2021-06-21 17:03:03 -07:00

1703 lines
43 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;
const expectEqualStrings = std.testing.expectEqualStrings;
const expectError = std.testing.expectError;
var global_x: i32 = 1;
test "simple coroutine suspend and resume" {
var frame = async simpleAsyncFn();
try expect(global_x == 2);
resume frame;
try expect(global_x == 3);
const af: anyframe->void = &frame;
_ = af;
resume frame;
try expect(global_x == 4);
fn simpleAsyncFn() void {
global_x += 1;
suspend {}
global_x += 1;
suspend {}
global_x += 1;
var global_y: i32 = 1;
test "pass parameter to coroutine" {
var p = async simpleAsyncFnWithArg(2);
try expect(global_y == 3);
resume p;
try expect(global_y == 5);
fn simpleAsyncFnWithArg(delta: i32) void {
global_y += delta;
suspend {}
global_y += delta;
test "suspend at end of function" {
const S = struct {
var x: i32 = 1;
fn doTheTest() !void {
try expect(x == 1);
const p = async suspendAtEnd();
_ = p;
try expect(x == 2);
fn suspendAtEnd() void {
x += 1;
suspend {}
try S.doTheTest();
test "local variable in async function" {
const S = struct {
var x: i32 = 0;
fn doTheTest() !void {
try expect(x == 0);
var p = async add(1, 2);
try expect(x == 0);
resume p;
try expect(x == 0);
resume p;
try expect(x == 0);
resume p;
try expect(x == 3);
fn add(a: i32, b: i32) void {
var accum: i32 = 0;
suspend {}
accum += a;
suspend {}
accum += b;
suspend {}
x = accum;
try S.doTheTest();
test "calling an inferred async function" {
const S = struct {
var x: i32 = 1;
var other_frame: *@Frame(other) = undefined;
fn doTheTest() !void {
_ = async first();
try expect(x == 1);
resume other_frame.*;
try expect(x == 2);
fn first() void {
fn other() void {
other_frame = @frame();
suspend {}
x += 1;
try S.doTheTest();
test "@frameSize" {
if (builtin.target.cpu.arch == .thumb or builtin.target.cpu.arch == .thumbeb)
return error.SkipZigTest;
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
var ptr = @ptrCast(fn (i32) callconv(.Async) void, other);
const size = @frameSize(ptr);
try expect(size == @sizeOf(@Frame(other)));
var ptr = @ptrCast(fn () callconv(.Async) void, first);
const size = @frameSize(ptr);
try expect(size == @sizeOf(@Frame(first)));
fn first() void {
fn other(param: i32) void {
_ = param;
var local: i32 = undefined;
_ = local;
suspend {}
try S.doTheTest();
test "coroutine suspend, resume" {
const S = struct {
var frame: anyframe = undefined;
fn doTheTest() !void {
_ = async amain();
resume frame;
try expect(std.mem.eql(u8, &points, "abcdefgh"));
fn amain() void {
var f = async testAsyncSeq();
await f;
fn testAsyncSeq() void {
defer seq('f');
suspend {
frame = @frame();
var points = [_]u8{'x'} ** "abcdefgh".len;
var index: usize = 0;
fn seq(c: u8) void {
points[index] = c;
index += 1;
try S.doTheTest();
test "coroutine suspend with block" {
const p = async testSuspendBlock();
_ = p;
try expect(!global_result);
resume a_promise;
try expect(global_result);
var a_promise: anyframe = undefined;
var global_result = false;
fn testSuspendBlock() callconv(.Async) void {
suspend {
comptime expect(@TypeOf(@frame()) == *@Frame(testSuspendBlock)) catch unreachable;
a_promise = @frame();
// Test to make sure that @frame() works as advertised (issue #1296)
// var our_handle: anyframe = @frame();
expect(a_promise == @as(anyframe, @frame())) catch @panic("test failed");
global_result = true;
var await_a_promise: anyframe = undefined;
var await_final_result: i32 = 0;
test "coroutine await" {
var p = async await_amain();
_ = p;
resume await_a_promise;
try expect(await_final_result == 1234);
try expect(std.mem.eql(u8, &await_points, "abcdefghi"));
fn await_amain() callconv(.Async) void {
var p = async await_another();
await_final_result = await p;
fn await_another() callconv(.Async) i32 {
suspend {
await_a_promise = @frame();
return 1234;
var await_points = [_]u8{0} ** "abcdefghi".len;
var await_seq_index: usize = 0;
fn await_seq(c: u8) void {
await_points[await_seq_index] = c;
await_seq_index += 1;
var early_final_result: i32 = 0;
test "coroutine await early return" {
