Andrew Kelley d29871977f remove redundant license headers from zig standard library
We already have a LICENSE file that covers the Zig Standard Library. We
no longer need to remind everyone that the license is MIT in every single

Previously this was introduced to clarify the situation for a fork of
Zig that made Zig's LICENSE file harder to find, and replaced it with
their own license that required annual payments to their company.
However that fork now appears to be dead. So there is no need to
reinforce the copyright notice in every single file.
2021-08-24 12:25:09 -07:00

407 lines
13 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const builtin = std.builtin;
inline fn offsetPtr(ptr: [*]const u8, offset: usize) [*]const u8 {
// ptr + offset doesn't work at comptime so we need this instead.
return @ptrCast([*]const u8, &ptr[offset]);
fn fetch32(ptr: [*]const u8, offset: usize) u32 {
return std.mem.readIntLittle(u32, offsetPtr(ptr, offset)[0..4]);
fn fetch64(ptr: [*]const u8, offset: usize) u64 {
return std.mem.readIntLittle(u64, offsetPtr(ptr, offset)[0..8]);
pub const CityHash32 = struct {
const Self = @This();
// Magic numbers for 32-bit hashing. Copied from Murmur3.
const c1: u32 = 0xcc9e2d51;
const c2: u32 = 0x1b873593;
// A 32-bit to 32-bit integer hash copied from Murmur3.
fn fmix(h: u32) u32 {
var h1: u32 = h;
h1 ^= h1 >> 16;
h1 *%= 0x85ebca6b;
h1 ^= h1 >> 13;
h1 *%= 0xc2b2ae35;
h1 ^= h1 >> 16;
return h1;
// Rotate right helper
fn rotr32(x: u32, comptime r: u32) u32 {
return (x >> r) | (x << (32 - r));
// Helper from Murmur3 for combining two 32-bit values.
fn mur(a: u32, h: u32) u32 {
var a1: u32 = a;
var h1: u32 = h;
a1 *%= c1;
a1 = rotr32(a1, 17);
a1 *%= c2;
h1 ^= a1;
h1 = rotr32(h1, 19);
return h1 *% 5 +% 0xe6546b64;
fn hash32Len0To4(str: []const u8) u32 {
const len: u32 = @truncate(u32, str.len);
var b: u32 = 0;
var c: u32 = 9;
for (str) |v| {
b = b *% c1 +% @bitCast(u32, @intCast(i32, @bitCast(i8, v)));
c ^= b;
return fmix(mur(b, mur(len, c)));
fn hash32Len5To12(str: []const u8) u32 {
var a: u32 = @truncate(u32, str.len);
var b: u32 = a *% 5;
var c: u32 = 9;
const d: u32 = b;
a +%= fetch32(str.ptr, 0);
b +%= fetch32(str.ptr, str.len - 4);
c +%= fetch32(str.ptr, (str.len >> 1) & 4);
return fmix(mur(c, mur(b, mur(a, d))));
fn hash32Len13To24(str: []const u8) u32 {
