter, modes));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addTranslateCTests(b, test_filter));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addRunTranslatedCTests(b, test_filter));
// tests for this feature are disabled until we have the self-hosted compiler available
// test_step.dependOn(tests.addGenHTests(b, test_filter));
if (!skip_compile_errors) {
test_step.dependOn(tests.addCompileErrorTests(b, test_filter, modes));
fn dependOnLib(b: *Builder, lib_exe_obj: anytype, dep: LibraryDep) void {
for (dep.libdirs.items) |lib_dir| {
const lib_dir = fs.path.join(
&[_][]const u8{ dep.prefix, "lib" },
) catch unreachable;
for (dep.system_libs.items) |lib| {
const static_bare_name = if (mem.eql(u8, lib, "curses"))
@as([]const u8, "libncurses.a")
b.fmt("lib{}.a", .{lib});
const static_lib_name = fs.path.join(
&[_][]const u8{ lib_dir, static_bare_name },
) catch unreachable;
const have_static = fileExists(static_lib_name) catch unreachable;
if (have_static) {
} else {
for (dep.libs.items) |lib| {
for (dep.includes.items) |include_path| {
fn fileExists(filename: []const u8) !bool {
fs.cwd().access(filename, .{}) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => return false,
else => return err,
return true;
fn addCppLib(b: *Builder, lib_exe_obj: anytype, cmake_binary_dir: []const u8, lib_name: []const u8) void {
lib_exe_obj.addObjectFile(fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8{
b.fmt("{}{}{}", .{ lib_exe_obj.target.libPrefix(), lib_name, lib_exe_obj.target.staticLibSuffix() }),
}) catch unreachable);
const LibraryDep = struct {
prefix: []const u8,
libdirs: ArrayList([]const u8),
libs: ArrayList([]const u8),
system_libs: ArrayList([]const u8),
includes: ArrayList([]const u8),
fn findLLVM(b: *Builder, llvm_config_exe: []const u8) !LibraryDep {
const shared_mode = try b.exec(&[_][]const u8{ llvm_config_exe, "--shared-mode" });
const is_static = mem.startsWith(u8, shared_mode, "static");
const libs_output = if (is_static)
try b.exec(&[_][]const u8{
try b.exec(&[_][]const u8{
const includes_output = try b.exec(&[_][]const u8{ llvm_config_exe, "--includedir" });
const libdir_output = try b.exec(&[_][]const u8{ llvm_config_exe, "--libdir" });
const prefix_output = try b.exec(&[_][]const u8{ llvm_config_exe, "--prefix" });
var result = LibraryDep{
.prefix = mem.tokenize(prefix_output, " \r\n").next().?,
.libs = ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator),
.system_libs = ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator),
.includes = ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator),
.libdirs = ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator),
var it = mem.tokenize(libs_output, " \r\n");
while (it.next()) |lib_arg| {
if (mem.startsWith(u8, lib_arg, "-l")) {
try result.system_libs.append(lib_arg[2..]);
} else {
if (fs.path.isAbsolute(lib_arg)) {
try result.libs.append(lib_arg);
} else {
var lib_arg_copy = lib_arg;
if (mem.endsWith(u8, lib_arg, ".lib")) {
lib_arg_copy = lib_arg[0 .. lib_arg.len - 4];
try result.system_libs.append(lib_arg_copy);
var it = mem.tokenize(includes_output, " \r\n");
while (it.next()) |include_arg| {
if (mem.startsWith(u8, include_arg, "-I")) {
try result.includes.append(include_arg[2..]);
} else {
try result.includes.append(include_arg);
var it = mem.tokenize(libdir_output, " \r\n");
while (it.next()) |libdir| {
if (mem.startsWith(u8, libdir, "-L")) {
try result.libdirs.append(libdir[2..]);
} else {
try result.libdirs.append(libdir);
return result;
fn configureStage2(b: *Builder, exe: anytype, ctx: Context, need_cpp_includes: bool) !void {
addCppLib(b, exe, ctx.cmake_binary_dir, "zigcpp");
assert(ctx.lld_include_dir.len != 0);
var it = mem.tokenize(ctx.lld_libraries, ";");
while (it.next()) |lib| {
var it = mem.tokenize(ctx.clang_libraries, ";");
while (it.next()) |lib| {
dependOnLib(b, exe, ctx.llvm);
// Boy, it sure would be nice to simply linkSystemLibrary("c++") and rely on zig's
// ability to provide libc++ right? Well thanks to C++ not having a stable ABI this
// will cause linker errors. It would work in the situation when `zig cc` is used to
// build LLVM, Clang, and LLD, however when depending on them as system libraries, system
// libc++ must be used.
const cross_compile = false; // TODO
if (cross_compile) {
// In this case we assume that zig cc was used to build the LLVM, Clang, LLD dependencies.