var p = async early_amain();
_ = p;
try expect(early_final_result == 1234);
try expect(std.mem.eql(u8, &early_points, "abcdef"));
fn early_amain() callconv(.Async) void {
var p = async early_another();
early_final_result = await p;
fn early_another() callconv(.Async) i32 {
return 1234;
var early_points = [_]u8{0} ** "abcdef".len;
var early_seq_index: usize = 0;
fn early_seq(c: u8) void {
early_points[early_seq_index] = c;
early_seq_index += 1;
test "async function with dot syntax" {
const S = struct {
var y: i32 = 1;
fn foo() callconv(.Async) void {
y += 1;
suspend {}
const p = async S.foo();
_ = p;
try expect(S.y == 2);
test "async fn pointer in a struct field" {
var data: i32 = 1;
const Foo = struct {
bar: fn (*i32) callconv(.Async) void,
var foo = Foo{ .bar = simpleAsyncFn2 };
var bytes: [64]u8 align(16) = undefined;
const f = @asyncCall(&bytes, {}, foo.bar, .{&data});
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(f) == anyframe->void);
try expect(data == 2);
resume f;
try expect(data == 4);
_ = async doTheAwait(f);
try expect(data == 4);
fn doTheAwait(f: anyframe->void) void {
await f;
fn simpleAsyncFn2(y: *i32) callconv(.Async) void {
defer y.* += 2;
y.* += 1;
suspend {}
test "@asyncCall with return type" {
const Foo = struct {
bar: fn () callconv(.Async) i32,
var global_frame: anyframe = undefined;
fn middle() callconv(.Async) i32 {
return afunc();
fn afunc() i32 {
global_frame = @frame();
suspend {}
return 1234;
var foo = Foo{ .bar = Foo.middle };
var bytes: [150]u8 align(16) = undefined;
var aresult: i32 = 0;
_ = @asyncCall(&bytes, &aresult, foo.bar, .{});
try expect(aresult == 0);
resume Foo.global_frame;
try expect(aresult == 1234);
test "async fn with inferred error set" {
const S = struct {
var global_frame: anyframe = undefined;
fn doTheTest() !void {
var frame: [1]@Frame(middle) = undefined;
var fn_ptr = middle;
var result: @typeInfo(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(fn_ptr)).Fn.return_type.?).ErrorUnion.error_set!void = undefined;
_ = @asyncCall(std.mem.sliceAsBytes(frame[0..]), &result, fn_ptr, .{});
resume global_frame;
try std.testing.expectError(error.Fail, result);
fn middle() callconv(.Async) !void {
var f = async middle2();
return await f;
fn middle2() !void {
return failing();
fn failing() !void {
global_frame = @frame();
suspend {}
return error.Fail;
try S.doTheTest();
test "error return trace across suspend points - early return" {
const p = nonFailing();
resume p;
const p2 = async printTrace(p);
_ = p2;
test "error return trace across suspend points - async return" {
const p = nonFailing();
const p2 = async printTrace(p);
_ = p2;
resume p;
fn nonFailing() (anyframe->anyerror!void) {
const Static = struct {
var frame: @Frame(suspendThenFail) = undefined;
Static.frame = async suspendThenFail();
return &Static.frame;
fn suspendThenFail() callconv(.Async) anyerror!void {
suspend {}
return error.Fail;
fn printTrace(p: anyframe->(anyerror!void)) callconv(.Async) void {
(await p) catch |e| {
std.testing.expect(e == error.Fail) catch @panic("test failure");
if (@errorReturnTrace()) |trace| {
expect(trace.index == 1) catch @panic("test failure");
} else switch (builtin.mode) {
.Debug, .ReleaseSafe => @panic("expected return trace"),
.ReleaseFast, .ReleaseSmall => {},
test "break from suspend" {
var my_result: i32 = 1;
const p = async testBreakFromSuspend(&my_result);
_ = p;
try std.testing.expect(my_result == 2);
fn testBreakFromSuspend(my_result: *i32) callconv(.Async) void {
suspend {
resume @frame();
my_result.* += 1;
suspend {}
my_result.* += 1;
test "heap allocated async function frame" {
const S = struct {
var x: i32 = 42;
fn doTheTest() !void {
const frame = try std.testing.allocator.create(@Frame(someFunc));
defer std.testing.allocator.destroy(frame);
try expect(x == 42);
frame.* = async someFunc();
try expect(x == 43);
resume frame;
try expect(x == 44);
fn someFunc() void {
x += 1;
suspend {}
x += 1;
try S.doTheTest();
test "async function call return value" {
const S = struct {
var frame: anyframe = undefined;
