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198 lines
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const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;
const maxInt = std.math.maxInt;
const native_endian = builtin.target.cpu.arch.endian();
test "@bitCast i32 -> u32" {
try testBitCast_i32_u32();
comptime try testBitCast_i32_u32();
fn testBitCast_i32_u32() !void {
try expect(conv(-1) == maxInt(u32));
try expect(conv2(maxInt(u32)) == -1);
fn conv(x: i32) u32 {
return @bitCast(u32, x);
fn conv2(x: u32) i32 {
return @bitCast(i32, x);
test "@bitCast enum to its integer type" {
const SOCK = enum(c_int) {
fn testBitCastExternEnum() !void {
var SOCK_DGRAM = @This().B;
var sock_dgram = @bitCast(c_int, SOCK_DGRAM);
try expect(sock_dgram == 1);
try SOCK.testBitCastExternEnum();
comptime try SOCK.testBitCastExternEnum();
test "@bitCast packed structs at runtime and comptime" {
const Full = packed struct {
number: u16,
const Divided = packed struct {
half1: u8,
quarter3: u4,
quarter4: u4,
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
var full = Full{ .number = 0x1234 };
var two_halves = @bitCast(Divided, full);
switch (native_endian) {
.Big => {
try expect(two_halves.half1 == 0x12);
try expect(two_halves.quarter3 == 0x3);
try expect(two_halves.quarter4 == 0x4);
.Little => {
try expect(two_halves.half1 == 0x34);
try expect(two_halves.quarter3 == 0x2);
try expect(two_halves.quarter4 == 0x1);
try S.doTheTest();
comptime try S.doTheTest();
test "@bitCast extern structs at runtime and comptime" {
const Full = extern struct {
number: u16,
const TwoHalves = extern struct {
half1: u8,
half2: u8,
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
var full = Full{ .number = 0x1234 };
var two_halves = @bitCast(TwoHalves, full);
switch (native_endian) {
.Big => {
try expect(two_halves.half1 == 0x12);
try expect(two_halves.half2 == 0x34);
.Little => {
try expect(two_halves.half1 == 0x34);
try expect(two_halves.half2 == 0x12);
try S.doTheTest();
comptime try S.doTheTest();
test "bitcast packed struct to integer and back" {
const LevelUpMove = packed struct {
move_id: u9,
level: u7,
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
var move = LevelUpMove{ .move_id = 1, .level = 2 };
var v = @bitCast(u16, move);
var back_to_a_move = @bitCast(LevelUpMove, v);
try expect(back_to_a_move.move_id == 1);
try expect(back_to_a_move.level == 2);
try S.doTheTest();
comptime try S.doTheTest();
test "implicit cast to error union by returning" {
const S = struct {
fn entry() !void {
try expect((func(-1) catch unreachable) == maxInt(u64));
pub fn func(sz: i64) anyerror!u64 {
return @bitCast(u64, sz);
try S.entry();
comptime try S.entry();
// issue #3010: compiler segfault
test "bitcast literal [4]u8 param to u32" {
const ip = @bitCast(u32, [_]u8{ 255, 255, 255, 255 });
try expect(ip == maxInt(u32));
test "bitcast packed struct literal to byte" {
const Foo = packed struct {
value: u8,
const casted = @bitCast(u8, Foo{ .value = 0xF });
try expect(casted == 0xf);
test "comptime bitcast used in expression has the correct type" {
const Foo = packed struct {
value: u8,
try expect(@bitCast(u8, Foo{ .value = 0xF }) == 0xf);
test "bitcast result to _" {
_ = @bitCast(u8, @as(i8, 1));
test "nested bitcast" {
const S = struct {
fn moo(x: isize) !void {
try @import("std").testing.expectEqual(@intCast(isize, 42), x);
fn foo(x: isize) !void {
try @This().moo(
@bitCast(isize, if (x != 0) @bitCast(usize, x) else @bitCast(usize, x)),
try S.foo(42);
comptime try S.foo(42);
test "bitcast passed as tuple element" {
const S = struct {
fn foo(args: anytype) !void {
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(args[0]) == f32);
try expect(args[0] == 12.34);
try S.foo(.{@bitCast(f32, @as(u32, 0x414570A4))});
test "triple level result location with bitcast sandwich passed as tuple element" {
const S = struct {
fn foo(args: anytype) !void {
comptime try expect(@TypeOf(args[0]) == f64);
try expect(args[0] > 12.33 and args[0] < 12.35);
try S.foo(.{@as(f64, @bitCast(f32, @as(u32, 0x414570A4)))});
test "bitcast generates a temporary value" {
var y = @as(u16, 0x55AA);
const x = @bitCast(u16, @bitCast([2]u8, y));
try expectEqual(y, x);