const len: u32 = @truncate(u32, str.len);
const a: u32 = fetch32(str.ptr, (str.len >> 1) - 4);
const b: u32 = fetch32(str.ptr, 4);
const c: u32 = fetch32(str.ptr, str.len - 8);
const d: u32 = fetch32(str.ptr, str.len >> 1);
const e: u32 = fetch32(str.ptr, 0);
const f: u32 = fetch32(str.ptr, str.len - 4);
return fmix(mur(f, mur(e, mur(d, mur(c, mur(b, mur(a, len)))))));
pub fn hash(str: []const u8) u32 {
if (str.len <= 24) {
if (str.len <= 4) {
return hash32Len0To4(str);
} else {
if (str.len <= 12)
return hash32Len5To12(str);
return hash32Len13To24(str);
const len: u32 = @truncate(u32, str.len);
var h: u32 = len;
var g: u32 = c1 *% len;
var f: u32 = g;
const a0: u32 = rotr32(fetch32(str.ptr, str.len - 4) *% c1, 17) *% c2;
const a1: u32 = rotr32(fetch32(str.ptr, str.len - 8) *% c1, 17) *% c2;
const a2: u32 = rotr32(fetch32(str.ptr, str.len - 16) *% c1, 17) *% c2;
const a3: u32 = rotr32(fetch32(str.ptr, str.len - 12) *% c1, 17) *% c2;
const a4: u32 = rotr32(fetch32(str.ptr, str.len - 20) *% c1, 17) *% c2;
h ^= a0;
h = rotr32(h, 19);
h = h *% 5 +% 0xe6546b64;
h ^= a2;
h = rotr32(h, 19);
h = h *% 5 +% 0xe6546b64;
g ^= a1;
g = rotr32(g, 19);
g = g *% 5 +% 0xe6546b64;
g ^= a3;
g = rotr32(g, 19);
g = g *% 5 +% 0xe6546b64;
f +%= a4;
f = rotr32(f, 19);
f = f *% 5 +% 0xe6546b64;
var iters = (str.len - 1) / 20;
var ptr = str.ptr;
while (iters != 0) : (iters -= 1) {
const b0: u32 = rotr32(fetch32(ptr, 0) *% c1, 17) *% c2;
const b1: u32 = fetch32(ptr, 4);
const b2: u32 = rotr32(fetch32(ptr, 8) *% c1, 17) *% c2;
const b3: u32 = rotr32(fetch32(ptr, 12) *% c1, 17) *% c2;
const b4: u32 = fetch32(ptr, 16);
h ^= b0;
h = rotr32(h, 18);
h = h *% 5 +% 0xe6546b64;
f +%= b1;
f = rotr32(f, 19);
f = f *% c1;
g +%= b2;
g = rotr32(g, 18);
g = g *% 5 +% 0xe6546b64;
h ^= b3 +% b1;
h = rotr32(h, 19);
h = h *% 5 +% 0xe6546b64;
g ^= b4;
g = @byteSwap(u32, g) *% 5;
h +%= b4 *% 5;
h = @byteSwap(u32, h);
f +%= b0;
const t: u32 = h;
h = f;
f = g;
g = t;
ptr = offsetPtr(ptr, 20);
g = rotr32(g, 11) *% c1;
g = rotr32(g, 17) *% c1;
f = rotr32(f, 11) *% c1;
f = rotr32(f, 17) *% c1;
h = rotr32(h +% g, 19);
h = h *% 5 +% 0xe6546b64;
h = rotr32(h, 17) *% c1;
h = rotr32(h +% f, 19);
h = h *% 5 +% 0xe6546b64;
h = rotr32(h, 17) *% c1;
return h;
pub const CityHash64 = struct {
const Self = @This();
// Some primes between 2^63 and 2^64 for various uses.