var pt = Point{ .x = 10, .y = 11 };
fn doTheTest() !void {
try expectEqual(pt.x, 10);
try expectEqual(pt.y, 11);
_ = async first();
try expectEqual(pt.x, 10);
try expectEqual(pt.y, 11);
resume frame;
try expectEqual(pt.x, 1);
try expectEqual(pt.y, 2);
fn first() void {
pt = second(1, 2);
fn second(x: i32, y: i32) Point {
return other(x, y);
fn other(x: i32, y: i32) Point {
frame = @frame();
suspend {}
return Point{
.x = x,
.y = y,
const Point = struct {
x: i32,
y: i32,
try S.doTheTest();
test "suspension points inside branching control flow" {
const S = struct {
var result: i32 = 10;
fn doTheTest() !void {
try expect(10 == result);
var frame = async func(true);
try expect(10 == result);
resume frame;
try expect(11 == result);
resume frame;
try expect(12 == result);
resume frame;
try expect(13 == result);
fn func(b: bool) void {
while (b) {
suspend {}
result += 1;
try S.doTheTest();
test "call async function which has struct return type" {
const S = struct {
var frame: anyframe = undefined;
fn doTheTest() void {
_ = async atest();
resume frame;
fn atest() void {
const result = func();
expect(result.x == 5) catch @panic("test failed");
expect(result.y == 6) catch @panic("test failed");
const Point = struct {
x: usize,
y: usize,
fn func() Point {
suspend {
frame = @frame();
return Point{
.x = 5,
.y = 6,
test "pass string literal to async function" {
const S = struct {
var frame: anyframe = undefined;
var ok: bool = false;
fn doTheTest() !void {
_ = async hello("hello");
resume frame;
try expect(ok);
fn hello(msg: []const u8) void {
frame = @frame();
suspend {}
expectEqualStrings("hello", msg) catch @panic("test failed");
ok = true;
try S.doTheTest();
test "await inside an errdefer" {
const S = struct {
var frame: anyframe = undefined;
fn doTheTest() !void {
_ = async amainWrap();
resume frame;
fn amainWrap() !void {
var foo = async func();
errdefer await foo;
return error.Bad;
fn func() void {
frame = @frame();
suspend {}
try S.doTheTest();
test "try in an async function with error union and non-zero-bit payload" {
const S = struct {
var frame: anyframe = undefined;
var ok = false;
fn doTheTest() !void {
_ = async amain();
resume frame;
try expect(ok);
fn amain() void {
std.testing.expectError(error.Bad, theProblem()) catch @panic("test failed");
ok = true;
fn theProblem() ![]u8 {
frame = @frame();
suspend {}
const result = try other();
return result;
fn other() ![]u8 {
return error.Bad;
try S.doTheTest();
test "returning a const error from async function" {
const S = struct {
var frame: anyframe = undefined;
var ok = false;
fn doTheTest() !void {
_ = async amain();
resume frame;
try expect(ok);
fn amain() !void {
var download_frame = async fetchUrl(10, "a string");
const download_text = try await download_frame;
_ = download_text;
@panic("should not get here");
fn fetchUrl(unused: i32, url: []const u8) ![]u8 {
_ = unused;
_ = url;
frame = @frame();
suspend {}
ok = true;
return error.OutOfMemory;
try S.doTheTest();
test "async/await typical usage" {
inline for ([_]bool{ false, true }) |b1| {
inline for ([_]bool{ false, true }) |b2| {
inline for ([_]bool{ false, true }) |b3| {
inline for ([_]bool{ false, true }) |b4| {
testAsyncAwaitTypicalUsage(b1, b2, b3, b4).doTheTest();
fn testAsyncAwaitTypicalUsage(
comptime simulate_fail_download: bool,
comptime simulate_fail_file: bool,
comptime suspend_download: bool,
comptime suspend_file: bool,
) type {
return struct {
fn doTheTest() void {
_ = async amainWrap();
if (suspend_file) {
resume global_file_frame;
if (suspend_download) {
resume global_download_frame;
fn amainWrap() void {
if (amain()) |_| {
expect(!simulate_fail_download) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(!simulate_fail_file) catch @panic("test failure");
} else |e| switch (e) {
error.NoResponse => expect(simulate_fail_download) catch @panic("test failure"),
error.FileNotFound => expect(simulate_fail_file) catch @panic("test failure"),
else => @panic("test failure"),
fn amain() !void {
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