} else {
if (exe.target.getOsTag() == .linux) {
// First we try to static link against gcc libstdc++. If that doesn't work,
// we fall back to -lc++ and cross our fingers.
addCxxKnownPath(b, ctx, exe, "libstdc++.a", "", need_cpp_includes) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.RequiredLibraryNotFound => {
else => |e| return e,
} else if (exe.target.isFreeBSD()) {
try addCxxKnownPath(b, ctx, exe, "libc++.a", null, need_cpp_includes);
} else if (exe.target.isDarwin()) {
if (addCxxKnownPath(b, ctx, exe, "libgcc_eh.a", "", need_cpp_includes)) {
// Compiler is GCC.
try addCxxKnownPath(b, ctx, exe, "libstdc++.a", null, need_cpp_includes);
// TODO LLD cannot perform this link.
// See https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1535
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.RequiredLibraryNotFound => {
// System compiler, not gcc.
else => |e| return e,
if (ctx.dia_guids_lib.len != 0) {
fn addCxxKnownPath(
b: *Builder,
ctx: Context,
exe: anytype,
objname: []const u8,
errtxt: ?[]const u8,
need_cpp_includes: bool,
) !void {
const path_padded = try b.exec(&[_][]const u8{
b.fmt("-print-file-name={}", .{objname}),
const path_unpadded = mem.tokenize(path_padded, "\r\n").next().?;
if (mem.eql(u8, path_unpadded, objname)) {
if (errtxt) |msg| {
warn("{}", .{msg});
} else {
warn("Unable to determine path to {}\n", .{objname});
return error.RequiredLibraryNotFound;
// TODO a way to integrate with system c++ include files here
// cc -E -Wp,-v -xc++ /dev/null
if (need_cpp_includes) {
// I used these temporarily for testing something but we obviously need a
// more general purpose solution here.
const Context = struct {
cmake_binary_dir: []const u8,
cxx_compiler: []const u8,
llvm_config_exe: []const u8,
lld_include_dir: []const u8,
lld_libraries: []const u8,
clang_libraries: []const u8,
dia_guids_lib: []const u8,
llvm: LibraryDep,
const max_config_h_bytes = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
fn findAndReadConfigH(b: *Builder) ![]const u8 {
var check_dir = fs.path.dirname(b.zig_exe).?;
while (true) {
var dir = try fs.cwd().openDir(check_dir, .{});
defer dir.close();
const config_h_text = dir.readFileAlloc(b.allocator, "config.h", max_config_h_bytes) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => {
const new_check_dir = fs.path.dirname(check_dir);
if (new_check_dir == null or mem.eql(u8, new_check_dir.?, check_dir)) {
std.debug.warn("Unable to find config.h file relative to Zig executable.\n", .{});
std.debug.warn("`zig build` must be run using a Zig executable within the source tree.\n", .{});
check_dir = new_check_dir.?;
else => |e| return e,
return config_h_text;
} else unreachable; // TODO should not need `else unreachable`.
fn parseConfigH(b: *Builder, config_h_text: []const u8) Context {
var ctx: Context = .{
.cmake_binary_dir = undefined,
.cxx_compiler = undefined,
.llvm_config_exe = undefined,
.lld_include_dir = undefined,
.lld_libraries = undefined,
.clang_libraries = undefined,
.dia_guids_lib = undefined,
.llvm = undefined,
const mappings = [_]struct { prefix: []const u8, field: []const u8 }{
.prefix = "#define ZIG_CMAKE_BINARY_DIR ",
.field = "cmake_binary_dir",
.prefix = "#define ZIG_CXX_COMPILER ",
.field = "cxx_compiler",
.prefix = "#define ZIG_LLD_INCLUDE_PATH ",
.field = "lld_include_dir",
.prefix = "#define ZIG_LLD_LIBRARIES ",
.field = "lld_libraries",
.prefix = "#define ZIG_CLANG_LIBRARIES ",
.field = "clang_libraries",
.prefix = "#define ZIG_LLVM_CONFIG_EXE ",
.field = "llvm_config_exe",
.prefix = "#define ZIG_DIA_GUIDS_LIB ",
.field = "dia_guids_lib",
var lines_it = mem.tokenize(config_h_text, "\r\n");
while (lines_it.next()) |line| {
inline for (mappings) |mapping| {
if (mem.startsWith(u8, line, mapping.prefix)) {
var it = mem.split(line, "\"");
_ = it.next().?; // skip the stuff before the quote
const quoted = it.next().?; // the stuff inside the quote
@field(ctx, mapping.field) = toNativePathSep(b, quoted);
return ctx;
fn toNativePathSep(b: *Builder, s: []const u8) []u8 {
const duplicated = mem.dupe(b.allocator, u8, s) catch unreachable;
for (duplicated) |*byte| switch (byte.*) {
'/' => byte.* = fs.path.sep,
else => {},
return duplicated;