const k0: u64 = 0xc3a5c85c97cb3127;
const k1: u64 = 0xb492b66fbe98f273;
const k2: u64 = 0x9ae16a3b2f90404f;
// Rotate right helper
fn rotr64(x: u64, comptime r: u64) u64 {
return (x >> r) | (x << (64 - r));
fn shiftmix(v: u64) u64 {
return v ^ (v >> 47);
fn hashLen16(u: u64, v: u64) u64 {
return @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, hash128To64, .{ u, v });
fn hashLen16Mul(low: u64, high: u64, mul: u64) u64 {
var a: u64 = (low ^ high) *% mul;
a ^= (a >> 47);
var b: u64 = (high ^ a) *% mul;
b ^= (b >> 47);
b *%= mul;
return b;
fn hash128To64(low: u64, high: u64) u64 {
return @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, hashLen16Mul, .{ low, high, 0x9ddfea08eb382d69 });
fn hashLen0To16(str: []const u8) u64 {
const len: u64 = @as(u64, str.len);
if (len >= 8) {
const mul: u64 = k2 +% len *% 2;
const a: u64 = fetch64(str.ptr, 0) +% k2;
const b: u64 = fetch64(str.ptr, str.len - 8);
const c: u64 = rotr64(b, 37) *% mul +% a;
const d: u64 = (rotr64(a, 25) +% b) *% mul;
return hashLen16Mul(c, d, mul);
if (len >= 4) {
const mul: u64 = k2 +% len *% 2;
const a: u64 = fetch32(str.ptr, 0);
return hashLen16Mul(len +% (a << 3), fetch32(str.ptr, str.len - 4), mul);
if (len > 0) {
const a: u8 = str[0];
const b: u8 = str[str.len >> 1];
const c: u8 = str[str.len - 1];
const y: u32 = @intCast(u32, a) +% (@intCast(u32, b) << 8);
const z: u32 = @truncate(u32, str.len) +% (@intCast(u32, c) << 2);
return shiftmix(@intCast(u64, y) *% k2 ^ @intCast(u64, z) *% k0) *% k2;
return k2;
fn hashLen17To32(str: []const u8) u64 {
const len: u64 = @as(u64, str.len);
const mul: u64 = k2 +% len *% 2;
const a: u64 = fetch64(str.ptr, 0) *% k1;
const b: u64 = fetch64(str.ptr, 8);
const c: u64 = fetch64(str.ptr, str.len - 8) *% mul;
const d: u64 = fetch64(str.ptr, str.len - 16) *% k2;
return hashLen16Mul(rotr64(a +% b, 43) +% rotr64(c, 30) +% d, a +% rotr64(b +% k2, 18) +% c, mul);
fn hashLen33To64(str: []const u8) u64 {
const len: u64 = @as(u64, str.len);
const mul: u64 = k2 +% len *% 2;
const a: u64 = fetch64(str.ptr, 0) *% k2;
const b: u64 = fetch64(str.ptr, 8);
const c: u64 = fetch64(str.ptr, str.len - 24);
const d: u64 = fetch64(str.ptr, str.len - 32);
const e: u64 = fetch64(str.ptr, 16) *% k2;
const f: u64 = fetch64(str.ptr, 24) *% 9;
const g: u64 = fetch64(str.ptr, str.len - 8);
const h: u64 = fetch64(str.ptr, str.len - 16) *% mul;
const u: u64 = rotr64(a +% g, 43) +% (rotr64(b, 30) +% c) *% 9;
const v: u64 = ((a +% g) ^ d) +% f +% 1;
const w: u64 = @byteSwap(u64, (u +% v) *% mul) +% h;
const x: u64 = rotr64(e +% f, 42) +% c;
const y: u64 = (@byteSwap(u64, (v +% w) *% mul) +% g) *% mul;
const z: u64 = e +% f +% c;
const a1: u64 = @byteSwap(u64, (x +% z) *% mul +% y) +% b;
const b1: u64 = shiftmix((z +% a1) *% mul +% d +% h) *% mul;
return b1 +% x;
const WeakPair = struct {
first: u64,
second: u64,
fn weakHashLen32WithSeedsHelper(w: u64, x: u64, y: u64, z: u64, a: u64, b: u64) WeakPair {
var a1: u64 = a;
var b1: u64 = b;
a1 +%= w;
b1 = rotr64(b1 +% a1 +% z, 21);
var c: u64 = a1;
a1 +%= x;
a1 +%= y;
b1 +%= rotr64(a1, 44);
return WeakPair{ .first = a1 +% z, .second = b1 +% c };
fn weakHashLen32WithSeeds(ptr: [*]const u8, a: u64, b: u64) WeakPair {
return @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, weakHashLen32WithSeedsHelper, .{
fetch64(ptr, 0),
fetch64(ptr, 8),
fetch64(ptr, 16),