var download_frame = async fetchUrl(allocator, "https://example.com/");
var download_awaited = false;
errdefer if (!download_awaited) {
if (await download_frame) |x| allocator.free(x) else |_| {}
var file_frame = async readFile(allocator, "something.txt");
var file_awaited = false;
errdefer if (!file_awaited) {
if (await file_frame) |x| allocator.free(x) else |_| {}
download_awaited = true;
const download_text = try await download_frame;
defer allocator.free(download_text);
file_awaited = true;
const file_text = try await file_frame;
defer allocator.free(file_text);
try expect(std.mem.eql(u8, "expected download text", download_text));
try expect(std.mem.eql(u8, "expected file text", file_text));
var global_download_frame: anyframe = undefined;
fn fetchUrl(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, url: []const u8) anyerror![]u8 {
_ = url;
const result = try std.mem.dupe(allocator, u8, "expected download text");
errdefer allocator.free(result);
if (suspend_download) {
suspend {
global_download_frame = @frame();
if (simulate_fail_download) return error.NoResponse;
return result;
var global_file_frame: anyframe = undefined;
fn readFile(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, filename: []const u8) anyerror![]u8 {
_ = filename;
const result = try std.mem.dupe(allocator, u8, "expected file text");
errdefer allocator.free(result);
if (suspend_file) {
suspend {
global_file_frame = @frame();
if (simulate_fail_file) return error.FileNotFound;
return result;
test "alignment of local variables in async functions" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
var y: u8 = 123;
_ = y;
var x: u8 align(128) = 1;
try expect(@ptrToInt(&x) % 128 == 0);
try S.doTheTest();
test "no reason to resolve frame still works" {
_ = async simpleNothing();
fn simpleNothing() void {
var x: i32 = 1234;
_ = x;
test "async call a generic function" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
var f = async func(i32, 2);
const result = await f;
try expect(result == 3);
fn func(comptime T: type, inc: T) T {
var x: T = 1;
suspend {
resume @frame();
x += inc;
return x;
_ = async S.doTheTest();
test "return from suspend block" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
expect(func() == 1234) catch @panic("test failure");
fn func() i32 {
suspend {
return 1234;
_ = async S.doTheTest();
test "struct parameter to async function is copied to the frame" {
const S = struct {
const Point = struct {
x: i32,
y: i32,
var frame: anyframe = undefined;
fn doTheTest() void {
_ = async atest();
resume frame;
fn atest() void {
var f: @Frame(foo) = undefined;
fn clobberStack(x: i32) void {
if (x == 0) return;
clobberStack(x - 1);
var y: i32 = x;
_ = y;
fn bar(f: *@Frame(foo)) void {
var pt = Point{ .x = 1, .y = 2 };
f.* = async foo(pt);
var result = await f;
expect(result == 1) catch @panic("test failure");
fn foo(point: Point) i32 {
suspend {
frame = @frame();
return point.x;
test "cast fn to async fn when it is inferred to be async" {
const S = struct {
var frame: anyframe = undefined;
var ok = false;
fn doTheTest() void {
var ptr: fn () callconv(.Async) i32 = undefined;
ptr = func;
var buf: [100]u8 align(16) = undefined;
var result: i32 = undefined;
const f = @asyncCall(&buf, &result, ptr, .{});
_ = await f;
expect(result == 1234) catch @panic("test failure");
ok = true;
fn func() i32 {
suspend {
frame = @frame();
return 1234;
_ = async S.doTheTest();
resume S.frame;
try expect(S.ok);
test "cast fn to async fn when it is inferred to be async, awaited directly" {
const S = struct {
var frame: anyframe = undefined;
var ok = false;
fn doTheTest() void {
var ptr: fn () callconv(.Async) i32 = undefined;
ptr = func;
var buf: [100]u8 align(16) = undefined;
var result: i32 = undefined;
_ = await @asyncCall(&buf, &result, ptr, .{});
expect(result == 1234) catch @panic("test failure");
ok = true;
fn func() i32 {
suspend {
frame = @frame();
return 1234;
_ = async S.doTheTest();
resume S.frame;
try expect(S.ok);
test "await does not force async if callee is blocking" {
const S = struct {
fn simple() i32 {
return 1234;
var x = async S.simple();
try expect(await x == 1234);
test "recursive async function" {
try expect(recursiveAsyncFunctionTest(false).doTheTest() == 55);
try expect(recursiveAsyncFunctionTest(true).doTheTest() == 55);
fn recursiveAsyncFunctionTest(comptime suspending_implementation: bool) type {
return struct {
fn fib(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, x: u32) error{OutOfMemory}!u32 {
if (x <= 1) return x;
if (suspending_implementation) {
suspend {
resume @frame();
const f1 = try allocator.create(@Frame(fib));
defer allocator.destroy(f1);
const f2 = try allocator.create(@Frame(fib));
defer allocator.destroy(f2);
f1.* = async fib(allocator, x - 1);
var f1_awaited = false;
errdefer if (!f1_awaited) {
_ = await f1;
f2.* = async fib(allocator, x - 2);
var f2_awaited = false;
errdefer if (!f2_awaited) {
_ = await f2;
var sum: u32 = 0;
f1_awaited = true;
sum += try await f1;
f2_awaited = true;
sum += try await f2;
return sum;
fn doTheTest() u32 {
if (suspending_implementation) {
var result: u32 = undefined;
_ = async amain(&result);
return result;
} else {
return fib(std.testing.allocator, 10) catch unreachable;
fn amain(result: *u32) void {
var x = async fib(std.testing.allocator, 10);
result.* = (await x) catch unreachable;
test "@asyncCall with comptime-known function, but not awaited directly" {
const S = struct {
var global_frame: anyframe = undefined;
fn doTheTest() !void {
var frame: [1]@Frame(middle) = undefined;
var result: @typeInfo(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(middle)).Fn.return_type.?).ErrorUnion.error_set!void = undefined;
_ = @asyncCall(std.mem.sliceAsBytes(frame[0..]), &result, middle, .{});
resume global_frame;
try std.testing.expectError(error.Fail, result);
fn middle() callconv(.Async) !void {
var f = async middle2();
return await f;
fn middle2() !void {
return failing();
fn failing() !void {
global_frame = @frame();
suspend {}
return error.Fail;
try S.doTheTest();
test "@asyncCall with actual frame instead of byte buffer" {
const S = struct {
fn func() i32 {
suspend {}
return 1234;
var frame: @Frame(S.func) = undefined;
var result: i32 = undefined;
const ptr = @asyncCall(&frame, &result, S.func, .{});
resume ptr;
try expect(result == 1234);
test "@asyncCall using the result location inside the frame" {
const S = struct {
fn simple2(y: *i32) callconv(.Async) i32 {
defer y.* += 2;
y.* += 1;
suspend {}
return 1234;
fn getAnswer(f: anyframe->i32, out: *i32) void {
out.* = await f;
var data: i32 = 1;
const Foo = struct {
bar: fn (*i32) callconv(.Async) i32,
var foo = Foo{ .bar = S.simple2 };
var bytes: [64]u8 align(16) = undefined;
const f = @asyncCall(&bytes, {}, foo.bar, .{&data});
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(f) == anyframe->i32);
try expect(data == 2);
resume f;
try expect(data == 4);
_ = async S.getAnswer(f, &data);
try expect(data == 1234);
test "@TypeOf an async function call of generic fn with error union type" {
const S = struct {
fn func(comptime x: anytype) anyerror!i32 {
const T = @TypeOf(async func(x));
comptime try expect(T == @typeInfo(@TypeOf(@frame())).Pointer.child);
return undefined;
_ = async S.func(i32);
test "using @TypeOf on a generic function call" {
const S = struct {
var global_frame: anyframe = undefined;
var global_ok = false;
var buf: [100]u8 align(16) = undefined;
fn amain(x: anytype) void {
if (x == 0) {
global_ok = true;
suspend {
global_frame = @frame();
const F = @TypeOf(async amain(x - 1));
const frame = @intToPtr(*F, @ptrToInt(&buf));
return await @asyncCall(frame, {}, amain, .{x - 1});
_ = async S.amain(@as(u32, 1));
resume S.global_frame;
try expect(S.global_ok);
test "recursive call of await @asyncCall with struct return type" {
const S = struct {
var global_frame: anyframe = undefined;
var global_ok = false;
var buf: [100]u8 align(16) = undefined;
fn amain(x: anytype) Foo {
if (x == 0) {
global_ok = true;
return Foo{ .x = 1, .y = 2, .z = 3 };
suspend {
global_frame = @frame();
const F = @TypeOf(async amain(x - 1));