fetch64(ptr, 24),
pub fn hash(str: []const u8) u64 {
if (str.len <= 32) {
if (str.len <= 16) {
return hashLen0To16(str);
} else {
return hashLen17To32(str);
} else if (str.len <= 64) {
return hashLen33To64(str);
var len: u64 = @as(u64, str.len);
var x: u64 = fetch64(str.ptr, str.len - 40);
var y: u64 = fetch64(str.ptr, str.len - 16) +% fetch64(str.ptr, str.len - 56);
var z: u64 = hashLen16(fetch64(str.ptr, str.len - 48) +% len, fetch64(str.ptr, str.len - 24));
var v: WeakPair = weakHashLen32WithSeeds(offsetPtr(str.ptr, str.len - 64), len, z);
var w: WeakPair = weakHashLen32WithSeeds(offsetPtr(str.ptr, str.len - 32), y +% k1, x);
x = x *% k1 +% fetch64(str.ptr, 0);
len = (len - 1) & ~@intCast(u64, 63);
var ptr: [*]const u8 = str.ptr;
while (true) {
x = rotr64(x +% y +% v.first +% fetch64(ptr, 8), 37) *% k1;
y = rotr64(y +% v.second +% fetch64(ptr, 48), 42) *% k1;
x ^= w.second;
y +%= v.first +% fetch64(ptr, 40);
z = rotr64(z +% w.first, 33) *% k1;
v = weakHashLen32WithSeeds(ptr, v.second *% k1, x +% w.first);
w = weakHashLen32WithSeeds(offsetPtr(ptr, 32), z +% w.second, y +% fetch64(ptr, 16));
const t: u64 = z;
z = x;
x = t;
ptr = offsetPtr(ptr, 64);
len -= 64;
if (len == 0)
return hashLen16(hashLen16(v.first, w.first) +% shiftmix(y) *% k1 +% z, hashLen16(v.second, w.second) +% x);
pub fn hashWithSeed(str: []const u8, seed: u64) u64 {
return @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, Self.hashWithSeeds, .{ str, k2, seed });
pub fn hashWithSeeds(str: []const u8, seed0: u64, seed1: u64) u64 {
return hashLen16(hash(str) -% seed0, seed1);
fn SMHasherTest(comptime hash_fn: anytype) u32 {
const HashResult = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(hash_fn)).Fn.return_type.?;
var key: [256]u8 = undefined;
var hashes_bytes: [256 * @sizeOf(HashResult)]u8 = undefined;
std.mem.set(u8, &key, 0);
std.mem.set(u8, &hashes_bytes, 0);
var i: u32 = 0;
while (i < 256) : (i += 1) {
key[i] = @intCast(u8, i);
var h: HashResult = hash_fn(key[0..i], 256 - i);
// comptime can't really do reinterpret casting yet,
// so we need to write the bytes manually.
for (hashes_bytes[i * @sizeOf(HashResult) ..][0..@sizeOf(HashResult)]) |*byte| {
byte.* = @truncate(u8, h);
h = h >> 8;
return @truncate(u32, hash_fn(&hashes_bytes, 0));
fn CityHash32hashIgnoreSeed(str: []const u8, seed: u32) u32 {
_ = seed;
return CityHash32.hash(str);
test "cityhash32" {
const Test = struct {
fn doTest() !void {
// Note: SMHasher doesn't provide a 32bit version of the algorithm.
// Note: The implementation was verified against the Google Abseil version.
try std.testing.expectEqual(SMHasherTest(CityHash32hashIgnoreSeed), 0x68254F81);
try std.testing.expectEqual(SMHasherTest(CityHash32hashIgnoreSeed), 0x68254F81);
try Test.doTest();
// TODO This is uncommented to prevent OOM on the CI server. Re-enable this test
// case once we ship stage2.
//comptime Test.doTest();
test "cityhash64" {
const Test = struct {
fn doTest() !void {
// Note: This is not compliant with the SMHasher implementation of CityHash64!
// Note: The implementation was verified against the Google Abseil version.
try std.testing.expectEqual(SMHasherTest(CityHash64.hashWithSeed), 0x5FABC5C5);
try Test.doTest();
// TODO This is uncommented to prevent OOM on the CI server. Re-enable this test
// case once we ship stage2.
//comptime Test.doTest();