const frame = @intToPtr(*F, @ptrToInt(&buf));
return await @asyncCall(frame, {}, amain, .{x - 1});
const Foo = struct {
x: u64,
y: u64,
z: u64,
var res: S.Foo = undefined;
var frame: @TypeOf(async S.amain(@as(u32, 1))) = undefined;
_ = @asyncCall(&frame, &res, S.amain, .{@as(u32, 1)});
resume S.global_frame;
try expect(S.global_ok);
try expect(res.x == 1);
try expect(res.y == 2);
try expect(res.z == 3);
test "nosuspend function call" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
const result = nosuspend add(50, 100);
try expect(result == 150);
fn add(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
if (a > 100) {
suspend {}
return a + b;
try S.doTheTest();
test "await used in expression and awaiting fn with no suspend but async calling convention" {
const S = struct {
fn atest() void {
var f1 = async add(1, 2);
var f2 = async add(3, 4);
const sum = (await f1) + (await f2);
expect(sum == 10) catch @panic("test failure");
fn add(a: i32, b: i32) callconv(.Async) i32 {
return a + b;
_ = async S.atest();
test "await used in expression after a fn call" {
const S = struct {
fn atest() void {
var f1 = async add(3, 4);
var sum: i32 = 0;
sum = foo() + await f1;
expect(sum == 8) catch @panic("test failure");
fn add(a: i32, b: i32) callconv(.Async) i32 {
return a + b;
fn foo() i32 {
return 1;
_ = async S.atest();
test "async fn call used in expression after a fn call" {
const S = struct {
fn atest() void {
var sum: i32 = 0;
sum = foo() + add(3, 4);
expect(sum == 8) catch @panic("test failure");
fn add(a: i32, b: i32) callconv(.Async) i32 {
return a + b;
fn foo() i32 {
return 1;
_ = async S.atest();
test "suspend in for loop" {
const S = struct {
var global_frame: ?anyframe = null;
fn doTheTest() void {
_ = async atest();
while (global_frame) |f| resume f;
fn atest() void {
expect(func(&[_]u8{ 1, 2, 3 }) == 6) catch @panic("test failure");
fn func(stuff: []const u8) u32 {
global_frame = @frame();
var sum: u32 = 0;
for (stuff) |x| {
suspend {}
sum += x;
global_frame = null;
return sum;
test "suspend in while loop" {
const S = struct {
var global_frame: ?anyframe = null;
fn doTheTest() void {
_ = async atest();
while (global_frame) |f| resume f;
fn atest() void {
expect(optional(6) == 6) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(errunion(6) == 6) catch @panic("test failure");
fn optional(stuff: ?u32) u32 {
global_frame = @frame();
defer global_frame = null;
while (stuff) |val| {
suspend {}
return val;
return 0;
fn errunion(stuff: anyerror!u32) u32 {
global_frame = @frame();
defer global_frame = null;
while (stuff) |val| {
suspend {}
return val;
} else |err| {
err catch {};
return 0;
test "correctly spill when returning the error union result of another async fn" {
const S = struct {
var global_frame: anyframe = undefined;
fn doTheTest() !void {
expect((atest() catch unreachable) == 1234) catch @panic("test failure");
fn atest() !i32 {
return fallible1();
fn fallible1() anyerror!i32 {
suspend {
global_frame = @frame();
return 1234;
_ = async S.doTheTest();
resume S.global_frame;
test "spill target expr in a for loop" {
const S = struct {
var global_frame: anyframe = undefined;
fn doTheTest() !void {
var foo = Foo{
.slice = &[_]i32{ 1, 2 },
expect(atest(&foo) == 3) catch @panic("test failure");
const Foo = struct {
slice: []const i32,
fn atest(foo: *Foo) i32 {
var sum: i32 = 0;
for (foo.slice) |x| {
suspend {
global_frame = @frame();
sum += x;
return sum;
_ = async S.doTheTest();
resume S.global_frame;
resume S.global_frame;
test "spill target expr in a for loop, with a var decl in the loop body" {
const S = struct {
var global_frame: anyframe = undefined;
fn doTheTest() !void {
var foo = Foo{
.slice = &[_]i32{ 1, 2 },
expect(atest(&foo) == 3) catch @panic("test failure");
const Foo = struct {
slice: []const i32,
fn atest(foo: *Foo) i32 {
var sum: i32 = 0;
for (foo.slice) |x| {
// Previously this var decl would prevent spills. This test makes sure
// the for loop spills still happen even though there is a VarDecl in scope
// before the suspend.
var anything = true;
_ = anything;
suspend {
global_frame = @frame();
sum += x;
return sum;
_ = async S.doTheTest();
resume S.global_frame;
resume S.global_frame;
test "async call with @call" {
const S = struct {
var global_frame: anyframe = undefined;
fn doTheTest() void {
_ = @call(.{ .modifier = .async_kw }, atest, .{});
resume global_frame;
fn atest() void {
var frame = @call(.{ .modifier = .async_kw }, afoo, .{});
const res = await frame;
expect(res == 42) catch @panic("test failure");
fn afoo() i32 {
suspend {
global_frame = @frame();
return 42;
test "async function passed 0-bit arg after non-0-bit arg" {
const S = struct {
var global_frame: anyframe = undefined;
var global_int: i32 = 0;
fn foo() void {
bar(1, .{}) catch unreachable;
fn bar(x: i32, args: anytype) anyerror!void {
_ = args;
global_frame = @frame();
suspend {}
global_int = x;
_ = async S.foo();
resume S.global_frame;
try expect(S.global_int == 1);
test "async function passed align(16) arg after align(8) arg" {
const S = struct {
var global_frame: anyframe = undefined;
var global_int: u128 = 0;
fn foo() void {
var a: u128 = 99;
bar(10, .{a}) catch unreachable;
fn bar(x: u64, args: anytype) anyerror!void {
try expect(x == 10);
global_frame = @frame();
suspend {}
global_int = args[0];
_ = async S.foo();
resume S.global_frame;
try expect(S.global_int == 99);
test "async function call resolves target fn frame, comptime func" {
const S = struct {
var global_frame: anyframe = undefined;
var global_int: i32 = 9;
fn foo() anyerror!void {
const stack_size = 1000;
var stack_frame: [stack_size]u8 align(std.Target.stack_align) = undefined;
return await @asyncCall(&stack_frame, {}, bar, .{});
fn bar() anyerror!void {
global_frame = @frame();
suspend {}
global_int += 1;
_ = async S.foo();
resume S.global_frame;
try expect(S.global_int == 10);
test "async function call resolves target fn frame, runtime func" {
const S = struct {
var global_frame: anyframe = undefined;
var global_int: i32 = 9;
fn foo() anyerror!void {
const stack_size = 1000;
var stack_frame: [stack_size]u8 align(std.Target.stack_align) = undefined;
var func: fn () callconv(.Async) anyerror!void = bar;
return await @asyncCall(&stack_frame, {}, func, .{});
fn bar() anyerror!void {
global_frame = @frame();
suspend {}
global_int += 1;
_ = async S.foo();
resume S.global_frame;
try expect(S.global_int == 10);
test "properly spill optional payload capture value" {
const S = struct {
var global_frame: anyframe = undefined;
var global_int: usize = 2;
fn foo() void {
var opt: ?usize = 1234;
if (opt) |x| {
global_int += x;
fn bar() void {
global_frame = @frame();
suspend {}
global_int += 1;
_ = async S.foo();
resume S.global_frame;
try expect(S.global_int == 1237);
test "handle defer interfering with return value spill" {
const S = struct {
var global_frame1: anyframe = undefined;
var global_frame2: anyframe = undefined;
var finished = false;
var baz_happened = false;
fn doTheTest() !void {
_ = async testFoo();
resume global_frame1;
resume global_frame2;
try expect(baz_happened);
try expect(finished);
fn testFoo() void {
expectError(error.Bad, foo()) catch @panic("test failure");
finished = true;
fn foo() anyerror!void {
defer baz();
return bar() catch |err| return err;
fn bar() anyerror!void {
global_frame1 = @frame();
suspend {}
return error.Bad;
fn baz() void {
global_frame2 = @frame();
suspend {}
baz_happened = true;
try S.doTheTest();
test "take address of temporary async frame" {
const S = struct {
var global_frame: anyframe = undefined;
var finished = false;
fn doTheTest() !void {
_ = async asyncDoTheTest();
resume global_frame;
try expect(finished);
fn asyncDoTheTest() void {
expect(finishIt(&async foo(10)) == 1245) catch @panic("test failure");
finished = true;
fn foo(arg: i32) i32 {
global_frame = @frame();
suspend {}
return arg + 1234;
fn finishIt(frame: anyframe->i32) i32 {
return (await frame) + 1;
try S.doTheTest();
test "nosuspend await" {
const S = struct {
var finished = false;
fn doTheTest() !void {
var frame = async foo(false);
try expect(nosuspend await frame == 42);
finished = true;
fn foo(want_suspend: bool) i32 {
if (want_suspend) {
suspend {}
return 42;
try S.doTheTest();
try expect(S.finished);
test "nosuspend on function calls" {
const S0 = struct {
b: i32 = 42,
const S1 = struct {
fn c() S0 {
return S0{};
fn d() !S0 {
return S0{};
try expectEqual(@as(i32, 42), nosuspend S1.c().b);
try expectEqual(@as(i32, 42), (try nosuspend S1.d()).b);
test "nosuspend on async function calls" {
const S0 = struct {
b: i32 = 42,
const S1 = struct {
fn c() S0 {
return S0{};
fn d() !S0 {
return S0{};
var frame_c = nosuspend async S1.c();
try expectEqual(@as(i32, 42), (await frame_c).b);
var frame_d = nosuspend async S1.d();
try expectEqual(@as(i32, 42), (try await frame_d).b);
// test "resume nosuspend async function calls" {
// const S0 = struct {
// b: i32 = 42,
// };
// const S1 = struct {
// fn c() S0 {
// suspend {}
// return S0{};
// }
// fn d() !S0 {
// suspend {}
// return S0{};
// }
// };
// var frame_c = nosuspend async S1.c();
// resume frame_c;
// try expectEqual(@as(i32, 42), (await frame_c).b);
// var frame_d = nosuspend async S1.d();
// resume frame_d;
// try expectEqual(@as(i32, 42), (try await frame_d).b);
// }
test "nosuspend resume async function calls" {
const S0 = struct {
b: i32 = 42,
const S1 = struct {
fn c() S0 {
suspend {}
return S0{};
fn d() !S0 {
suspend {}
return S0{};
var frame_c = async S1.c();
nosuspend resume frame_c;
try expectEqual(@as(i32, 42), (await frame_c).b);
var frame_d = async S1.d();
nosuspend resume frame_d;
try expectEqual(@as(i32, 42), (try await frame_d).b);
test "avoid forcing frame alignment resolution implicit cast to *c_void" {
const S = struct {
var x: ?*c_void = null;
fn foo() bool {
suspend {
x = @frame();
return true;
var frame = async S.foo();
resume @ptrCast(anyframe->bool, @alignCast(@alignOf(@Frame(S.foo)), S.x));
try expect(nosuspend await frame);
test "@asyncCall with pass-by-value arguments" {
const F0: u64 = 0xbeefbeefbeefbeef;
const F1: u64 = 0xf00df00df00df00d;
const F2: u64 = 0xcafecafecafecafe;
const S = struct {
pub const ST = struct { f0: usize, f1: usize };
pub const AT = [5]u8;
pub fn f(_fill0: u64, s: ST, _fill1: u64, a: AT, _fill2: u64) callconv(.Async) void {
_ = s;
_ = a;
// Check that the array and struct arguments passed by value don't
// end up overflowing the adjacent fields in the frame structure.
expectEqual(F0, _fill0) catch @panic("test failure");
expectEqual(F1, _fill1) catch @panic("test failure");
expectEqual(F2, _fill2) catch @panic("test failure");
var buffer: [1024]u8 align(@alignOf(@Frame(S.f))) = undefined;
// The function pointer must not be comptime-known.
var t = S.f;
var frame_ptr = @asyncCall(&buffer, {}, t, .{
.{ .f0 = 1, .f1 = 2 },
[_]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },
_ = frame_ptr;
test "@asyncCall with arguments having non-standard alignment" {
const F0: u64 = 0xbeefbeef;
const F1: u64 = 0xf00df00df00df00d;
const S = struct {
pub fn f(_fill0: u32, s: struct { x: u64 align(16) }, _fill1: u64) callconv(.Async) void {
_ = s;
// The compiler inserts extra alignment for s, check that the
// generated code picks the right slot for fill1.
expectEqual(F0, _fill0) catch @panic("test failure");
expectEqual(F1, _fill1) catch @panic("test failure");
var buffer: [1024]u8 align(@alignOf(@Frame(S.f))) = undefined;
// The function pointer must not be comptime-known.
var t = S.f;
var frame_ptr = @asyncCall(&buffer, {}, t, .{ F0, undefined, F1 });
_ = frame_ptr;